USA China Cold War

Master Chief

Senior Member
May 5, 2022
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Is it possible Xi formally notified Biden of their intent to invade Taiwan on the phone, and Biden sent Pelosi there to head-off the Chinese? With a senior US politician, 2 CBGs, 70+ aircraft in the air, and 2 LHS parked off the coast, all Chinese plans are toast.
Is it possible the forces we see in Fujian were part of this planned invasion?
Not possible.. China would like to maintain surprise during an invasion.. to simultaneously hit US bases in the pacific to stop them from assisting, while at the same time hitting Taiwanese defenses..


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2019
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China is no USSR. USSR was a military production beast and Russians themselves are hard people which stood against muricans and matched them Chinese are no comparison this is a joke in the name of cold war even dying roos have more guts than chinks.
Most importantly, Soviets were innovative. They had lower budgets than USA but still fought the cold war and space war. The only thing Chongs can do is steal IP from the west and make inferior products.

Master Chief

Senior Member
May 5, 2022
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What an interesting evening this has been, my dear folks !

See, this has been predicted over and again by many folks in Indian defense echelons as well who have experience with the Chinese military.

China is a paper dragon. They go to extreme lengths to showcase their military as invincible and powerful, armed with super-high-tech equipment and soldiers disciplined and dedicated as WW2 Japanese army.

This is the truth to all of these ! They are a bluff, their equipment is half faulty and over-estimated, they are still upgrading their technological edge, and their soldiers & generals are straight pussies.

People in the army know it, defense experts who have studied China know it, and only young fanboys playing Call of Duty think China is some super military power. They literally choreograph videos with 4K cameras and written scripts, dummies, and actors to showcase to their population !


Now, regarding Pelosi's visit,

Because China needs a face-saver now. They have boasted so much in media, that now they are a laughing stock to the entire nation. So what will they do ? They will probably take the unhabited Taiwanese islands near mainland China and declare victory.

Very interesting week ahead!
Even taking uninhabited islands will make it worse for China.. US Congress will abandon the One China policy with a super majority and Buddhen will sign it..

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