Russian involvement in Syrian crisis


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Mar 21, 2009
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RF Su-24M and Su-22 Air Force SAR strike strikes on positions of militants in the province of Idlib.



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Mar 21, 2009
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It is reported that the green left the plateau of al-Hass in the province of Allepo. Apparently they already resigned themselves to the impossibility of preventing the separation of the Idlib enclave and do not want to be in the "cauldron".

Over the past few hours there have been reports indicating that militant groups operating in the south-western province of Aleppo began a full-scale withdrawal of their forces from the region.

The justification for reporting a mass retreat, apparently according to insurgent sources, is that the military situation at the Al-Hass front (a reference to the region of operations in south-western Aleppo) has become impossible to justify any further resistance in the region.

The main reason - again, according to rebels reported from sources on the ground - for militants, the desperate situation in the south-west of Aleppo was due to the fact that the Syrian army almost completely surrounded them in the region amid major offensive operations in Aleppo, Hama and Idlibe.^tfw ..



Senior Member
Nov 19, 2017
no its home made by terrorists itself, using Wood to be more stealthy .....

Russia said Tuesday that a recent series of drone attacks on its military bases in Syria would have required assistance from a country possessing satellite navigation technology, a statement that appeared to be aimed at the United States. Russia’s Defence Ministry said its forces repelled a series of drone attacks Saturday on the Hemeimeem air base and a naval facility in Tartus, adding that out of the 13 drones involved, seven were shot down and six were forced to land without inflicting any damage.

Without blaming any specific country, the ministry said data for the attacks could only have been obtained “from one of the countries that possesses know-how in satellite navigation.” In Tuesday’s statement, it noted a “strange coincidence” of a US military intelligence plane flying over the Mediterranean near the two Russian bases at the moment of the attack. The Pentagon denied any involvement.

“Any suggestion that US or coalition forces played a role in an attack on a Russian base is without any basis in fact and is utterly irresponsible,” said Marine Maj. Adrian Rankine-Galloway, a Pentagon spokesman. The US and Russia support opposing sides of the Syrian civil war.

Russian President Vladimir Putin declared victory in Syria last month and ordered a partial troops pullout, and the Kremlin said late Monday that the number of Russian troops left in Syria is sufficient for fending off any attacks by militants. Asked Tuesday whether the withdrawal could have been premature in view of the drone attack, Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the Russian forces in Syria have “all the necessary means” to counter any challenge.

Syria’s President Bashar Assad has recovered major territory from rebels in Syria in the past two years, largely because of Russia’s military support. His forces are currently battling rebels on two fronts, in the northwestern Idlib province and in the eastern suburbs of Damascus. Opposition activists have reported airstrikes and shelling of rebel-held Damascus suburbs that killed and wounded dozens. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said warplanes attacked several suburbs of Damascus, including Saqba, where a man and a child were killed and 13 others were wounded.

The Observatory and the Syrian Civil Defence, first responders known as the White Helmets, reported airstrikes on other suburbs, including Harasta and Douma. Syria’s state news agency SANA said rebel shelling of the capital Tuesday killed five people and wounded 30. SANA said 15 shells struck the central, predominantly Christian neighborhood of Bab Touma. The capital has been shelled on a near-daily basis in recent weeks.

Turkey’s foreign minister accused Syrian government forces of attacking moderate opposition fighters under the guise of fighting extremists. Mevlut Cavusoglu’s comments came a day after Syrian government forces captured 14 villages as they advanced on Idlib, the largest rebel-held enclave in the country’s north, amid a wave of airstrikes. The troops aim to reach a rebel-held air base and secure the road linking the capital, Damascus, with the northern city of Aleppo, Syria’s largest.

The government offensive around Idlib has forced thousands of civilians to flee toward the border with Turkey. Cavusoglu said Syrian government attacks on moderate opposition forces would “axe” peace efforts.

Turkey, which backs the opposition, and Russia and Iran, whose wide-ranging support for Assad has turned the war in his favor, have taken the lead in Syria peace efforts over the past year. The UN humanitarian chief arrived in Damascus Tuesday to assess the humanitarian situation and discuss with government officials ways of improving access and aid delivery.

Mark Lowcock’s visit is the first by the head of the UN’s humanitarian agency since December 2015. The U.N. estimates that more than 13 million people need basic aid and protection across Syria. Lowcock is expected to meet government officials and visit the central city of Homs during his three-day visit. At the United Nations, Russian Ambassador Vasily Nebenzia said he hopes there will be new U.N.-led talks on Syria in Geneva ahead of Russian-brokered talks this month to “reinvigorate” peace efforts. He said Moscow wants talks among Syrians in Russia’s Black Sea resort of Sochi to contribute to the UN-led peace effort in Geneva, which has so far failed.


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Mar 21, 2009
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Syrian Express

on January 10, the Bosporus. BDK Orsk follows in Tartus.
Photo by @ YorukIsik



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Mar 21, 2009
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Turkey urged Russia and Iran to stop the offensive of Syrian troops in Idlib

Russia and Iran, the guarantors of the Syrian peace settlement, must stop the advancement of the Syrian government army in Idlib province, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said. According to him, the troops of Syrian President Bashar Assad continue their offensive in the border area. "Their intentions are clear to us," the Anadolu agency quotes the minister. He added that the Turkish Armed Forces began deploying the fourth observation post in the largest area of Idlib, which is controlled by the moderate Syrian opposition.

Yesterday the Turkish Foreign Ministry summoned the ambassadors of Russia and Iran to give explanations about the actions of the Syrian government forces allegedly violating the ceasefire in the de-escalation zone in Idlib. Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu claims that Bashar Assad's troops are attacking the positions of the moderate opposition under the pretext of fighting the terrorist organization Jebhat an Nusra (banned in the Russian Federation).


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Nov 19, 2017

MOSCOW: Russia's defence ministry said on Friday it had destroyed a stockpile of drones in Syria's Idlib province after militants used drones to attack its bases in the country last week, Russian news agencies reported, and said it had also found and killed the group of militants which attacked its air base in Syria in December.

Two Russian service personnel were killed in a mortar attack on Russia's Hmeimim base in western Syria on Dec. 31.

The militants were found and killed by Russian Special Operations forces, according to the Ministry statement.
Last weekend, rebels launched a drone attack on Hemeimeem and a Russian naval base in Tartus, which Russian military forces repelled.

“During the final stage of the operation a Russian Special Operations unit located the base camp of the militant saboteur group near the western border of Idlib province. As the terrorists arrived at the location, the entire group was eliminated with a high-precision ‘Krasnopol’ weapon as they were about to board a minibus,” the statement read.

Russian military intelligence also found a location in the province where the militants assembled and stored unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). The facility was subsequently destroyed with a high-precision strike.
Russia launched its campaign in Syria in September 2015.


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Nov 19, 2017

BEIRUT: Syrian state media on Friday cited field commanders as saying Turkey helped anti-government rebels launch a counter attack against the Syrian army and its allies in the northwest this week, underlining recent regional tensions over the fighting.

“Field commanders confirmed to the SANA correspondent that terrorists from the Turkistan Islamic Party with the direct support, direction and planning of the Turkish regime, brought most of their forces... to start their attack,” said SANA, the state news agency.

It added that the rebels had used Turkish vehicles. There was no immediate Turkish reaction to the allegations.
Turkey has been a major backer of Syrian rebels but has recently been working with Damascus’s allies Iran and Russia in meetings with the stated aim of reducing violence.

Rebel groups launched a counter attack in Idlib on Wednesday after a rapid push by the army and its allies toward the Abu Al-Duhur air base.

A military media unit run by the government’s Lebanese ally Hezbollah, and a Britain-based war monitor, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said on Friday the army had recaptured several villages taken in the rebel counter attack.

Turkey has criticized the army’s assault in Idlib, located in northwest Syria in the rebels’ biggest remaining stronghold, saying on Friday it would cause a new wave of migration. Idlib borders Turkey.


Senior Member
Nov 19, 2017
Delegation from the U.S. Department of State has reportedly visited areas in northern Syria.



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Nov 19, 2017
January 10 2018 13:44:00

Idlib province has been a source of tension between regime-backer Russia and rebel-supporter Turkey, with Ankara accusing the Syrian regime of stepping up its offensive on key rebel-held areas there.

"The drones were launched from the area of Muazzara in the southwestern part of the Idlib de-escalation area controlled by so-called 'moderate opposition' units," defense ministry newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda said.

The ministry has written to the chiefs of the Turkish army and intelligence service to insist that Ankara fully implement a cease-fire in Idlib province, the paper added.

Idlib is one of four de-escalation zones in Syria covered by a deal meant to reduce violence that was struck last year by Turkey, Russia and Iran.

On Jan. 9, Turkey's foreign ministry summoned the Russian and Iranian ambassadors to Ankara, according to diplomatic sources, after saying the Syrian regime was targeting moderate opposition forces in Idlib near the Turkish border.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoğlu said this could torpedo talks aimed at ending the war.

On Jan. 8, Russia said pilotless drones carrying explosives attacked Russian bases in Syria last weekend without causing any casualties or damage.


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Mar 21, 2009
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Mar 21, 2009
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The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reports the beginning of an operation to destroy 1500 militants who fell into the "boiler" in the Syrian province of Idlib.

"Syrian government troops and militia units began to liquidate the militant group of more than 1,500 people, surrounded in the eastern part of Idlib Province," the Russian military ministry said.

On the eve of the military department of the Russian Federation, it was announced that the Syrian government army had completed the encirclement of the major forces of Jabhat al-Nusra in the eastern part of the province of Idlib.

In late December, the chief of the Russian General Staff, Army General Valery Gerasimov, said in an interview with the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda that he was counting on the final rout of Jabhat an Nusra in Syria in 2018. ..


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Mar 21, 2009
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Syria: CAA, with the support of the Russian Air Force and Air Force, attacks ISGIL and "Tahrir ash-Sham" in Hama


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