
Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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As far as population projections are concerned, only focusing on your surroundings will not help as you are merely staring at one point and its neighborhood in the curve shown above. It will give you a tangent as your prediction. Not a good way to predict population size 30 years from now. Population will not exceed 1.7 billion. But that is still a big challenge.

However, the main challenge is making it through the peak of the graph: population entering workforce vs time. That peak is between 2025 and 2030.

So India's challenge is generating enough jobs that provide sustenance (sustenance, not high living standards) to all those entering the workforce.

And if we think about this along those lines, this is not a good time to push for more women in the workforce, cause the shortage is of jobs, not workers
You are also here I am also here and I don't get fooled by these fancy number. I am a practical man.
And I see lack of opportunities in coming days with high population.

By 2050 people will be close to 2 billion and that's my estimate. And I have given you how this will work.

The challenge you are talking about is huge and has sustained itself.

The unemployment in India is 5% and others who are employed they are not satisfied with their job.

If India was really doing well, then people would have not left India ... for better life.

This is a fact and we have to swallow it without a sip of water.

And the reason that it is not getting to us through the system is because of informal economy. That is being eradicated at a lightning pace. Read here:-
Even in informal economy people were not getting adequate income which they suppose to.

The problem is about mentality.

We Indians will find some way to fool this system too.

Mark this post.

And why informal economy developed firs of all. Because of the system. This system is not going to change even in the next 100 years.

You just have 7 golden years if Modi wins next after that it's going to be same.
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Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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"rule the world" ??
A bit too optimistic, are we?

Let's start with a solid manufacturing base and removal of the red tape to make it business friendly. This will make it an economic power; then military power. Meanwhile combating internal threats of various genres and combating separatism which is going to be an ever present feature of this federation.


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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Let's start with a solid manufacturing base and removal of the red tape to make it business friendly.
Another problem. You need to keep check on ethical businessmen too. When and how they become mafias is common in India.


Regular Member
Oct 10, 2015
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India can never become a super power greater than us. It can only happen if people change their attitude. Sabo muft ka maal chaiye. Karodo ka flat karidenge haste haste aur petrol tamatar ko royenge. Countries like america and japan people attitude is what can they do for making thier country better but in india people lament what this country has done for them. Police is only for security of politicians ordinary people can rot. When this situation changes only then this will happen. And this is never going to happen.


NRI in Europe
Senior Member
Aug 10, 2009
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also remember to factor in the population "contribution" from the illegal b'deshis in the assam region

btw i have also seen a french report that puts India peaking at around 2 billion around 2100 at which time the china pop would have fallen to about 1.2 or so ..... pity i cant seem to find it now online ...pak pop will be around 0.5 billion too


NRI in Europe
Senior Member
Aug 10, 2009
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world bank data done by dr tariq khokkar soounds like pak so i dont think he willl be pro india and thus downplay our demographic strength https://www.google.pt/search?q=tari....69i57j0l5.10919j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

but i found this from business insider a respected magazine

it put india as 1.55 billion in 2100 and china below 1 billion and this coincides with the earlier french study i had written briefly about ...so india will have clear 600 million more people than china in the year 2100 .... we peak at 1.7 billion in 2070 and china already peaked and petering out

the world bank by that khokkar pak gives a v diff picture ... what else can you expect from .....

the challenge of course is to put those 600 exess to good use and not hanging around unemployed .... agriculture is gonna be a huge thing ..imagine having to feed such numbers so our better climate plus israeli agritech should be a huge thing

human resoures minister ( s irani ? or whoever is around at that time ) should be a v impt issue and ministry ....hmmmmi think ill get into HRM

further musings are along the lines that if pak has 500 million and china would be about 950 million and if cpec is still around inmagine the pressure from pak to send jihadists into xinjiang and other parts of china via cpec ......something i dont think the china planners have catered for !!!! pak will be more than half china's pop !!!

plus in 2100 japans pop will go below 100 million (92 million ) so they will v much need india to counter china and so i think we should get their tech without too much problem !!

similarlly rusias pop will go dangerously low to about 111 million again they'll need india pop to counter the drag-on

India can never become a super power greater than us. It can only happen if people change their attitude. Countries like america and japan people attitude is what can they do for making thier country better
hahaah worth a laugh ...usa by then would become a hispanic-subsaharan-muzzie rubbish dump by then ...the white pop would be around 35% including their druggies their universities would be the paper mills they now make fun of others ...ifff it still exists ....most predict war wth russ would have nuked most of it anyway

not that i disliked them , no, actually im v fond of usa but sorry better face up to the truth, myself i mean
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Sep 7, 2015
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India can never become a super power greater than us. It can only happen if people change their attitude. Sabo muft ka maal chaiye. Karodo ka flat karidenge haste haste aur petrol tamatar ko royenge. Countries like america and japan people attitude is what can they do for making thier country better but in india people lament what this country has done for them. Police is only for security of politicians ordinary people can rot. When this situation changes only then this will happen. And this is never going to happen.
Off topic...

Every country has problems. Even your 'great' US of A. And you're still considered a super power! Let's see......

No respect for the rest of the World. Arrogance is your hallmark.

Poor education at the lower levels with little or no understanding of history, and thus there is a lack of 'common sense' starting at the grass roots level. No wonder you guys produce dorks like Trump and there are millions of them out there.

Drugs are taking over our country.

Almost daily school shootings and killings reflecting the poor state of discipline.

Media stuffed to the brim by cheap Reality T.V. shows that focus on top models, dancing stars, fashion faux pas, "real" housewives, and swamp people are completely dumbing down your population. There is no focus on solving real problems of government overspending, personal dependency, radical Islamists, and general decline of morality. Shame.

Paid news media that is all over people and issues they want to focus on, most of it stupid issues. The worst part is that the majority of Americans become so absorbed and brainwashed into the mainstream part of media they effectively become sheeple - zombies to be precise.

Regime Changes are the norm for America which has brought nothing but death and destruction in the world. Operation Shock and Awe killed more than 70,000 Iraqis - innocent men women and children. Shame!

Corruption and a stupid political agenda will be the end of the US. You Americans have sold yourselves to the Chinese. They have got you by the collar economically and you guys are doing nothing about it.

Racism. You know about that don't you? I need not elaborate.

Destruction of the environment for non-renewable energy sources including fracking that has created an environmental disaster.

There's more, but your still a super power?


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2016
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8 Reasons India will not rule the world even after 2100

1. Regional and Language differences
2. Casteism
3. Very high population
4. limited resources
5. Technologically inferior
6. Hostile Neighbours with very high population
7. Communal tensions
8. Vote bank politics.
1. Regional and Language differences- We had this when we had 23% to over 40% of world's GDP. So it is Irrelevant.
2. Casteism- It is reducing. We had this when we had 23% to over 40% of world's GDP. So it is Irrelevant.
3. Very high population- Population growth rate is reducing. We shall have optimum population when most of the countries shall be suffering from underpopulation and no man power to work or Old manpower like china.
4. limited resources- Resources are plenty. Which resource is scare? With new technologies coming in, We shall have not only resources sufficient to take care of our population but to help and support many.
5. Technologically inferior- It is a past. We shall have best technologies in future.
6. Hostile Neighbors with very high population- You will find them divided in many parts and these small countries shall not be sufficiently powerful to harm us much.
7. Communal tensions- It has reduced a lot and hope it will reduce. We need to check Islamic Fundamentalism.
8. Vote bank politics- It has died and shall disappear in near future. People are not interested in voting for non performers.


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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1. Regional and Language differences- We had this when we had 23% to over 40% of world's GDP. So it is Irrelevant.
who we? We were princely states fighting with eachother.
2. Casteism- It is reducing. We had this when we had 23% to over 40% of world's GDP. So it is Irrelevant.
Only in cities, villages follow it silently. It's a fact.
Very high population- Population growth rate is reducing. We shall have optimum population when most of the countries shall be suffering from underpopulation and no man power to work or Old manpower like china.
This cause lack of quality life
4. limited resources- Resources are plenty. Which resource is scare? With new technologies coming in, We shall have not only resources sufficient to take care of our population but to help and support many.
Resources like no water, no energy, no Oil ,
artificial: no industry, no management for shipping, etc etc...
Technologically inferior- It is a past. We shall have best technologies in future.
I don't give a damn about future. When my present is ruined. And this will be the thought of future generation too.
Hostile Neighbors with very high population- You will find them divided in many parts and these small countries shall not be sufficiently powerful to harm us much.
they think same about us.
7. Communal tensions- It has reduced a lot and hope it will reduce. We need to check Islamic Fundamentalism.
this is not the criteria. The division is still there and is going to remain.
Vote bank politics- It has died and shall disappear in near future. People are not interested in voting for non performers
who told you?
If vote bank has died then why BJP chose a dalit President?

Poor education at the lower levels with little or no understanding of history,
They don't want to uplift themselves. And that's causing trouble for every one.
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Senior Member
Nov 26, 2011
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1. Yet we are managing with English.
Hindi is understood in Bengal Assam Gujrat Maharashtra odisa and even Andhra.

That leaves kerala , tamilnadu and Karnataka which will be in loop as economic integration deepens.

2.urbanization will deal with that. In cities cast is now a concern only in case of marriage. We see similar tension in USA between different races ( black. Latino white Asian)

3. If we can educated each other we will be fine. If an educated society can't manage then the entire world is doomed anyway.
Btw 2050 population would stabilize and start decreasing thereafter.

4valid point but more knowledge , more technology , more efficiency shall see us through.

5. Not forever. In most high tech sectors we are already 4th,5th or 6th ranked .
Economic growth will feed technology and technology will feed economic growth.

6. True but we'll be more populous and more powerful than them. They will have to learn to live with us.

7. If USA can handle racial tension we will handle communal tension.

8 . Same in USA .

More importantly we will succeed because failure is not an option. Either we soldier on or we wither apart. Success for us is not optional.
1) It is unwise to believe that Tamils will let go their love of the language very easily. The separatist sentiment in very much alive in Tamilnadu. The issue will further exacerbated if Tamil Eelam movement had a victory in Sri Lanka.

2) Urbanization has to move to the regional and village level in order for the changes you propose should come into effect. Moreover education plays the vital part. As for now, there are larger number of uneducated and poor Indians living in the villages than their better counter parts in the cities. This gap will not be eliminated easily specially when their are Muslims living outside city limits.

3) Unless of course Indians attain the educational levels of Western nations, it is very optimistic to believe that population levels will decrease. Going with the current standards, India needs to radicalize it's educational policy to meet the objective. However, as I mentioned earlier, Muslim will definitely disrupt your assumption again.

4) No technology or knowledge can conjure natural resources within Indian borders. Unless of course, India decided to invaded some foreign lands.

5) This could be achieved with the current trends in India R&D sectors.

6) They will also be more populace and more powerful proportionately. Anyhow, you cannot negate the destructive power of a nuclear weapon despite it's manufacture date.

7) This will boil down to the educational levels of Indian people. As of now there is no guarantee that 2050 India will be much different to 2017 India at least in educational levels.

8) It's much more powerful in India with all of the religious, cast and regional differences. US don't have such complex vote bank politics.


Senior Member
Jul 20, 2015
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You have to give more employment to women. Women will get jobs, nation will move faster. Believe me.
We have to give more employment to woman man everyone. If man is jobless he doesn't contribute to the economy. So no matter if a man or a woman is jobless he or she is not an asset for the nation.


Senior Member
Jul 20, 2015
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I personally believe we should never actually think about where we will be after 33 years. 10-15 years may be. Beyond that is just crap.


I believe we will have good growth by 2030 and only if we can achieve that then we should think about where we will move beyond that.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2016
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1) It is unwise to believe that Tamils will let go their love of the language very easily. The separatist sentiment in very much alive in Tamilnadu. The issue will further exacerbated if Tamil Eelam movement had a victory in Sri Lanka.

2) Urbanization has to move to the regional and village level in order for the changes you propose should come into effect. Moreover education plays the vital part. As for now, there are larger number of uneducated and poor Indians living in the villages than their better counter parts in the cities. This gap will not be eliminated easily specially when their are Muslims living outside city limits.

3) Unless of course Indians attain the educational levels of Western nations, it is very optimistic to believe that population levels will decrease. Going with the current standards, India needs to radicalize it's educational policy to meet the objective. However, as I mentioned earlier, Muslim will definitely disrupt your assumption again.

4) No technology or knowledge can conjure natural resources within Indian borders. Unless of course, India decided to invaded some foreign lands.

5) This could be achieved with the current trends in India R&D sectors.

6) They will also be more populace and more powerful proportionately. Anyhow, you cannot negate the destructive power of a nuclear weapon despite it's manufacture date.

7) This will boil down to the educational levels of Indian people. As of now there is no guarantee that 2050 India will be much different to 2017 India at least in educational levels.

8) It's much more powerful in India with all of the religious, cast and regional differences. US don't have such complex vote bank politics.
There is no separatist movement in Tamil Nadu. You cannot compare the situation of Tamils in Sri Lanka to Indian Tamils. Tamil Nadu has successfully become one of the leading states in economy, education and manufacturing in india. This was only possible by being a well integrated part of india, and all tamils know it. Though north Indians may occasionally make fun of us, there is no real issue and definitely no abuse or human rights violations. Tamils in Sri Lanka on the other hand were facing outright massacres and real jim crow style segregation in certain parts. And Sri Lanka does not have the same federalist system that allows for diverse languages and minorities to flourish the way india does. Don't project your problems on us.


Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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There is no separatist movement in Tamil Nadu. You cannot compare the situation of Tamils in Sri Lanka to Indian Tamils. Tamil Nadu has successfully become one of the leading states in economy, education and manufacturing in india. This was only possible by being a well integrated part of india, and all tamils know it. Though north Indians may occasionally make fun of us, there is no real issue and definitely no abuse or human rights violations. Tamils in Sri Lanka on the other hand were facing outright massacres and real jim crow style segregation in certain parts. And Sri Lanka does not have the same federalist system that allows for diverse languages and minorities to flourish the way india does. Don't project your problems on us.
Any community that was abused and massacred like the Tamils in Lanka, would fight back; be it in SL or anywhere else.
This Heinzgud guy is trying to derail the thread and turn it into a North-south and enjoy his pop corn

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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"Ruling the world", Bait Inviting Title
The Forum is mostly having Indian Members, that's why calm till now otherwise this thread would've been f*cked up & closed till now. Avoid fanboy titles.


Regular Member
Feb 16, 2017
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Please stop being boastful and stop serving Khayali Pulaos. A country which lacks the capability in Semiconductors manufacturing, lacks the capability in Engine design (any any engine.. jet engine, IC engine, Diesel engine), Lack manufacturing base, Lacks medical research (Not one molecule related cancer drug or drugs related to other ailments has been researched in India) cannot become a a world ruler in 10000000 years


Regular Member
Feb 16, 2017
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MBA colleges popup like weeds but chemistry labs and biology labs even in UG and PG univesities lack infrastructure. In india not more than 4 or five labs have working Electron Microscope. 70 years after independence not one wafer fabrication lab has been set up. All technology including the spandex in your chaddi has been borrowed from the west principally Germany. How can you be so boastful.


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2011
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Please stop being boastful and stop serving Khayali Pulaos. A country which lacks the capability in Semiconductors manufacturing, lacks the capability in Engine design (any any engine.. jet engine, IC engine, Diesel engine), Lack manufacturing base, Lacks medical research (Not one molecule related cancer drug or drugs related to other ailments has been researched in India) cannot become a a world ruler in 10000000 years
Hey. I recognize your avatar. It's the Sri Pada mountain in Sri Lanka.

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