Russian involvement in Syrian crisis


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Mar 21, 2009
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Putin awarded the Russians who Fought to the end, keep attacking militants "Al-Nusra"

In Moscow, was awarded the special operations group officers for their help in the fight against terrorists in Syria. Without them, the forces of the Arab Republic of Aviation would have had to beat the blind. Thanks to precise coordinates, no errors: the militants and they only suffer losses and lose their positions.



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Oct 31, 2015
Russia's 20-tonne reconnaissance and attack robot to undergo testing in 2018
Military & Defense
May 11, 10:48UTC+3
Russia's arms producer Kalashnikov last year demonstrated its first robotized system Soratnik developed at the request of the Defense Ministry

Soratnik robotized combat system
© Artyom Korotayev/TASS

12 photo

© AP Photo/Khalid Mohammed
Military robots: fulfilling dangerous tasks in the armed forces

MOSCOW, May 11. /TASS/. Russia’s newest reconnaissance and attack robot will be tested in 2018, the CEO of the Kalashnikov concern (an affiliate of Rostec), Aleksei Krivoruchko, told TASS.

Earlier, he told TASS in an interview that the 20-tonne robot was in the phase of test runs.

Kalashnikov last year demonstrated its first robotized system Soratnik developed at the request of the Defense Ministry. It is an armored tracked vehicle equipped with a computerized control system, encoded radio communication, target detection and monitoring equipment and a combat module. This robot is capable of interacting with other automated combat units, including Zala Aero drones.



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Mar 10, 2009
[Commentary: I am not a fan of Frida Ghitis, however, I am posting this opinion piece for context.]

Trump is the dupe in Russia photo op

By Frida Ghitis | [SOURCE]

Updated 6:00 PM ET, Thu May 11, 2017

Trump's bombshell firing of FBI Director James Comey, which drew outraged calls for the appointment of a special prosecutor to get to the bottom of election meddling. Politicians and pundits drew comparisons to Watergate and Richard Nixon's doomed presidency.

The happy Russians? They had a special gift for Trump as he welcomed them to the Oval Office.

If the Trump administration were not plagued with stunning incompetence, someone might have realized that welcoming Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russia's ambassador to the United States, Sergei Kislyak, on a day when Trump was being accused of trying to quash an investigation into his campaign's ties with Russia, was an extraordinarily stupid thing to do.

Lavrov on Comey: Was he fired? You're kidding 00:57

Or perhaps Trump, with his outsized self confidence, thinks himself immune to political fallout.

Or maybe he was thumbing his nose at the establishment. But that seems unlikely, since the White House had decided to ban the media from covering the Lavrov event, suggesting it had some understanding of how awful it would look -- a case of terrible "optics," to use Washington-speak.

Instead, the administration arranged a separate photo op with none other than Henry Kissinger, who worked for Nixon as national security adviser and then secretary of state. Another head-scratcher of a decision.

Trump had reportedly promised Putin that he would meet with Lavrov, who had been iced out by then-President Barack Obama. This was Lavrov's first visit to Washington in four years. Trump went ahead with the meeting, apparently expecting it to go softly under radar.

Ah, but Russia had other plans. Before long, photos of the President jovially interacting with the Russians were splashed all over the internet.

Trump was reportedly furious: The Russians "tricked us," one unnamed official told CNN. "That's the problem with the Russians -- they lie." [Commentary: I will believe this when I see and hear Trump say it.]

White House officials had allowed a Russian photographer, described by the delegation as Lavrov's photographer, to record the meeting. They claimed they didn't know the photographer also works for the state-run news agency Tass. So: Russian state media had an exclusive on the Oval Office meeting from which American journalists had been barred.

The Russian embassy kept trolling the White House all day, tweeting invitations for the public to see more pictures on the foreign ministry's Flickr account.

The photos offered a timely reminder of some of the protagonists in America's real-life "House of Cards" (or is it the spy thriller "The Americans," or perhaps "Game of Thrones?" My choice is "The Borgias," the true story of a rapacious family nakedly advancing its own interests after the family scion takes power).

We saw Trump, all smiles, with Kislyak, the man viewed by US intelligence as a Russian spymaster. It was indeed the discovery of meetings with Kislyak that triggered the resignation of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, and the recusal by Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

And now we all have fresh snapshots of the President and the ambassador.

Lavrov was having such a great day in Washington that he cracked a joke after meetings at the State Department when a reporter asked if Comey's firing "cast a shadow" over the talks. "Was he fired?" he quipped. "You're kidding!" Such a jokester!

It could only help his mood that administration officials, hiding from the press as much as they could, did not hold a formal press conference after the talks -- so Lavrov held his own, with Russia offering the only version of events.

There, too, he laughed at America. It must be "humiliating for the America people," he said sarcastically, "to realize that the Russian Federation is controlling the situation in America." He was answering a question about alleged Russian control of US policy --"fake information," he scoffed.

Putin laughs off questions about Comey 01:33

His boss, Russian President Vladimir Putin, was also having a great time. When A CBS reporter caught him in full, bulky hockey gear on the way to the rink and asked how Comey's firing would affect US-Russia relations, Putin replied, "Your question looks very funny for me. Don't be angry with me," he said, using his spokesman as interpreter, "we have nothing to do with that."

Putin then glided on the ice and led his team to victory, scoring six goals in the exhibition match. But before the game was over, Putin also took a bad fall, landing hard on his posterior after trying to show off his skills.

All in all, it was an invigorating day for the Russian leader. Watching America in crisis as a direct result of Russia's interference in the US election can only give him satisfaction. It weakens US institutions and slackens the people's faith in the country's democracy. It may also make some Russians think Putin's autocratic style is not so bad after all. But the celebration is premature.

Trump's actions have made it all but inconceivable that Trump, and much less Congress, will lift painful economic sanctions against Russia any time soon. In addition, the United States and much of the West now see Moscow as a threat.

It wasn't very long ago that the prospects for a genuine partnership between the two powers looked within reach. In the end, much will depend on how the drama of the Trump presidency unfolds. But whether Trump manages to stay in office or not, there is a very good chance that Russia will not find much to laugh about.


Russian Photographer Responds to US Media: Where's Your Dignity?
TASS photographer Alexandr Scherbak responds to "absurd and ludicrous" charges about his brief photoshoot at the White House

Alexandr Scherbak | [SOURCE]

Russia strikes again?

TASS photographer Alexandr Scherbak has responded to the insane US media hysteria alleging that he is some sort of KGB propaganda agent who "tricked" America with his devious photographs of Sergey Lavrov shaking hands with Donald Trump.

Alexandr has a very simple message for his American colleagues: Please preserve your professional dignity.

The below text was posted on his Facebook page:

I would like to address the US media. Honestly, this is nonsense to me. I am an individual who is not in the public eye and I’ve never commented on my work before but this hysteria around my photoshoot at the White House has forced me to write this post.

I’ve worked for the minister’s press pool since 2015 and I am often invited to cover trips and meetings of Foreign Minister Lavrov together with my colleagues.

I covered almost all the meetings that took place in the US, France, Germany, Switzerland and many other countries. Those were open and closed meetings, summits and forums, and many other events. The lists of journalists who cover trips are always submitted beforehand. And everyone knows who works where, who represents whom, and so on. Under the terms of the collaborative work between the Russian Foreign Ministry and TASS news agency I provide some of my photo materials for free publications on the Foreign Ministry’s official page and to other sources. Some photographs are distributed by TASS as with any other news agency.

There was nothing unusual about the photoshoot with Trump and Lavrov. Everything was typical. After the meeting with Tillerson I was taken by a US representative to the White House. I was scanned, patted down, and then sniffed by canines. Then I was waiting for the arrival of our delegation in a room in the White House. I was introduced to a female photographer who works there and was told to stay by her side as she knows all the protocol details. I took only two cameras to the photoshoot, I left all my stuff, including my cellphone, in another room as I was told to do.

The photoshoot was usual, with the delegations exchanging handshakes, a verbal exchange, and then the meeting began. We worked for just a minute and that’s all. I left the Oval Office and returned to the room where I was staying. When the meeting was over, we went to the Russian embassy for a news conference. And then we took off. I am urging US journalists not to lose their professional dignity and not to pin the blame on other people for their failure in organizing the photoshoot and the failure to provide access to their media. I have worked as a professional photo correspondent for many years and I am facing such absurd and ludicrous charges for the first time.


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Mar 21, 2009
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Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that more than 160 types of advanced weapons were tested during the military operation in Syria and demonstrated their reliability and efficiency.


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Mar 10, 2009
Russian Special Forces (SSO) in Action, Syria

ССО ВС РФ в Сирии/ Forces Special Operations Russian Armed Forces vol.1


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Mar 21, 2009
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Helicopter with military amphibious company of the Russian Federation Ministry of Defense of deep exploration in the sky over Palmyra, Syria



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Mar 10, 2009
Syria Is Worried About US Military Incursions — But They Probably Won’t Come From Jordan
Russia Insider’s Damascus correspondent examines reports about US forces massing in Jordan

Wael Al Hussaini | Sat, May 13, 2017 | [SOURCE]

SAA advancing with 9K35 Strela-10 in tow

According to reports, a SAA-operated UAV captured footage of a large military buildup believed to be ~43km inside Jordan south of its border with Syria; images of the footage were released by various media outlets.

Those images show a large buildup of light and heavy equipment including tanks and APCs, and are claimed by the publisher to be US and UK special forces aided with heavy armor alongside Jordanian military presence. According to the publishers themselves, these forces were on standby and waiting orders to initiate a military operation deep inside Syrian territories.

However, the story just doesn’t add up.

The mentioned camp is in fact one of the largest armor depots of the Jordanian Army, near the Jordanian city of Az-Zarqa, which is located ~48 km away from its border with Syria.

By doing a small comparison between the available satellite images and the claimed images taken by the drone, the following can be observed:

Most of the armor at the camp have not been moved since at least 2015, so most likely that camp has nothing to do recent US interest in deploying troops to southern Syria to fight ISIS.

Also, if the mentioned camp really had US and/or UK troops, how could a drone fly ~48 km into Jordanian airspace, capture the images and leave undetected? Keeping in mind of course that Jordanian airspace has been under US protection since early 2012, when Jordan asked the US to deploy Patriot missiles and F-16s.

Damascus is still worried about US incursions in Syria. But the threat will likely come from the air.

The Syria Arab Army recently launched a large scale operation to reach the Iraqi border from the Damascus Baghdad highway, where US-backed and trained militias are deployed, specifically in an area called al-Tanaf.

Notably, the latest reports coming from Lebanese al-Manar TV revealed that Syrian troops participating in the operation are being covered by a number of 9K35 Strela-10 short range anti-air systems. The deployment of such systems by the Syrian command can only be understood as sign of absolute lack of trust between the Syrian Command and the US-led coalition.

Which is understandable since the US-led coalition killed more than 80 Syrian soldiers in Der al-Zoor in what was claimed to be ‘an accident.’


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Mar 21, 2009
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Syrian War Update - Deir Hafer to Jirah Airbase (May 16, 2017): East Aleppo



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Feb 12, 2014
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Syrian force 'tightens noose' on Islamic State in Raqqa: U.S.-led coalition | Reuters

BEIRUT The U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have seized 350 square km (135 square miles) in the past week, tightening "their noose" on Islamic State in an advance to isolate its base of operations at Raqqa, a spokesman for the U.S.-led coalition said on Wednesday.Some 3,000 to 4,000 Islamic State fighters are thought to be holed up in Raqqa city where they continue to erect defences against the anticipated assault, drawing coalition air strikes to stop them, Colonel Ryan Dillon, a spokesman for the U.S.-led coalition, told Reuters in a phone interview from Baghdad.The SDF, an alliance of Kurdish and Arab fighters, has been encircling Raqqa since November in a multi-phased offensive backed by the U.S.-led coalition that is also fighting Islamic State in Iraq. Last week, the SDF accomplished a major goal by capturing Tabqa some 50 km (30 miles) west of Raqqa."In the last week, the SDF have tightened their noose around ISIS in the northern and eastern and western part of Raqqa," Dillon said. SDF fighters had drawn as near as 4 km (2.5 miles) to Raqqa at their closest point to the city.

"They have taken almost 350 sq kilometres of ground from ISIS, so they continue to just encroach and ... tighten, and tighten and tighten that isolation ring, quite frankly largely uncontested," he said.The SDF, which includes the powerful Kurdish YPG militia, said last week it expects to launch the final assault on Raqqa city in early summer. YPG and SDF officials had previously given April start dates for the assault, but these slipped as the battle for Tabqa went on.Asked about the timeframe, Dillon said: "We do not try to stick to a timeline.

"There's a principle of war called surprise and we want achieve that and we want our partner force to achieve that when they do decide it is the right time and place or places ... to start their assault."Defences being erected by Islamic State include earthen berms, some of them designed to hold large pools of water. In some cases, these had collapsed, causing flooding in Raqqa city.

While the coalition already has armed Arab fighters in the SDF, the White House last week authorized supplying weapons for the YPG, to help in the Raqqa assault.Dillon said there had been no deliveries and no specifics on the types of weapons and equipment the SDF will receive.Turkey sees the YPG as an extension of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) that has fought a three-decade insurgency for Kurdish autonomy and rights inside Turkey.(This story adds dropped word "on" in headline.) (Reporting by Tom Perry; Editing by Bill Trott)


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Mar 21, 2009
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