UK and the Rise of Radical Islam


Senior Member
Feb 8, 2021
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I just typed india on her id and so many racist south africans i encountered for the first time
There are some American Indians here who see solidarity with Blacks against Whites.

They should count their luck that they aren't living in 80% Black country like South Africa.

Blacks are 100x worse than Whites when it comes to their treatment of Indians.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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He's not exactly a sepoy considering he advertizes MAI HINDU HU whenever possible, considering it is a "barbaric religion of a barbaric people" in Anglostan, it has no political advantages,
As far as my interaction and knowledge goes, Hindus/Indians as a group aren't considered barbaric of savage in either of US or UK.

Yes, they aren't liked by white population but even tbeir conservatives if have to, prefer to work with Hindus over any Islamic/African immigrant. Hindus/Indians are considered intelligent/humble/hardworking in general. Problem is that they are competing with whites for jobs in their own country rendering lot of white youth as jobless.


Senior Member
Feb 8, 2021
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As far as my interaction and knowledge goes, Hindus/Indians as a group aren't considered barbaric of savage in either of US or UK.

Yes, they aren't liked by white population but even tbeir conservatives if have to, prefer to work with Hindus over any Islamic/African immigrant. Hindus/Indians are considered intelligent/humble/hardworking in general. Problem is that they are competing with whites for jobs in their own country rendering lot of white youth as jobless.

It's only a tiny % of crazy Evangelicals who see Hindus as savages. Overwhelming majority of Whites have a positive opinion on Hindus except when it comes to the Jobs part.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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As far as my interaction and knowledge goes, Hindus/Indians as a group aren't considered barbaric of savage in either of US or UK.

Yes, they aren't liked by white population but even tbeir conservatives if have to, prefer to work with Hindus over any Islamic/African immigrant. Hindus/Indians are considered intelligent/humble/hardworking in general. Problem is that they are competing with whites for jobs in their own country rendering lot of white youth as jobless.
That is ye olde colonial mindset, whiteys of the right winger variety have it even today but they wouldn't say it to your face.
Most whiteys are closeted racists anyway, and even whitey shitlibs hate us.


Senior Member
Feb 8, 2021
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That is ye olde colonial mindset, whiteys of the right winger variety have it even today but they wouldn't say it to your face.
Most whiteys are closeted racists anyway, and even whitey shitlibs hate us.
Whiteys don't have to love us. I personally don't love Whiteys and I consider them to be Mlechhas with some redeeming qualities.

Since I don't love Whiteys myself, I don't expect to be loved by them.

They have every right to display tribalism just like us.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Whiteys don't have to love us. I personally don't love Whiteys and I consider them to be Mlechhas with some redeeming qualities.

Since I don't love Whiteys myself, I don't expect to be loved by them.

They have every right to display tribalism just like us.
Except most aren't enlightened like us about tribalism on this forum.
But I guess everyone has to learn this bitter lesson eventually.

Perhaps that will result in diaspora Indian consolidation

Rassil Krishnan

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2019
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Anglos are such they will convert to Islam too in the future.
Anglos are also biased against hindus there because they are a passive community, unlike the mullahs who are a voting bloc, and also lobby for their child-raping co-religionists and lobby for qaummunity interests in general.

tbh I wish anti-Hindu and anti-Indian racism increases in these goora places, while India grows economically more and more and gets the commensurate infra and other development needed, skilled PIOs and NRIs can then come back to the mother country.

for e.g French jooz are migrating to Israel, never to return because of the sullah epidemic in France and apathy of French state towards the yehudim there.
its a double-edged sword,it can cause casualties to indian oriented people like dharmic in street terms but it can have a galvanizing effect.

in a way, these tensions only help our nationalist cause.we however need the base in india setup to cater to dharmic and civilizational struggle and warfare so that all those most likely trained and professional Indian-origin citizens return to bharat.

we need to be their israel or at least try to be so as much as possible.

you don't want too much acceptance too fast as that might cause too much assimilation like the indians in the Caribbean region.the US and UK are becoming such mosaic societies with tensions betwwen various religious and ethnic groups and self-segregation that it can ultimately bolster our narrative and our causes if we choose to exploit it.also the fence sitters will have to choose the nationalist path unlike if they were welcomed before.
Feb 16, 2009
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Indians in South Africa are already beginning to entertain the idea of having to move to India in the future.
This might be difficult for Indians who have not ever seen india for generations? From what I have heard from
Ugandan refugees in Canada , Indian government in the past never gave a dam about the diaspora. Looking
at other western countries that allow immigration for people with money maybe better option?


Senior Member
Feb 8, 2021
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This might be difficult for Indians who have not ever seen india for generations? From what I have heard from
Ugandan refugees in Canada , Indian government in the past never gave a dam about the diaspora. Looking
at other western countries that allow immigration for people with money maybe better option?
I agree that historically and even recently, Indian governments have been very disinterested in providing refuge to overseas Indians in need.

I see the CAA as the beginning of the tide turning. If we aspire to be a civilizational power, it's our job to take back Hindus/Indians in need. Work needs to be done on this front but I'm confident that 20-30 years from now, things would be vastly different compared to the apathetic Indian Governments we've had previously.

Social media is a big factor in alerting the average Indian about overseas affairs. If anything bad happens to Indians overseas, there'll be tremendous pressure on any ruling Indian Gov to provide them refuge.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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This might be difficult for Indians who have not ever seen india for generations? From what I have heard from
Ugandan refugees in Canada , Indian government in the past never gave a dam about the diaspora. Looking
at other western countries that allow immigration for people with money maybe better option?
This is the default option for many, but not everyone is rich/resourceful for all this if nignogs go into ethnic cleansing/pogrom mode.

It is correct about India not giving a flying fuck about the diaspora during Nehroo's time, apparently he wanted to be the Wusswagooru of the Non-Alignment Movement, of which nignog East African countries/regimes were a part, so he looked the other way.
Feb 16, 2009
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I frankly have no hope as far as diaspora is concerned. Too many self-hating Whitey worshippers in the diaspora.
Indians are not really a community no matter where they have settled they always divide themselves and hope it is someone else and not them. They are a shellfish, individualistic community ; not united in anyway but always further dividing themselves.


Senior Member
Feb 8, 2021
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Indians are not really a community no matter where they have settled they always divide themselves and hope it is someone else and not them. They are a shellfish, individualistic community ; not united in anyway but always further dividing themselves.
Indian state is partly to blame as well for this. What programs has the Indian Gov organized in order to bring unity among diaspora Indians and provide them a common platform?

In Guyana for example, Indians are routinely preyed upon by well organized Christian missionaries.

Now, would that be possible if a Hindu nationalist government in India would provide necessary support for Hindus? There's plenty of blame to assign to all parties involved. Rootless diaspora will inevitably stray. It's our fault for not providing them an avenue to stay connected to their roots.
Feb 16, 2009
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This is the default option for many, but not everyone is rich/resourceful for all this if nignogs go into ethnic cleansing/pogrom mode.

It is correct about India not giving a flying fuck about the diaspora during Nehroo's time, apparently he wanted to be the Wusswagooru of the Non-Alignment Movement, of which nignog East African countries/regimes were a part, so he looked the other way.
Unfortunately people will have to do anything to survive if shit hits the fan. I have rarely seen Indians do
anything as a community, But Indians should be armed and ready to protect their families at the least.
Feb 16, 2009
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Indian state is partly to blame as well for this. What programs has the Indian Gov organized in order to bring unity among diaspora Indians and provide them a common platform?

In Guyana for example, Indians are routinely preyed upon by well organized Christian missionaries.

Now, would that be possible if a Hindu nationalist government in India would provide necessary support for Hindus? There's plenty of blame to assign to all parties involved. Rootless diaspora will inevitably stray. It's our fault for not providing them an avenue to stay connected to their roots.
I hate to sound negative but once you leave India (and even in India) there is nothing the government
will do to help you.


Senior Member
Feb 8, 2021
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Unfortunately people will have to do anything to survive if shit hits the fan. I have rarely seen Indians do
anything as a community, But Indians should be armed and ready to protect their families at the least
South African Indians did this last year.

Private security firms run by Indians were defending Indian communities from Black rioters. Indians were armed to the tilt.




Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
Senior Member
Jun 5, 2017
diaspora Indian consolidation
That's all I care about, I don't give a shit about any other race just the Indians need to be together and strong.
50 million united Germans can fight 5 nation army. Imagine what 1 billion Indians can do, we can wipe out Anyone.

I was seething endlessly when mallu pajeets let out those two Italians sailors get away.
That Pastor needs to he hanged which said they must be forgiven since they were from the land of holy city.


Regular Member
Jun 22, 2021
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UK is slowly on its way to join the ummah.

Michael Gove urged to crack down on hate crimes against Muslims by adopting formal Islamophobia definition

Michael Gove is facing calls to crack down on worsening hate crimes against Muslims by reconsidering the Government’s failure to adopt a formal definition of Islamophobia.

In 2019, the Government had indicated it would seek to establish a working definition of Islamophobia in order to tackle the problem.

But this has reportedly been halted in recent months, with Communities Secretary Mr Gove having spoken out against the proposed definition in the past.

Sarah Owen, Labour’s Shadow Minister for Faith, and Afzal Khan, Parliamentary Chair of the Labour Muslim Network, wrote to Mr Gove urging him to use Islamophobia Awareness Month in November to tackle the mounting problem.

They pointed to “shocking” recent Home Office data showing that recorded incidents of hate crimes against Muslims in the UK rose by 42 per cent in the year ending March 2022.

“Hate crime against our many Muslim communities in the UK continues to be damaging and shameful – but too often it goes unreported, due to difficulties in identifying this particular type of religious and racial discrimination,” they said.

“A country cannot fully tackle an issue it cannot define.

“Myself and my colleague Afzal Khan MP, Parliamentary Chair of the Labour Muslim Network, are calling on you to seize the moment of this month to finally adopt the APPG for British Muslims’ definition of Islamophobia.”

They said Mr Khan had repeatedly written to successive Conservative Prime Ministers to ask for their assessment of the current scale of Islamophobia and had not had a response from any.

This is despite figures showing Muslims are the most targeted groups for religious hate crimes.

The definition agreed by the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) states: “Islamophobia is rooted in racism and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness.”

This was accepted by Labour but rejected by the Conservative Government. At the time, however, ministers said they would work towards agreeing on an official definition.

Ms Owen and Mr Khan said they were “deeply concerned” by recent reports that the Government is dropping all plans to adopt any definition.

“These reports have caused worry and insult to British Muslim communities,” they wrote, adding: “But by taking the simple step of adopting this clear and powerful definition, you will mark a sea change in our national (and the Conservative Party’s) approach to Islamophobia.”

A spokesperson for the Department of Housing, Communities and Levelling Up said: “Any anti-Muslim hatred is abhorrent, and we remain committed to stamping out all forms of religious prejudice. We will outline our next steps in due course.”

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