The Rise of India’s Private Space Sector


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Aug 10, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars The scale if SSLV go larger but for now many start ups still sticking g to the smaller Launch vehicles.


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Feb 14, 2022
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I will be very honest with you, see when Indian space sector was privatized it was done so that private players can help ISRO or atleast provide a push. Cut to today, what we did, we targetted small Leo satellites ( on which very soon enough international snactions will be applied, only a fixed number of satellites per year to LEO. ). Our workhorse, the Indian flagship launch vehicle PSLV was doing the job to send small sats to Leo very well. It was a very crucial element for isro to be profitable. When private players entered the small sat division they indirectly pushed ISRO to develop SSLV so that they don't run out of bussiness. SSLV took a significant portion of time, money and facilities that could have been used for other missions or to make a bigger launch vehicle. See the thing is small sat launch vehicles makes sense for countries like USA, UK, Germany, France, Indonesia, Australia and so on, because half of these countries don't have any launch vehicle and USA have a very capable fleet of heavy and medium launch vehicles, where the wait time is quiet significant, these people used to come to ISRO but now ISRO itself have competition. You get what I am saying right ? We didn't pushed our space program forward, we dragged it. What we need is something big.


New Member
Feb 14, 2022
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Ya'll Nibbiars The scale if SSLV go larger but for now many start ups still sticking g to the smaller Launch vehicles.
The way they are working and going ahead, i know for sure that they have already exhausted their funds and it will be very hard for them to break even the investment and start a new project.


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Aug 10, 2020
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I will be very honest with you, see when Indian space sector was privatized it was done so that private players can help ISRO or atleast provide a push. Cut to today, what we did, we targetted small Leo satellites ( on which very soon enough international snactions will be applied, only a fixed number of satellites per year to LEO. ). Our workhorse, the Indian flagship launch vehicle PSLV was doing the job to send small sats to Leo very well. It was a very crucial element for isro to be profitable. When private players entered the small sat division they indirectly pushed ISRO to develop SSLV so that they don't run out of bussiness. SSLV took a significant portion of time, money and facilities that could have been used for other missions or to make a bigger launch vehicle. See the thing is small sat launch vehicles makes sense for countries like USA, UK, Germany, France, Indonesia, Australia and so on, because half of these countries don't have any launch vehicle and USA have a very capable fleet of heavy and medium launch vehicles, where the wait time is quiet significant, these people used to come to ISRO but now ISRO itself have competition. You get what I am saying right ? We didn't pushed our space program forward, we dragged it. What we need is something big.
Ya'll Nibbiars but most of the funding will come from FDI investors for such deep tech start ups. And now I am waery of such after seeing the Russian episodes. And hope most of your funding is from domestic investors.
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लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
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Aug 10, 2020
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The way they are working and going ahead, i know for sure that they have already exhausted their funds and it will be very hard for them to break even the investment and start a new project.
Ya'll Nibbiars getting 100 crores is not enough for a MSLV.


New Member
Mar 6, 2022
I will be very honest with you, see when Indian space sector was privatized it was done so that private players can help ISRO or atleast provide a push. Cut to today, what we did, we targetted small Leo satellites ( on which very soon enough international snactions will be applied, only a fixed number of satellites per year to LEO. ). Our workhorse, the Indian flagship launch vehicle PSLV was doing the job to send small sats to Leo very well. It was a very crucial element for isro to be profitable. When private players entered the small sat division they indirectly pushed ISRO to develop SSLV so that they don't run out of bussiness. SSLV took a significant portion of time, money and facilities that could have been used for other missions or to make a bigger launch vehicle. See the thing is small sat launch vehicles makes sense for countries like USA, UK, Germany, France, Indonesia, Australia and so on, because half of these countries don't have any launch vehicle and USA have a very capable fleet of heavy and medium launch vehicles, where the wait time is quiet significant, these people used to come to ISRO but now ISRO itself have competition. You get what I am saying right ? We didn't pushed our space program forward, we dragged it. What we need is something big.
Even today indian clowns question why we are investing money in ISRO. Gaganyaan was a disaster, it's nothing but a political show for 2024 elections nothing else.

ISRO asked for around ~5billion usd budget they got less than ~1.9 b usd and in that they wanted to do everything Gaganyaan, HLV, next generation of GSLV, MOM-2, CY-3, aditya l1. This retarded government literally destroyed ISRO, we lost 8 fucking years, 8 years and trying to scuttle around and sce200 is nowhere to be seen.

Also, ISRO wanted different launchpad for HSF and now they are tinkering with SLP or FLP? I don't know much about them. They are tinkering with GSLV too.

HLVs are cheaper when it comes to per kg price many a times, soon starship will make everything moot.

Even for private players it is okay if they start with SLVs but they should not hope for profit because you will not survive, market is already saturated enough. You need to quickly move up in the foodchain, i like ballatrix because they didn't follow the hoard they went for service sector for the sats and launchers. We need more service providers like Starlink equivalent, that imaging stuff all of that can be handled by private players.

It's such a sad affair that we don't have good private satellite manufacturers which could tie up with gio for sat internet, they brought foreign company for that service.

SSLV is already too late but let's see, it's an experiment from ISRO's side only if they can somehow speed the production up by sharing the know how to private players we can hope something, lazy attitude with PSLV and GSLV with lack of funding and retards in charge have already done the damage. 8 fucking years, 8 years have been lost due to jokers who can't come out of their jumla phase. Now ukraine is invaded, God bless us all cuz i don't know what we are doing.

I don't have any hope from ISRO, let's see what private players do.


New Member
Mar 6, 2022
Ya'll Nibbiars but most of the funding will come from FDI investors for such deep tech start ups. And now I am waery of such after seeing the Russian episodes. And hope most of youyour funding is from domestic investors.
This is also the failure of the GOI, china supports their startup but we didn't that's why our startups couldn't lap up the opportunities that were provided in Russia. Koo should have started supporting the russian language, fuckers took the funding did nothing.

Kikes are already taking control over our private companies, nothing remains sacred from them.


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Aug 10, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars wouldn't be suprised if such start ups eventually take by some foreign fund.


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
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Aug 10, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars hope majority of the promoters of such firms remains domestic and not foreign owned. This is a strategic sector not some retail start ups.


New Member
Mar 6, 2022
Ya'll Nibbiars wouldn't be suprised if such start ups eventually take by some foreign fund.
They will need to get funds from somewhere right? One good thing i saw was that the news of Mahindra investing in Agnikul. More than tatas i feel he is doing better in investing our new comers.

Reliance should fund any of their selected startups, few hundred millions is nothing for them but for startups it can be life savers and if lucky it will be a great and wise decision businesswise too eventually.

I feel afraid of woke virus, it destroyed ASTRA of USA more or less, they got into woke signaling and starting waving BLM flags instead of focusing on their rockets and they literally got sued by their customers after failed launches.


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
New Member
Aug 10, 2020
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They will need to get funds from somewhere right? One good thing i saw was that the news of Mahindra investing in Agnikul. More than tatas i feel he is doing better in investing our new comers.

Reliance should fund any of their selected startups, few hundred millions is nothing for them but for startups it can be life savers and if lucky it will be a great and wise decision businesswise too eventually.

I feel afraid of woke virus, it destroyed ASTRA of USA more or less, they got into woke signaling and starting waving BLM flags instead of focusing on their rockets and they literally got sued by their customers after failed launches.
Ya'll Nibbiars what if tatas are alreday scouting.


And don't listen to me I am just a unemployable person a great disappointment.

So ignore my posts.



New Member
Feb 14, 2022
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Ya'll Nibbiars but most of the funding will come from FDI investors for such deep tech start ups. And now I am waery of such after seeing the Russian episodes. And hope most of your funding is from domestic investors.
Me and Manu were very clear on this point since the beginning,we are closing our first round of funding next month, all of our funds are from India. Can't disclose the amount yet but it is the biggest seed fund any startup have raised so far almost ten times what other space startups have raised overall in 3 funding rounds


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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Guys we have officially closed our seed fund round 1000+ crores and we have one other co-founder joining us as COO. Big reveals rolling out next month, stay tuned on LinkedIn for exact amount and to know who is the third co-founder. Really happy to share this with you. Don't reveal it anywhere yet . Wait for us to announce it officially.
Congratulations and all the best.


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
New Member
Aug 10, 2020
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Guys we have officially closed our seed fund round 1000+ crores and we have one other co-founder joining us as COO. Big reveals rolling out next month, stay tuned on LinkedIn for exact amount and to know who is the third co-founder. Really happy to share this with you. Don't reveal it anywhere yet . Wait for us to announce it officially.
Ya'll Nibbiars so all of your senior team are still in 20's? Expect Gonzalez.


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
New Member
Aug 10, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars what happend to that Starlab from surat that fella also wanted to convert hobby into a firm.

