Russia working on airborne LASER weapon system


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Feb 16, 2009
Country flag Оружие: Россия создаст лазер для подавления разведки противника

Russia working on airborne LASER weapon system

Russia is developing a laser system designed to suppress enemy reconnaissance assets, Interfax reported citing a source in the military-industrial complex. "Aviation and laser complex designed for the transfer of laser energy to remote objects in order to counter the infrared opto-electronic means of the enemy" - a source told the agency.

The laser system was being installed on the aircraft A-60, based at the transport of IL-76. To date, the complex has been developing for quite some time, passed through several successful tests. The new weapon in the first place will be supplied Russian troops speech on exports is not yet. The fact that Russia is developing a military air-based laser, the first time in August 2009 declared valid academic advisor to the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Russia Yury Zaitsev.

According to him, in a weapons program, which was approved by the Scientific and Technical Council of the Military Industrialization Commission, there are sections that involve the holding of works on the development of laser weapons. This Zaitsev said that the development of laser weapons were in the USSR. In particular, in 1972, has been tested "fairly powerful setup.



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Dec 17, 2009
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Those pictures are from the 80s during the USSR. They don't have an active HEL programme. They can't afford it.


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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looks like Russians were ahead of USA at one point in Airborne lasers?? Until the collapse of the Soviet union.


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Dec 17, 2009
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There was no success with the A-60, so I would say no.


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Jul 1, 2010
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well the russian were atlest ahead in ever damn field by 10 to 15 years in space and military aviation and weapons look at buran space shuttle it is far more better then the american one and now the american are asking for the tech of buran rocket engine, the American are using russian rocket engine after 1995, they used the help of russian yak companies expertise to over come the problem faced in JSF, all the testing that is done by US now has been done by russian in 1980 itself


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Dec 17, 2009
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well the russian were atlest ahead in ever damn field by 10 to 15 years in space and military aviation and weapons
By the end of the Cold War, the Russians were behind in every field. The stated figure by experts is 4-5 years. Now it is 20.

look at buran space shuttle it is far more better then the american one and now the american are asking for the tech of buran rocket engine,
The Buran only flew once in a LEO and achieved nothing. That isn't better than shuttles that logged 100,000 space hours in LEO and HEO.

The Americans are not asking for Buran rocket engines, the Energia only shot to LEO and was not reusable. The Americans were far above that technology.

the American are using russian rocket engine after 1995 they used the help of russian yak companies expertise to over come the problem faced in JSF, all the testing that is done by US now has been done by russian in 1980 itself
Even the Ariane has better capability than Russian rockets, it is just more expensive.

P&W never consulted with Yakovlev to develop the F-35's engine. You are living in some kind of fantasy world.


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Jul 1, 2010
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By the end of the Cold War, the Russians were behind in every field. The stated figure by experts is 4-5 years. Now it is 20.
well the west never fail itself to say that they are superior well but i do a bit of research and see by the way i dont belive on what ever crap the west say

The Buran only flew once in a LEO and achieved nothing. That isn't better than shuttles that logged 100,000 space hours in LEO and HEO.

The Americans are not asking for Buran rocket engines, the Energia only shot to LEO and was not reusable. The Americans were far above that technology.
the buran was technologically superior then the american space shuttle and it's new space program called the orian is going to use a modify version of Buran rocket and plz bro see this full video then reply for this comment and the buran project was closed as the budget was too high
YouTube - Russian shuttle dream dashed by Soviet crash

Even the Ariane has better capability than Russian rockets, it is just more expensive.
Ariane uses russian rockets services i dont know how can u comment without knowing anything, ariane uses soyuz rockets
Arianespace Orders 10 More Soyuz Rockets to Launch From Guiana | Parabolic Arc

The american use RD-180 engines for its Atlas carrier rockets because the american still dont have the technology to build it yet
RD-180 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Atlas V - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

P&W never consulted with Yakovlev to develop the F-35's engine. You are living in some kind of fantasy world.
well read my comment properly i never said that Yakovlev help to develop F35 engine i said they helped to over come some problem regarding vertical takeoff as they had experience in yak141 and the lockheed martin came up to yakovlev for help
Yakovlev Yak-141 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Aeroflight � Yakovlev Yak-41 'Freestyle'

i hope next time u write something make sure you read a bit and know atlest a little bit about the topic that you are commenting on and i can provide u more links on ever topic because i know wikipedia is not a perfect site but i was in a bit of hurry or i could have provided you better links
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New Member
Dec 17, 2009
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well the west never fail itself to say that they are superior well but i do a bit of research and see by the way i dont belive on what ever crap the west say
We will see how well you researched...

the buran was technologically superior then the american space shuttle and it's new space program called the orian is going to use a modify version of Buran rocket and plz bro see this full video then reply for this comment and the buran project was closed as the budget was too high
YouTube - Russian shuttle dream dashed by Soviet crash
There was no Orian, and Energia wasn't technologically superior to the American booster. It couldn't reach HEO, it never had a payload to test, it never did anything except fly one very low earth orbit and it wasn't reusable. Russians can tout how advanced it was, but it never did anything to test its capabilities. It was just another propaganda project that never went anywhere. Good laugh when the pilot said as maneuverable as a jet fighter. lol

Ariane uses russian rockets services i dont know how can u comment without knowing anything, ariane uses soyuz rockets
Arianespace Orders 10 More Soyuz Rockets to Launch From Guiana | Parabolic Arc
Ariane is a series of rocket, it don't use another rocket's services. Arianespace is a company. It uses Ariane V as well. As I already told you, it is a matter of cost. The technology, payload, and range of the Ariane V is better than any of the Protons Russia sells.

The american use RD-180 engines for its Atlas carrier rockets because the american still dont have the technology to build it yet
RD-180 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Atlas V - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Once Russia handed over the license 20 years ago, they knew how to build it. It is 60s tech when USSR had better rocketry, of which they still use today. Currently the Russians are developing the Angara series, of which two boosters have been used for S. Korean satellite launches... both of which have failed. Bet you never bothered to research that. Of course you don't know about the Delta IV which outclasses Proton rockets in HEO payload by 5 times.

well read my comment properly i never said that Yakovlev help to develop F35 engine i said they helped to over come some problem regarding vertical takeoff as they had experience in yak141 and the lockheed martin came up to yakovlev for help
Yakovlev Yak-141 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Aeroflight � Yakovlev Yak-41 'Freestyle'
Lockheed Martin never collaborated with Yakovlev. I suggest you quit reading open source wiki and abovetopsecret blogs and find a real source... like a press release. Of which you will never find.

i hope next time u write something make sure you read a bit and know atlest a little bit about the topic that you are commenting on and i can provide u more links on ever topic because i know wikipedia is not a perfect site but i was in a bit of hurry or i could have provided you better links
I hope the next time u write something you make sure you know what you are talking about at least a little bit. I mean really... you avoid anything that shatters your glass dream and praise anything the Soviets never actually did. Which A) make a feasible shuttle and B) make a feasible STOVL aircraft. Buran was a failure as well as Yak-141. Russians can't live off their cheap 60s technology forever, they know they need something better, ie Angara. But that is turning into another Bulava.


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Nov 16, 2009
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Russia in renewed Talks for Airborne Laser

Work on the U.S. airborne laser has gotten the Russians talking again.

On 19 August, an OPK source told Interfaks a laser system mounted on an Il-76 is under development, specifically to counter enemy reconnaissance systems. It's supposed to disrupt optoelectronic equipment operating in the infrared range in space, at sea, and on land. The Interfaks source said this work's been continuing for some time using a modified Il-76 (A-60), and the laser's gone through a series of successful tests. picked up the story from here. It says Russia's flying airborne laser laboratory took flight in 1981, and fired against an aerial target in April 1984. However, work ceased in the early 1990s for lack of funds. But now, claims financing is going "according to plan."

Defense commentator Igor Korotchenko told he doesn't see the sense in the airborne laser, and doesn't think it could be used in practice:

"From a practical point of view, realization of such a program under conditions of defense budget limitations will look absolutely unwarranted and wasteful for the Russian budget. Even if Russia gave itself such a task as developing an air-based laser, we have to understand that we'd have to fly this laser into U.S. airspace. And try to destroy ballistic missiles there in the launch phase when they fire them at us. It's completely obvious that all our aircraft would be shot down."

Korotchenko goes on to say only the U.S. can afford a program like the airborne laser. But regarding Russia:

". . . theoretically, of course, it's possible to allow that such a flying laser system could be built, but if it's senseless in a practical plan of combat employment, why take away resources from really important and necessary programs?"

While reading Korotchenko, one needs to bear his long and close association with Almaz-Antey in mind. Perhaps there's fear lasers might detract from funding for more conventional air defense weapons.

According to, many specialists think it's just a matter of Russian prestige in keeping up with the Americans. CAST's Ruslan Pukhov doesn't consider it a waste, however, saying that even the U.S. recognized Russian laser successes, and it would be stupid not to pursue more research. Still others say it'd be better to spend money protecting Russian missiles from laser strikes during launch and boost phases. provided Pukhov's comment:

"Several types of weapons need to fulfill the same function so that your system is more stable. If suddenly the enemy found some kind of countermeasure to one type of weapon, or you didn't manage to employ it for this or that reason, it's always better to have a substitute. Therefore, in my view, it's stupid to renounce those types of weapons and those technologies where even your potential enemy assesses you extremely highly." also added to this story. According to it, the laser system will be for Russian forces; there's no talk of exporting yet. It says Russian Academy of Engineering Sciences official Yuriy Zaytsev first mentioned renewed work on an airborne laser in August 2009. It provides some background on the Soviet laser weapons program in the 1960s and 1970s, through the A-60"²s successful destruction of an aerial target in 1984. It says, though there was no money in the 1990s, the design bureau continued to work on the laser program on an initiative basis.



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Jul 1, 2010
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There was no Orian, and Energia wasn't technologically superior to the American booster. It couldn't reach HEO, it never had a payload to test, it never did anything except fly one very low earth orbit and it wasn't reusable. Russians can tout how advanced it was, but it never did anything to test its capabilities. It was just another propaganda project that never went anywhere. Good laugh when the pilot said as maneuverable as a jet fighter. lol
well i can say same about the west that it's all propaganda that they say their tech is more superior then the russian and let me tell you russian very rarely make a big fuss about what ever they invent unlike the west, the russian always try to keep their tech a secret it's the west to creates crap and make a big fuss about it and i didnt know u were so blind that even after showing u the video you are not read believe it so i dont know what can i do to make u believe no matter what i show u will say its propaganda
A Comparison

Ariane is a series of rocket, it don't use another rocket's services. Arianespace is a company. It uses Ariane V as well. As I already told you, it is a matter of cost. The technology, payload, and range of the Ariane V is better than any of the Protons Russia sells.
well the most important thing here is the cost when it comes to launching in space and the ESA itself allowed the russian soyuz to be launched from french-guneia and it is 3 time more cheaper then the ariane 4 and proton is just one series there are lot of series of rockets in russian inventory unlike the european agency who just has ariane series of rockets and in terms of payload and range energia rocket has far more payload capacity and better range

Once Russia handed over the license 20 years ago, they knew how to build it. It is 60s tech when USSR had better rocketry, of which they still use today. Currently the Russians are developing the Angara series, of which two boosters have been used for S. Korean satellite launches... both of which have failed. Bet you never bothered to research that. Of course you don't know about the Delta IV which outclasses Proton rockets in HEO payload by 5 times.
first of all the contract was singed between 1992 to 1995 so its not 20 years, well and if you say that it's 60s tech then well atlas 5 was first launched in 2005 so if its a 60's then you mean to say that american are 50 years behind as per your comments, well and the russian can come up with the rocket as they already had energia series which has a capacity that can outclass delta IV by nearly twice

Lockheed Martin never collaborated with Yakovlev. I suggest you quit reading open source wiki and abovetopsecret blogs and find a real source... like a press release. Of which you will never find.
well there was an video in youtube but i cant find it now if i find it i will soon update it here and it was in paris airshow where it was told openly by lockheed martin that they are taking services of yakovlev and the russian space agency and they are funding for some rocket program too

and well even the american so call stealth was researched by russian the american never understood the fundas of stealth and the russian already solved most of the things in 1950's here is a video by american expert itself acknowledging it YouTube - Russian stealth (part 1)

and tell me one thing if west thought that they were better then why they need to announce prices for the people who stole the russian aircraft like in korean war mig15 and mig 25 they were so keen to know about the russian tech if they had better tech then why bother it the russian never bother to get their hands on american aircraft and you can see for yourself all the experiment the soviet did in 1970 and 80's they are done by the american now

i guess it about time that you stop living in your fairy land and face the reality bro


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Nov 16, 2009
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Russia's Cold War raygun air fleet back in operation - reports

Reports suggest that Russia has re-started work on a Cold War project intended to produce a laser cannon mounted on an enormous military transport aircraft in the style of the USA's Airborne Laser Testbed 747.

Erratic Muscovite journal Pravda reports the development, saying that the Russian military raygun programme was started in 1980 but then mothballed in the '90s when funds became tight. Now, however, it is said to have been restarted.

Though Pravda doesn't specify the name of the programme, it does state that the weapon system is carried aboard a modified Ilyushin-76 heavy transport: this suggests that the report refers to the Beriev A-60 programme of the 1980s and 90s. The A-60 supposedly mounted a one-megawatt gas laser.

Normally a Pravda report wouldn't carry much weight, but photos apparently taken earlier this year seem to show that at least one A-60 is flying again after 15 years in mothballs. There was also an Interfax report to the same effect earlier last month.

Pravda seems unsure whether the reanimated A-60 is intended primarily for blinding long-range enemy sensors - for instance those on satellites or reconnaissance aircraft - or for use along the same lines as the USA's formerly planned Airborne Laser (ABL) fleet. The ABL was intended to cruise near hostile missile fields and beam enemy ICBMs out of existence during their boost phase, as they rocketed up through the atmosphere full of explosive fuel.

That might have been practical in the case of US laser-jumbos patrolling off the North Korean coast, but even the US air force might struggle to protect ABLs on station within range of Iranian silos - far less those of Russia. In any event, the Obama administration has decided it doesn't want an ABL fleet and has downgraded the project into a research effort - hence the prototype raygun-jumbo is now known as the Airborne Laser Testbed (ALTB). It is thought to pack multi-megawatt punch, several times more powerful than the A-60s.

Similar criticisms on usefulness would apply to any nuke-nobbling use of Russia's renascent rayguncraft.

"You must understand that we will have to deliver this laser through the airspace of the United States," Russian defence journo Igor Korotchenko tells Pravda.

"Clearly, all our aircrafts will be shot down."

It seems relatively unlikely that the Russian military has actually revived the A-60 for the purpose of swatting down boosting US missiles - the idea that it might instead blind satellites or spy planes is much more credible. Particularly in the case of satellites, having the laser high above most of the atmosphere would make it much more effective.

Russia's Cold War raygun air fleet back in operation - reports "¢ The Register

Ser Korz

New Member
Nov 6, 2014
Those pictures are from the 80s during the USSR. They don't have an active HEL programme. They can't afford it.

Россия создаст лазер для подавления разведки противника ( Russia will set the laser to suppress the enemy's intelligence )

http //lenta ru/news/2010/08/19/laser/

Российские ученые занялись созданием боевого лазера для самолетов (Russian scientists began creating a combat laser for aircraft )
http //lenta ru/news/2009/08/26/laser/

http //www blacklistednews com/China_and_the_US_Are_Now_in_an_Anti-Drone_Laser_Arms_Race/38971/0/38/38/Y/M.

Russia's Cold War raygun air fleet back in operation - reports
Monster laser-planes ready to blind US satellites?
http //www theregister co uk/2010/09/06/ablski_flies_again/

http //regmedia co uk/2010/09/06/beriev_a_60 jpg

Look Out Above! Russia May Target U.S. Sats With Laser Jet

http //www wired com/2011/06/is-a-russian-laser-aiming-for-u-s-satellites/

Russia working on airborne LASER weapon system

http //defenceforumindia com/forum/strategic-forces/13724-russia-working-airborne-laser-weapon-system.

US is bankrupted not Russia!
ttps //yadi sk/i/I3mP-TnkcY6Af

GDP Russia Debt

ttps //yadi sk/i/54P_lmZ7cY6Dc

ttps //www youtube com/watch?v=rMhvYeQPOcE

Ser Korz

New Member
Nov 6, 2014

