Tiger or Lion- who is the king of beast?

Who do you think is the King of Beasts?

  • Tiger

    Votes: 45 69.2%
  • Lion

    Votes: 20 30.8%

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Regular Member
Dec 29, 2015

The Buddha has often been described in leonine terms since the lion is the most powerful and noblest of the beasts

It was Aesop who first crowned the lion king of the beasts...Within the span of historic record, the lion inhabited most of Africa, India, and the Middle East, as well as Greece. ... century B.C. they had disappeared from Greece, and during the past two millennia they have vanished from the Middle East, North Africa, and the ...
Big Cats - Page 41 Barbara Radcliffe Rogers -

The Indian lion has long been celebrated as the Lord of Beasts, and it became a symbol for human power and sovereignty
Lions: King of Beasts - Page 11

As known to us, the lion is one of the strongest animals on earth and the eagle in the sky, both represent power and authority
Purātattva - Issue 36 - Page 265

Several other feline species infest the Indian jungle, but the lion, largest of all and in the popular fancy regarded as even more powerful than the tiger, has almost ceased to exist on the mainland since the beginning of the present century.

Most likely lions of india, when they were more wide spread, were the only ones truely who killed, blue bull, sambar, guar, rhino and elephant, who lions were also probably immune to predation from wild dogs, the tigers number 1 killer in the natural world.

And its not like preying on asian elephants are such a grand of a feat compared to african ones:

african rhino superior weapon via horn

I dont see what a indian rhino can do offensively:

Looking back at the Ashoka placements:

Again, its interesting that there is a high cultivation of the lion along the ganges rivers
Ganga well lion

Gangaikonda Cholapuram Temple Lion Water well

The ganges yamuna

It is known from historical evidence that the 16th and 17th centuries, Ganga-Yamuna region was covered with dense forests. These forests wild elephant , buffalo , rhino, lion, tiger and bison was the victim of

31’st of March, 1851, In the “Landshuter Zeitung” (“German: Landshut Newspaper”)

A drama at the Ganges.

I’ll tell of one of these terrible fights, one you wouldn’t see again in a hundred years, a scene of blood and death that forever will haunt my mind. […] The lion and his rival, the tiger, need air and space in great quantity. Here, and only here, are they really able to live and to rule. […] (A long description of lions and tigers and how fierce both of them are, the actual event follows now) A Malayan slave ran towards us and shouted: “Lion! Lion! Down there, at the river! It’s a big, fierce lion!”

“One more reason to take shelter in the house,” continued the colonel. “Come, my friends, take the weapons! The lion is a troublesome guest.”

We closed the house’s doors; the slaves got weapons and guarded the basement. We, to welcome this guest admirably, climbed up to the gallery from which we could overlook the Ganges. An unusually big lion walked haughtily down there, not looking around as he does when he has to fight an opponent, but instead ambling slowly and thoughtfully like a philosopher, he walked there. He stopped from time to time to rest a minute, and then continued majestically his way. Under a magnificent palm, he stopped, turned around two times, and finally lay down in the shadow. This was the rest of a magnificent ruler that had nothing to fear from any adversary. He rested easily, as do those who have made no enemies.

Scarcely ten minutes had the lion lain there, when suddenly, he jumped up as though struck by lightning, roaring very deeply and scratching the ground with both hind legs, as though challenging an adversary. He lowered his head and, in a single bound, jumped at the palm’s stem to look about, to the right and left. Then he jumped down to ground to wait again, and his gaze lingered at one particular spot on the horizon.

“An enemy seems to approach,” the colonel said, “a terrible enemy, if we look at the lion’s reaction. I predict that it will be a fierce fight, and many rich people would pay a great sum to see it if they were here right now.”

“And why,” I asked, “don’t they stage some fights from time to time, if they would pay so much?”

“Because what we have here is very rare. The lion won’t fight against a human but against a fierce animal, one as strong as he himself, such as a rhinoceros, an elephant, or a tiger.”

“A tiger! It’s really a tiger!” one of us shouted pointing a finger at the dangerous beast which jumped in huge leaps towards the lion. It was breathtaking, our eyes wandered from the lion to the tiger and from the tiger to the lion. The lion still was lurking. It was a terrible spectacle and we wagered who will win. Now they stood eyeball to eyeball with each other. They’d seen each other and wouldn’t leave unless one of them was lying dead at the ground. The tiger was unbelievably huge and beautiful with his long black stripes distributed all over his yellowish body. His fearful eyes seemed to burn, his head was lowered. We stood, at the most, 200 feet away. The sun shone brightly, so we could see their every move. I don’t think I have to mention that our hearts were in our mouths. The tiger closed in on the lion, but the lion remained calm. In the latter, we could see the force of the calmness in his powerful position; in the tiger, one could believe to see the violent tension of someone who has the impudence to disrespect a close danger, one who had the will to assault it. We could see a certain twitch in his legs, but he wasn’t about to flee. Did the crouching tiger want to kill the lion? I believe it did, and I admire the royal tiger’s courage, he would rather lie down in a burning furnace than be accused of cowardice!

The lion had not moved at all, but we could see what was happening inside him by looking at his erected mane. From time to time, his countenance suggested a submissive gesture. But he, the king of animals, didn’t want to show any fear, but rather boldness, to his opponent. A duel was now inevitable. For the tiger it may be a glorious day, but for the lion it was certainly a festive day.

With one leap, they could grab, bite, tear each other; with one leap they’d jump over the space of 20 feet that separated them from each other. Then, they leaped! The crash equaled the crash of two ships in a tempest! We could hear the bones breaking under the weight of their terrible paws, we could see chunks of flesh falling to the ground. They made no sound, but their gruff moaning indicated their rage and pain. Neither showed superiority and we wondered who would win. If the lion were to think that he had overpowered the tiger, the latter could earn the victory with a single move, shattering the surprised lion.

The fight now lasted 10 minutes, and suddenly, as if they came to an agreement, both loosened their grip to gain their breath again. It was the motionlessness of the rage, but it was the calmness of the king. A few moments later, an unexpected incident which resurrected the fight took place: The tiger, which saw not only his defeat but also his death, used the moment. While his opponent was licking his wounded hind leg, he leaped 10 feet up the palm’s stem and stayed there. The lion looked around and couldn’t see his foe anymore; he roared, looked upwards, and he jumped at the tiger. But in this position it was impossible to continue the fight. They knew that only one of them would survive. The tiger jumped down and the lion followed him, but his leg caused him to shiver. A long fight wasn’t possible any more. Their claws were blunted, their jaws were tired, and they had lost much blood.

The fighters’ jaws were wedged in each other as they bit at each others’ heads; we could feel the bones crushing. Suddenly the tiger retreated, wavered and fell down. The lion seized him with his terrible paws and it seemed like he wanted to punish the defeated opponent for his resistance.

He didn’t loosen his grip, the merciless king of the forest, the feared lord of the wilderness; he tore the tiger apart, he crushed its skull. Suddenly a crocodile appeared out of the river. It seized the lion at his injured hind leg and dragged him into the water. The only remains of this fight were the dead tiger under the palm and some read streams of blood on the water surface.
http://books.google.de/books?id=ght...Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=löwe tiger kampf&f=false-



Regular Member
Dec 29, 2015

At one end of the preserve, on the river bank, large expanses of land were enclosed by bamboo fences or iron railings for wild animal combat. These were exactly opposite Shah Manzil on the other side of the river, which is very narrow at this spot. The King, his guests and his companions would sit in the shade of elaborate marquees decorated with gold and silver thread on the upper terrace of Shah Manzil. In ease and comfort they watched the uproar and confusion of combat across the river.

It was easy enough to make beasts of prey and rutting elephants fight each other but it was a very difficult matter to control these fights. If a rutting elephant or a tiger escaped from a cage all was confusion and many lives could be lost. But the people had become so adept at these dangerous operations that European travellers who were present at the court have testified in their diaries that there were none in the world better at looking after, training and controlling the wild animals than these keepers. They brought the elephants and beasts of prey into the arena, let them loose and exercised control over them...Tigers were often pitted against leopards, but the leopards were so powerful that the tigers could hardly ever beat them.

~Abdul Halim Sharar, ‎Rosie Llewellyn-Jones, ‎Veena Talwar Oldenburg

Amorous tiger dies trying TAIPING, Tues. A lonely old tiger which amorously tried to lay its paws on a lioness was killed by the female at the zoo here at the weekend. Until then the two had been freindly. And the lioness had not minded the tigers approuches a zoo keeper said. The killing happned when there were few visitors at the zoo. Appearntly taking advantage of the privacy, the old tiger entered the den of the lioness. A fight followed, ending in the death of the tiger. Zoo officials could only watch helplessly.
~The Straits Times, 2 May 1984, Page 44



Regular Member
Dec 29, 2015
lol That lions name is thunderbolt, and tiger sipyukgang, as already shown Jeong sangjo owner of everland lions/tigers stated the tiger lost, showing a gif of mike tyson getting punch, doesnt mean he lost the whole fight, as Jeong stated the lions dominated 10+ years there. lol Why didnt your gif show the lion running away? Because thunder bolt kicked sipyukgangs ass after... And thats exactly what he said didnt he? Go re-read, jeong stated the tigers striking is fast but only tapping value, in other words... weak, compared to the lions one hit knock outs:

tigers are afraid of lions:

tigers afraid:

tigers scared:

3 tigers petrified:

tigers chickens:

Frontiers of Fear: Tigers and People in the Malay World, ...
Most observers agree that the tiger usually attacks from behind...Though ferocious, they are cowardly

Forest of Tigers: People, Politics and Environment in the

The masks were given on the assumption that, as the tiger normally attacks from behind,

We were the less apprehensive of any personal danger, knowing that the tiger is
a very cowardly animal, and seldom makes an open attack
The New Monthly Magazine
If he becomes restless, as he is apt to do when not gorged with food, a shout is
generally sufficient to prevent his breaking cover ; for, with all his ferocity, the tiger
is a cowardly animal,

Nature Contained: Environmental Histories of Singapore

The natives say that the tiger almost always attacks from behind,

TO THE MOUNTAIN TOPS: A Sojourn Among The Lahu of Asia

No one will trail a wounded tiger, for unlike other animals, it usually allows the
trailing party to pass, then attacks from behind,
It seems the tiger is a sneaky beast who waits until its victim turns his back and
then attacks from behind

The tiger, incapable of tolerating a stare, always attacks from behind

The World Heritage Sites of UNESCO.: Nature sanctuar
This is the only 'defense' they have against the ferocious Bengal tiger, which, it is
said, only attacks from behind

Around the World with General Grant: A Narrative of the

The tiger, who is really a cowardly animal, retreats before the

They are loners. In fact, after mating, a male tiger will abandon its mate and actually kill its male offspring later on if encountered in its territory

1 lion can whip 5+ tigers at once, 1 tiger cant even take on two juvenile lions at once.


Scene in the Himalaya Mountains. atlast it mustered its strength and struck the tiger so hard that it fell and soon was dead.

You should then write a book on how the tiger is a god because it can swim, kills calfs, has fangs and jump. I'll be sure to pick up your 1 page book in the kiddie section. lol


Regular Member
Dec 29, 2015
^^Spammer this is 21st century stop posting selective idiotic paintings&edicts of 19th century.

The only reason Tiger never killed an African elephants or Rhinos because they lives in Africa (not in Asia/India). :p

Tigers have huge canines,claws,muscle,intelligence and Beauty compared to savanna scavengers.
lol no, only lions kill rhinos and elephants in level'd ground, tigers attack weak, nearly hornless elephants/rhinos who are stuck in swampy mud packs:

Lion Predation on Elephants in the Savuti, Chobe National Park, Botswana

A pride of lions killed one elephant every three days. Seven of eight elephants killed were between four and 11 years old, as deduced from molar teeth ageing, and this age group represented over half the kills recorded by Joubert ( 2006 )

The Lions of Savuti: Hunting with the Moon records something like 15 years of observations, and even in 1990 the Jouberts were estimating that about 20% of the Savuti lion's diet was made up of elephant.


Males amounted to 236 confirmed attempts versus 38 for females!). They adopted a special hunting style that they use for other dangerous large prey animals, attacking from the back by ambush. And during all these hunts (which totaled 74 kills out of 323 attempts) only one lion was confirmed injured.


The two Lionesses had just brought down an elephant cow of approximately ten years old.

~Funston P. J Mills M. G. L. Biggs H.C & Richardson P.R.K 1998 Hunting by male lions: Ecological influences and socioecological Patterson, B.D 2004
The Lions of Tsavo: Exploring the Legacy of Africa's Notorious Man-Eaters McGraw-Hill, New York.

~Schaller G. 1972 The Serengeti Lion University of Chicago Press Chicago.

Dr. Mervyn Cowie witnessed:

Adult male rhino was injured by lions runs near humans to find protection.

Lions kill yet another rhino! Phinda's north pride has managed to kill their fourth white rhino in as many years. The prides dominant male, we believe him to be around 250kg , with the weight and power to accomplish such a feit. One of these kills was witnessed, and started out with the sub-adults chasing and almost "playing" with the rhino . When the dominant male got up and grabbed the rhino over its muzzle, the rest of the pride subsequently took interest and started to jump on the rhino's back, untill the animal was brought down. The male took half an hour to then suffocate the animal. Lets hope they don't start taking interest in our black rhino!!

Lions Kill White Rhino The coalition of male lions at Exeter has finally killed again, this after numerous failures earlier in the week. Amazingly, four of the six males killed a sub-adult White Rhino last night.

Lions were seen moving away from rhinos which had deliberately advanced when they had become aware of the presence of the pride (Goddard 1967). Goddard further reported that, in August 1967, a sub-adult lion attempted to attack an 11 month old rhino calf. The mother was close at hand and engaged the lion. The lion bit the females hock and clawed its thigh but was gored twice by the rhino in the centre of the ribs and then in the centre of the neck followed by a blow through the base of the jaw that killed it.

A freshly killed, black rhino carcass was found with an adult male lion by Elliot (1987) in Umfolozi Game Reserve. There were signs of a struggle and well defined claw and tooth marks on the neck of the rhino which had a horn length of 18-20 cm making it probably two year old. It was concluded that there was strong circumstantial evidence that the lion had killed the rhino.

The article offers information on the predation of the African Black Rhinoceros by lions and its effects on the population performance of the species. The decline of their population growth rate since 2009.
lion’s kill 3 rhino’s in 1995

Young mature rhino was killed by a pride of lion near Lerai Forest. The rhino had been battered around its neck which was lacerated by lion claws; as there was no evidence on the ground of a fight or struggle I can only

On the other hand, the Swedish naturalist, Wahlberg, once had an opportunity of watching several lions attack a rhino. The fight was terrible, and finally the big beast succumbed to the aggressors.

Lions have been known in a few exceptional cases to attack and kill a rhino.

Not far from this pride another pride in Linyanti Botswana specializes in killing Hippo.

Fourth hippo killed.
The five male lions coalition (Notch & sons) killed a Hippo near Rekero last night. I found them this morning feeding ont he hippo, though Notch himself had already eaten and was sleeping in the shade about a hundred metres for the carcass.
As the morning sun started getting hot, the lions left the carcass one by one untill only one was left and this one decided to guard the carcass from the Hyenas that were waiting around.
While watching this, some four Buffalo bulls came towards the carcass. They soon picked the scent of the lions and they started charing at two males that were sleeping in the bush, driving them away from the vicinity of the carcass, although Notch was spared since he was a bit further. The Buffaloes left breifely before coming back and started chasing the lions again around. This time they went upto the carcass and drove away the one that was watching over it, and drove them away including Notch.
After this drama which lasted half of the morning, the Buffaloes gave up and left the lions to continue with feast. This is the fourth Hippo we have seen recently killed by the five. It seems they are now tunring to the Hippos since there is not much else to hunt.

lion have killed and fed
off three hippos this month

Besides isolated cases of Hippo predation by Lions their main threat is from humans. That said there is a pride of Lions in northern Botswana that used to prey on Hippo regularly. The majority of Hippo / predator interaction is from Hippo defending their territories from roaming predators.

Filmed in Botswana, from about 10 feet away from the lion. The lion had killed the hippo the night before. The hippo is belly up.


when the tigers element of ambush is out, all the records shows the tiger is the poorest fighter of the big cats:


(Fateh singh)


Boar mauls tiger

very large tiger had a fight with a wild pig, and which do you think won. Why, the pig. The tiger was found dead, lying in the tea garden, with wounds all over him, ribs broken, and a severe gash across the shoulder. I

had but to give the coup de grace and the fight would have been ended. He, however, turned away. The boar recovered, rushed at the tiger, and disembowelled him.

We beat back again for the coverts, and once more dividing our party, we were lucky in spearing five young boars before lunch. Every one of them fought well. These boars of the Koosee Dyaras are all plucky animals. Instances have been known in which they have even proved too much for the royal Tiger himself. One of these encounters I myself once witnessed

the tiger could recover the boar dashed underneath his guard, as a prize-fighter would say, and actually bore him back by main strength. The tiger cried out with pain and rage and fought with teeth and claws, while the tusks of the boar were cutting him through like sword-blades. The tiger tried to get clear of the boar, with the evident intention of fighting at longer range, but the boar, grim and silent, stuck to him as relentlessly as death itself. In a short time the tiger was so fearfully gored that he endeavored to crawl away from his antagonist, but the boar followed him, and never stopped attacking even after every vestige of life had vanished from the almost shapeless remains of the tiger. Finally the boar paused, and, after looking carefully over the remains of his enemy, as if to make sure that he was dead, crawled away and lay down to rest.

The two looked at one another for some minutes, and then the boar walked out and stood in the middle of the cage, evidently challenging the tiger to fight, which, however, he declined to do, trying, on the contrary, to sink lower to the ground, and to press closer to the bars of the cage, clearly showing a strong desire to avoid contact All attempts to rouse the tiger having failed, the trap-door was raised and he swiftly fled. This in a way confirmed what I had heard from native hunters of the full-grown wild boar being sometimes more than a match for the tiger, when not taken unawares. One of them told me that he and others had found the remains of a tiger and a boar which had evidendy fought to the death, the signs showing the tiger to have died first, the boar going away some distance before he fell to his deadly hurts. thought the tiger had attacked the ** sounder" party of pigs which the boar was with, and that he struck first in defence of his family.

Several instances are on record of desperate fights between a large boar and a tiger, and in not a few the tiger has been killed.

There are records of gaur and buffalo goring tigers and of wild boars disemboweling them with their tusks

Adult tigers are occasionally disemboweled by rogue boars

a tiger was found dead cut up by a boar

Bull kills tiger

Madras fight, bull defeats tiger:

crocodiles kill tigers:


We are told of frequent combats between the crocodile and the tiger. All creatures of the tiger kind are continually oppressed by a parching thirst, that keeps them in the vicinity of great rivers, whither they descend to drink very frequently. It is upon these occasions that they are seized by the crocodile; and they die not unrevenged. The instant they are seized upon, they turn with the greatest agility, and force their claws into the crocodile's eyes, while he plunges with his fierce antagonist into the river. There they continue to struggle for some time, till at last the tiger is drowned.

(Tigers dont seem to have escaped in water)

There they continue to struggle, till the tiger is drowned.

4 dogs kill a big tiger at hagenbecks
http://newspapers.library.wales/view/3733461/3733464/16/lion tiger fight

Elephants and rhinos are the least of the tigers problems in the heiarchy of the animal Kingdom:

Bulls>>Lions>crocodiles>>Boars>>>wild dogs>>leopards>>regular dogs>>tigresses>>male tigers

You must have not gotten the memo by now, what ever the tiger hunts in india so did the asiatic lion, there are thousands to millions of historic statues that depict this through out all of india:

(indian lions aka babur sher the greater tiger, aka singh the king of power, defeating elephants statues)

That means, guars, water buffalo, indian rhinos and elephants were easier token by lions than anything...what the tiger ate, so did leo persica, but what the leo ate in africa would destroy a tiger 100/100 times, hyena clans 30+ would win 100/100 times, hippo would snap a tiger in half with one bite, giraffes would kick his head off, a bull eland would impale a tigers brains out, the cape buffalo aka the black death having 300 more members than water buffalo and guar with being more aggressive would toss the tigers dead body around for hours, african wild dogs would mutilate tigers the same as red dogs aka dhole, aka the whislting death, aka the 50 lb dogs that have killed thousands of tigers in indias history...a bull african elephant would catch the tiger with his truck and splatter his brains all over the ground, and the white and black rhinos 2-3 foot horns would decimate the tigers existance, the little leopard would have his share killing juvi and some adult tigers too since tigers dont have manes, and even the small cheetah would be making off wiith tiger cubs...hence tigers, never made it to africa...but lions dominated the largest land masses of open grounds.
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Regular Member
Oct 15, 2010
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As I remember a animal planet documentary, tighter is generally bigger and weighs more than a lion but a lion is more likely to attack and win a fight with tiger. Tiger doesn't take risk because they are lonly creatures, a injury means starvation and death where as lion can still survive with the help of his herd.

Also IMO lions might not be able to win a one vs one fight with a elephant.

A chauhan

"अहिंसा परमो धर्मः धर्म हिंसा तथैव च: l"
Senior Member
Oct 10, 2009
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Too much of skirting information, I am not hoping to see " Lion shits 2 kgs , a tiger shits 1 kg so Lion is better" :huh:

For you kind information tigress doesn't have balls and male lion has BIG HAIR
Lol! True !


Regular Member
Dec 29, 2015
Spammer see if two males (lion & tiger) are fighting result is this. btw stop spamming with small tigress with Big lion.For you kind information tigress doesn't have balls and male lion has BIG HAIR :p

lol I only see sipyukgang landing 2 weak shots which the lion dodged the other two misses. (just like clyde beatty said, they miss alot and then tire them selves out.

Ha ha ha, thats because you never read the dvd collection winter safari and power struggle by jeong sangjo...the owner of these animals, you retard. Thats thunder bolt and sipyuk ganag, gang lost the whole fight, the 3 white bengal tigesr kahn, roar and backhoe was dominated by the lion posco, the biggest tiger there is only 230 kg whihc is sipyuk gang the male siberian, the bengals are all smaller than him. The lion venus was repeatedly going into the seolchinda zone where the tigers are and dominating them. Hong man was the biggest lion there who dominated all the tigers and lions, until identity the lion dethrowned him with his 3 brothers, techno posco and thunder bolt.

Yiyongpil zookeeper watched a power struggle since the opening of the safari內is "Meanwhile, the frequent change of government, but after the April 2000" POSCO "are accounted for supremacy Safari內has become relatively calm," he said.He explained the reason for this is that POSCO is currently recognized as a champion integration."" POSCO "Ahi is also fighting tooth for now.However, given the snacks look more hierarchies that it is easy to see how if caught.If there are spun the jeep safari內to give the chicken as a snack for the animals at this time, "POSCO" throw this in the "hosik" POSCO stands approaching its halfway point only."Hosik" Ido course a situation that looks interested deombiji not dare to eat.
~ korean news-monthly.chosun.com

There are 4 statements given by 4 of the zoo keepers there all state the lions dominated, the keepers are:

Yong-Gwan Song
Leyoung phil
and head keeper jeong sangjo

Ya dumbass. They have to constantly used the cars in there to beep the horns and drive the lions off from killing the tigers...everland is dominated by lions.

lol More and more lies from the butt hurt tiger fan who wish tigers had manes (lol look at your avatar, you just wish they had manes), wished they hit as hard as lions, wish they were as brave, aggressive and battle experienced. Jeong sangjo gave names for all the tigers, and mostly were stated as males...too bad for you you cant call them females because he already pointed out they were males. lol Just like the tiger fans who called the jungle jim movie 1934 a female tiger, the tigers named is satan, owned by melvin koontz the lion named jackie, the lion won, just like the big cage clyde beatty, tiger fans said it was a female sumatran, the tigers (3) tommy, bobby and third were all males, the movie the king of the jungle had mabel stark use 2 male tigers which she lost her 1,000 dollar bet, the gir fight had a male as shown his balls...all the fights you tiger fans edited and called tigresses, lol that just shows how butt hurt and pathetic you are.




This is exactly the reason why the tiger is only on 2 flags while the lion is world wide, whenever both were brought together they saw the tiger as the cowardly animal, and the lion the brave and noble King....as shown all the hunters said the tiger was a cowardly animal, all the naturlist said the tiger was a cowardly animal, the biologist said he was a passive animal who doesnt like to fight and even the natives who wear masks on the back of their head stated the tiger is a cowardly animal, hence never a title as king...the lion is the exact opposite:

Kidnapped Ethiopian girl rescued by caring, protective lions | Grist

So in the wild, its a natural state to be protective and magnanimous...this means its embeded in their genes, most think its a fluke, yet we can see through out time, lions have been recorded saving things who are attacked by stronger foes:


When a tiger actually attacked Baumann in the cage during a performance, a lion
attacked the tiger


"Getting bit by a tiger is worse than getting shot or stabbed, because there's so much pressure or force behind it," recalls Clayton Rosaire, who was once bitten on the top of the head while trying to break up a tiger tussle. "It's like getting hit by a car with nails." Kay Rosaire still bears scars from a live performance in 1991, when a tiger grabbed and dragged her by the hip. She was saved when a lion intervened and swatted the tiger away. http://www.ticketsarasota.com/plus/


Lioness saves trainer from tiger:


Clyde's favorite is Louie, whose specialty is long distance leaping. Louie is the noted trainer's friend because Louie' once saved Clyde's life. A few years ago when Clyde was breaking in a new group of lions, and was hard at work on a barrel rolling lion, one of the tigers leaped from his high pedestal onto Beatty's back. The trainer was knocked across the arena, and, as he fell, the tiger shifted his attack, sinking his teeth into Beatty's arm. Then it was that Louie went into action.' He leaped from his pedestal onto the attacking beast.

tiger attacks trainer, saved by lion:
https://books.google.com/books?id=R...&q=training the big cats roman proske&f=false


Nero the lion had killed the feline tiger Pasha, in saving Beatty's life

Clyde beatty saved by lion:

Does it t-il? A generous Lion sees bottom of his den, this unequal fight. Aiguilloné'par his big courage, it thrusts himself iron retirement, it throws himself on the Tiger, & the is anxious the throat. .... The vast Forest resounds to the far of its terrible rugisfemens. At last, it strong conqueror of the fight; the swiming Tiger in his blood is spread on the arene. The Lion tramples it to the feet The Traveler, fearing the couroux of the Hero, asks him life: then the majestic Lion of an air looks at it, & it returns satisfies in his den.
https://books.google.com/books?id=U...age&q=le lion le tigre et le voyageur&f=false


Lion saves trainer from numerous leopards, bears tigers
https://books.google.com/books?id=V...ween a lion and tiger attacked killed&f=false


At Birr, in Ireland, in 1839, when ' a keeper of wild beasts, being within the den, had fallen accidentally upon a tiger, who immediately caught the man by the thigh, in the presence of numerous spectators; but a lion, being in the same compartment, rose up, and seizing the tiger by the neck, compelled it to let go, and the man was saved.' Numerous anecdotes of a similar character are recorded both by ancient and modern writers.
https://books.google.com/books?id=0...&q=At Birr, in Ireland, in 1839, when&f=false

(18th century)

made a spring at Sylvenus, and just when his gun missed fire and he thought it all up with him, the lion leaped in the air caught the tiger by the neck, and killed it. he said after that he never could be induced to take the life of a lion, the kindest and gentlest of wild beast
https://books.google.com/books?id=K...his gun missed fire and he thought it&f=false

You still think that these artifacts are based on nothing? Or are they actual documentations emited back then of lions saving humans, with nobility, mangnaminity and courage in india, rome, britain, ect:









Via ~ Aesop, John gay, Unwari-suhali, Richard westall

Now to the people who seen the lion who he really was:

The character which the early naturalists have ascribed to the lion and the tiger,
— the former being represented by them as a noble animal, capable of the most
generous conduct
, while the latter is described to be without one redeeming trait

His anger is noble ; his courage magnanimous ; his disposition gratesul: he despises contemptible enemies, and neglects their insults when he might punish them. ... The lion is not cruel, since he never kills more than he consumes : When satiated, he is gentle ; while the tiger, the wolf, the fox, and others kill without remorse.

Lets compare who has the true elements of bravery or cowardice:

Lion Hunting and Sporting in Algeria
others are silent—that voice which tells of the strength and courage of the strongest and most courageous animal on the face of the earth

It has been frequently asserted that the lion is not the magnanimous and
courageous animal
In other words the male lion protects the family group while the female lion
provides for it.
  • Lions

    Therese Shea - ‎2012 - Preview - More editions
    Male lions protect their pride and their territory from other lions. Male lions leave their scent on trees and bushes to tell others to stay away. Their loud roars are also a message to other lions.
  • Lions: Life in the Pride

    Adele Richardson - ‎2002 - Preview
    ... are the only cats with a mane. A mane helps male lions look big and strong. A lion's mane is not fully grown until the lion is 5 years old. The mane becomes darker as the lion grows older. A pride has its own territory. Male lions protect the pride
  • Lions

    Victor Gentle, Janet Perry - ‎2001 - Preview
    Male lions protect the pride's territory from predators — and from other lions. This male rubs a tree to leave his scent on 8 it. That warns other males who might fight .5 him — or kill his cubs. LIONESSES TAKE THEIR POSITIONS Lionesses ...
  • the chicken
  • Leopardess >>> Male bengal tiger


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Both the lion and tiger are beasts, but neither impresses me more than the elephant.

There are plenty of anecdotal evidences in this thread. Each fight is a new fight. We can never tell who will win.

There is no way either a tiger or lion can beat an elephant. Many to one fights are different. In such a case, even a bunch of water buffaloes can destroy an adult male lion or tiger. There is a stuffed tiger at the Corbett National Park. It died after picking a fight with an elephant and then losing it.

BTW, there are instances of humans defeating lions and tigers too, but those are exceptions. As I said, every fight is a new fight.


Regular Member
Dec 29, 2015
Can you lease ban/restrict this guy he is nothing but a spammer see his posts everything is copy pasted and only limited to LIONS.No relevance to the contest spam&more spam.

Tiger killed&eaten Adult male Elephants.

Check this http://animalsversesanimals.yuku.com/topic/2551#.VouiBxV97IU

Of-course head to head tiger has no chance against elephant.

BTW This thread is about tiger&lion comparison.And African Lions are 42kg less weight,with less claw/canine size and poor agility/intelligence so it is obvious it will lose against Bengal Tiger. :D

Thats because you are retarded, no one interested in the truth or science will agree with your rants, anyone can see all your fails and lies, the only person should be banned is you, not only for constantly lieing, constantly being exposed, constantly being a crybaby...but just for the way you carry your self...Relevance? XD Everything is 100% relevant, male tigers being beaten up and killed, with photos, videos, exerpts from experts, showed lions way pass the weights tigers can get in the 21st century, double the sizes in photos, showed links where they hunt things twice as big as tigers, and lol your link about elephants...wheres your so call yesterday videos then? All of them are unverified, anyone can assume a elephant was killed if they stumbled on a tiger eating a carcass, or a elephant injured from something else then blame tigers. You dont have any video of a single tiger even quarreling with anything pass 1,000 kg...only calves.

You're just mad that tigers have been killed by:

Female leopards
Female bears
Female tigers
Female lions
Wild dogs

More than 200x's all the animals you claimed the tiger would win 100/100, because of some imaginary 42kg weight...all the people shown have hands on experience with lions and tigers, that person raul hasnt even seen either or wild, that wasnt even a biologist, just a fan...type in his name on google and show all of us his biology academics then? ha ha ha, he doesnt even exist in the scientific world ya dumbass...show us a photo of him working with tigers...bet you cant...yet all the people I mentioned have photos and videos of them handling these animals. (has worked/studied with wild animals)

Animal trainer Clyde beatty handled 2,000 tigers/lions -stated lions are bigger
Biologist Sunquist - says lions on average is bigger
On paper, the heaviest wild tiger is 857 lbs, the heaviest wild lion 900 lbs
In the 20th century, over 10 lions passed 280kg, not a single tiger passed that number
Biologist john sidensticker said lions are bigger
Over a hundred records show the lion is the taller
Over a hundred photos shows the lion is bigger in size
Natrualist G. M. Jung said lions are bigger
Natrualist Alexander Montgomery, said the lion is bigger
The entire russian reponce team said no siberian tiger weighed passed 260 kg in the pass 20 years
Hunter Samuel baker said at the same dimensions, lions would be the bigger animal compared to a tiger
Animal trainer Pat anthony said the lion is bigger
On video being weighed, the only has been shown ever had the lion heavier than the tiger

The only most books in the past which carried on to main stream media of today, was because of exaggerated sizes:

is sometimes 15 feet in entire length to the tip of the tail ; an instance is on record of 18 feet
https://books.google.com/books?id=RbvNAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA457&dq=bengal+tiger+18+feet+long&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwihhYyawpPKAhUX52MKHUwYAncQ6AEIMDAC#v=onepage&q=bengal tiger 18 feet long&f=false

Ha ha ha. 18 feet...a tiger at only 2-3 feet tall and 18 feet long would look literally retarded, thats nearly twice as long as the longest tigers, and would look like some deformed lemozine. This promoted the imagination of retards like you who think tigers can beat elephants...even in an ambush the tiger has no chance, against a healthy adult bull. You're just mad-crying that you cant find anything other than the small amount of tiger accounts repeated by a thousand sources, only two...Jamrachs incident and martials epigram, with all together only less than 20 of shaddy acounts tigers won, not even 1/4th the amount of times lions have decimated tigers.

Jam sahib of nawanagar aka as Ranji:

Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society - Volume 54 - Page 172

1956 - ‎Snippet view - ‎More editions
In this connection it is interesting to note that the Jam Sahib of Nawanagar has informed me that he has himself witnessed a fight between a lion and a tiger on four occasions, on all of which the lion won. My own humble opinion is that I do not ...

Explain to us what is relevant retard...showing photos of small yearling tigers and claiming they have the biggest paws in the world, thats how anyone can find out the tiger would beat the lion? So if it was a black guy vs a white guy scenario, by you showing a small little white boy, and say look at his hands, biggest in the world, that would be the reason why whites are superior to blacks in a fight? XD XD XD You are retarded.

Anyone who knows the tigers history can see why his attributes are that way, they can jump higher than male lions, because for thousands of years of running, hiding and leaping onto trees away from wild dogs, the rest are killed by the pack. Better swimmers for the same reason, to avoid confrontation on land. While lions run from no predator. Hence no need for the attribute to extend any further. Lions have manes for battle, while tigers have stripes to hide, a cowardly attribute. Lions have the most powerful roar of carnivorians, while tigers roars cant even travel half the distance, or as high in decibels.

Experts, Scientist, Hunters, Trainers, Biologist, Naturalist...Empirical evidence>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>saty


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Regular Member
Dec 29, 2015

The Pioneer Mail and Indian Weekly News

LIONESS KILLS TIGRESS. - NAGPUR, 26TH October. In the Maharaj Bagh,
while transferring wild animals from one cage to another, a lioness attacked a
and killed her. The animal was subsequently captured and placed in its

1 lion kills 3 tigers in the wild:

No sooner was Cain got into the field, which lay on the borders of the forest, than he was agitated by the rustling of the bay trees, which covered a large plot; his curiosty led him to draw near, when he beheld with terror a furious combat between two dreadful beasts of prey. A tigress robb'd of her young by the lions voracious appetite, had in fact caught the potent chief ragaling on the last limb; she in furious rage assail'd the murderer of the whelps. The fierce lion was couching on the spot he had done the deed, when thus attack'd, and for a moment prepar'd not for defence, not being accustom'd to the assault of any animal that ranges in the desert. Whislt the wild rage of the tigress was thus exceris'd in tearing the lions ear, her mate the tiger approuch'd the parties, and without enquiry, in consort with his female, join'd the fight! The royal brute was rous'd to full excertion of his mighty strength to be a match for his assailiants.

Cain saw his danger. and fled aside to avoid the fierce combatants, whose roarings made the woods and vallies ring. The fight was desperate, and long was doughtful; the lion at length prevail'd and the victor stood to see these beasts expire beneath his paw, who had lost their lives in defending their lawful right! I know not, continued he. Scarecley had he ended these words, when the lion, through loss of blood fell down lifeless on the spot where he had won the battle.

Book type: Non-Fiction
Physical Information: 140 pages


Only photos when tigers have no lions in them makes them appear big, but 1,000+ pgotos shows this giant cat is just a midget next to a lion:

Well, here you have the lion and tiger side by side ; each a splendid brute in his own line : the lion perhaps the more powerful,

Thats the reason raul cherry picked only a small sample of tigers, (less than 20) to make his phoney graph, so it will boost the maximum weight of the average, the more tigers weighed, the lower the number goes, hence out of 200 samples, the average is less than 200 kg, which again, he weighed none, he has worked with none, raul isnt a biologist, a hunter, a scientist or...anything, just a tiger fan trying to make it seem tigers are bigger than they are.

Size comparison with African elephant and giant eland vs Asian elephant and guar:

1 telegraphed that the creation of the commission was for tho purose LIVING AFRICAN. ELAND, weighing two tons


https://books.google.com/books?id=Oc2fAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA622&lpg=PA622&dq=bison+kills+two+tigers+in+fair+fight&source=bl&ots=aHE0KUxLQW&sig=gphoKZXRCYK_pPr5bQNLEzb0b6c&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiyztHWwJTKAhVO82MKHcPHCUkQ6AEIHTAA#v=onepage&q=bison kills two tigers in fair fight&f=false

Single handedly

Shadow, has managed to bring down a huge Eland bull. He has been on the kill for the last few days with hundreds of kilograms of meat at his paws. We estimate shadow to be around 220-230kg’s but that is tiny compared to the possible 700 – 800 Kg Eland bull in picture.

So one lion can kill 1,000+ lb animals, yet two tigers gets killed by one guar? That tiger saty is showing was probably killed by leopard. And, wasnt that 300-400 lb tiger you just showed from Nagpur? Isnt that where the lioness killed the tigress district is...
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Regular Member
Dec 29, 2015
@Sword and @saty, please refrain from name-calling and try to have a fruitful discussion.
Hey Pmaitra, as goes your elephant reply, I agree...in that case of reasliticness...and a change up from the dribble and fake stuff saty is always posting, would you like to share any historical stuff on bengal tigers and or indian lions?


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Hey Pmaitra, as goes your elephant reply, I agree...in that case of reasliticness...and a change up from the dribble and fake stuff saty is always posting, would you like to share any historical stuff on bengal tigers and or indian lions?
Not right now. I am going to log off. You guys keep posting informative stuff and hopefully people will not start a fight.


Regular Member
Dec 29, 2015
Cool, I'm more of a counter puncher, I dont start anything, just looking to learn and share interesting stuff.

We were called yesterday by Lion Guardian Masarie who had just come across a huge eland kill, and the tracks of a big male lion. He reported that it was a fresh kill and that not much had been eaten, so we rushed to the scene, hoping to find out who had made this massive kill!

3....1.5 year old lions kill giant eland:

One morning we came across the 3 young lions on an eland kill. The 3 youngsters are spending more and more time away from the adults as they get older – they’re roughly 1.5 years old. We have been very impressed to see them hunt and kill some rather large animals and the eland was the biggest yet…weighing in at roughly 800 kg.

and non-catering camps and road grading in the Luangwa riverine area. None
of the wildlife populations suffered any harm as a result of the flooding. The
Biologist reported a case of lion having killed a young elephant of indeterminate


On our last trip (September 2015), we had a fascinating time watching a pair of young bachelor lions, about three and a half years old, guarding the carcass of a large female eland (the most cow-like of the antelopes) that they had killed a couple of days before.

Lions hunt eland far more than expected based on their encounter rate, but only kill them in proportion to the number of hunting attempts (Fig. 1). There were not enough hunts of eland during 96 hour follows to calculate hunting success, however lions non-preferentially killed eland in Addo, as they do elsewhere (Fig. 1).

The feeling of tranquility and peace that was experienced this morning was interrupted with the sudden appearance of two lions and their eland kill.

Following up the tracks, they found a hippo killed by a lion
about a mile north of the rice field

African Wildlife

Taking out rhinos and elephants which is nearly imposible for either or to kill a prime bull...One big cat (lion) specializes in hunting big animals, bull giraffes, giant elands, hippos, the other big cat (tigers) has been killed by leopards as shown and as re-caped:

- 1 leopard killed a tigress in the wild (The hindu news)
- 1 leopad killed a tiger (seen by John helliot)
- A leopard killed a tiger (seen by Louis roth)
- Some tigers died in a battle with leopards (by George keller)
- A tiger died fighting a leopard in a menagerie (at Bostocks)
- Frank buck backs the leopard and filmed a leopard besting a tiger
- The history book on china said leopards are well known to attack tigers
- There are several artifacts of leopards defeating tigers
- 2 leopards fought and disembowled a tiger (saturday magazine)
- A leopard named Puss killed a big bengal tiger caught fresh from the wild (Hernan boger)
- A leopard named Beauty killed a noted big tiger
- And now its noted that the rajahs of india pitted them with the leopard always winning in lucknow

I'd like someone to explain to me why would a animal who is killed by leopards roughly a 100 lb predator, would ever be considered King? Thats interesting because...how many more times have leopards killed tigers? 10s...?...100s...?...1,000+...?

An interesting one, an artifact in gujarat of a lion defeating a tiger, its the artifact in the bottom corner, showing a lion standing over a prostrated tiger:

Combat d'un lion et d'un tigre de Guzerate

So most likely it was common when tigers spread father near the Gujarat state, lions killed them and were documented by the artifacts. Afterall, on record thats like 7 tigers killed in the wild of india documented...that artifact could be number 8. Let alone the other 5 incidents in indias captivity, via jamnagar zoo, argatala zoo, nadankanan zoo ect. It was the same in all of china and japans history too:

Another account of a lion saving a human from a bengal tiger:

Then Ramsey, the Bengal tiger, crouched and leaped. Wallace reared up to meet him. He caught the tiger full in the throat, held him almost in midair for an instant, dashed him back against the pedestals. There was a crash of falling wood; the tiger sprang up against the bars, circled the cage, roaring and lashing, crouched again again as if to spring. But he did not spring. Nor did Chita. For Wallace, he whose ancestors had been undisputed emperors of jungles and marsh lands, Wallace — the sullen old lion — stood mighty guard over the man who loved him, who had
cared for him in sickness and health. His mane was distended into a great flare of defiance They knew him for what he was -- the king. And so they snarled and crouched until prodded back into the traveling cages. Then we tried to prod Wallace away from the still body of the little trainer he had striven to save. But he would not move.

Another ram killed a tiger:
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Regular Member
Dec 29, 2015
And yet...these still happened:

That just goes to show you...

1.) The tiger is a poor fighter
2.) The tigers neck area is not protected like the lions.
3.) Leopards have killed eland too, which are upto 8 x's heavier than tigers.

Today we found T-36 with a broken neck and severly brusied body.

A tiger was found dead in the Ranthambore National Park on Sunday. The forest guards found the carcass of a big cat while a routine patrolling in the Goth Bihari area. Officials suspect the animal could have been killed in a territorial fight, however, till late, the sex of the dead feline could not be established. After the body was found around 8 am, the department officials rushed to the spot under Khandar Forest range. Upon reaching the spot, the officials found a partly eaten carcass of the tiger. The officials suspect the tiger could have been killed in a territorial fight with another tiger. “There are canine marks on tiger’s neck .Also there were pug marks of another tiger in the vicinity suggesting a territorial fight,” said Sawai Madhopur collector Giriraj Singh Kushwaha.

carcass of a male tiger, suspected to have been killed by another feline in a territorial clash, has been found in a forest area of Uttar Pradesh's Pilibhit district, an official said Friday. The carcass with multiple injuries on the neck was found late Thursday evening from the Mala range of Pilibhit forest reserve. "Prima-facie it appears that the tiger, aged around three years, died in a territorial clash with another tiger," Divisional Forest Officer V.K. Singh told reporters in Pilibhit

"Badly mutilated carcass suggested that the tiger died some time back, at least 24 hours ago, and the reason for the death could not be ascertained as maggots had eaten up its major body-parts, said district forest officer Y K Sahu. Also the animal's sex couldn't be known in the absence of the rear portion of the body. The death could be the result of a fight with some other big cat as certain canine marks were found on the neck resulting in penetrating wounds, said Dr Rajiv Garg who performed the post mortem

MYSORE: A male tiger, aged about six years, was found killed in a territorial fight, near Gadde Haadi of Nagarahole National Park in the district on Sunday.
The incident came to light when the forest personnel were on patrol on Saturday at 4 pm. According to them, the age of the deceased tiger is about six years. One eye of the deceased tiger had come out, supposedly due to the strong attack on its face by the other tiger.
Marks of deep paws and clawswere found on the neck of the deceased tiger.
Since the nails and pelt were not removed from the carcass, it could be assumed that the tiger was killed in the territorial fight, not in any other fashion, said a Forest official.
Meanwhile, Principle Chief Conservator of Forest B K Singh (Wild Life), Project Tiger Director B J Hosamath, DCF Vijay Ranjan Singh, ACF Belliappa and others were visited the spot on Sunday.

Two tigresses, including an eight-year-old, died in Madhya Pradesh in separate incidents, officials said.
In the first incident, the carcass of an eight-year-old tigress, 'Kankati', was found on Wednesday in the overflowing Charanganga canal in Tala range of Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve in Umaria district, said CH Murlikrishnan, director of the tiger reserve.
The carnivore was suspected to have been killed in a territorial fight with tigers as deep injury marks were found on its neck and back, he said.

No body saw these fights, but...For all you know, all the reports of tigers being killed and they found puncture wounds in their necks, were killed by leopards, just like the 15+ times leopards have already killed huge male bengal tigers straight from the wild. lol By the way, how many leopards and tigers have you trapped and caught? Zero, yet Frank buck caught over 500 leopards and tigers, and he said upon experience, he favors the leopard against the tiger.lol

Tiger, the smallest out of the three:

While polls show that most people consider the species to beat in an animal-versus-animal throwdown to be a lion or tiger, with much back and forth about which of these would win, and for the record its probably the lion…

King of the Beast Indeed:

"Neither must he lose his footing. The biggest danger in the ring is when the trainer stumbles or falls through the impact of the heavy bodies. "A lioness is more easily managed than a lion, but she is swifter in attack and hence has to be watched more closely. Lion Can Lick Tiger. "A tiger is more easily excited than a lion. Is a lion superior to a tiger In a fight? By all means, in spite of the fact that seme tigers have killed some lions.But match a strong lion against an equally strong tiger and the lion will win. "Why," asked the visitor, "do you mix Hons, tigers, pumas and leopards in a group, when by so doing you add to the difficulty and danger of your task without, any corresponding ap-preciaton from the public?. You get Just as much applause and decrease your peril by more than 50 percent if you had, say ,20 lions or 20 tigers, or 20 of anything of one kind, in a cage:. wentin, snapped your whip, boxed and wrestled with them, and then got out." "Sure, we would cut our danger by something like 75 percent,,

All through out asia, theres artifacts of this:

The tiger has no protection on his neck, hence why leopards can kill them easily:

Not only can a predator rival not see the lions neck, the lions mane is so large even the saber tooth cat would have a hard time penatrating it:

Hence, a tiger cant even take on one leopard, the leopards superior speed and agility is to fast for the tiger to keep up, one good hold and its over, but when leopards fight lions, even if they out speed the lion, the lions mane is difficult to get pass:


Captive Lion>>>two leopards
One female leopard >>> big male bengal tiger from the wild

A chauhan

"अहिंसा परमो धर्मः धर्म हिंसा तथैव च: l"
Senior Member
Oct 10, 2009
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Regular Member
Dec 29, 2015
Still havent seen any tiger killing lion accounts that went past this number:
http://trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/article/50089452?searchTerm=clyde beatty lion tiger killed&searchLimits=

And thats just from one man, let alone the other 100 who had similar occasions. As the biologist stated, the tigers prey is in the 200-600 lb range as base, lions much larger.

Another young solitary male killed two adult bull giraffe also within a week's time

Lions hunt eland far more than expected based on their encounter rate, but only kill them in proportion to the number of hunting attempts (Fig. 1). There were not enough hunts of eland during 96 hour follows to calculate hunting success, however lions non-preferentially killed eland in Addo, as they do elsewhere (Fig. 1).

The lions killed a wide range of species but eland and gemsbok were their main prey. If we compare these predation data to the known prey population data (earlier graph) lions kill less springbok but more eland than what is present in the population. However it is well known that small species, like springbok, are often underrepresented in estimates of lion predation. Lions generally capture and consume small prey animals quickly and leave little evidence of the event. Therefore, if we only compare species of roughly the same mass (eland, gemsbok, hartebeest and ostrich) lions kill significantly more eland than any other species

The notion that the tiger is the better hunter is starting to fade away, everything in africa is bigger than in india...the elephants and rhinos in africa are heavier and larger than indian ones, theres nothing in india that comes close to the height of giraffes, hippos are bigger than guars, giant elands are bigger than sambar, lions are bigger than tigers, lol, everything there is bigger. All you'll have is people like saty who will post a photo of a tiger and say its the largest in the world, 300Kg++++++...yet when they are in the same photo, the lion is always the bigger:

A young lion comes from tibet and it is said to eat tigers

The tigers neck is 3-4x smaller than the lions:

That means, the lion has more protection, more intimidation, more armor to protect against lacerations and blows from paws and claws.

In a fair-shake showdown between a full-grown male lion and the same-size, same-sex tiger, animal handlers mostly bet on the lion. Although the tiger is regarded as being more bloodthirsty, treacherous and untamable, the physical differences between the two big cat species are slight, being mainly those of hide, skull and mane. he tiger has no mane, but old male tigers have long, spreading cheek hair. Much of the lion-tiger difference is in family relations: a lioness never destroys its young; the tigress often does. The lion helps rear his offspring; the tiger forsakes his lady love for gamier affairs. Physically, the lion has better forequarters and the great advantage of his mane because it protects the carotid artery and acts as a tangle for attacking claws or jaw.

As he stated, most handlers know this, why doesnt saty the lying tard know this? Because he has never handled both big cats. Saty's laughing/icon is just as fake as all the accounts hes posted, hes not laughing, hes crying in how a leopard had killed his most bias cat who is suppose to be un-beatable. lol Many make the assumption adding in agility, jumping, what ever...but when both are actually seen together, the lion is the aggressor and usually the winner.

Yes, and national geographic prior to there un-tested opinion of present, the real national geographic researchers stated this previous:

If the lion has any claim to royal lineage, he probably is king of beasts. While no coward once engaged in mortal combat, particularly in the protection of his young, Leo finds the odds against him when he gets into an an argument with a tiger Occasionally, however, the tiger allows his claws to become tangled in the lion's huge mane and loses the battle.


This is probably why the indian lion usually beat the bengal in so many records:

The Bengal lion has the mane magnificently developed, attains a very large stature, and displays equal courage with that of its African relative

But this night-moan of a prowling tiger has no resemblance what so ever to the deep, grand, resounding roar of the lion.
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Regular Member
Dec 29, 2015
The facts are lions are the only ones on record that can take on multiple challengers, this is because they have developed the skill through pride-in-living, which makes the lion a constant practicer of combat...no other large apex predator has this skill-base. This is why lions can kill multiple tigers at once, something tigers could never do:

American: Duke whips all of Beattys tigers:

Asian: lion defeating two tigers:

American: lion defeats countless of tigers:

Asian: Lion defeating multiple tigers

American: Bosstweeds kills 3 bengals at once

Boss Tweed," Clyde said, "was one of the greatest fighters I've ever seen, in addition to his noble looks. He did some of his cleverest fighting in the Rochester Massacre. That was this spring. When Iwo score of lions and tigers were in the arena for a dress rehearsal. One, on a high seat, reached down to take a cuff at the cat below. They frequently do that without much happening. But in this case the caton the- high scat fell off and landed on the one below. The one below, thinking he was attacked, started to fight. In a second it was a free-for-all. In such a fight the lions have two distinct advantages. Their first is their thick mane which prevents the tigers from getting to their throats. Their second is their clannish way of ganging up on a tiger. A tiger will justwatch another tiger being attacked. The lions join each other. An animal attendant excitedly raised a gate into the shoot so the beasts could return to their cages. Into the shoot ran three Bengal tigers with Boss Tweed in pursuit. "For twenty minutes they battled. Boss Tweed killed the three tigers, but himself was almost torn to ribbons. He recovered but somehow he never seemed to be the same. His spirit or his fighting nerve was gone. The other morning I opened his cage door and he was dead, for seven years I trained him, the longest of any of my cats. I was greatly attached to him.

Asian: Lion defeating multiple tigers:

American: Lioness beats up multiplae bears at once:

A number of years ago I not only saw but personally participated in a battle to the death between a lioness and five grizzlies I was eighteen at the time— which explains why I did something a more experienced man would not have done. I slipped into the cage, armed only with a hammer, which was the one weapon within reach at the moment. My reception was that usually accorded
peacemakers. The lioness and the bears, dropping their own row, pitched into me. I had to fight my way out of the cage with the hammer, and gained safety most inglo- riously, bespattered with my own and the animals' blood. I established peace, all right by the diversion, but one grizzly had closed his jaws over my nose and torn it in half. As referee, I awarded the battle to the lioness.

Asian: Lion defeating multiple tigers:

American: Pete taylors lion whips all of his tigers and lions:

Emperor, the Most Unruly Of All Lions. With the possible exception of Denver and Baltimore, two bad lions which I mentioned in a previous story, I believe the most unruly lion I ever attempted to train was a line specimen of forest-bred South African beast named Emperor. Who derived his name through his ability to rule, by brute strength, all animals with which he came in contact I had engaged in several battles with Emperor...

Asian: Lion defeating multiple tigers:

American: Lioness beats up two bengals:

Terrell jacobs lioness theba takes on two huge tigers and won:

Asian: Lion defeating multiple tigers:


African: Lion kills two leopards at once in the wild:

About this time in his career. Captain Cook witnessed the only known Jungle fight between a lion and two leopards. In which the loon killed both of the beast. "It was a very remarkable sight." said the captain describing it. "It happened on a full-moon night and while I sat out on a branch of a tree The whole thing occurred because a female leopard killed a gazelle. The lion came along and the leopard flew at him. Another leopard came to her assistance and landed on tha lions back, The only way the Jungle king could dislodge him was to roll over and over on him. with his 600 pounds. Soon , both leopard were dead

European: Lion defetaing multiple tigers:

European: Lions defeating multiple polar bears:

Asian: lion defeating multiple tigers:

American: Lion kills 3 tigers at once:


Asian: Lion defeating two tigers:


American: Lion named Dutch whips all terrells tigers:

The text below reads,"The fearless lion king, who claims that lions are the most intelligent of all jungle cats is seated on "Dutch" the fiercest cat in his collection and the monarch of the park. He has whipped every tiger, leopard, or lion in the huge collection when ever they have disputed his leadership.

The lions mane just dwarfs the tiger:

A lion’s mane isn’t just there for protection: The color indicates the male’s strength and health, letting potential mates—or rivals—know just how powerful the lion is. The darker the mane, the closer the male is to the top of his game. The color can fluctuate based on how much stress or trauma the lion has experienced.

The mane has also been correlated with protection, as it makes the lion look bigger to would-be attackers.

Thats why lions can take on multiple tigers, because the mane protects the lion, they can whack away, he'll feel only minimum damage, they can slash away and he wont get so easily cut or lacerated, they can bite and bite, they'll either miss the vial areas because they cant see it or they will supphocate from all the hair in their mouths. The mane of the lion makes the tiger look like a midget, twice to even three times the size of tigers. Everyone who has seen them together knows this.

In almost every american, asian and european culture, when both are documented in the same instance, the lion is known as the King of beast, King of the Jungle, King of the desert.


Regular Member
Dec 29, 2015
Tigresses killing male tigers:

1967 tigress kills male tiger protecting her cubs george schaller
1896 tigress kills male tiger in the london zoo and eats its body charles cornish
1985 tigress kills male tiger S kumar sanctuary of asia volume 5
1967 wild tiger defeats male tiger sher jung tryst with tigers
2001 saw a fight between a tiger and tigress later found the male tigers dead body J.C daniels natraj
1984 tigress named princess kills imported wild male bengal tiger rhode island
1981 valmik thapar sees a tiger killed by a tigress protecting her cubs
2001 tigress kills male cage mate in elpaso zoo
1913 tigress kills male tiger in the wild, cinncinati enquirer
2013 chennai tigress kills mate male white tiger
1956 two tigresses kill male bengal named rajah cinncinati zoo
2010 Shenzen safari park tigress kills male tiger
2012 ranthambore park male tiger steals tigresses meal and loses fight

Leopards killing tigers:

- 1 leopard killed a tigress in the wild (The hindu news)
- 1 leopad killed a tiger (seen by John helliot)
- A leopard killed a tiger (seen by Louis roth)
- Some tigers died in a battle with leopards (by George keller)
- A tiger died fighting a leopard in a menagerie (at Bostocks)
- Frank buck backs the leopard and filmed a leopard besting a tiger
- The history book on china said leopards are well known to attack tigers
- There are several artifacts of leopards defeating tigers
- 2 leopards fought and disembowled a tiger (saturday magazine)
- A leopard named Puss killed a big bengal tiger caught fresh from the wild (Hernan boger)
- A leopard named Beauty killed a noted big tiger
- And now its noted that the rajahs of india pitted them with the leopard always winning in lucknow

Lionesses killing and defeating tigers:

1925 asiatic lioness kills tiger in nagpur, maharaj bagh zoo
1903 lioness kills tiger in british menagerie
1924 lioness kills tiger stalemating him in london
1934 lionesss whips two bengal tigers terrell jacobs
1936 lioness nearly kills tiger, tiger is saved by water at soles brothers circus
1905 lioness almost kills tiger ripping him to shreds, william cartner thomas
1995 two young asiatic lionesses kill tigress in nadankanan zoo

Theres just no way, a tiger known periodically to lose to leopards, lionesses and its smaller and weaker gender to be able to be called king, (factoring in wild dogs too who killed hundreds of tigers) if there is this much evidence on hand, than most likely in every century before, there were similar things that happened. The tiger is not s unique specialized hunter, he is just an over grown house cat which preys upon the weak, when they are in their weaker tier, via sick, stuck in swamps, young ect...that explains his high level in man-killing, humans un-armed are one of the weakest prey for predators, and since the tiger cant hunt buffalo and guar regularly, (there arnt even one hundred documented cases to the lions 1,000+ of similar sized animals) tigers then apt to man killing...a cowardly aspect and quality. While lions kill giant eland regularly:

lions kill significantly more eland than any other species

http://www.imaginature.nl/pages/Southern Africa 19.html

Jackal looking for some leftovers after the Lion Killed the Eland.


An old lioness protect the killed Eland while the rest of the pride is taking it easy

Members of the ridge pride yesterday with and Eland kill near Naibor camp south of the Talek river

Photo taken of the lion just after he had fed off his eland kill.

The size difference between a eland bull and a elephant shows how big eland get:
This is only the second lion-killed elephant I have seen in over 20 years in Africa.

Elands body is bigger compared to giraffes:

eland compared to wildebeest:

But lion do kill eland for I have had proof of this, though I think it is probable that they do so only when the eland are in small numbers and when other game is scarce. There is no doubt that much danger is attached to tackling such a big and

They killed eland and wildebeest and zebra and an occasional puku or bush pig on Ibamba, and lions attacked the ...

Eland – Lion Kill



Considerably larger species, however - giraffe, buffalo and eland - are also taken, and Pienaar (1969) records attacks on ...
The bushmen have told me that a single big lion — that is, a male in his prime — can pull down and kill a giraffe.

He averred that a single male lion can easily kill a bull giant eland

In the same locality two eland bulls were killed together

It was encountered in the periodicity described above: chasing down a bull eland in 120 degree heat; experiencing
https://books.google.com/books?id=p6x_Gi-aMP0C&pg=PA7&dq="lion++"attacked+a+bull+eland"&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjbu67piZbKAhVU6mMKHcCdBpgQ6AEIJzAD#v=onepage&q="lion "attacked a bull eland"&f=false

Lions kill giant eland in tall, thick grass,

She had been bitten on the back and on one foreleg, and through the lower jaw." Kenya Parks archives 1958 "Lions killed an eland bull in the Wamba sanctuary towards the end of June...A pair of lions killed a large elandbull, and fed on it for two days...."On the Marsol plains — after investigating vultures — the Warden observed a pair of adult lions with two half-grown cubs, feeding on the carcass of a freshly killed cow eland.. ..."About a mile from Maktau, the Warden shot an eland bull, which was very weak and appeared to have wounds around its neck and back. On inspection, the wounds indicated claw and teeth marks of a lion." Kenya Game archives 1965.
Big as he is the eland is not immune from the attacks of the lion ; indeed lions will dare much to get a taste of eland beef.

The natives and lions are very similar in their tastes in the selection of tit-bits: an eland may be seen disemboweled by a lion so completely that he scarcely seems cut up at all.

On average the tigers main prey is 220 pounds. The guar they kill are in the 300 lb range, much like the video showed of the calf:

Biologist sunquist, radloff, du toit:

So lions routinely take giant eland, which weighs over 1,000 kg...while tigers 200 - 600 pound animals. I like how saty said the BRITISH! Yet, again, the name, the title, the words you first see on the film, is...

Castle films (AKA a American owned company)


Everland korea safari park:


Yongin Everland afternoon last August 28 Tiger - Upon entering the lion only飼育舍(keepers), the reporter was surprised to suddenly surprise to咆哮(roar) of the lion bursts.The roar of the lion can without coming through the "animal kingdom" is in front of the television, but the real popularity of professional training were just beginning its time.The roar of a lion spewing out via heartfelt resonance in the vocal fold, from300 square keepers space and played a tremendous sound effects.Indeed, "this sounds axis" is the expression was realized.

The roar was the hero of the獅龍(saryong).The eleven-year-old was born in 1990 in Yongin Everland saryong lion - the oldest male lion eating tiger safari.

Everland tiger-lion safari is the only stand虎world-famous for its獅living.Starting with a lion safari zoo opened in 1976 and 1987 after the tiger safari will be added to the next dwaetgo that opens the "Wild Safari" in March 1992 put together a lion and a tiger.

Yiyongpil zookeeper
watched a power struggle since the opening of the safari內is "Meanwhile, the frequent change of government, but after the April 2000" POSCO "are accounted for supremacy Safari內has become relatively calm," he said.He explained the reason for this is thatPOSCO is currently recognized as a champion integration."" POSCO "Ahi is also fighting tooth for now.However, given the snacks look more hierarchies that it is easy to see how if caught.If there are spun the jeep safari內to give the chicken as a snack for the animals at this time, "POSCO" throw this in the "hosik" POSCO stands approaching its halfway point only."Hosik" Ido course a situation that looks interested deombiji not dare to eat.
Tiger crowd versa."Hogeol" in Article 1 Tiger champion (11 years old) since the wind up line (11 years old) - hodol (10 years old) - hogeol - Lake District (10 years old) - hogeol - jipgwoncheung are often turned back to hosik.The climate of the selling power of being something safaris內glance.

To those koreans, the lion is faster:

lol So much for the korean pit fights saty quoted, which doesnt even exist,, only one video showed a lioness who held her own. No matter how many repeated everland korean videos anyone brings in of tigers supposedly defeating lions, is disputed by all the keepers there who said the lions reigned as kings, the lions dominated there for 10 years. Tigers only win against other tigers, lions rule everything...

The everland zoo keeper even said one of its oldest lions ate a tiger, this is common through out holding the two animals in the same den:

the Bostock lion that vanquished a tiger and, overnight, ate every particle of his body, except for the skull

Lion eat young tiger:

Blows the myth out of the water that tigers killed lions in india:

Henry and Tarzan lions, kill tiger toona:
https://books.google.com/books?id=fiAEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA54&lpg=PA54&dq="two"+lions+"kill+tiger"+"beatty"&source=bl&ots=CYj5L7qWjw&sig=iJmZ43W5VNvi07rFDH6EWeiSUQQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjBrJjq6afKAhVY-2MKHXAtCqUQ6AEIOTAG#v=onepage&q="two" lions "kill tiger" "beatty"&f=false

How could tigers wipe out prides of lions, when they cant even handle two? Pride = 20+ lions.

Andy learned alot today about how tough a tiger is, but if a tiger and a lion get into a fight, which one would win? Animal experts say a lion will beat a tiger any day of the week.

In order for one to be called an expert of them fighting, that person would need to see them fight... all the experts with experience, observation and empirical evidence, all has the experts state who is the usual victor:

- Trainer Clyde Beatty: Sultan whips 6+ tigers, Duke whips 6 + tigers, Leo whips rajah, Prince whips trudy, Louie whips tiger
- Trainer Ron: Notch an brother lions beat up tiger named Thai
- Trainer Bert Nelson: Lion named Jar head whip stigers, Seen many fights and the tigers lost.
- Trainer Herr Falkendorf: End of round 1 Prince whips mogul, round 2 Prince whips mogul again.
- Trainer Trevor Bale: Tonto whips tiger
- Trainer Leonida: Sultana whips 5 tigers at once
- Trainer Terrell: Dutch whips tigers, Sheba whips two bengals, and other fights for film lions always won
- Trainer Pete taylor: Lion named emperor whips tigers
- Circus: 5 seperate circuses lionesses whip bengal tigers
- Animal keeper Blackburne: Lion whips tiger smashing him down 5 times
- Animal keeper of everland Jeong sangjo and Yiyongphil: Lion idenity whips tigers, lion Hong man whips tigers, lion Thunder bolt whips tigers, lion Venus whips tigers, lion seyoung eats tigers, lions posco beats up tigers all for 10+ years.

But saty has proof, that for 300 years...british people were the reason why all this happened. lol
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