2016 US Presidential Elections


Senior Member
Mar 18, 2011
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Congratulations Sir Donald Trump, the 45th President of USA.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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CNN says newt Gingrich is being looked at for Secretary of State. Which is good for India, bad news for pakis.

Navnit Kundu

Pika Hu Akbarrr!!
Senior Member
Mar 22, 2016
Someone please give her some Burnol or acidity medicine or anti-depressants, or piles medicine or cold water or Cyanide or something, give her something! Please ease her suffering. Poor lady.

My Caption : Bacchi ki jaan loge kya? :crying:


Senior Member
May 16, 2011
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Someone please give her some Burnol or acidity medicine or anti-depressants, or piles medicine or cold water or Cyanide or something, give her something! Please ease her suffering. Poor lady.

My Caption : Bacchi ki jaan loge kya? :crying:
She is about to pull a gun to her head once Trump unleashes the hounds to 'lock her up'


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Defense Stocks Soar on News of Trump Victory

In early trading, the new commander in chief's promises to rebuild the American military are helping defense stocks buck the wider market plunge.

U.S. defense stocks rose Wednesday following the election of Donald Trump, with analysts now anticipating a military arms build-up similar to the 1980s under Ronald Reagan.

While markets opened down, stocks belonging to the makers of ships, fighter jets, tanks and armored vehicles were all up.

“The Trump victory, combined with the impressive GOP retention of Congress, means our low-probability, high-impact scenario for defense spending over the next four years becomes the base case,” Roman Schweizer, an analyst with Cowen and Co. said in a note to investors Wednesday morning. “We expect defense spending will go up significantly, at least double the projected 2.5% growth rate in the now-superfluous [Budget Control Act].

The Budget Control Act — sometimes called sequestration — has capped defense spending since 2013. It is on the books until 2021 unless Congress repeals it. Under President Obama, Congress and the White House have not been able to agree on other places in the federal budget to cut to offset an increase in defense spending

As of 10:30 a.m. EST, here’s where stocks stand among the largest suppliers:

  • Lockheed Martin: Up 4.8 percent
  • Northrop Grumman: Up 5.1 percent
  • Raytheon: Up 6.2 percent
  • General Dynamics: Up 4.1 percent
  • L-3 Communications: Up 5.4 percent
  • Textron: Up 2.2 percent
  • Boeing: Up .76 percent
  • Huntington Ingalls: Up 6.5 percent
(This story will be updated throughout the day.)


Wokkhaaa!!! This shows that defense companies are optimistic about profit booking..
More democracy to install for USA.

Trump will have to find a new name TO BE GIVEN for the same terrorists which Obama Called ISIS..He can use the same name ISIS but he should create a new name by the end of his term for the same BAD terrorists for the new POTUS or for his second term...usually thats how its done as a tradition in the ME policy of white house.

There is no democracy in pakistan..so he can bring democracy to pakistan and air drop it from drones.
but before pakistan ..Trump may make sure the deal brokered with Iran is scrapped and new deal is put in place..He was very critical of the Iran deal during election campaigns...

For all those peace preachers .. In Uaa Face!!!


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Donald Trump on Foreign Policy
2016 Republican nominee for President; 2000 Reform Primary Challenger for President


US cannot afford to be world's police; let NATO allies pay
The 28 countries of NATO, many of them aren't paying their fair share. We're defending them, and they should at least be paying us what they're supposed to be paying by treaty and contract:rofl:. NATO could be obsolete, because they do not focus on terror. We pay approximately 73 percent of the cost of NATO. It's a lot of money to protect other people. I'm all for NATO. They have to focus on terror also.

Hillary will tell you to go to her website and read all about how to defeat ISIS, which she could have defeated by never having it get going in the first place.:rofl: It's getting tougher to defeat them, because they're in more and more places, more and more states, more and more nations.

I want to help all of our allies, but we are losing billions and billions of dollars. We cannot be the policemen of the world. We cannot protect countries all over the world where they're not paying us what we need.

Well!!! PROTECTION FEES...Hafta !! Very sensible for the US economy actually...Talked like a true business man...

Brexit vote means people want to see borders
Q: Your views on "Brexit," the British exit vote from the European Union?
DONALD TRUMP: People want to see borders. They don't necessarily want people pouring into their country that they don't know who they are and where they come from. People want to take their country back. They want to have independence, in a sense. And you see it all over Europe. You're going to have, I think, many other cases where they want to take their borders back, they want to take their monetary [system] back, they want to take a lot of things back. They want to be able to have a country again. So I think you're going to have this happen more and more. And I think it's happening in the United States.

The wall...its gonna come up and it will be 10 feet extra higher cuz mexico used the F word. The wall will be 'F'ing Tall!!!


Reimbursement for US military bases in rich countries abroad
As for nations that host US. military bases, Trump said he would charge those governments for the American presence. "I'm going to renegotiate some of our military costs because we protect South Korea. We protect Germany. We protect some of the wealthies countries in the world, Saudi Arabia. We protect everybody and we don't get reimbursement. We lose on everything, so we're going to negotiate and renegotiate trade deals, military deals, many other deals that's going to get the cost down for running our country very significantly."

Trump then got into a specific example: Saudi Arabia, one of the more important US allies in the Middle East. Saudis "make a billion dollars a day. We protect them. So we need help. We are losing a tremendous amount of money on a yearly basis and we owe $19 trillion," he said.

Walking back trade deals and agreements that allow the US military to operate overseas is easier said than done. But Trump has tapped into a powerful anti-Washington populist sentiment.

Hafta from Saudi and SoKo and Germany and other wealthy allies are on the cards.

Donald Trump on Mideast

Don't take sides with Israel, so we can lead negotiations
Q: You said about the ongoing conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians -- "Let me be sort of a neutral guy. I don't want to say whose fault it is; I don't think it helps." How do you remain neutral when the U.S. considers Israel to be America's closest ally in the Middle East?
TRUMP: President Obama has treated Israel horribly. I have very close ties to Israel. I've received the Tree of Life Award and many of the greatest awards given by Israel. As president, however, there's nothing that I would rather do to bring peace to Israel and its neighbors generally. And I think it serves no purpose to say that you have a good guy and a bad guy. Now, I may not be successful in doing it. It's probably the toughest negotiation anywhere in the world of any kind. But it doesn't help if I start saying, "I am very pro-Israel." It doesn't do any good to start demeaning the neighbors, because I would love to do something with regard to negotiating peace, finally, for Israel and for their neighbors.

Iran deal is one of the worst I've ever seen
Sen. Ted CRUZ: If you look at the threats facing this country, the single gravest threat, national security threat, is the threat of a nuclear Iran. That's why I've pledged on day one to rip to shreds this Iranian nuclear deal.
TRUMP: The Iran deal is one of the worst deals I have ever seen negotiated in my entire life. It's a disgrace that this country negotiated that deal.

Let Russia bash ISIS; let Germany defend Ukraine
Q: Russia has invaded Ukraine, and has put troops in Syria. You have said you will have a good relationship with Mr. Putin. So, what does President Trump do in response to Russia's aggression?

TRUMP: As far as Syria, if Putin wants to go and knock the hell out of ISIS, I am all for it, 100%, and I can't understand how anybody would be against it.

Q: They're not doing that.

TRUMP: They blew up a Russian airplane. He cannot be in love with these people. He's going in, and we can go in, and everybody should go in. As far as the Ukraine is concerned, we have a group of people, and a group of countries, including Germany--why are we always doing the work? I'm all for protecting Ukraine--but, we have countries that are surrounding the Ukraine that aren't doing anything. They say, "Keep going, keep going, you dummies, keep going. Protect us." And we have to get smart. We can't continue to be the policeman of the world.

:D :pound::pound::pound::pound:

Stop sending aid to countries that hate us
Devex compiled a list of quotes from Trump that provide a window into his view on foreign aid:
  • "It is necessary that we invest in our infrastructure, and stop sending aid to countries that hate us--and nobody can do that better than me."-- Presidential announcement
  • "Pakistan's a real problem because they have nuclear weapons. I would say we don't give them any money unless they get rid of their nuclear weapons."-- Fox News, May 9, 2011
  • "The World Bank is tying poverty to climate change--and we wonder why international organizations are ineffective." --@realDonaldTrump Twitter, Nov. 19, 2012
pakis can sell nukes to US at whatever Trump is offering for some Made in INdia f-16s.

More sanctions on Iran; more support of Israel
What does Donald Trump believe? Iran and Israel: Walk away from nuclear talks. Increase sanctions.
Trump has said that the U.S. is mishandling current Iran negotiations and should have walked away from the table once Tehran reportedly rejected the idea of sending enriched uranium to Russia. He would increase sanctions on Iran. Trump has been sharply critical of the Obama administration's handling of relations with Israel and has called for a closer alliance with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.

China totally controls North Korea; they're just taunting us
Without China, North Korea doesn't even eat.
China is ripping us on trade. They're devaluing their currency and they're killing our companies. We've lost between four and seven million jobs because of China. What I said then was, "we have very unfair trade with China. We're going to have a trade deficit of 505 billion dollars this year with China. I would start taxing goods that come in from China.

Oh yeah bad china..bad bad china!!

Cuban embargo: 50 years is enough
Breaking ranks with nearly all of his fellow 2016 Republican contenders, Donald Trump says he supports President Barack Obama's decision to reengage diplomatically with Cuba. "50 years is enough," Trump said, referring to Obama's decision to re-establish U.S. ties with Cuba. "I think it's fine, but we should have made a better deal," Trump added. "The concept of opening with Cuba is fine."
Trump joins libertarian-leaning Sen. Rand Paul as the only Republican running for president to express his support for normalizing relations with Cuba. The rest of the GOP field has slammed Obama's decision to reopen the U.S. embassy in Havana and engage diplomatically with the government of Cuba.



Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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Sakal Gharelu Ustad

Detests Jholawalas
Apr 28, 2012
So apparently according to insider sources, white men(women as well) did not like the condescending tone with which chocolate ole Obummer talked to Drumpf! It hurt a lot of white ego.


Regular Member
Aug 14, 2016
I had talked to a few German and French people and the new right wing party are very popular and have huge silent support.Same with Sweden and Netherlands
The conservative parties in Europe will most likely win their next national elections.

In Europe and Japan, the youth are more likely to vote for right-wing conservative parties, and therefore have more of a chance in broadening their voter base. The socialist parties in Europe will have a very hard time winning on a national scale, particularly since Muslims are concentrated in inner-city ghettos.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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The conservative parties in Europe will most likely win their next national elections.

In Europe and Japan, the youth are more likely to vote for right-wing conservative parties, and therefore have more of a chance in broadening their voter base. The socialist parties in Europe will have a very hard time winning on a national scale, particularly since Muslims are concentrated in inner-city ghettos.
Uncontrolled immigration always leads to hard right governments down the line


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2010
Meet the Chinese American immigrants who are supporting Donald Trump
Donald Trump rally in Anaheim.
Many say they have been politicized by recent battles over affirmative action on college campuses, where some Chinese Americans fear their numbers are being held down by efforts to advance other ethnic and racial groups. That issue, along with a recent controversy over the police shooting of an unarmed man by a Chinese American police officer in New York, has opened fissures in the Chinese American community between older, more progressive generations and newer, more conservative arrivals.

“You do have an undercurrent of conservatives in the Chinese American community, specifically among first-generation Chinese," said Karthick Ramakrishnan, a professor of political science at UC Riverside. His research shows that foreign-born Chinese Americans are more likely to embrace conservative views on issues such as affirmative action and race in general.

“There's a heightened sense of ethnic nationalism, and Trump's rhetoric resonates with them," he said.
Chinese American Voters Use Social Media to Increase Support for Trump
Asian American voters currently make up about 4 percent of the U.S. electorate. While still relatively small in comparison to other groups, they are the fastest growing demographic in the country and account for sizable percentages in key swing states like Nevada and Virginia.

Once reliably conservative, Asian American voters have increasingly turned toward the Democratic Party, voting for Obama in both the 2008 and 2012 races. A Pew study released in August showed that since 2008 Asian support for Democrats grew at a faster pace than any other ethnic group.

Another survey of 1,000 registered Asian American voters showed 62 percent supported Hillary Clinton, compared to just 16 percent who expressed a positive view of Trump.

But Asian American political identity is still evolving, and Trump’s appeal to Xie and others is a sign that as a group their party loyalty remains open.
Trump reaches out to Chinese voters
"For too long, Chinese Americans have been ignored by Washington," it reads. "I have a lot of respect for Chinese people and Chinese Americans especially. We share a lot of the same values. Work hard. Push our children to be good - no drinking, no drugs and do well in school. Make our parents and grandparents proud of us. Work to build a lasting legacy.

"I will make our schools better and safer," the letter continues. "We will build a wall and make a strict screening process to keep out terrorists. I will lower taxes and bring down our deficit by encouraging American companies to bring their trillions of tax sheltered profits back.

"When this election is over, I will work to bring our country together to be greater than before," Trump said. "But this can only happen with your help! Help me make America great again!"
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