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  1. Corvus Splendens

    Indian Navy Developments & Discussions

    MH-60R on INS Vikrant
  2. Corvus Splendens

    Indian Navy Developments & Discussions

    Which way is the front ?
  3. Corvus Splendens

    Indian Navy Developments & Discussions

    Hey say what you want about the moody old girl, she still has better availability rates than the brand new British carriers.
  4. Corvus Splendens

    Indian Navy Developments & Discussions

    At least our ships are operational and sail out for ops. Meanwhile the Brits.. Both carriers broke down within one week. New record I reckon. Source: British Bullshit Corporation
  5. Corvus Splendens

    Indian Navy Developments & Discussions

    The Royal Navy that can't even leave port with force because they don't have enough sailors to man even half their fleet ? Same Royal Navy with two giant white elephants with no birds, taking loans from Air Force and US Navy ? The Navy that doesn't even have the authority to drive their own...
  6. Corvus Splendens

    Indian Navy Developments & Discussions

    Iranian shitbrains calling the P15A/Bs underarmed is the most hilarious shit I've heard all day. They don't even have a SAM capable of intercepting a Brahmos on a kill course, neither do they have an anti-ship missile even capable of going past the MRSAM, hell the YJ-18 copy paste probably can't...
  7. Corvus Splendens

    Indian Navy Developments & Discussions

    I'd rather they kept that stealthy cone. Considering the timeframe it'd be introduced. The stealthy cone had to have been designed in consideration of the possible radar options. Unless they are now looking at greater degree of panel steerability.
  8. Corvus Splendens

    Indian Navy Developments & Discussions

    Any other source for this ? Big disappointment if true considering the project completion timeline.
  9. Corvus Splendens

    Indian Navy Developments & Discussions

    Then the officer ranks should have been changed too. To me this looks like a veiled attempt to further widen the gap between officers and enlisted.
  10. Corvus Splendens

    Indian Navy Developments & Discussions

    Yes, so the Navik and Adhikari ranks might be copied over.
  11. Corvus Splendens

    Indian Navy Developments & Discussions

    3x3 m probably.
  12. Corvus Splendens

    Indian Navy Developments & Discussions

    No. We only use HE-frag. The Chinese prefer APDS.
  13. Corvus Splendens

    Indian Navy Developments & Discussions

    Nah the three Russian Grigorovich-class frigates are at Yantar shipyard.