Stop violence against Christians in Karnataka


Super Mod
Jul 2, 2010
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More conversions, more will be the number of Kudankulams in the country. Just like many Shias and Sunnis are strategic depth for Arabia and Iran, neo-converts to Christianity are a strategic depth for the Western World


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2010
More conversions, more will be the number of Kudankulams in the country. Just like many Shias and Sunnis are strategic depth for Arabia and Iran, neo-converts to Christianity are a strategic depth for the Western World
Its destiny.
I don't support mass conversions but I feel those guys are not focusing in the right regions where atleast I won't mind conversions if that can lead to social and educational empowerment.
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Senior Member
Aug 27, 2011
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Its destiny.
I am not fond of mass conversions but I feel those guys are not focusing in the right regions where atleast I won't mind conversions if that can lead to social and educational empowerment.
Conversion never improves social and economic status. It that would be true, Then whole world would have converted into Christanity. It's just a myth and false propganada done by Missionaries.

Even today, Many so called Dalit Christans are demanding reservation. Their economic and social status is more or less same.

Those missionaries provides A Bible, Few thousand Rs. and few moral words. Most of the conversion happens in very rural areas and tribal belts from Tamil Nadu till Jharkhand corridor.

There should be death sentence who are involved in force conversion done by brainwashing tactics.

A Person who is converting on indvidual wish is okay and we should respect his/her decision.


Super Mod
Jul 2, 2010
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Its destiny.
I am not fond of mass conversions but I feel those guys are not focusing in the right regions where atleast I won't mind conversions if that can lead to social and educational empowerment.
I think they are pretty focussed. They target mainly tribals regions due to high birthrates and land.

If it is indeed our destiny, then we'll look like war-torn Africa in the future
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Senior Member
Aug 27, 2011
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I think they are pretty focussed. They target mainly tribals regions due to high birthrates and land.

If it is indeed our destiny, then we'll look like war-torn Africa in the future

80% conversion happened in Tribal belts/very rural areas of 6 states Chattisgarh, Odissa, Jharkhand, Tamil Nadu, Karanataka and Kerala. Christians are now 3%-4% in North/East states like Odissa, Jharkhand, Chattisgarh. Converted Christians are around 4%-6% in Karnataka and T.N. In Kerala they are 15%+. Needless to say there were not even 0.5% a century back except Kerala.

N-E 7 sister states conversion happened in 19th-20th century by British.

The priest who was killed in Odissa was openly inviting Hindu Tribals to convert into Christianity. Thanks to RSS and BJP - They stopped such conversion till certain extent in various states like M.P., Karnataka, Chattisgarh and not to forget many of their leaders re-converted those people back into Hinduism.

These Missionaries failed in Tribal belt of states like Gujarat, Mahrashtra, Rajasthan and M.P. due to stronghold of BJP/Hindu nationalist. They are not even 1% in these states.
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Senior Member
Aug 15, 2010
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First they have to stop conversion and then they have to talk. Will the VATICAN allow anyone who carries a BAGAVATH GEETHA to enter into the Vatican city and allow him to preach GEETHA. All those who are trying to convert people must be hanged. They are trying to forcefully convert people to increase the number of people who follow christianity.

I would like to ask them, whether they know or have any knowledge of "SAINT JESUS" and are they following according to the foot-steps of JESUS. JESUS never said to forcefully convert people, neither did he say to establish a religion in the name of christianity.


Senior Member
Aug 27, 2011
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Recently Vatican Pop said "We need to harvest a million souls in India"

Have you ever seen a Muslim who has converted into Christianity? That's because Islam doesn't permit it. And in any case Muslim hardliners will not allow any such activity and Christians would be shit scared of trying to convert Muslims. It's the Hindus who seem to be easy target to them. And therefore they go all out to try and 'harvest' as many souls as possible. Apart from this they have also been running down Hindu Gods and Goddesses which is as despicable as it can get. Why do they have to do this? Do Hindus run down Jesus Christ? Do they try to 'harvest' Christians? No they don't. Then why are Christians doing it and that too in the name of charity? Has Jesus told them to run down other religions and 'harvest' as many souls as possible? Absolutely not.

I'm Hindu and a proud one at that. I respect every religion including Christianity. I live in a secular country where every religion is practiced. But that does not mean that anyone can come and do whatever he or she wishes to do. An eye for an eye doesn't make people blind but It stops to become coward. It's better to be blind rather than coward.

And I would dare the Church to come out openly and say that their aim is not to 'harvest' anyone but I'm quite sure that they will not. Because that's what their aim is and has been ever since.

Death sentence is the only option for such Missionaries who doing it with false propaganda backed with lots of west money.
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Apr 5, 2009
More conversions, more will be the number of Kudankulams in the country. Just like many Shias and Sunnis are strategic depth for Arabia and Iran, neo-converts to Christianity are a strategic depth for the Western World
Just to put some facts straight:

Kudankulam: Is not because the church is supporting the people of taking up for them. It is because the state failed to address the human rights issues of the stakeholders - the residents. The major reason for the opposition was always the concern for the safety of the Russian reactors and the fear that their operation will severely reduce the fishing potential in near-coastal waters.

Now the Advisory Expert Panel recently formed by the People's Movement Against Nuclear Energy, which includes some established anti-nuclear activists are supporting the issue, they are opposed to nuclear power plants in general, and not just the Russian VVERs. They do not belong to any church or have been converted.

Are the westerneres who have converted to hinduism strategic depth for India?


Super Mod
Jul 2, 2010
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Just to put some facts straight:

Kudankulam: Is not because the church is supporting the people of taking up for them. It is because the state failed to address the human rights issues of the stakeholders - the residents. The major reason for the opposition was always the concern for the safety of the Russian reactors and the fear that their operation will severely reduce the fishing potential in near-coastal waters.

Now the Advisory Expert Panel recently formed by the People's Movement Against Nuclear Energy, which includes some established anti-nuclear activists are supporting the issue, they are opposed to nuclear power plants in general, and not just the Russian VVERs. They do not belong to any church or have been converted.
You're denying overt Church involvement in Kundakulam ?

The "establish group of experts" (like Karat) are a fringe group of hippies and leftists, where were these "experts" when the plant was under construction ?
And It's not just Kundakulam,

Forces halting our n-surge | KNPP | | The New Indian Express
Now uranium drives our nuclear programme. Our minimal uranium reserves are mainly located in Khasi Hills in Meghalaya, Jaduguda in Jharkhand and Tummalappalle in Andhra Pradesh. Global uranium trade is political, controlled by the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). The NSG sells uranium only to an approved country and its nuclear reactors are subject to NSG supervision. India signed a loaded nuclear treaty with the US only to win the NSG approval to access imported uranium. Now 14 of our 22 nuclear reactors are subject to global supervision. Only the unsupervised eight are usable for producing nuclear weapons. India can import uranium from the NSG for its nuclear power reactors, but import is only a short term answer, and costly for a country of our size. To fuel large nuclear power plants and for energy security, we cannot rely on imported uranium for long. Ultimately it has to be indigenous fuel. Fortunately, we have the world's largest deposit of thorium, an alternative to uranium and the nuclear fuel of future. We are perfecting the technology to use thorium for producing power. But, till that happens, we need to mine indigenous uranium, first, to reduce the dependence on imports for our nuclear power programme and, next, for operating the eight reactors to produce nuclear weaponry. The two facts are self evident. And now lift the veil and see the common faces behind the two decade-old Khasi Hills agitation against uranium mining and the agitation against the Koodankulam nuclear power plant — that is against nuclear India itself.

That the Koodankulam stir is the show of the Catholic Church has become out, but a bit late. Neutral media reports now confirm that S P Udaykumar, who leads the agitation, stays with the parish priest Father Jaikumar at Idinthakarai village; Fr Jaikumar openly supports the stir; Fr Thadyuse, the priest of the church in Koodankulam, too is forthright in his support; Fr S Peter, priest at the popular St Antony's Church in the coastal village Ovary, sends his flock to partake in the relay fast at Idinthakarai; local Christians priests confirm that the Bishop at Tirunelveli supports the stir. The church hierarchy is therefore fully at it. According to reports, transport, cash and biriyani are provided to mobilise protesters and they are motivated to throw stones at the maintenance officials of the plant to force its closure. Remove the church, the agitation will stop.

Now see the face behind the agitation in the Christian-majority Meghalaya, which has a sixth of India's uranium reserves. Not a kilogramme of uranium has been mined out of Meghalaya since 1990, thanks to 20-year long agitation by Khasi Hills students against mining it. The church in Meghalaya is backing, actually organising, the students. Violent incidents, blockade, picketing, huge rallies, setting fire to government offices and paralysing government marked the agitation (New Uranium Mining Projects - Meghalaya, India).

And who talks for the agitators? The archbishop of Shillong, Dominic Jala. (Uranium: archbishop wants dialogue| Cathnews India). Take the church out, there will be no stir. Even the uranium reserve in Jharkhand is at risk. A huge tribal campaign, with NGOs patronised by the church backing it, is thwarting uranium mining in Jharkhand.

QED: The campaign against mining uranium in Meghalaya and against the Koodankulam nuclear plant is by the same directors and actors with global links and money. Their target is nuclear India. They are driven by a geopolitical agenda to de-nuke India. But they actually nuke India.

Are the westerneres who have converted to hinduism strategic depth for India?
Not sure. But it's a tiny number, plus Hinduism is not politically organized, so it's irrelevant.

An analogy: a Buddhist convert will not be strategic depth for any country, same is the case with Hindusim. Only Abhramic religions are politically organized
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Apr 5, 2009
i asked you something but you have not replied anyways i'll repeat it. What's your take on Missionaries who fund and incite violence against non-Christians in the North East.
I assume you have proof for this statement!...
what about the blashphemous pamphlet that depicts Hindus as ignorant idol worshipers aren't they same lot as taliban except they come from US?
Be a sport and take it like the Hindu missions chaps call christianity a hollow religion. Never believe priests of any shade.
As far as tolerance India has no lesson to learn from anyone infact come here we'll teach you how a Christian women (how much i hate her) has become the most powerful woman in a country 80% Hindus.
In this case it is not our tolerance but the inability of the Congress party to provide an alternate to the Gandhis'. She stayed away from politics after Rajiv's assasination, and Congress was being torn apart by the hyenas. She was begged to come on board.

A Muslim who has become our president and was for years at the forefront of developing Indian missile programs.
Very true. An environment created by a secular society.
all this bullshit while in EU immigrants are killed by Skinheads and most importantly what has France done for Arabs they are still looked down as lowly creatures stacked in suburbs. Put your own house in order before giving others advice :)
Have you been to France and seen how the Algerian population has assimilated in France? France is the most secular and open of the European nations.


Super Mod
Jul 2, 2010
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I assume you have proof for this statement!...
Let me try

National Socialist Council of Nagaland - Isak-Muivah

The outfit aims to establish a 'Greater Nagaland' ('Nagalim' or the People's Republic of Nagaland) based on Mao Tse Tung's ideology. Its manifesto is based on the principle of Socialism for economic development and a spiritual outlook – 'Nagaland for Christ'.
National Liberation Front of Tripura, India, South Asia Terrorism Porta

Reluctance of the Central Executive Committee of NLFT led by Biswamohan Debbarma to nominate Joshua Debbarma as the King of 'Tripura Kingdom';

Misappropriation of funds by senior leaders;

Lavish lifestyles led by the senior leadership; and

Forcible conversion of tribal cadres/civilians to Christianity.
BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | 'Church backing Tripura rebels'

The government in India's north-eastern state of Tripura says it has evidence that the state's Baptist Church is involved in backing separatist rebels.
BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | Separatist group bans Hindu festivities

The leading separatist group in the north-east Indian state of Tripura has ordered indigenous tribespeople to stay away from celebrations of the Hindu festival Durga Puja.


Apr 5, 2009
Whichever state the BJP takes over, the BD goons follow up.
- Gujarat - trouble in the Dang district. Attacks on the church.
- Orissa - Khandhamal.
- Mangalore

The state home ministers are RSS members so the police has to protect the goons. In Mangalore these BD goons go about destroying statues outside churches, and declare the goons as mental patients.

This state sponsored terrorism by the BJP/RSS/BD.

Because of these political parties India will remain a small nation, that is pushed around by others.


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2009
This news might be of use here.

Re-Construct Temple in Doda: Bajrang Dal

Condemning the incident in which a temple was set on fire by some unidentified persons in Jammu and Kashmir's Doda district, Bajrang Dal today said it would launch a statewide protest if the culprits are not arrested soon.

"We demand immediate arrest of the persons involved in the burning down of the ancient Chandi Mata temple," Bajrang Dal state convener Neeraj Dounaria said.

We would launch a statewide agitation if police fail to arrest the culprits, he said.

On December 9, some unidentified persons had set Chandi Mata temple on fire. The temple, situated at Galadhar top forests in Doda, is thronged by hundreds of devotees annually. | Re-Construct Temple in Doda: Bajrang Dal


Super Mod
Jul 2, 2010
Country flag

Perhaps you missed one of my posts in the previous page

LurkerBaba said:
Just to put some facts straight:

Kudankulam: Is not because the church is supporting the people of taking up for them. It is because the state failed to address the human rights issues of the stakeholders - the residents. The major reason for the opposition was always the concern for the safety of the Russian reactors and the fear that their operation will severely reduce the fishing potential in near-coastal waters.

Now the Advisory Expert Panel recently formed by the People's Movement Against Nuclear Energy, which includes some established anti-nuclear activists are supporting the issue, they are opposed to nuclear power plants in general, and not just the Russian VVERs. They do not belong to any church or have been converted.
You're denying overt Church involvement in Kundakulam ?

The "establish group of experts" (like Karat) are a fringe group of hippies and leftists, where were these "experts" when the plant was under construction ?
And It's not just Kundakulam,

Forces halting our n-surge | KNPP | | The New Indian Express
Now uranium drives our nuclear programme. Our minimal uranium reserves are mainly located in Khasi Hills in Meghalaya, Jaduguda in Jharkhand and Tummalappalle in Andhra Pradesh. Global uranium trade is political, controlled by the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). The NSG sells uranium only to an approved country and its nuclear reactors are subject to NSG supervision. India signed a loaded nuclear treaty with the US only to win the NSG approval to access imported uranium. Now 14 of our 22 nuclear reactors are subject to global supervision. Only the unsupervised eight are usable for producing nuclear weapons. India can import uranium from the NSG for its nuclear power reactors, but import is only a short term answer, and costly for a country of our size. To fuel large nuclear power plants and for energy security, we cannot rely on imported uranium for long. Ultimately it has to be indigenous fuel. Fortunately, we have the world's largest deposit of thorium, an alternative to uranium and the nuclear fuel of future. We are perfecting the technology to use thorium for producing power. But, till that happens, we need to mine indigenous uranium, first, to reduce the dependence on imports for our nuclear power programme and, next, for operating the eight reactors to produce nuclear weaponry. The two facts are self evident. And now lift the veil and see the common faces behind the two decade-old Khasi Hills agitation against uranium mining and the agitation against the Koodankulam nuclear power plant — that is against nuclear India itself.

That the Koodankulam stir is the show of the Catholic Church has become out, but a bit late. Neutral media reports now confirm that S P Udaykumar, who leads the agitation, stays with the parish priest Father Jaikumar at Idinthakarai village; Fr Jaikumar openly supports the stir; Fr Thadyuse, the priest of the church in Koodankulam, too is forthright in his support; Fr S Peter, priest at the popular St Antony's Church in the coastal village Ovary, sends his flock to partake in the relay fast at Idinthakarai; local Christians priests confirm that the Bishop at Tirunelveli supports the stir. The church hierarchy is therefore fully at it. According to reports, transport, cash and biriyani are provided to mobilise protesters and they are motivated to throw stones at the maintenance officials of the plant to force its closure. Remove the church, the agitation will stop.

Now see the face behind the agitation in the Christian-majority Meghalaya, which has a sixth of India's uranium reserves. Not a kilogramme of uranium has been mined out of Meghalaya since 1990, thanks to 20-year long agitation by Khasi Hills students against mining it. The church in Meghalaya is backing, actually organising, the students. Violent incidents, blockade, picketing, huge rallies, setting fire to government offices and paralysing government marked the agitation (New Uranium Mining Projects - Meghalaya, India).

And who talks for the agitators? The archbishop of Shillong, Dominic Jala. (Uranium: archbishop wants dialogue| Cathnews India). Take the church out, there will be no stir. Even the uranium reserve in Jharkhand is at risk. A huge tribal campaign, with NGOs patronised by the church backing it, is thwarting uranium mining in Jharkhand.

QED: The campaign against mining uranium in Meghalaya and against the Koodankulam nuclear plant is by the same directors and actors with global links and money. Their target is nuclear India. They are driven by a geopolitical agenda to de-nuke India. But they actually nuke India.

Are the westerneres who have converted to hinduism strategic depth for India?
Not sure. But it's a tiny number, plus Hinduism is not politically organized, so it's irrelevant.

An analogy: a Buddhist convert will not be strategic depth for any country, same is the case with Hindusim. Only Abhramic religions are politically organized


Apr 5, 2009
Try said "Missionaries who fund and incite violence against non-Christians in the North East." The NSCN-IM and the NLFT are insurgent groups not church missionaries.

So why has'nt any action been taken against the Baptist church head in India?
The fact is that the Baptist church has a lot of influence over the people of the north-east. For example: When the NNC decided to send the first batch of Naga rebels to China, the powerful Baptist Church was upset with the rebel leaders. The NNC as well as the NSCN, which is led by the China-trained Thuingaleng Muivah (who continues to revere Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai as the "greatest leaders of the century"), have subsequently
made conscious efforts to appease the church.... (ref: Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies Homepage Ethnicity, Ideology and Religion: Separatist Movements in India's Northeast by Subir Bhaumik)

The rebels see it as a Bengali festival, the north-east the Bengali trader has the same status as a Sindhi trader in the rest of India. In the early 80's when the Mizo insurgency was on, there was a major back lash against Bengali's, even Bengali para-military and army personal were not spared.

There is very little you know of the north-east.


Apr 5, 2009
I do not deny the church's role in the current anti-nuclear agitation. But that is not because the church in anti-Indian. Your implication is laced with an evil intent.

The church's reason are environmental. The effects of uranium mining on the ecology and people is telling. It does not affect you, because the uranium contaminated water does not reach your home, or your cattle do not drink that water. These are bigger issues for the people of the country. No one thinks of the people affected by cancer in the Jadugoda uranium mines in Kharkhand.


Super Mod
Jul 2, 2010
Country flag
Try said "Missionaries who fund and incite violence against non-Christians in the North East." The NSCN-IM and the NLFT are insurgent groups not church missionaries. .
I didn't say that, it was JBH22. btw these guys want a separate Christian Country and you're telling me missionaries are not involved ?

So why has'nt any action been taken against the Baptist church head in India?
The fact is that the Baptist church has a lot of influence over the people of the north-east. For example: When the NNC decided to send the first batch of Naga rebels to China, the powerful Baptist Church was upset with the rebel leaders. The NNC as well as the NSCN, which is led by the China-trained Thuingaleng Muivah (who continues to revere Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai as the "greatest leaders of the century"), have subsequently
made conscious efforts to appease the church.... (ref: Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies Homepage Ethnicity, Ideology and Religion: Separatist Movements in India's Northeast by Subir Bhaumik)
Yup, I agree. The Chruch is quite politically active in the North East and is invovled in anti-national activites like preventing Uranium mining

The rebels see it as a Bengali festival, the north-east the Bengali trader has the same status as a Sindhi trader in the rest of India. In the early 80's when the Mizo insurgency was on, there was a major back lash against Bengali's, even Bengali para-military and army personal were not spared.
Tripura is majority Hindu (including Tripuris) Durga Puja would obviously be an important festival. The rebels (who are Christians btw) oppose it.

In a statement, the NLFT said it wanted all tribespeople in Tripura to become Christians because the practice of Hinduism has led to them being marginalised by people of Bengali origin living in the state.
BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | Separatist group bans Hindu festivities

There is very little you know of the north-east.
Possibly, but then again I posted these articles in support of another member.

My main contention is that neo-converts are a strategic depth of the west, they'll be used up by their religious leaders to fulfill objectives of foreign powers. I gave a supporting article to Kundakullam too.
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Super Mod
Jul 2, 2010
Country flag
I do not deny the church's role in the current anti-nuclear agitation. But that is not because the church in anti-Indian. Your implication is laced with an evil intent.
Not anti Indian, but pro Western interest. When interest align there will be no protests, if we buy loads of American reactors and change the liability laws, the protestors will vanish

btw I'm not talking about all Church sects

The church's reason are environmental. The effects of uranium mining on the ecology and people is telling. It does not affect you, because the uranium contaminated water does not reach your home, or your cattle do not drink that water. These are bigger issues for the people of the country. No one thinks of the people affected by cancer in the Jadugoda uranium mines in Kharkhand.
You've got to be kidding me :rolleyes:

Where was the Church when the plant was under construction ?
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