Russian defence watch.


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Feb 16, 2009
Russia's state arms exporter has $20 bln in foreign orders

MOSCOW, February 16 (RIA Novosti) - Russian state-controlled arms exporter Rosoboronexport has a foreign orders portfolio of $20 billion, company official Nikolai Dimidyuk said on Monday.

Russia exports weapons to over 80 countries. Among the key buyers of Russian-made weaponry are China, India, Algeria, Venezuela, Iran, Malaysia and Serbia.

Dimidyuk, Rosoboronexport's special programs director, said the majority of the current orders were from India and China, while the amount of orders from Arab states was insignificant.

He added however that the company had recently concluded an arms contract with an Arab country. He also said that a contract for the delivery of spare parts had been agreed on with a European state, although he declined to name the countries concerned.

"We have recently signed a contract on the delivery of BMP-3M [infantry fighting vehicles] with an Arab country and a contract on the supply of spare weapons parts to a European country," the official said.

Russia exported $8 billion worth of armaments and military hardware in 2008 and is planning to increase arms exports by 6% to $8.5 billion in 2009.

The most popular types of weaponry bought from Russia are Sukhoi and MiG fighters, warships, air defense systems, helicopters, battle tanks, armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles.

Russia also maintains traditionally strong positions in the sales of small arms, and anti-tank and surface-to-air missile systems.

Dimidyuk said Russia would extensively promote Russian-made weaponry at the Idex 2009 show in Abu Dhabi, the capital of United Arab Emirates, on February 22-26.

"We will conduct aggressive marketing policies at the upcoming arms show in Abu Dhabi, and display a large amount of weaponry for ground forces, air defense, navy and air forces," the official said.

RIA Novosti - Russia - Russia's state arms exporter has $20 bln in foreign orders :)


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Feb 16, 2009
news and discussions on russian weapons and technology.

Russia begins to capture new Arab arms markets

MOSCOW, February 22 (RIA Novosti) - Russia is beginning to capture new arms markets of Arab countries that were earlier oriented to the West, the head of the Russian Federal Service for Military and Technical Cooperation said.

"Russia is beginning to enter new armaments markets where our presence was previously considered as hardly probable. In particular, some Persian Gulf countries, including Qatar and Kuwait, are displaying certain interest in the development of military and technical cooperation," Mikhail Dmitriyev said on the eve of an international defense exhibition opening on Sunday in the United Arab Emirates.

The Idex-2009 international defense exhibition and conference will take place in Abu Dhabi from February 22 through 26. Russian military systems and technology will be exhibited over an area of 546 square meters, including 84 square meters to be used to showcase the latest developments in Russian ammunition.

At the same time, Russia has signed and is implementing large-scale deals with Algeria, stepped up cooperation with Libya and Syria, he said. "We are switching to the establishment of partnership relations and cooperation within the general policy of developing and strengthening versatile contacts with the Arab and Islamic world."

Russia exported $8 billion worth of armaments and military hardware in 2008 and is planning to increase arms exports by 6% to $8.5 billion in 2009.

The most popular types of weaponry bought from Russia are Sukhoi and MiG fighters, warships, air defense systems, helicopters, battle tanks, armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles.

Russia exports weapons to over 80 countries. Among the key buyers of Russian-made weaponry are China, India, Algeria, Venezuela, Iran, Malaysia and Serbia.


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Feb 16, 2009
Russia to respond to militarization of Arctic

MOSCOW, Feb. 23 (Xinhua) -- Russia is ready to respond to attempts to militarize the Arctic region, the Interfax news agency reported Monday citing the chief of the general staff.

  "We want to see in general how far the region will be militarized and we will act accordingly," Gen. Nikolai Makarov was quoted by as saying during a visit to the United Arab Emirates.

  NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said last month that military activity has been steadily increasing in the Arctic.

  He called for transparency, trust and cooperation to tackle the challenges in the Arctic, saying it is necessary to engage Russia and other stakeholders in the region and beyond.

  Russia shares Arctic Sea coastlines with four other countries: Canada, Denmark, Norway and the United States, all NATO members.

  The five countries have different views over the delineation of the 200-nautical-mile limit of the Exclusive Economic Zones, as well as over the extension of the continental shelves.

  In addition, Makarov, who is attending an international arms fair, said Russia has not yet received official proposals from the United States on significant reduction of strategic nuclear arms.

  "When the proposal comes, we will discuss it. It's absolutely early to talk about anything," Makarov said.

  It was reported earlier the new U.S. administration would hold talks with Moscow with a view to slashing the number of intercontinental nuclear missiles on both sides by 80 percent.



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Feb 19, 2009
If America and Russia really do make any headway in cutting their ICBM arsenal by 80% it would be a major deal. Then again, China would have even greater power then because they would have almost as many ICBM's as US and russia


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
If America and Russia really do make any headway in cutting their ICBM arsenal by 80% it would be a major deal. Then again, China would have even greater power then because they would have almost as many ICBM's as US and russia
yes that is very true but i doubt they will actually cut down by 80%.both of them will try to outsmart the other.


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Feb 16, 2009
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they have been saying this for years.China would still not catch up
and Russia will be building up again to respond to the US missile shield in poland.


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
they have been saying this for years.China would still not catch up
and Russia will be building up again to respond to the US missile shield in poland.
thats exactly the thing that is going to happen, once this recession is over the oil prices will go up and you will see russia building up its icbms again,
anyway the russians have ordered 29 bulava icbms for 2009-2010.


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Feb 16, 2009
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they are going over to iskanders as their mainstay, any chance they can share topol course chaning secrets with us?


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
they are going over to iskanders as their mainstay, any chance they can share topol course chaning secrets with us?
the MIRV capability of the topol would be of interest to the indians but i doubt russians would share such technology now,anyway legally its impossible
but secretly things might already be on.


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Feb 25, 2009
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Hi Invincible,

I read recently that Russia wouldnt deploy missiles in Kalinigrad as the US under Obama is not keen to station ABM shield in Poland.
What is the strategic importance of Kalinigrad


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Feb 16, 2009
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it can still hit Europe and the missile shield would be useless, Russia also said poland will be gone in any conflict, 2 sacrificial lambs for USA poland and czech republic.


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
Hi Invincible,

I read recently that Russia wouldnt deploy missiles in Kalinigrad as the US under Obama is not keen to station ABM shield in Poland.
What is the strategic importance of Kalinigrad
sir not deploying the iskander in kalinigrad is a tactical decesion by the russians to put the balls in the us court but the us has not shyed away from the misssile sheild yet but agreed to hold talks with russia regarding this.
deploying missiles in kalinigrad is a direct threat for entire europe and NATO because of its strategic location,< it brings the entire europe under its range > eu wants to keep europe nuclear threat free but this russian action is a direct threat to nato countries as they perceive it.

sir please use the announcement section to introduce yourself to all our dfi members ,thanks.


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Feb 16, 2009
Russian air force withdraws 90 faulty MiGs

MOSCOW: Ninety of Russia's MiG-29 fighter jets have been rejected by military inspectors during checks after a crash last December, an air force
spokesman said on Friday, quoted by Interfax.

"So far from the overall fleet of MiG-29s, about 200 planes have been examined, of which 100 have been permitted to fly. About 90 MiG-29s have been withdrawn from flying," said Colonel Vladimir Drik.

He added that checks were continuing on the rest of the MiG-29 fleet and that faulty planes would be repaired and put back in service as funds became available. Interfax estimated Russia's total number of MiG-29s at 300.

Russia suspended MiG-29 flights in December when one of the jets crashed in Siberia, killing its pilot.

The crash was attributed to a technical fault and followed another MiG-29 crash in October in the Chita area.

First produced in the 1980s, MiG-29s have been exported through much of the world, notably being used by India's air force and by Iraq in the 1991 Gulf War.

Despite a revival in Russia's financial position in recent years, the country's military has continued to suffer embarrassing technical failures, most notably with its accident-prone submarines.


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Feb 16, 2009
Lt. Gen. Sergei Bainetov, head of flight security at the Russian Air Force, said that even new aircraft which had clocked no more than 150 flight hours showed signs of metal corrosion in their tail sections. Experts are looking into the possible causes of the corrosion.


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Feb 16, 2009
Russia's Yaroslav Mudry frigate to enter service before year-end

BALTIYSK, March 12 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's newest frigate, the Yaroslav Mudry, will begin service before the end of this year, the Baltic Fleet commander said on Thursday.

The frigate - the second vessel in the 11540 Yastreb project after the Neustrashimy, which recently took part in an anti-piracy operation in the Gulf of Aden - is currently undergoing sea trials.

"The tests have been conducted successfully. They will last two or three months, after which the final trials will begin, which are set to end by fall," Rear Admiral Viktor Mardusin said.

Earlier reports said the frigate could enter service in April. The construction of the Yaroslav Mudry has taken almost 19 years due to lack of financing.

The frigate has a displacement of 4,250 tons and a maximum speed of 30 knots. It is armed with anti-ship missiles, air defense systems, a 100-mm artillery mount, depth charges, and a Ka-27 helicopter.

Mardusin earlier said the Neustrashimy could be sent back to Somalia in May-June, and that the Yaroslav Mudry could join the international anti-piracy in the Gulf of Aden after entering service with the Baltic Fleet


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Feb 16, 2009
New mobile Topol-M battalion put on combat duty in Russia

MOSCOW, March 10 (RIA Novosti) - A missile battalion equipped with mobile Topol-M (SS-27 Stalin) ICBMs has been put on combat duty in central Russia, a spokesman for the Russian Missile Forces (SMF) said on Tuesday.

The first two Topol-M mobile missile battalions, equipped with six road-mobile systems, had already been put on combat duty with the 54th Strategic Missile Division near the town of Teikovo, about 150 miles (240 km) northeast of Moscow.

"Another missile battalion equipped with mobile Topol-M missile systems and comprising three launchers and a command unit has been put on combat duty with the Teikovo missile division in the Ivanovo Region," Col. Alexander Vovk said.

The SMF commander, Col. Gen. Nikolai Solovtsov, earlier said that Russia's Topol-M ballistic missiles would be put on combat duty on schedule despite the current global financial crisis. He added that the division will be up to full strength by 2010.

Topol-M missiles are the mainstay of the ground-based component of Russia's nuclear triad. As of the beginning of 2009, the SMF operated 50 silo-based and six road-mobile Topol-M missile systems.

The missile, with a range of about 7,000 miles (11,000 km), is said to be immune to any current and future U.S. ABM defense. It is capable of making evasive maneuvers to avoid a kill using terminal phase interceptors, and carries targeting countermeasures and decoys.

It is also shielded against radiation, electromagnetic pulse, nuclear blasts, and is designed to survive a hit from any form of laser technology.


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Feb 24, 2009
India worried as Russia grounds MiG-29 fleet

India worried as Russia grounds MiG-29 fleet
Rajat Pandit | TNN

New Delhi: In a move fraught with major implications for India, Russia has grounded a major chunk of its MiG-29 fleet due to structural defects. The Indian Air Force (IAF) operates over 60 MiG-29s as “allweather air-superiority fighters’’.
Moreover, the Indian Navy is soon to get 16 MiG-29Ks—the fighter’s naval variant designed to operate from an aircraft carrier’s deck—as part of the original $1.5 billion package deal signed with Russia in 2004 for Admiral Gorshkov.
Sources said a navy team recently returned empty-handed from Russia after the delivery of its 16 MiG-29Ks was postponed because of Moscow’s decision to ground its own MiG-29s. Russia apparently grounded its entire fleet of about 300 MiG-29s, codenamed ‘Fulcrum’ by Nato during the Cold War, after a couple of them crashed in southern Siberia in October-December due to the disintegration of their tail fins.
Subsequently, around 90 MiG-29s have so far been found unsafe to fly during ongoing checks, while 100 have been cleared to take to the skies. Incidentally, Algeria had last year returned its 15 MiG-29s to Russia, holding that their quality was poor, which was strongly contested by Moscow.
This does not augur well for India. As earlier reported by TOI, the IAF is already grappling with a huge dip in the number of its fighter squadrons, down to just 32 from the “sanctioned strength’’ of 39.5. 6 MiGs in Russia for overhaul
New Delhi: One of the major worries for India over Russia deciding to ground its MIG-29s is that even as New Delhi haggles with Moscow over its additional $2 billion demand for Gorshkov’s refit, the defence ministry has cleared the navy’s proposal to buy 29 additional MiG-29Ks for Rs 5,380 crore. The procurement has been approved because both Gorshkov and the indigenous aircraft carrier, being built at the Cochin Shipyard, will operate MiG-29Ks once the two desperately needed warships are inducted into service in the next decade.
The immediate concern, however, is for the IAF, which operates three MiG-29 squadrons along the western front for air defence purposes. “We have received no word from Russia. We are continuing to fly our MiG-29s from Halwara and Jamnagar,’’ a senior officer said.
The IAF had inducted over 70 twinengined MiG-29s from 1986 onwards but has lost several of them in crashes, though these fighters are not as accidentprone as the single-engined MiG-21s or the recently phased out MiG-23s.
Interestingly, six IAF MiG-29s are currently in Russia for a mid-life upgrade under a huge $964 million contract signed in March 2008. The other 57 fighters will be retrofitted at the IAF base repair depot at Nashik under transfer of technology from Russia. Apart from extending their life from the present 25 years (2,500 flight hours) to 40 years (3,500 hours), the mid-life extension refit is supposed to turn these air-superiority fighters into far more lethal all-weather multi-role jets.
The upgrade, slated for completion by March 2014, will include the advanced multi-functional Zhuk-ME radar and a new weapon control system. “The package will include state-of-the-art avionics and cockpit ergonomics, as also fuel capacity increase,’’ said an official.

AS Per TIMES OF INDIA report Dated 14th March 2009


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Feb 16, 2009
Russia can station bombers in Cuba, Venezuela

MOSCOW: Russia can "possibly" use Cuba to station its strategic bombers there, while Venezuela has offered Moscow to do the same on its

territory, said a senior Russian strategic air force commander, Interfax reported today.

"It is possible with Cuba," Interfax quoted Major General Anatoly Zhikharev as saying. "There are four or five airfields with runways 4,000 metres long which suits us quite well.

"If there is a will of heads of the two states, a political will, we are ready to fly there," he said.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has also offered to let Russia use his country's territory to station Russian strategic bombers there, Zhikharev told Interfax.

"Yes, such a proposal from the president of Venezuela exists. If there is an appropriate political decision it is possible," he said.

The local airfield would have to be upgraded before it could be used by the Russian bombers, however, he added.

The Russian authorities have recently tried to revive ties with Soviet-era allies Cuba and Venezuela, which are both passionate critics of the United States.

The report comes as Russian President Dmitry Medvedev is gearing up to meet new US President Barack Obama in London in early April in an effort to re-launch US-Russian ties.


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Feb 24, 2009
Indian Fulcrums

Hi Atul
In the article you posted it said the 57 Fulcrums upgrade project will be complete in March 2014. That's just over 11 aircraft per year being upgrade do you know if that time frame is correct doesn't it seem too long?

Do you know how the long work in Russia will take on the six Fulcrums sent over, I didn't see that. I'm looking for date sent to date finished.

Has India check their Fulcrums to see if there's any disintegration of their tail fins? Are they in danger?

The article doesn't provide a great deal of information are all Fulcrums in danger or only certain models or batches?

If you can help thanks in advance

