World's biggest naval exercise underway, India among 22 nations in it :smokin:

Mad Indian

Proud Bigot
New Member
Jan 27, 2012
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^^ So India does not even have the guts to participate in the exercise without being hush hush about it? Contrast it with the Russians

And these morons are talking about Taking on China and being a Supah Powah:doh:


New Member
Apr 8, 2012
It's just an American style big party which provides a stage to show the naval power of United States. No matter whether US is treating China as an imaginary enemy or not, China has been keeping this in mind since the first day of his birth. One mountain has no room for two tigers.


The Chairman
New Member
Apr 17, 2009
Inside China: China upset over RIMPAC snub

As China ratchets up military tensions with almost all of its neighbors in the Western Pacific, the United States is hosting its largest multinational maritime exercise and has excluded China from joining the maneuvers near Hawaii called Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC).

Beijing is not happy about it.

"The United States is using this exercise to show off its military strength, seeking military alliances in order to contain the military rise of another country in the region. Such [a] scheme is so thoroughly exposed now," the official People's Daily stated Saturday. The newspaper is the official mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party.

"It is obvious that the purpose of the U.S. calling in these many allies to conduct joint exercises is to exert pressure onto certain neighboring countries through military drills, as well as to [examine] the combat readiness of the U.S. military," the newspaper said.

It appears that what particularly angered the Chinese was the invitation to and participation by Russia and India in this year's 22-nation exercises, which began Friday.

On many global strategic issues such as Syria, Iran and NATO, Moscow and Beijing consider themselves strategic allies.

However, China's military buildup at a dizzying speed also has worried the Russians, who view themselves as key players in the Pacific with several countries as traditional allies, such as Vietnam, that are wary of Beijing's military aggressiveness.

First-time RIMPAC participant Russia also is running a brisk arms trade with many Asian and Pacific countries that have open confrontations with China on territorial disputes.

Also participating in the exercise for the first time is India. China is engaged a decades-long border dispute with India, which increasingly sees itself as a key maritime player in the Indian and Pacific oceans as a counterbalance to China's growing military presence. India is arming itself rapidly and has become the world's largest weapons-importing country.

Asked about the lack of a Chinese contingent at RIMPAC, Navy Capt. Lydia Robertson, a spokeswoman for U.S. Pacific Command, said the Chinese were last invited in 1998 and sent observers.

"China was not invited to RIMPAC 2012," Capt. Robertson said. "We are open to considering inviting China to future RIMPAC exercises. We engage regularly with the [People's Liberation Army] navy through mechanisms such as the Military Maritime Consultative Agreement talks."

Inside China: China upset over RIMPAC snub - Washington Times

Inside China: China upset over RIMPAC snub

As China ratchets up military tensions with almost all of its neighbors in the Western Pacific, the United States is hosting its largest multinational maritime exercise and has excluded China from joining the maneuvers near Hawaii called Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC).

Beijing is not happy about it.

"The United States is using this exercise to show off its military strength, seeking military alliances in order to contain the military rise of another country in the region. Such [a] scheme is so thoroughly exposed now," the official People's Daily stated Saturday. The newspaper is the official mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party.

"It is obvious that the purpose of the U.S. calling in these many allies to conduct joint exercises is to exert pressure onto certain neighboring countries through military drills, as well as to [examine] the combat readiness of the U.S. military," the newspaper said.

It appears that what particularly angered the Chinese was the invitation to and participation by Russia and India in this year's 22-nation exercises, which began Friday.......
I wonder would this be what has upset China apart from not being invited to join the exercise as it has been doing all along when Russia or India were not invited?

First-time RIMPAC participant Russia also is running a brisk arms trade with many Asian and Pacific countries that have open confrontations with China on territorial disputes.

Also participating in the exercise for the first time is India. China is engaged a decades-long border dispute with India, which increasingly sees itself as a key maritime player in the Indian and Pacific oceans as a counterbalance to China's growing military presence. India is arming itself rapidly and has become the world's largest weapons-importing country.
All said and done it is quite an insult and a tight slap across the face that there is this deviation wherein they are not invited as was the form and instead Russia and India (with which China has issues) are being invited!


Tihar Jail
Oct 2, 2009
Whether China is invited or not, does not really matter because China is not likely to fight any of the participants tomorrow. What will happen in the not so distant future, is that China's economy will inevitably surge ahead of that of the US, and then proceeds to dwarf it by good margin. It would be hard to image that US (in all likelihood ruled by negros or hispanics by 2050) would still be occupying the same commanding position she had half century ago and is still occupying (to much lesser degree) now.


NRI in Europe
New Member
Aug 10, 2009
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Whether China is invited or not, does not really matter because China is not likely to fight any of the participants tomorrow. What will happen in the not so distant future, is that China's economy will inevitably surge ahead of that of the US, and then proceeds to dwarf it by good margin. It would be hard to image that US (in all likelihood ruled by negros or hispanics by 2050) would still be occupying the same commanding position she had half century ago and is still occupying (to much lesser degree) now.
you talk of the prcdragon economic success as if it exists in isolation
without those same 22 countries who are allied in naval operations WHERE would your dragon economy be ? at the bottom of the marina trench

the usa is wisely gathering this coalition early - theres no law that says it cant have an economic wing to it

you should hope that you are not the saddam - pin the tail on the donkey - of this new "game"


NRI in Europe
New Member
Aug 10, 2009
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Whether China is invited or not, does not really matter because China is not likely to fight any of the participants tomorrow. What will happen in the not so distant future, is that China's economy will inevitably surge ahead of that of the US, and then proceeds to dwarf it by good margin. It would be hard to image that US (in all likelihood ruled by negros or hispanics by 2050) would still be occupying the same commanding position she had half century ago and is still occupying (to much lesser degree) now.
you talk of the prcdragon economic success as if it exists in isolation
without those same 22 countries who are allied in naval operations WHERE would your dragon economy be ? at the bottom of the marina trench

the usa is wisely gathering this coalition early - theres no law that says it cant have an economic wing to it

you should hope that you are not the saddam - pin the tail on the donkey - of this new "game"

