Should India go for nuclear testing in near future?

Should India conduct nuclear tests again

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 62.5%
  • No

    Votes: 15 31.3%
  • Can't say

    Votes: 3 6.3%

  • Total voters


Member of The Month OCTOBER 2009
New Member
Jul 23, 2009
After the controversial disclosure by senior DRDO scientist Dr. K. Santhanam that Pokhran- II fails to meet the desired yield; there has been a lot of argument and counter argument about should India go for further nuclear testing or not.

So kindly share your views on this thread. Please try to stay on topic. I will also request MOD to delete any post that is out of topic. No personal attack please.


Member of The Month OCTOBER 2009
New Member
Jul 23, 2009
India is a growing economy. So for a growing economy energy is the most important thing. My personal view is India must do more nuclear test but not in next 5/6 years. We have just signed the nuclear deal. So we need all the technology for our civilian nuclear program which was denied to us. The world economy is in recession and we are facing the worst drought in 30 odd years. So the time is not right.

India has no ambition of pilling up nuclear arsenal. We want to have a minimum nuclear deterrent which will make our neighbors think 100 times before attacking us. I do believe we have a minimum nuclear deterrent. So once we are in a great economic position and we have all the technology for our civilian nuclear energy program we can go for a testing. We have not signed the CTBT. So testing is not a problem for us. Nuclear testing will bring with it a lot of sanctions. But I have no doubt like 1998 we can face the sanctions. But we need to carefully calculate the timing of our test.


We need to test because we havn't ever conducted a series of tests which can give us a complete and a world class deterrant. In 1998 only a single nuclear weapon was tested in a complete shape(a simple fission nuke of 15-20kt yeild) but all other devices were experimental.
1.We experimented with using reactor grade Plutonium to see whether it can be used in making nuclear weapons, but it was a expt only and not a weapon.

2. We experimented with Thermonuclear device to see whether pri and sec stages of it work properly or not, again this was a expt only and not a well designed weapon itself. Whether it was succesfull or not successfull doeant matter because it was a two stage device only with a missing 3rd stage of a complete Fusion weapon. Also its yeid was degraded to lowest max levels which again tells the story that it is not a actual weapon.

3. We also didnt tested a weaponised form of a boosted fission device and its success is also a dillema to the general public. Infact if we study a bit about nukes we will find that making a boosted fission weapon requires more sophistication than even a Thermonuclear one. Again if we tested it once doesnt make it credible.

4. We tested again on 13th may and these tests are also in controversy though not a greater than the abovementioned ones.

Summary is this that 1998 tests were not a complete series and just experimentation which gave us some quantity of data which should be used to test furthur desgins of nukes in a complete form and yeild, only and only it is the way to a minimum credible dtterence which can assure the security of 1 billion humans.


I think admin should start a voting on this issue, thanking admin in anticipation.


On Vacation!
New Member
Apr 5, 2009
India should test nuclear weapons at some time in the future but definitely not now.

If we test now,

*We might lose NSG support and they might even revoke NSG approval.
*We might not get new nuclear plants.
*There might be sanctions which might hamper other defense projects like getting engines for ships/planes etc.
*There might be economic sanctions as well.

Is there urgency to test the nuclear weapons?. There is no immediate urgency as of now. We clearly have enough deterrent with whatever yields we have for now. We need to test the nukes when we have 2nd strike capability ready to launch. It will take some years to completely launch ATV and equip them with missiles and also for the development of delivering missiles like K-XX, Agni-3SL. When we have all these systems ready (may be 10yrs down the lane), then we can test the nukes. Ten years down the lane we will have more economic and political clout at the world stage and enough trade relation will be established with many of the western nations which will deem putting sanctions on India unsustainable.


New Member
Aug 12, 2009
i agree with daredevil on this we should wait for a few years ,besides india has a super computer so this can assist our scientists for now.the usa changed there law to help india,so it would be a slap in the face to them and a victory for those who opposed the 123 step at a time.......


New Member
Nov 8, 2009
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India is a growing economy. So for a growing economy energy is the most important thing. My personal view is India must do more nuclear test but not in next 5/6 years. We have just signed the nuclear deal. So we need all the technology for our civilian nuclear program which was denied to us. The world economy is in recession and we are facing the worst drought in 30 odd years. So the time is not right.

India has no ambition of pilling up nuclear arsenal. We want to have a minimum nuclear deterrent which will make our neighbors think 100 times before attacking us. I do believe we have a minimum nuclear deterrent. So once we are in a great economic position and we have all the technology for our civilian nuclear energy program we can go for a testing. We have not signed the CTBT. So testing is not a problem for us. Nuclear testing will bring with it a lot of sanctions. But I have no doubt like 1998 we can face the sanctions. But we need to carefully calculate the timing of our test.
whatever you said is right dude.


New Member
Nov 8, 2009
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India should test nuclear weapons at some time in the future but definitely not now.

If we test now,

*We might lose NSG support and they might even revoke NSG approval.
*We might not get new nuclear plants.
*There might be sanctions which might hamper other defense projects like getting engines for ships/planes etc.
*There might be economic sanctions as well.

Is there urgency to test the nuclear weapons?. There is no immediate urgency as of now. We clearly have enough deterrent with whatever yields we have for now. We need to test the nukes when we have 2nd strike capability ready to launch. It will take some years to completely launch ATV and equip them with missiles and also for the development of delivering missiles like K-XX, Agni-3SL. When we have all these systems ready (may be 10yrs down the lane), then we can test the nukes. Ten years down the lane we will have more economic and political clout at the world stage and enough trade relation will be established with many of the western nations which will deem putting sanctions on India unsustainable.
another great statement, my dude :)>


New Member
Aug 14, 2009
Our hydrogen bomb is the one test of five that has been thought to be a fisle. There are the options we have to my knowledge
1. Import nuclear reactors wait for 20 more years or a strategic need to go for test.
2. Ask Russia for test data from their explosions in exchange for intelligence cooperation, space cooperation and nuclear cooperation. Even confer market economy status, if they desire. Perform simulations on our super computers. Russian scientists should validate our bomb designs as well if required. But our strategic autonomy needs to be preserved. Then test it at the earliest chance of a paki or chinese provocation.
3. We have a door for civilian cooperation with the eu on harnessing nuclear fusion energy signed recently. Harness such programs for real time fusion reaction data and build an adequate bomb. But a civil program might not help much since a h-bomb requires a fission bomb around a fusion core bomb and simulating this with just small experimental fusion data would be extraneously difficult.
4. We already have credible designs for atomic bombs based on uranium and plutonium. Refine them, impove ballistic missile targeting precision, thus improving our credible deterence. Submarine launched capability would be even more vital for this end.
5. Initiate a cooperation with Israel a non-declared. but known nuclear weapon state. Initiate a program to exchange technicals on a mutually beneficial basis and thus improve bomb design and deterence.
So its not like our hands are tied down on nuclear test front. V have to work out innovative methods to take the project forward.


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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Ben all of your suggestions are good but some may violate the NPT, but since we are a non signatory who cares, but Russians may care but Israel is also a non signatory so it would work out nicely, Also the data sharing with Russia may not be possible but there are unconfirmed reports Indian scientists have been at Russian tests before Russia signed the NPT so that data maybe utilized. You also mentioned our Plutonium and Uranium but you forgot our Thorium reserves, also the byproduct of our Fast breeder reactors will be plutonium and all our fast breeder reactors are on the military side so even more nice things to look forward too..


Sanathan Pepe
New Member
Sep 18, 2009
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Simulated tests, hell yes. Such tests may be underway even now.

Field tests, no. It will hurt our nuke deals.


DFI Technocrat
New Member
Oct 10, 2009
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The way i see it the only controversy with the 1998 test is whether the thermonuclear/tritium boosted device worked,whether or not they worked one thing is certain the fission devices worked.

an enemy faces destruction from both fission and fusion devices though not on the same scale but the terror and deterrence of fission bombs remain valid.
a fission bomb also causes mass destruction in lives and property much like a fusion bomb in a crowded city like delhi or islamabad or beijing it will hardly matter if it is fusion or fission bomb that goes off.
India should focus on it's civilian nuclear programme and develop more advanced versions of the fission devices like MIRV's and nuclear warheads for the LACM's, without conducting further tests,simulations can be used.


New Member
Aug 15, 2010
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INDIA should do another test of high intensity to call the bluff off of pakistan and others who think that in 1998 the INDIAN BUDDHA did not smile. But this time it should not be the SMILE OF BUDDHA but the WRATH OF SHIVA. All it takes is one more test. We have to import the required amount of U238 and U239 from the NSG as soon as possible and then do the nuclear test like what the RUSSIANS did by exploding THE TZAR BOMBA.


New Member
Feb 17, 2009
INDIA should do another test of high intensity to call the bluff off of pakistan and others who think that in 1998 the INDIAN BUDDHA did not smile. But this time it should not be the SMILE OF BUDDHA but the WRATH OF SHIVA. All it takes is one more test. We have to import the required amount of U238 and U239 from the NSG as soon as possible and then do the nuclear test like what the RUSSIANS did by exploding THE TZAR BOMBA.
With what consequences? I am curious.


New Member
Sep 2, 2013
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Yes...India should do everything possible to defend itself....World is an evil jungle now..only might is right..Indians need to drop the cowardly, fearful attitude which kept them slaves to Mughals and British for many centuries. Some on this board propagate and talk like agents of do they want to go back and become slaves of west disgusting and shameful that some Indians think that only by western help ,they can survive. This timidity and tendency to get divided has kept India weak and down. All kind of methods are being used by West to enslave India again..bribes, funding media to create pro west attitude, veiled threats to destroy economy..use of Paki to create chaos and even, use of "good" terrorists in Kashmir, false noise of human rights violation etc. When will Indians understand these sinister evil games? If they don't understand, they only deserve to be slaves of western powers...that's all they deserve. sadly.. Stop talking about self respect, great culture , pride and just become a slave of "the hegemon" ..yes he might give you some dollars at the cost of your dignity and pride. Right now, the western agenda is in full swing and that is to create rivalry between India and China so that the hegemony can be continued for another 100 years. GET It ! West can and will do anything to keep its hegemony..even at the cost of destruction of entire world. That's how the mind of western politicians and rulers work. You will regret it if you don't have mighty military...get ready to face the monster hegemon. If you are won't lose a trusted friend like Russia and a would be partner like China....whose aims are the same...creation of a just, fair, multi- polar world . Don't worry about Paki...Paki is on the path of self destruction and west is not interested in it anymore..


New Member
Jun 15, 2014
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My Answer is NO and YES.The reasons are

1 )we need to pile up weapon gradable plutonium as much as possible.This is possible only after all the nuclear power plants become operational.And once nuclear power plants are operational we need continous supply of enriched uranium from NSG group. Any test now will result in stoppage of material which will totally stop our nuclear electricity generation. So we are kind of locked in situation. We need to find more and more uranium reserves and pile up enriched uranium supply for all our power plants atleast for ten years.
2) A complete analysis of Sanctions needs to be done and we need to come up with a back up plan before we take any test.We dont want DRDO cribbing sanctions in delay of their program or LCA tejas suffering due to halt in engine supplies. Planning should be done and steps implementted atleast 4-5 years before full grade testing.
3) For present they should work on miniaturization of devices and make sure these are tested in totall secrecay.

keeping all things in mind,we need time and plan and implementation which is not possible now.Once all these are in place we can test it.Hence a BIG NO for NOW and BIG YES after all these.


New Member
Aug 15, 2010
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With what consequences? I am curious.
One, we shall test it on you so that your thought of INDIAN DETERRENT being a dud will be proved wrong.

Two, the chinese will never dare to underestimate the INDIAN NUCLEAR MISSILES.


New Member
May 6, 2013
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If any of the current country that has done a nuclear test before does a nuclear test we ought to do one along with it. this includes north korea (proxy of PRC). for example it must be made clear to the 6 party talks that it is a façade and joke that PRC-north korea is able to test again and again and in fact if they do it again in the future india will consider its options. it must be on a conditional basis.

