2016 India–Pakistan military confrontation

Tarun Kumar

Regular Member
Dec 12, 2016
Modi is turning out be remarkably stupid. Either he does not know pakistan or his advisors are naive and foolish. The pakistani civilian admin is just a face of their establishment. Sending tweets like these is pointless. Meanwhile he should seriously strengthen his security and those of Doval, Parrikar, Jaitley and Rajnath as I am pretty sure ISI/jihadi combine is planning a hit on him.

Cutting Edge

Regular Member
Dec 22, 2016
Blaming opposition politicians to hide modi's policy failure- bhakts strategy
Modi isn't the most ideal human being but he is faw better than what we had in last 70 years. Yes he made many blunders especially demonetization and releasing kashmiri separatists from jail but he also made many positive changes in Indian system. He may not have eliminated the red tape but he certainly has reduced it. Indian economy regained its lost pace under Modi. Just look at all defence deals and procurements happening left and right, this pace was unthinkable a few years ago. But his biggest achievement is no nonsense foreign policy. It is the first time in history under Modi, India is stepping against Chinese bully and Paki terror. His vision to have good relations with USA after major Devyani blunder from congress. Would India be able to show China its place if it wasn't for US support? Yes he isn't perfect but he also doesn't deserve all the hate coming from towards him just because he is Modi.

Cutting Edge

Regular Member
Dec 22, 2016
Modi is turning out be remarkably stupid. Either he does not know pakistan or his advisors are naive and foolish. The pakistani civilian admin is just a face of their establishment. Sending tweets like these is pointless. Meanwhile he should seriously strengthen his security and those of Doval, Parrikar, Jaitley and Rajnath as I am pretty sure ISI/jihadi combine is planning a hit on him.
You do realise that India Pak hostility doesn't translate into Modi Sharif hostility right? Sending messages strengthens Sharif's position in Pakland. It gives gesture of good will from our part that we want to improve our relations with real government of pakistan and we are not warmongers as paki media is constantly painting us to be.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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You do realise that India Pak hostility doesn't translate into Modi Sharif hostility right? Sending messages strengthens Sharif's position in Pakland. It gives gesture of good will from our part that we want to improve our relations with real government of pakistan and we are not warmongers as paki media is constantly painting us to be.
Sharif's countrymen burnt alive our soldiers, they attacked women and children in Nagrota. How did Sharif react? He said it was a false flag attack by the Indians to suppress noise about Kashmir. That snake was also in on Kargil no matter how much he denies it. Fuck him and his position in Pakistan, if Modi had an iota of shame, he'd throw Sharif to the dogs. Instead Gujju bania meets Punjabi bania, all is business as usual. :mad2:

Cutting Edge

Regular Member
Dec 22, 2016
Sharif's countrymen burnt alive our soldiers, they attacked women and children in Nagrota. How did Sharif react? He said it was a false flag attack by the Indians to suppress noise about Kashmir. That snake was also in on Kargil no matter how much he denies it. Fuck him and his position in Pakistan, if Modi had an iota of shame, he'd throw Sharif to the dogs. Instead Gujju bania meets Punjabi bania, all is business as usual. :mad2:
I agree with you that Sharif isn't a saint but brother we have to understand ground realities of Pakistan. Paki Fauj has complete control over all foreign policies and those policies are very hostile against India and Sharif's government is the only voice of reason there. We have to deal with Pakistan with a cool head. Reactionary politics isn't good for us. We must voice our concerns and act upon them at the same time engage paki civilian government. A classic stick and carrot policy.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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I agree with you that Sharif isn't a saint but brother we have to understand ground realities of Pakistan. Paki Fauj has complete control over all foreign policies and those policies are very hostile against India and Sharif's government is the only voice of reason there. We have to deal with Pakistan with a cool head. Reactionary politics isn't good for us. We must voice our concerns and act upon them at the same time engage paki civilian government. A classic stick and carrot policy.
The problem is that he doesn't seem like the kind of person who is changing the status or role of the Army. He is just a puppet while the anti Indian proxies supported by the Army are bleeding us dry. On top of it his is going to bat for the Kashmiris on the international stage for the sake of their independence. It's batter to just throw him to the dogs and let the Paki house burn. If there is an escalation from their Army, let's have it out once and for all, at least this slow costly war of atrophy will stop.

Tarun Kumar

Regular Member
Dec 12, 2016
One has to understand islamic societies before one makes comments about civil/mil relationships in Pakistan or any Muslim country. Firstly war is central to islamic civilization. Muslims must fight relentlessly to convert infidels and peace should be only a transition truce. In that sense a military ruler is defacto head of any islamic society. Civilians always enjoy position of a wazir in islamic setups. Also the only way to achieve peace with muslims is what mongols did , build a military machine so strong that they sue for peace. Now I am not for declaring war on pak but what stops us from killing jihadis using air power in depopulated forests of kashmir. Why havnt we bought armed drones from israel to hit them hard. And Modi is foolish to think ISI/jihadi combine is not planning a hit on him irrespective of his equation with sharif.


Regular Member
Nov 28, 2016
One has to understand islamic societies before one makes comments about civil/mil relationships in Pakistan or any Muslim country. Firstly war is central to islamic civilization. Muslims must fight relentlessly to convert infidels and peace should be only a transition truce. In that sense a military ruler is defacto head of any islamic society. Civilians always enjoy position of a wazir in islamic setups. Also the only way to achieve peace with muslims is what mongols did , build a military machine so strong that they sue for peace. Now I am not for declaring war on pak but what stops us from killing jihadis using air power in depopulated forests of kashmir. Why havnt we bought armed drones from israel to hit them hard. And Modi is foolish to think ISI/jihadi combine is not planning a hit on him irrespective of his equation with sharif.
Drones will be useless in Pakistan. We need airstrikes by fighter jets.

Cutting Edge

Regular Member
Dec 22, 2016
The problem is that he doesn't seem like the kind of person who is changing the status or role of the Army. He is just a puppet while the anti Indian proxies supported by the Army are bleeding us dry. On top of it his is going to bat for the Kashmiris on the international stage for the sake of their independence. It's batter to just throw him to the dogs and let the Paki house burn. If there is an escalation from their Army, let's have it out once and for all, at least this slow costly war of atrophy will stop.
From my understanding Sharif is considered pro India in Pakistan according to their media. There are pre election videos on Youtube of Sharif criticizing fauj's anti india policies. We also mustn't forget that he came for Modi's inauguration ceremony against all opposition.

Kashmir is only a distraction for pakistani people. There is no way international community will do anything about it and even if they do India is so strong now that we can simply shrug it off. BTW we are far ahead in diplomacy than pakis. We are also talking about Azad Baluchistan on international stage. :hehe: A tit for tat.

At the end of the day we have upper hand in India pak relation. We have moral superiority against Pakis and the world knows it. So lets not stoop down to their level. :india2:


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
Then why Sanghi Pigs bash Paki Actors, Paki Awam and even Indian libtards who support Pakis. Because just like Nawaz Common Pakis are not terrorists and their supporters.

Jab tumhara Baap terrorist Nawaz KO Bday wish kar raha tau tumhe common Pakis se kya problem hai ?

Tarun Kumar

Regular Member
Dec 12, 2016
Then why Sanghi Pigs bash Paki Actors, Paki Awam and even Indian libtards who support Pakis. Because just like Nawaz Common Pakis are not terrorists and their supporters.

Jab tumhara Baap terrorist Nawaz KO Bday wish kar raha tau tumhe common Pakis se kya problem hai ?
Lol ISI bosses must be laughing at Modi . Maybe he doesnt realize but even toilets of all Paki civilian and mil leaders in Pakistan are bugged by ISI. Modi is a fool and a looser

Tarun Kumar

Regular Member
Dec 12, 2016
and also i bet they are planning a hit job on him with their moles in India as we speak which will surely lead to an all out war

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