
Senior Member
Jan 7, 2016
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who we? We were princely states fighting with eachother.
Still we had upto 40% of world's GDP. Now we are one nation. Can we expect better?

Only in cities, villages follow it silently. It's a fact.
It has reduced a lot in villages too though it is much higher than in cities.
This cause lack of quality life
What quality of Life? Quality of life is made synonym to laxury which spoils individuals.
Resources like no water, no energy, no Oil ,
artificial: no industry, no management for shipping, etc etc...
I agree with water but rest is not required. In coming time, No or least amount of oil shall be required. Enery consumption shall be minimum because of many new technologies coming in. Look to LED. We may get a bulb which consumes 1 watt in future.
I don't give a damn about future. When my present is ruined. And this will be the thought of future generation too.
We need wisdom and not so called technologies. We ruined environment and made this planet hot. Now we need A/C. Work on basics and you do not need so many artificial things to live a happy life. We went wrong with basics which we need to correct.
who told you?
If vote bank has died then why BJP chose a dalit President?
What makes you thinks that Dalit must not be choosen as a president. He was capable and so he was choose. Look at Mayavati, Mulayam and congress. They played all politics based on cast and religion still they are loosing. This is a defeat of castism. You need to perform. Gone are the days in most part of India where you can simply win election without doing anything based on cast card. Still it is there but we have came a long way.
they think same about us.
Hostile neighbors is your point and not mine. Give yourself an answer.
this is not the criteria. The division is still there and is going to remain.
Ya it will remain and it will remain through out the world where Islam is present. We must find the ways and means to reduce it. Communal clashes have reduced a lot in last decade.


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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What quality of Life? Quality of life is made synonym to laxury which spoils individuals.
quality of life means

purity in eatbles
high standards of health facility
A grade education
uninterrupted electricity and water supply.
crime level down.

I don't think this will spoil any one.
What makes you thinks that Dalit must not be choosen as a president. He was capable and so he was choose.
He was chosen to give a message, we are not naïve. Otherwise there are many much more capable contenders.


Living in Post Truth
Senior Member
May 31, 2017
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quality of life means

purity in eatbles
high standards of health facility
A grade education
uninterrupted electricity and water supply.
crime level down.

I don't think this will spoil any one.

He was chosen to give a message, we are not naïve. Otherwise there are many much more capable contenders.
Yup. The message conveyed was that bjp is a party that works for all sections of society. This in turn weakens hold of s.p, bsp kind of parties on the caste votebanks. Plus the kind of actions Modi is expected to take requires confidante people at all influential positions. Modi' s political gaming is far ahead of any of his contemporaries. All of his appointments have a subtle message.

Coming to superpower ambitions it wont happen till India becomes a knowledge superpower. Large scale investment into fundamental research has to be done. Physics, Maths, Astronomy, Healthcare are areas where West has taken lead of atleast 20yrs. That gap has to be bridged


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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Coming to superpower ambitions it wont happen till India becomes a knowledge superpower. Large scale investment into fundamental research has to be done. Physics, Maths, Astronomy, Healthcare are areas where West has taken lead of atleast 20yrs. That gap has to be bridged
there is only one solution that is proper channelizing of funds and using common-sense.


Mera Bharat mahan
Senior Member
Mar 19, 2016
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there is only one solution that is proper channelizing of funds and using common-sense.
By that you mean in discriminatory investment in R&D,science and technology,education,healthcare and infrastructure.



Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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By that you mean in discriminatory investment in R&D,science and technology,education,healthcare and infrastructure.

Every ministry has funds and power to allocate funds.

Health ministry would grant it's own way
Dept of Sc. & tech can ask separately
HRD ministry can do it it's way.

Most of the funds go in creating more opportunities and maintenance than doing research. Because of high population in India. And low GDP.


Mera Bharat mahan
Senior Member
Mar 19, 2016
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Every ministry has funds and power to allocate funds.

Health ministry would grant it's own way
Dept of Sc. & tech can ask separately
HRD ministry can do it it's way.

Most of the funds go in creating more opportunities than doing research. Because of high population in India. And low GDP.
First off i think we should start working fast on Renewable and cheap energy resources,shit load of money is wasted in subsidies on petrol and CNG.
We should be using solar energy,even at individual level to save electricity.

We need to invest in more quality education and need to fund the deserving kids,caste and religion based institutions and scholarship and reservation has harmed this country.

Get rid of this nasty caste system.

Investment in better healthcare systems is a must.

Investment in better basic education and higher investments in Higher education and research.

Use PPP method to get money,streamline the process.get rid of crappy rules and regulations.Dissolve worker unions,apart from strikes,they are good for nothing.

Invite Private investments in all the sectors.

Once these things fall in place,then we will be able to create a strong economy and a society.

then we can talk about becoming a global power,but before global superpower i want india to become the undisputed in South asia and the middle east-our geography is perfect for that.

We should get rid of pakistan and make our neighbors and extended neighbor puppet of ours.


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2011
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Ya right that is why India provides reservation for backward classes and tribes and castes in education and in jobs and even in Parliament. That is why India spends millions on scholarship for needy and billions on subsidy for farmers , labourers and Poor's because it lacks rationality. Indians have a functional democracy a fast growing economy because they are not rational ???

Very bright anal'syis.
If India was an egalitarian society it would never have wanted to give reservation to backward classes. Egalitarianism doesn't base on how much you spend on charity, rather it is how the society provides a equal opportunity for the people who needs upward mobility in the society despite ones religion, class, creed, race or the color of the skin.


Mera Bharat mahan
Senior Member
Mar 19, 2016
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You have seen this chart?

We had 30+% of the world's GDP around 2000 years ago.
i think it would be very difficult to dominate more than 20%+ of the global economy for any country post 2030(the decade when india will be considered a global economic power).

given how industrialization has thrusted the western economies.

Post 2030 we will have a multi polar world with each poles(countries) having its own sphere of influence.



Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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i think it would be very difficult to dominate more than 20%+ of the global economy for any country post 2030(the decade when india will be considered a global economic power).

given how industrialization has thrusted the western economies.

Post 2030 we will have a multi polar world with each poles(countries) having its own sphere of influence.


Rule the seas if not land

If there is an intelligent mind then India should use its marine technology for ship building for commercial purpose.

There is already a big project going on, Sagar Mala.

India has invested 120 billion dollars to upgrade it's ports and shipping industry.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2016
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Its possible that India may be a full fledged superpower, but we are not showing any signs of going in that direction. There's an incredible lot we need to start doing to even think about it. Simply saying GDP growth of 7.5 percent is not enough. There need to be significant cultural and educational changes as well. And first things first, let's concentrate on the basics. 50% of population doesn't even have toilets, and malnutrition rate is at 25%. Water scarcity is increasingly an issue and there are no real signs of addressing the problem.Nothing is being done about the silent caste system that is going on in our interior villages. We are simply embarrassing ourselves by calling ourselves a future superpower. Even if we have the potential, let us first prove that we can at least fulfill the basic requirements of our people, then we can talk about super duper power. Even after that we should be silent about it, and let others observe for themselves our true power.


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2016
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purity in eatbles
high standards of health facility
A grade education
uninterrupted electricity and water supply.
crime level down.

I don't think this will spoil any one.
My quality of life definition is different. My quality of life meaning a life lived with wisdom and aligned with nature. You do not fall ill and no so much of medical facility is required. My quality of life definition grants individuals do pursue whatever he likes and not he is compelled to earn money only.


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2016
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i think it would be very difficult to dominate more than 20%+ of the global economy for any country post 2030(the decade when india will be considered a global economic power).

given how industrialization has thrusted the western economies.

Post 2030 we will have a multi polar world with each poles(countries) having its own sphere of influence.

Look at the chart and see yourself what India's GDP was upto year 1000. It is 40%. It starts from 17% and enda at 57%.


Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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quality of life means

purity in eatbles
high standards of health facility
A grade education
uninterrupted electricity and water supply.
Comes with increment in income levels which is underway gradually with household income from last decades.

India is actually a way better place in all these indicators if you can compare with any other country of same per capita income.
Possibly a reason why we provide medical and education tourism to them and they don't do us.
Or probably why most of their immigrants here are labourers and ours there are officers, earning 5-6 times average per head capital.

Though, case is different that studying on subsidized study and pay tax to others' government, you aren't supposed to judge about the country which you have disowed long ago. I don't care what common Germans think about India or Indians, good or bad, for an average white, rest of the world is totally $hit, even if they f**k their economy up.

You were once told that we seem like slum dwellers or other stereotypes (remember?), stats speak totally opposite in those cases.
crime level down.
Though again, India's rates are low, people will say they are under reported (as if they are 100% reported in rest of the world) or probably half murder rate or fractional assault rate, hype the issue on for one specific country.


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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My quality of life definition grants individuals do pursue whatever he likes and not he is compelled to earn money only.
that is only possible when other things fall in line which I have already mentioned.


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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If India was an egalitarian society it would never have wanted to give reservation to backward classes. Egalitarianism doesn't base on how much you spend on charity, rather it is how the society provides a equal opportunity for the people who needs upward mobility in the society despite ones religion, class, creed, race or the color of the skin.
No society is egalitarian in the world. That would be a dream. The point is India is trying hard to remove it's disparity. If you can't understand that perhaps you shouldn't comment on India.


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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let's concentrate on the basics. 50% of population doesn't even have toilets
Sanitation coverage right now is over 64%.
3 crore toilets have been build since inception of clean India mission.
By 2015end coverage was 44% so in 2 years we covered 20% . At this rate rest 36% will be covered in 3.5 years or even earlier as the speed is only going up.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2016
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Sanitation coverage right now is over 64%.
3 crore toilets have been build since inception of clean India mission.
By 2015end coverage was 44% so in 2 years we covered 20% . At this rate rest 36% will be covered in 3.5 years or even earlier as the speed is only going up.
Present percentage is still lower than Bangladesh's. And these are the absolute basics. There is a lot more to do after that. We need to become a knowledge hub, which requires a revamp of our entire education system. Our R&D doesn't even match small countries like Israel and South Korea, forget major players like the U.S. and Japan. We need to have a thriving military industrial complex, that can develop state of the art weapons from scratch and produce them in large quantities for a competitive price. This is nowhere near the case. We need to put an end to caste identity itself, not simply end caste violence. That is not happening in the villages with all the khap panchayat nonsense. We have not shown any signs of taking advantage of our "demographic dividend" because not enough jobs are being created since we are still relying on service sector for growth rather than manufacturing, and skill development for the lower strata is abysmal. I don't even want to talk about water. We will soon be in dire straits (no pun intended).

GDP growth alone will not solve our problems, and without serious work towards these other issues, even that will fizzle away. This quarter's 5.7 % growth was just an indicator of the troubles to come in a few years time.

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