Russian involvement in Syrian crisis


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2019
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BTW, these 2 Syrian Su-24s shot down over Idlib further increases F-16's combat record:

78 (previously 76) - A2A kills
1 - A2A losses
5 - Ground fire losses

And do those kills count the fake Mig-23 kills over Afghanistan in which Pakis claimed they shot down aircraft bort number 055; however the aircraft was photographed after it was “shot down” and pilots of those aircraft confirmed they did not get shot down. Perhaps the fake SU-30 kill is counted too, at least on :lol:

I’m just curious where is the second SU-24 video? The Turks had media pre positioned cameras for the 2015 SU-24 shoot down, they had recorded recent helicopter shoot downs over Syria, they recorded the MANPADS launched at SU-24s and the SU-24 shoot down was recorded.

But odd how the second aircraft is nowhere to be seen even though both aircraft were over a tiny area in Idlib on a sunny day and probably would have been shot down at the same time. The Israeli F-16 that was shot down was recorded falling to earth, the Indian Mig-21 was recorded falling to earth. Most aircraft including drones that are shot down over Syria and Yemen are recorded but not the second SU-24 which Turks are famous for recording shoot down for propaganda.


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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Senior Member
Mar 22, 2019
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95% of F-16 kills are against ground attack aircraft, helicopters, trainer aircraft, drones or are simply made up. At least 2 or 3 (depending on who you believe) F-16s that were shot down in A2A while several other are debatable. There is also the famous Pakistani F-16 that was shot down in A2A in 1987 that Afghans claimed they shot it down. The Pakistani claimed it was “friendly fire”.
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Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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95% of F-16 kills are against ground attack aircraft, helicopters, trainer aircraft, drones or are simply made up. At least 3 F-16 were also confirmed shot down in A2A while several other are debatable. There is also the famous Pakistani F-16 that was shot down in A2A in 1987 that Afghans claimed they shot it down. The Pakistani claimed it was “friendly fire”.

Migs 21, 23, 25 and 29, all fell victim to F-16.


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2019
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Migs 21, 23, 25 and 29, all fell victim to F-16.

Mostly NATO operated F-16s with AWACS against mostly 3rd world countries with outdated aircraft. Not that impressive....again most F-16 kills are laughable.

Even JF-17s and Hesa Saeqeh (F-5 copies) would have amazing ‘kill’ records vs shit air forces like Zimbabwe. Anyways stop derailing the thread with crap.


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2019
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Man, you have to give it to the Syrian military. For all the shit they face constantly and the shit they're handed to deal with it, it's pretty damn impressive they're actually managing to push Turks back.

I used to look upon them as a non-factor in the war against ISIS. Never figured they could actually handle Turkey's A grade military.
Russia's backing is there, of course, but still.

Let this be a lesson to all the Indians who think India will simply storm through Porkiland in the case of a war.

Even the shittiest and most underfunded of militaries can hold their own in their territory.


Regular Member
Dec 23, 2016
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Man, you have to give it to the Syrian military. For all the shit they face constantly and the shit they're handed to deal with it, it's pretty damn impressive they're actually managing to push Turks back.

I used to look upon them as a non-factor in the war against ISIS. Never figured they could actually handle Turkey's A grade military.
Russia's backing is there, of course, but still.

Let this be a lesson to all the Indians who think India will simply storm through Porkiland in the case of a war.

Even the shittiest and most underfunded of militaries can hold their own in their territory.
There is very big differences between proxy war and actual war, once actual war initiated the opponents who take arms against state dealt with a manner without considering regular army or not with irrespective to age or gender only thing they can do gorilla warfare like Afghan mujahedin done to us but even drone petrol and new urban warfare tatics will limit these type of gorilla warfare Effectiveness's, in contest of SAA they sole depend on ruaf and their equipments once Russia gone cold they will be situng duck their progression in war dependent on Russia sides coloration and backing as we see in last few days after 33 Turkish army personal became halal turkey to save mad dog of Turkey Russia have to go cold and they pressed the propaganda furthermore, in case of India Pakistan war it won't be issue who control's the air will win the war even both are nuclear powers either of them do a nuclear retaliation becoz if do both of them or one of them will became history for next generation as some self claimed great guys said no force on earth can destroy Pakistan but in my view they will be simply erased form their exaistance by a state ( its not a force BTW :) )

Tactical Frog

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2016
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Man, you have to give it to the Syrian military. For all the shit they face constantly and the shit they're handed to deal with it, it's pretty damn impressive they're actually managing to push Turks back.

I used to look upon them as a non-factor in the war against ISIS. Never figured they could actually handle Turkey's A grade military.
Russia's backing is there, of course, but still.

Let this be a lesson to all the Indians who think India will simply storm through Porkiland in the case of a war.

Even the shittiest and most underfunded of militaries can hold their own in their territory.
The Syrian military is such a joke. Turkey could crush it in a week if the Russians weren’t there to protect it.



Senior Member
Jan 31, 2019
The Syrian military is such a joke. Turkey could crush it in a week if the Russians weren’t there to protect it.

I mean what do you expect everyone knows the situation of Syria a war torn country for a decade they are not rich they don't have much money to have a proper army but the funny thing is with only this much Russian assistance they are able to push the Turkish military regaining towns and cities.

Quite a shame honestly even after being right beside Syria they continue to be humiliated like this.

But that's turks for you losing day in and day out.

Showing some drone footage and confirmed hits on troops and equipment dosen't change the reality on the ground turkish military and the Rebel's they are backing continue to be pushed back and they have now lost the M5 highway too.

In the meantime you can continue browsing enjoy the footage until turkey retreats.
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Senior Member
Sep 4, 2019
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The Syrian military is such a joke. Turkey could crush it in a week if the Russians weren’t there to protect it.

No one cares for that.
What matters are results.

One could also lay claim to Turkey's strength being support and gear by USA. Such strategic advantages and it's offsets will always be there.
Has Erdogan established his safe zone or has he not?
Also, are you a turk yourself?


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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No one cares for that.
What matters are results.

One could also lay claim to Turkey's strength being support and gear by USA. Such strategic advantages and it's offsets will always be there.
Has Erdogan established his safe zone or has he not?
Also, are you a turk yourself?
IMO part of turkeys tactical advantage is the co training with NATO powers

Tactical Frog

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2016
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No one cares for that.
What matters are results.

One could also lay claim to Turkey's strength being support and gear by USA. Such strategic advantages and it's offsets will always be there.
Has Erdogan established his safe zone or has he not?
Also, are you a turk yourself?
Nah, I am Gérard Araud, former ambassador of France to Israel, USA and the UN. I am a bit bored since I have retired :tongue:

About results, we have to wait until tomorrow, when Erdogan and Putin meet. We’ll know then if Turkey gets its safe zone.

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