U.S. May Allow India to Join JSF Effort


Nov 16, 2009
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Sorry, but just a quick q - I am a bit confused between PAK FA and the FGFA - are they the same or different planes?

And has either one entered a prototype phase yet, or are they still much more on the drawing board (yet to take off, so to speak XD).
PAKFA: Russian 5th Gen fighter - Single Seat - 1st prototype flying since last year - Next prototype coming soon - Will enter RuAF duty by 2016-17

FGFA: Indian variant of PAKFA - Double seat - In design phase - Prototype status unknown - Expected to enter IAF duty by 2020.

For future reference - http://defenceforumindia.com/showthread.php?t=8276&page=72


Super Mod
Mar 24, 2009
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There is nothing wrong in having two 5th generation warplanes in IAF. I say this because the Chineese have J20. It make take them some time to develop a complete war ready J20 but they can produce in them in great numbers.

Also dont forget that once China has J20 it may be just a matter of time before Pakistan too has it. Considering all these factors it may not be a bad idea to have F35 and PAKFA together in IAF. It will show we are serious about the 2 front war doctrine.
India will indeed have 2 5th gen fighters. AMCA is indian fighter which is also going to materialize.


Regular Member
Apr 24, 2010
India will indeed have 2 5th gen fighters. AMCA is indian fighter which is also going to materialize.
God only knows when AMCA will be inducted into IAF. Going by the current standards it may happen only in 2050.


Super Mod
Mar 24, 2009
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Now that's what's called a lose comment. Base your assumptions on facts.


Regular Member
Oct 13, 2010
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Now that's what's called a lose comment. Base your assumptions on facts.
- We haven't still frozen AMCA (now it is called NGFA and PAK-FA is called PMF for the Indian Variant by the Russians) Design, its not confirmed.
- Work on AMCA is rumoured to begin mid 2011.
- Kaveri no where to be inducted even on LCA, let alone AMCA.
- No subsystems projected for AMCA.
- We don't even have ability to develop bubble canopy for a stealth project like AMCA.
- No developed weapons suite for AMCA, Astra is no where near induction.

SO, it is a dream for India to achieve it by 2020 as projected, but if we do so then it will surely be a great achievement.


Regular Member
Apr 24, 2010
Now that's what's called a lose comment. Base your assumptions on facts.
It is not a loose comment. It is based on the LCA experience. We have to accept one fact, we are far behind in the race for creating a 5th Gen war plane. I am sure when the AMCA is developed the Air Chief will just call it LCA++.


Senior Member
Jan 4, 2011
Isn't F 35 a project in making since 1980's ? ( i don't know - hence I ask). if so , how do we justify having India roll out a prototype to be tested in less than 9 years?


Senior Member
May 25, 2009
F-35 contract was signed in 1996. The 80s is for F-22. The first 2 prototypes of the F-35(competition between X-35 and X-32 which the X-35 won) flew in 2000. It was called X-35. The first F-35 prototype flew in 2006. It's only been 6 years since first flight and hence inductions are projected to be in 2014, 8 years from first flight. F-35 is taking so long because of multiple requirements from multiple airforces.

The F-22 took so long because Congress was debating on the role of the F-22. They thought F-22 will never have an equivalent adversary.

PAKFA took 3 years from design completion stage to first flight. Nobody knows when the PAKFA design stage started. But it's any time between 2002 and 2007 and was mainly held up due to questions in funding. PAKFA is a prototype rather than a TD. So, it will be a bit faster to induct. They expect 2015 for IOC.

AMCA design will start in 2011. They expect first flight is after 2018. That's 7-8 years and it seems logical we take longer than others. We probably plan on employing the MRCA's sensor fusion capability and technology in the AMCA and that's probably why it will take longer.


Senior Member
May 25, 2009
It is not a loose comment. It is based on the LCA experience. We have to accept one fact, we are far behind in the race for creating a 5th Gen war plane. I am sure when the AMCA is developed the Air Chief will just call it LCA++.
Not necessary. The LCA su*ks. But that would not mean our future endeavours would fail without giving it a shot. The LCA's problems were in its design and technology of the time. It is only a prototype for future versions and ADA was too optimistic. Now that the foundation is stronger and ADA knows its strengths and weaknesses the LCA Mk2 will be a better aircraft. Without looking at progress of Mk2 we cannot comment on AMCA considering the design engineers are the same.


Senior Member
Jan 4, 2011
How do start an AMCA design , when the design of FGFA has not been started yet? is it not important to learn from the FGFA project and its design? or I have it all confused now :)


Senior Member
May 25, 2009
How do start an AMCA design , when the design of FGFA has not been started yet? is it not important to learn from the FGFA project and its design? or I have it all confused now :)
FGFA is being handled by a different company called HAL. AMCA is being handled by ADA. Both companies have a team of design engineers.

HAL was involved in Mig-21Bison, Jaguar and Mig-27 upgrades along with Su-30MKI modification. Now they have a JV with Sukhoi for FGFA.

ADA designed and developed the LCA Mk1. They will be designing the Mk2 and then AMCA.

The work of these 2 companies are not easily interchangeable. Exchange of workers do happen I guess, but FGFA's progress is not affected by AMCA and vice versa.


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Isn't F 35 a project in making since 1980's ? ( i don't know - hence I ask). if so , how do we justify having India roll out a prototype to be tested in less than 9 years?
The thing is, ADA is doing an Arihant on us with the AMCA. We don't know how far the aircraft has progressed and being 5th gen and all that, we won't be given the details too soon and will be on a need-to-know basis only. In fact, when Arihant began, there were only rumours of a submarine project and people were laughing it off as well. So I don't think it would be a gasbag like what Tejas took time due to external factors. Tejas if not anything, has given ADA confidence of making a fighter. They had to take the baby steps before making the big one.

AMCA from what I understand, has already been successful in the design of a radar evading model. The 2008 pics say it all. The design although has not been frozen, even the JSF wasn't initially. Now guessing from the figures of JSF programme I am to take that it is a fine piece of tech but Americans tend to sometimes over-spend or overestimate something and hence the big figures.

How do start an AMCA design , when the design of FGFA has not been started yet? is it not important to learn from the FGFA project and its design? or I have it all confused now
AMCA designs have already been started long back.. the project model has been revealed almost twice (one pretty blurry pic with Naik in it). The FGFA experience will be used a lot for sure. We already are pretty good at composite technology, but other capabilities I don't know such as RAM coating, sensors etc (which may be still going on without us knowing). MFDs, mission computers and other such stuff is fine also. The only areas I think Indians are concerned is the AESA radar and propulsion since other elements would be borrowed from FGFA's properties.

F-35 may be advanced but it is a string tier. Before you call me a paranoid, check out US history and also the present where even their only tier-1 partner the UK is not allowed sensitive technology access. That is not acceptable by IAF. If you call it business, it is fine but we are trying to go independent here. If we wanted to get tied to US, we could have simply ordered a couple of 100 F series jets and canceled all local projects.

This problem of supplier offering us rather than customer preferring to buy thinking is what casts shadow on them. This offer didn't come before and only after US saw Netherlands, Australia, Norway and even now Turkey express second thoughts, did they start pressuring Japan and thought of offering us F-35. Kind gesture, but we will pass.

As for Pakistan getting offered F-35, let's see if they can even afford to buy a single squadron. You take ZAB's rhetoric of grass-eating a little too seriously. The people there are already fed up of a lot of internal problems. Most of them are anti-American even in their ministries except for Zardari and party. Buying another US jet would finish off their so-called economy and also tie them more to US.

Besides, the US is not even allowing UK access to sensitive tech... you think they will offer Pakistanis F-35 which will simply give Chinese access to everything they need to know? :rotfl:

Another thing that you are talking about Russians failing:

Russians are needing this more than us, though now with J-20 seen, we also need it equally. Remember their idea was to use this to counter the F-22. You think they would falter on such a huge and serious project? Those guys have 7 decades of experience in jet making and are the first who actually invented stealth concept. They want to to be able to keep Raptors off.

At that rate, since we are not going to be fighting the raptor off, even if it doesn't 100% match raptor's capabilities, it will be more than enough to ward of regional threats making us strong enough in South Asia.

Again, it is better to have 2nd best tech and be independent than 1st best and be puppet-strung. This is IAF philosophy.
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Senior Member
Sep 5, 2009
Yeah, its really stupid for anyone to suppose that the US will offer as a platform like F-35 to the Pakistanis ! At least not before 2020, even in the remote chance that it happens.


Senior Member
Sep 5, 2009
yes, there are some concerns on the cost overrun; but Israel didn't back out.

I have no clue on its flyaway cost. One thing I know for sure is that the total commitment to the program dwarfs that of PAK FA, which is only a few hundred. So, don't get too optimistic on the flyaway cost of PAK FA.
Don't get too optimistic either that the flyaway cost of the PAKFA is going to be more than the F-35. History has it that the Russians always came up stupendously good platforms to counter American aircraft of the same generation at a lower cost. I would bet my two cents, that whatever be the flying cost of the PAKFA, its cannot be more than that of the F-35.


Nov 16, 2009
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With own 5-Gen fighter project with Russia, India not keen on US jet

NEW DELHI: India has no plans as of now to either join the US-led joint strike fighter (JSF) programme or buy the F-35 `Lightning-II' fifth-generation fighter aircraft (FGFA) when it finally becomes operational.

"We cannot have two types of FGFA. We have already launched preliminary work for our FGFA after inking the $295 million preliminary design contract (PDC) with Russia last month,'' said a top defence ministry official on Friday.

This comes in the wake of comments made by a top Pentagon official, undersecretary of defence for acquisition, technology and logistics Ashton Carter, in Washington that the US was open to Indian participation in its JSF project.

Interestingly, the comments came during a function where an aggressive sales pitch was made for India to select either the American F/A-18 `Super Hornet' ( Boeing) or F-16 `Falcon' ( Lockheed Martin) over their European rivals in the ongoing IAF's medium multi-role combat aircraft (MMRCA) contest.

The other 4.5-generation fighters in the hotly-contested race to bag the $10.4 billion MMRCA project, under which 18 jets will be bought off-the-shelf and another 108 will be manufactured in India under transfer of technology, are Eurofighter Typhoon, Swedish Gripen (Saab), French Rafale (Dassault) and Russian MiG-35 (United Aircraft Corporation).

The IAF force matrix for the coming years revolves around the 270 Sukhoi-30MKIs contracted from Russia for around $12 billion, the 126 MMRCA and 120 indigenous Tejas Light Combat Aircraft, apart from upgraded MiG-29s and Mirage-2000s.

In the decades ahead, the advanced stealth FGFA to be developed with Russia will be the mainstay of India's combat fleet. "Our FGFA will be cheaper than the F-35. Moreover, the intellectual property rights of the FGFA will equally and jointly vest on both India and Russia, with full access to the source code and the like,'' said another senior official.

With a potent mix of super-manoeuvrability and supersonic cruising ability, the "swing-role'' FGFA will of course not come cheap. The cost of designing, infrastructure build-up, prototype development and flight testing has been pegged at around $11 billion, with India and Russia chipping in with $5.5 billion each.

Over and above this, each of the 250-300 FGFA India hopes to begin inducting from 2020 onwards will cost around $100 million each. In all, India will spend upwards of $35 billion over the next two decades in its biggest-ever defence project till now.

The Indian FGFA will primarily be based on the single-seater Sukhoi T-50, the prototype of which is already flying in Russia, but will include a twin-seater version and a more powerful engine with greater thrust.

"Its complete design will be frozen by the end of the 18-month PDC. Six to seven of its prototypes should be flying by 2017. After that, there will be 2,500 hours of flight-testing over 25 months before the series production begins in 2019,'' he said.



Senior Member
Sep 5, 2009
And all you folks, who are eager to see the F-35 get inducted into IAF, please don't forget that the 9 member nations committed to the program now, have a combined order of more than 3000 jets to be delivered to them beginning from 2018 onwards to 2030 or more. So anybody here thinks that if we do go for the F-35, we will get it before 2020, is simply daydreaming at best !! Remember the fact that Lockheed Martin commitments are to the member nation first, an after that they can consider the orders from new members if any. I had posted a link giving the detail of the deliveries to all member nation beginning from 2017-18 onwards on this forum previously on some other thread, I will did it up if it can be of any help.


Senior Member
Jan 4, 2011
clam down. nobody is eager to see f35 inducted. it is more of why not have a back up plan if FGFA turns out to be the Mig 35 of the 5th gen aircrafts.

but the whole discussion is moot now as the latest news saw the Indian govt. reject it.


Regular Member
May 26, 2010
And all you folks, who are eager to see the F-35 get inducted into IAF, please don't forget that the 9 member nations committed to the program now, have a combined order of more than 3000 jets to be delivered to them beginning from 2018 onwards to 2030 or more. So anybody here thinks that if we do go for the F-35, we will get it before 2020, is simply daydreaming at best !! Remember the fact that Lockheed Martin commitments are to the member nation first, an after that they can consider the orders from new members if any. I had posted a link giving the detail of the deliveries to all member nation beginning from 2017-18 onwards on this forum previously on some other thread, I will did it up if it can be of any help.

You must be kidding!?!?! As with the current world economy. Many JSF partner would love to postpone there F-35 Orders. Plus, nobody would have to postpone their entire order.

In short a small number of aircarft from different partners spread over several years. Hardly an issue at all...............


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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You must be kidding!?!?! As with the current world economy. Many JSF partner would love to postpone there F-35 Orders. Plus, nobody would have to postpone their entire order.

In short a small number of aircarft from different partners spread over several years. Hardly an issue at all...............

Yeah.. but what about $ 132 million apiece and still going up? For US this would not be a problem but what was expected to be $80-85 million apiece is now way beyond its expectation. Don't you think that is going to put a strain on rest of the member countries?


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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No Plans to Join the US-led F-35 Programme: India

NEW DELHI: India has no plans as of now to either join the US-led joint strike fighter (JSF) programme or buy the F-35 `Lightning-II' fifth-generation fighter aircraft (FGFA) when it finally becomes operational.

"We cannot have two types of FGFA. We have already launched preliminary work for our FGFA after inking the $295 million preliminary design contract (PDC) with Russia last month,'' said a top defence ministry official on Friday.

This comes in the wake of comments made by a top Pentagon official, undersecretary of defence for acquisition, technology and logistics Ashton Carter, in Washington that the US was open to Indian participation in its JSF project.

Interestingly, the comments came during a function where an aggressive sales pitch was made for India to select either the American F/A-18 `Super Hornet' ( Boeing) or F-16 `Falcon' ( Lockheed Martin) over their European rivals in the ongoing IAF's medium multi-role combat aircraft (MMRCA) contest.

The other 4.5-generation fighters in the hotly-contested race to bag the $10.4 billion MMRCA project, under which 18 jets will be bought off-the-shelf and another 108 will be manufactured in India under transfer of technology, are Eurofighter Typhoon, Swedish Gripen (Saab), French Rafale (Dassault) and Russian MiG-35 (United Aircraft Corporation).

The IAF force matrix for the coming years revolves around the 270 Sukhoi-30MKIs contracted from Russia for around $12 billion, the 126 MMRCA and 120 indigenous Tejas Light Combat Aircraft, apart from upgraded MiG-29s and Mirage-2000s.

In the decades ahead, the advanced stealth FGFA to be developed with Russia will be the mainstay of India's combat fleet. "Our FGFA will be cheaper than the F-35. Moreover, the intellectual property rights of the FGFA will equally and jointly vest on both India and Russia, with full access to the source code and the like,'' said another senior official.

With a potent mix of super-manoeuvrability and supersonic cruising ability, the "swing-role'' FGFA will of course not come cheap. The cost of designing, infrastructure build-up, prototype development and flight testing has been pegged at around $11 billion, with India and Russia chipping in with $5.5 billion each.

Over and above this, each of the 250-300 FGFA India hopes to begin inducting from 2020 onwards will cost around $100 million each. In all, India will spend upwards of $35 billion over the next two decades in its biggest-ever defence project till now.

The Indian FGFA will primarily be based on the single-seater Sukhoi T-50, the prototype of which is already flying in Russia, but will include a twin-seater version and a more powerful engine with greater thrust.

"Its complete design will be frozen by the end of the 18-month PDC. Six to seven of its prototypes should be flying by 2017. After that, there will be 2,500 hours of flight-testing over 25 months before the series production begins in 2019,'' he said.


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