ISRO General News and Updates


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Sep 22, 2012
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but as per recent news ULV will be very similar to falcon rocket of spaceX .. which doesnt uses any solid boosters..

above is said for ULV..
I have not yet find any official reports of ISRO saying anything about ULV or it's configurations yet .

Even their Annual Report doesnot have any mention .

The image I posted and others online are just amateur works IMO .

i havent seen a rocket that uses clustered engine along with sold rocket as boosters(correct me if there is any).. the clustered engines itself is powerful enough to lift the vehicle without the need of any solid rockets..
The ones I can think of are Space Shuttle and the future SLS .

LVM3 can be counted I guess as the clustered Vikas engines are ignited before booster seperation .

GSLV MK2 uses solid stages and liquid boosters together ..... although not clustered .

Akask kumar

New Member
Jan 28, 2016
I have not yet find any official reports of ISRO saying anything about ULV or it's configurations yet .

Even their Annual Report doesnot have any mention .

The image I posted and others online are just amateur works IMO .

The ones I can think of are Space Shuttle and the future SLS .

LVM3 can be counted I guess as the clustered Vikas engines are ignited before booster seperation .

GSLV MK2 uses solid stages and liquid boosters together ..... although not clustered .
May be i am wrong on the cluster engine thing.. the cluster engine may or may not use solid boosters..i have checked the ULV wiki ,it has solid boosters.

But GSLV MK3 uses 2 vikas engine in the first stage,can not be called as cluster.. for cluster there should be at least 3 enignes.GSLV MK3 engine will be called as 2 in parallel.

look at the attached file


Akask kumar

New Member
Jan 28, 2016
Seeing RD 810 for first time. It used to be sce200. Thought it was indegenious.
yes its an ukranian engine.

On June 2, 2005, India and Ukraine signed the Framework Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the Republic of India on Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, which would enter in force on February 15, 2006.[5] As per unconfirmed information obtained by Wikileaks this contract involved the transfer of blueprints for a rocket engine by the Yuzhnoye Design Office.[6][7][8]
even i thought SCE-200 is developed from scratch by ISRO..:confused1: .. that also explains so early development of SCE-200 compared to Cryogenic engine which we still are perfecting.

But we should look at the positive side- we saved hell lot of time.. :biggrin2:..

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
New Member
Apr 29, 2015
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yes its an ukranian engine.

even i thought SCE-200 is developed from scratch by ISRO..:confused1: .. that also explains so early development of SCE-200 compared to Cryogenic engine which we still are perfecting.

But we should look at the positive side- we saved hell lot of time.. :biggrin2:..
The China method. For example, hey developed their heavy transport aircraft Xian Y-20 with similar assistance from Ukraine.:china:

Akask kumar

New Member
Jan 28, 2016
The China method. For example, hey developed their heavy transport aircraft Xian Y-20 with similar assistance from Ukraine.:china:

yes countries across world cooperate and trasnfer tech.. the tech transfer doesnt happen for free unless HACKING IS DONE :hehe:.. we must have paid something for the RD 810 engine..

This also reminds me of ISRO assiting saudi arabia for their space program.they will get some tech from us..

was surfing the DOS website and found parliament Q&A by the department..

here's list of countries the Government has signed any agreement for R&D in space & tech 2983.pdf

Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Hungary, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Mexico, Mongolia, Myanmar, Peru, Republic of Korea, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Syria, Thailand, The Netherlands, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States of America and Venezuela
quite a big list.

Akask kumar

New Member
Jan 28, 2016
@Indx TechStyle just to quench your desire of robotic mission on mars surface..

Q> whether the Government has any plan to send robotic landing space craft to Mars or any other planet in near future?

A> No Madam. At present, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has no plan to send a robotic landing spacecraft to Mars or any other planet. However, India’s second mission to the Moon ‘Chandrayaan-2’ is planned with an Indian Lander and Rover
mangalyaan 2 will be just satellite mission..Now confirmed here..


New Member
Oct 10, 2015
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yes countries across world cooperate and trasnfer tech.. the tech transfer doesnt happen for free unless HACKING IS DONE :hehe:.. we must have paid something for the RD 810 engine..

This also reminds me of ISRO assiting saudi arabia for their space program.they will get some tech from us..

was surfing the DOS website and found parliament Q&A by the department..

here's list of countries the Government has signed any agreement for R&D in space & tech 2983.pdf

quite a big list.
All is good but KSA. Really should we? First get their position clear on kashmir. They are going to give everything to pak.

Akask kumar

New Member
Jan 28, 2016


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Apr 13, 2013
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Akask kumar

New Member
Jan 28, 2016
this is an important Q/A by DOS 1404.pdf

Q> whether India and Pakistan have anycooperation in the field of space
There is no bilateral space cooperation between India and Pakistan in the field of space. However, both countries are currently discussing on possible cooperation in the field of space under multilateral platform for realisation of ‘Satellite for SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) region’. As part of ‘International Charter Space and Major Disasters’, India provides satellite data to many countries including Pakistan for disaster management support. Also, two officials from Pakistan have undergone courses on Remote Sensing & Geographical Information System conducted by United Nations affiliated Centre for Space Science and Technology Education in Asia and the Pacific (CSSTEAP) hosted by India at Dehradun.
glad we isolated pakis out of saarc this time.. Now there cant be even slight possibility of cooperation in space..:biggrin2:
two pakis got training from here,they must be feeling like boss in SUPARCO..:cool1:


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Apr 13, 2013
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Space agencies from BRICS sign cooperation protocol

Representatives of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) space agencies discussed a draft document on joint use of data constellations from earth remote sensing (ERS) satellites, and signed a cooperation protocol on the use and exploration of outer space for peaceful purposes, at a meeting in Zhuhai (China), the Russian Space Agency said Monday.

“The document that we are developing will be a mechanism that will facilitate cooperation in the abovementioned areas (peaceful space exploration and a system for sharing ERS data), and I hope that we will soon finalize it,” Igor Komarov, General Director of Roscosmos was quoted as saying.

Komarov, General Director of the Russian Space Agency attended the meeting. José Raimundo Coelho, President of the Brazilian Space Agency, Wu Yanhua, Deputy Chairman of the China National Space Administration and Dr. Potlaki Maine, acting Executive Director of the South African National Space Agency, also attended the meeting. A representative from the Indian Space Research Organisation was India’s representative.

Roscosmos supported the Chinese initiative to share ERS satellite systems and related ground infrastructure to benefit all BRICS countries.

“Russia cooperates closely with Brazil, India, China and South Africa in the field of space exploration. Nevertheless, today we are taking a step into the future. I am convinced that the joint efforts on the use of ERS satellite constellations by the BRICS countries will serve us all, in terms of disaster management, environmental protection and for the sustainable social and economic development of our countries,” said Komarov.

The unified geographically distributed information system (UGDIS) of ERS consists of 13 large centres, which are located throughout Russia – from Kaliningrad to Khabarovsk, including in the Arctic zone (Murmansk and in the future – Dudinka and Anadyr). The new system will coordinate all their work with domestic remote sensing spacecraft. This will allow planning of the shooting, receiving and processing of data from the spacecraft complex, without additional resources being needed.

The Russian orbital group has seven remote sensing satellites already in operational mode, providing all kinds and shooting modes, including hyperspectral. Another unit is currently at the flight testing stage, and is operating in the test mode.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
New Member
Apr 29, 2015
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TIFR to Release 10 Balloon Flights With ISRO, Department of Atomic Energy
The Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) on Friday said 10-balloon flights will be launched from here for scientific purposes from November 15 to April 30, 2017 with the support of the Department of Atomic Energy and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).
B Suneel Kumar, Scientist-in-Charge, TIFR in a statement said the balloons, which carry scientific instruments for research at high altitudes, are expected to reach heights between 30-kilometers and 42-kilometers, depending upon the experiments being undertaken.
The balloons are made of twin (polyethylene) plastic films, ranging in diameters from 50-meters to 85-meters and normally launched between 2000 and 0630.
The instruments will be kept at these heights for periods ranging from a few to 10 hours, and then released from the balloon. After release, the instruments will come down to ground on large coloured parachutes.
The balloon drifts will be on the Visakhapatnam-Hyderabad-Sholapur line, in the areas of AP, North Karnataka and Maharashtra states, he said.
He appealed people those who find the parachute and instruments not to remove them from its place of landing and to telephone or send message to the address given on various packages.
"They are also requested to contact the nearest Police Station, Post Office and district authorities about the finding. Instruments are kept inside wooden cages or large aluminum framework/containers for safety.
"The instruments are extremely sensitive and valuable, scientific data will be lost if they are tampered. There may be high voltages on some of the instruments, which will be dangerous, but only if the instruments are opened up," he said.
No reward will be paid if it is found that anything has been opened or tampered with, he added.


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Sep 22, 2012
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thats why they launch their rockets from french guiana and not from france .
It is particularly suitable as a location for a spaceport as it fulfills the two major geographical requirements of such a site:
  • it is quite close to the equator, so that the spinning earth can impart some extra velocity to the rockets for free when launched eastward, and
  • it has uninhabited territory (in this case, open sea) to the east, so that lower stages of rockets and debris from launch failures cannot fall on human habitations.
Kourou is located approximately 500 kilometres (310 mi) north of the equator, at a latitude of 5°10'. The near-equatorial launch location provides an advantage for launches to low-inclination (or geostationary) Earth orbits compared to launches from spaceports at higher latitude.

For example, the eastward boost provided by the Earth's rotation is about 463 m/s (1,035 miles per hour) at the Guiana Space Centre vis-à-vis about 406 m/s (908 miles per hour) at the United States east coast Cape Canaveral and Kennedy Space Centerspaceports which are at 28°27′N latitude in Florida.

The proximity to the equator also makes maneuvering satellites for geosynchronous orbits simpler and less costly.

For more information read ,

Akask kumar

New Member
Jan 28, 2016
It is particularly suitable as a location for a spaceport as it fulfills the two major geographical requirements of such a site:
  • it is quite close to the equator, so that the spinning earth can impart some extra velocity to the rockets for free when launched eastward, and
  • it has uninhabited territory (in this case, open sea) to the east, so that lower stages of rockets and debris from launch failures cannot fall on human habitations.
Kourou is located approximately 500 kilometres (310 mi) north of the equator, at a latitude of 5°10'. The near-equatorial launch location provides an advantage for launches to low-inclination (or geostationary) Earth orbits compared to launches from spaceports at higher latitude.

For example, the eastward boost provided by the Earth's rotation is about 463 m/s (1,035 miles per hour) at the Guiana Space Centre vis-à-vis about 406 m/s (908 miles per hour) at the United States east coast Cape Canaveral and Kennedy Space Centerspaceports which are at 28°27′N latitude in Florida.

The proximity to the equator also makes maneuvering satellites for geosynchronous orbits simpler and less costly.

For more information read ,
so french guiana is a colony of france in south america.?. i had no idea,i thought they launched sats from

i just checked its location , its very close to the the equator..

arnt guiana people fighting for independence??

