2016 US Presidential Elections


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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It has to be recognised before people forget, credit for downfall of Hillary should also go to wiki leaks guy Assange.

Hillary and Obama screwed his life and he in turn got his revenge. That too without going out of the equador embassy building in past 5 years or more.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
It has to be recognised before people forget, credit for downfall of Hillary should also go to wiki leaks guy Assange.

Hillary and Obama screwed his life and he in turn got his revenge. That too without going out of the equador embassy building in past 5 years or more.
Yes, you are right. We almost forgot about it. Wikileaks gave that little push that probably propelled Trump over the 270 mark.

Ancient Indian

p = np :)
Senior Member
Aug 23, 2014
I think everything settled now.

Most of Americans accepting the virdict. They are now taking working class people issues seriously.

If they don't address these issues asap, state enemies will pounce on it. Hopefully their establishment(I learnt its meaning) fixes this shit before it grows up into something they can't control.

P.S. you are true communist, man. You got the problems of those village people in US much better than many analyst there.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
I think everything settled now.

Most of Americans accepting the virdict. They are now taking working class people issues seriously.

If they don't address these issues asap, state enemies will pounce on it. Hopefully their establishment(I learnt its meaning) fixes this shit before it grows up into something they can't control.

P.S. you are true communist, man. You got the problems of those village people in US much better than many analyst there.
I appreciate the open-mindedness. :)

Indeed. People need to look beyond the labels.

Now, think about it. We have another thread entitled "Liberal Tears." Well, some of the Hillary supporters are liberals, no doubt; but Hillary? She is a warmonger - exactly the opposite of liberal. There we have the so called liberal media. They are the most wealthy and most elitist people that you could find in the US. It's a farce.

Anyway, my present concern is that the Republican Establishment hacks will try to tie Trump down. There is an understanding that no matter who goes to Washington DC, he or she will do the same thing, and keep people fighting each other. I hope Trump will resist any attempt by the insiders to dupe the American people again.

Ancient Indian

p = np :)
Senior Member
Aug 23, 2014
I appreciate the open-mindedness. :)

Anyway, my present concern is that the Republican Establishment hacks will try to tie Trump down. There is an understanding that no matter who goes to Washington DC, he or she will do the same thing, and keep people fighting each other. I hope Trump will resist any attempt by the insiders to dupe the American people again.
Not this time.
They can't ignore the dissent in their own society. I consider them most practical type. They need to concentrate more on their own people and less on others. Otherwise they will crumble like dust and will make a page in history.

USA is very much vulnerable at present. Their controlled chaos reached their own home now.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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Now, think about it. We have another thread entitled "Liberal Tears." Well, some of the Hillary supporters are liberals, no doubt; but Hillary? She is a warmonger - exactly the opposite of liberal. There we have the so called liberal media. They are the most wealthy and most elitist people that you could find in the US. It's a farce.

Anyway, my present concern is that the Republican Establishment hacks will try to tie Trump down. There is an understanding that no matter who goes to Washington DC, he or she will do the same thing, and keep people fighting each other. I hope Trump will resist any attempt by the insiders to dupe the American people again.
If he can get Congress to pass term limits, I declare that I will eat my hat and post a video on these forums. :)


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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It has to be recognised before people forget, credit for downfall of Hillary should also go to wiki leaks guy Assange.

Hillary and Obama screwed his life and he in turn got his revenge. That too without going out of the equador embassy building in past 5 years or more.
Credit also goes to American TV series like scandal , house of cards etc.
All these presented a first wife plotting for power by hook or crook.
And that's exactly how many Americans viewed Hillary . Their disgust for Hillary have much to do with thsese stereotypes than her actual policies (they don't seem to hate Obama for similar policies).

Bharat Ek Khoj

Senior Member
Apr 21, 2016
Just watched couple of videos how boy praked mom telling he voted for Trump. Now look at the comments, and these people have actually problem with Trump's view on woman. Worse thing is, the video uploaders don't delete the comments, just to earn couple of bucks. Who deserved Trump, bi*ches ?


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
Country flag
Credit also goes to American TV series like scandal , house of cards etc.
All these presented a first wife plotting for power by hook or crook.
And that's exactly how many Americans viewed Hillary . Their disgust for Hillary have much to do with thsese stereotypes than her actual policies (they don't seem to hate Obama for similar policies).
I had written on this around the time Hillary was nominated as candidate by DNC.

I agree on principle, more TV shows and movies were made with female leads than ever before in such a short time frame.

Now that we know how much New York liberals rigged the game by living in a bubble, stronger projection of females leads is not a co-incidence but by design.

They even created movies like ZERO DARK thirty, sicario and TV shows like super girl and madam Secretary. Zero dark thirty and sicario do not even need a female lead for the story line. Even in shows like game of thrones there were certain scenes which are not in book which indicate this.

They tried to use these medium the same way our lefties used education system. I would say this has been planning for this atleast 4-5 years before the American elections.


Regular Member
Sep 2, 2014
929. Who has the motive to activate "terror attack"? (11/5/2016)

Feds warn NYC officials about possible al Qaeda attack

By Jamie Schram and Yaron Steinbuch November 4, 2016

New York City law enforcement authorities are on high alert after receiving a warning by the feds about a possible attack by al Qaeda on the eve of Election Day, sources said.

US intelligence officials alerted joint terrorism task forces of the threat, which also included Texas and Virginia — though specific sites targeted for Monday in the three states were not mentioned, a federal source told The Post.

Does Al Qaeda interest in US election? Think with your brain. Obviously, someone planned "terror attack" if the election result is not in their favorite. Consider 9/11 attack was activated for Mid-East war and domestic police power(Patriot Act), the "terror attack" is their weapon to grab more power.

It's very clear now that Trump is the FBI's candidate. Email is a tool used by the Feds to extort people. When Assange and Wikileaks were viewed as false flags by public, the FBI quickly found a substitude. After all, they have informants everywhere, especially around politicians. Hillary Clinton is an important politician. Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner, could be informant of the FBI, or both are. Those informants could be used as key witness in big case.

When Leuwinsky scandal happened and Linda Trip said in her speech,"I am you, American." I couldn't help to laugh. She thought many people were the same as her. She is right. In this country, informant are vastly used by Federal law enforcement agency.

930. FBI activate a coup (11/6/2016)

I had such information from internet:

Cone of silence

According to an FBI source, Comey had over a hundred letters of resignation sitting on his desk. When he walked through the halls, agents would turn their back and look the other way. Then he reopened the case, and "the entire building broke out in cheers".

BREAKING: Comey mandates All FBI Agents Report to D.C. Offices; Prep for Raids, Possible Arrests in Clinton Probes
Posted on November 4, 2016

Apparantly, Comey under the pressure of FBI officials to re-open investigation on Clinton's email case. That's an open interference in election. The purpose is to help their candidate - Trump to grab the power seat of president. I think the FBI has big plan in next year.

From my point of view, it's no other than a coup. In dictatorship, the officials activate army to take over control. In US, they activate themselves - secret police.

931. Beware of a November surprise (11/7/2016)

On 11/6, Comey says latest emails don't change FBI conclusion on Clinton. What makes the FBI flip flop in a few days? I think the reaction is too strong that they have to change their tactic. Trump is their candidate.They need him for a big plot. Even the Feds failed to pull down his rival - Clinton, they still would make Trump president by rigged election. Remember 2000 election? Although Bill Clinton ended his term with a good economic management - a rare surplus in budget, they let Bush took the seat. Because the Feds had a big plan - Mid East war justified by 9/11 attack. To distance themselves away from the coming controversial election, they pretend to be fair and neutral in email case.

The world reacted the FBI news with a joy by rising stock market and Mexico Peso. It's too earlier. They don't know US is a covert totalitarian. Beware of a November surprise.


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2010
How Trump is good for China

Perhaps no country has taken more hits from Donald J. Trump than China. During the presidential campaign, Mr. Trump made it sound as if making America “great again” meant defeating China.

But much of the Chinese public supported him. And President Xi Jinping was among the first world leaders to congratulate him. Mr. Xi, in his message to the president-elect, expressed hopes of building on the “common interests” between the world’s two largest economies.

Beijing is looking forward to change in Washington. For the Chinese, the Obama era has been the most difficult period in United States-China relations since President Richard M. Nixon renewed ties in 1971. The Obama administration, with Hillary Clinton as secretary of state, made its “pivot to Asia” about containing Beijing, aiming to strengthen and enlarge the American alliance system in the Asia-Pacific region while increasing America’s military footprint there. The pivot was backed by an economic plan, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a now-moribund trade pact created in part to isolate Beijing.

Since the end of the Cold War, from President Bill Clinton to President Obama, the United States has been trying to remake the world in its own image — building an American empire in the name of globalization. Through ever larger and more complex alliances and global institutions that the United States designed, Washington has sought the global standardization of rules in trade, finance and international relations. It has used political, economic and military might to push other countries to adopt electoral democracy and market capitalism.

China has refused to yield. While the Chinese have been great beneficiaries of this era, Beijing has engaged globalization on its own terms. China’s gains from globalization have helped turn the country from a poor agrarian economy into an industrial powerhouse within one generation. Yet Beijing has insisted on strengthening its one-party political system and opening its market only so much.

This approach is working for China. The Chinese economy continues to advance in both size and technological sophistication, so much so that China looms in the minds of many American elites as the most potent long-term threat.

But these elites fail to realize — and Mr. Trump appears to understand — that while they have been obsessed with the rise of China as a threat to the United States-led liberal order, America’s domestic political foundations have been decaying. The tendency of American elites to try to mold the world to their liking created a conflict in their own country, between Americans with power and ordinary people. The American empire was built at the expense of the American nation.

Globalization has benefited those Americans at the top with concentrated wealth and influence while the middle class has stagnated or shrunk. The country’s industrial base, the economic bedrock of the middle class in the postwar era, has been shattered. America’s infrastructure is in disrepair, its education system badly underperforming, and its social contract in shambles. It has 4.5 percent of the world’s population and about 20 percent of its gross domestic product, yet accounts for nearly 40 percent of the world’s military expenditures.

With Mr. Trump in the Oval Office, there may be some tough days ahead between China and the United States. Relations may nose-dive in the short run over trade, for example.

But in the longer term, Chinese-American relations could become healthier as the Chinese prefer a relationship with a United States that doesn’t try to remake the world. The Chinese know how to compete and can deal with competitors. What the Chinese have always resented and resisted is an America that imposes its values and standards on everybody else.

Mr. Trump’s America is likely to break from this pattern. He has shown no desire to tell other countries how to do things. China is run by competent leaders who are strong-minded and pragmatic. Mr. Trump is a resolute businessman with little ideological underpinning. Without the shackles of ideology, even the most competitive rivals can make deals. This is a new day for the world’s most consequential bilateral relationship.

The Obama pivot is failing. It was unable to produce a more peaceful Asia-Pacific region, and even America’s closest ally in the region, the Philippines, is abandoning it. It was a project in costly global policing at the expense of American national interests.

Beijing harbors no design to rival the United States for global dominance. But it is only natural that it seeks to reclaim a leading role in its Asia-Pacific neighborhood. China desires its own space to reach its development goals. At the same time, America with Mr. Trump as president needs to turn its attention to rebuilding itself.

In the long term, Mr. Trump’s America and China are more likely to work with each other than in any other period in recent memory.


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