Remembering 26/11- Shall either forget nor will forgive


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
Senior Member
Jun 5, 2017
Aftermath of 26/11:

> Khangress created a narrative called "Hindu terror" and released a book

> If Kasab wasn't captured alive
> ‘26/11 would have been called Hindu terror attack’, says Rakesh Maria
> They all had hindu identity card names and wearing red string

read full thread:
There was plenty of other proof that pointed at them being backed by Psksitan so how would they have gone with the Hindi did 26/11 narrative?


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2022
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There was plenty of other proof that pointed at them being backed by Psksitan so how would they have gone with the Hindi did 26/11 narrative?
Like how leftists still believe it was hindu terror even after all proofs they are different breed just open twitter and see brain damaged people today


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2022
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at that point in time, outside of israel not many countries had the security protocols in place to deal with this sort of attack.
I meant after the attack we failed to hold Pakistan responsible with all the proofs

Tactical Doge

𝕱𝖔𝖔𝖑𝖘 𝖗𝖚𝖘𝖍 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖑𝖘 𝖋𝖊𝖆𝖗
Senior Member
Aug 28, 2019
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There was plenty of other proof that pointed at them being backed by Psksitan so how would they have gone with the Hindi did 26/11 narrative?
It would serve as a counter narrative to Islamic extremism and would have implications as far as votebanks are concerned
Do keep in mind the average Indian liberal doesn't rely on evidence rather his 'feelings' about a particular subject to make a judgement, the denial of Aurangayzeb's atrocities inspite of the existence of Mughal court records, Fatawa-e-alamgiri, Alamgirnana etc is an example


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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There was plenty of other proof that pointed at them being backed by Psksitan so how would they have gone with the Hindi did 26/11 narrative?
Gaslighting does not need proof, don't we see that behaviour here at DFI once in while.

in that time period, there was no proper response too, atleast in online space. and TV channels like NDTV were primary gate keepers of truth. so the confusion lingers on for years among the public, and public don't have time to go into details, they rely on gate keepers to bring out the truth.

even after modi got elected, that narrative was in circulation.


Regular Member
Oct 31, 2022
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I ll remember it as , they got away without response after killing 166 people . All we had was RSS conspiracy by some people and exchange of evidence , papers .


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2010
There was plenty of other proof that pointed at them being backed by Psksitan so how would they have gone with the Hindi did 26/11 narrative?
Yet Public voted the same UPA back in 2009.
It's as if everyone was under Opium dose, wonder what would have happened had UPA got a third term.


Senior Member
May 20, 2021
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Yet Public voted the same UPA back in 2009.
It's as if everyone was under Opium dose, wonder what would have happened had UPA got a third term.
Hence 2019 was a different era where Social Media and MSM was on everyone's finger tips.

Modi sarkar had to do what it did post Pulwama, otherwise it would had been very difficult for them to come back.

UPA had the luxury of public ignorance and public short memory span.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2021
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Can someone please correct the title of the post ? It should read "Shall neither forget, nor forgive" or "Never forget, never forgive".

The following is what I recall from that period, apologize in advance for the long post. Unlike some of you who were quite young and still in school or college, I was well into the declining days of my youth. 26/11/08 unfortunately was just in a long series of attacks on India orchestrated by Pakistan, it lives on in infamy because of the gruesomeness, brazenness and how the death played out live on TV for 3 days straight.

The 2000s was a terrible time for India but things got much worse from around 2005 onwards when a month did not pass without a terror attack. If it was Delhi one day then it was Mumbai the next, then Allahabad, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Delhi again, Surat, Pune, Ahmedabad,Mumbai again...the list , death toll and destruction was endless. The government not just looked clueless and helpless but their "do absolutely nothing" policy had begun to sow suspicion if they were equally guilty either through ignorance or incompetence or worse deliberately malicious. I shake my head when people call Rajnath Singh as "kadi ninda" not realizing how terrible leaders like Sharad Pawar, Shivraj Patil, P.Chidambaram were for our national security.

By 2008, the public had lost all faith in the government to safeguard the life and liberty of the citizens. One did not feel safe at an airport or in a train or in court or in a restaurant or hotel. It was in this backdrop that something called "hindu terror" was concocted to change the public opinion. A highly unpopular UPA, especially Rahul Gandhi and his close circle started talking about "hindu terror" in early 2008 which left many baffled. I vividly recall Malegaon 2.0, and how NDTV would just not let the case go. It was very confusing at first because both by casualty count and the fact that India had become accustomed to bomb blasts, the media's obsession with this attack seemed strange . But by October 2008 it became clear that there was a much much more sinister and nefarious intent. The arrests of Sadhvi Pragya and Col. Purohit and making them as the prime accused in 2008 Malegaon blasts shook the country.IB and the local investigating agencies had blamed Malegaon blasts on a SIMI module soon after their preliminary investigation but just a couple of weeks later they made a 180 degree turn to accuse members of a unknown hindu group called 'Abhinav Bharat' with no history of violence let alone terror attacks. For the small minority who followed national security and terrorism issues closely, it just seemed a little too convenient. It was not as if Malegaon blasts were a one off, India by that time had been a routine victim of islamic terrorism, so it hardly made sense why such a great effort was being made to villainize a hindu group and sections of the Indian Army unless it was to sow confusion in the minds of public that the greater danger to the nation was not from islamic radicals or Pakistan but from pro-Hindu groups.

The reason I speak of 2008 Malegaon blasts is because in my opinion there is a linear and direct connection between the concocted hindu terror theory->Malegaon 2008 blasts -> arrests of Sadhvi Pragya, Col.Purohit and others and -> the attacks of 26/11/08. A product of that period, ISI sponsored full time bigot and part-time self proclaimed "defense analyst" Zaid Hamid shot to prominence around 2006-2007, and he never failed to talk about how "RSS fascists" have taken over Indian military, and that Indian nukes are a threat to the world! Somehow the "hindu terror" theory and later accusing Col.Purohit , Maj.Ramesh Upadhyaya and Sadhvi Pragya for Malegaon just felt like playing as per the ISI script.

Within the first 12 hours of 26/11, the talking heads on Pakistani channels, many known ISI stooges from Zaid Hamid to Hamid Gul were wheeled in front of the cameras to talk about "RSS terrorists" and how some of the 26/11 terrorists were talking in "hindi accent" and wore saffron threads around their wrists! The thing that really caught the attention of some of us was when the news of Hemant Karkare's death came out. The Pakis and their supporters in India immediately said this was proof that hindu terrorists were behind 26/11 because Hemant Karkare was investigating Malegaon among other terror incidents by the so-called "hindu terrorists". Question is, who sent Hemant Karkare, Ashok Kamte and Vijay Salaskar to the road leading to Cama Hospital where they were ambushed by the waiting terrorists ? The known islamic terror sympathizer and rabid hindu hater Digvijay Singh, was said to have been close to Hemant Karkare. Infact in later days Digvijay Singh admitted that he was the last person to call Hemant Karkare on the fateful day. What went on in the conversation ? Did Hemant Karkare, Ashok Kamte and Vijay Salaskar walk into a pre-made trap with the intention of blaming the entire 26/11 atrocity on RSS, ABVP and other hindu groups and absolve Pakistan and islamic terror modules from all previous terrorist attacks ? We will probably never know. What we do know is had it not been for the heroics of Constable Tukaram Omble, and arresting one of the terrorists alive, it was very likely the water would have been muddied to implicate RSS just the way they tried doing with Malegaon. Years later, an unrepentant Digvijay Singh was the chief guest at the release of Aziz Burney's conspiratorial book '26/11 RSS ki Saazish'.

Sadly, 26/11/08 too was forgotten. There were further attacks on other Indian cities including Mumbai after 26/11 that killed hundreds more. Nothing was ever done other than the shameful capitulation at Sharm-el-Sheikh. And if the Maharashtra ATS had not been so keen to try and implicate Col.Purohit and Sadhvi Pragya for the Samjoutha blasts (again, something that Pakistani ISI stooges had been claiming for while), and making some bizarre accusations, it is possible that they would have succeeded in imprisoning senior members of RSS, ABVP and pro-hindu, pro-national organizations in the name of "hindu terror".

26/11/08 violently shook me as a person and as a citizen. It was the first time i started believing what many awake dharmics had been saying for a long time that the total destruction of India and enslavement of the remaining hindus is the ultimate goal. It also proved that there were far deeper and greater conspiracies being hatched against the nation everyday than we would like to admit. There were few bright spots in the depressing coal mine that was India those days, 1. Advani completely lost relevance within his own party and was eventually forced to make way for a younger generation. 2. BRF online and 'New Indian Express' in traditional media were two sources that right from the beginning suspected there was more to post-Malegaon arrests and 26/11/08 attacks. and 3. In their eager to completely villainize, arrest and dismantle hindu organizations, Maharashtra ATS sent officers to UP to arrest a young seer in Gorakhpur, upon hearing this the then UP CM asked MH ATS to stuff it and walk back to where they came from! The name of the young seer was Yogi Adityanath and the then UP CM was Mayawati.

Karma may be delayed but is never denied. The planners, executors and conspirators of 26/11/08 will someday pay for the deaths of 166 innocent victims including many children. Never forget that we are in a civilizational war, it is not upto a single individual and a single party to carry this forward, but the weight of this responsibility and to carry forward the civilizational memory of our wounds falls rests on all of us.
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Senior Member
Apr 17, 2014
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Can someone please correct the title of the post ? It should read "Shall neither forget, nor forgive" or "Never forget, never forgive".

The following is what I recall from that period, apologize in advance for the long post. Unlike some of you who were quite young and still in school or college, I was well into the declining days of my youth. 26/11/08 unfortunately was just in a long series of attacks on India orchestrated by Pakistan, it lives on in infamy because of the gruesomeness, brazenness and how the death played out live on TV for 3 days straight.

The 2000s was a terrible time for India but things got much worse from around 2005 onwards when a month did not pass without a terror attack. If it was Delhi one day then it was Mumbai the next, then Allahabad, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Delhi again, Surat, Pune, Ahmedabad,Mumbai again...the list , death toll and destruction was endless. The government not just looked clueless and helpless but their "do absolutely nothing" policy had begun to sow suspicion if they were equally guilty either through ignorance or incompetence or worse deliberately malicious. I shake my head when people call Rajnath Singh as "kadi ninda" not realizing how terrible leaders like Sharad Pawar, Shivraj Patil, P.Chidambaram were for our national security.

By 2008, the public had lost all faith in the government to safeguard the life and liberty of the citizens. One did not feel safe at an airport or in a train or in court or in a restaurant or hotel. It was in this backdrop that something called "hindu terror" was concocted to change the public opinion. A highly unpopular UPA, especially Rahul Gandhi and his close circle started talking about "hindu terror" in early 2008 which left many baffled. I vividly recall Malegaon 2.0, and how NDTV would just not let the case go. It was very confusing at first because both by casualty count and the fact that India had become accustomed to bomb blasts, the media's obsession with this attack seemed strange . But by October 2008 it became clear that there was a much much more sinister and nefarious intent. The arrests of Sadhvi Pragya and Col. Purohit and making them as the prime accused in 2008 Malegaon blasts shook the country.IB and the local investigating agencies had blamed Malegaon blasts on a SIMI module soon after their preliminary investigation but just a couple of weeks later they made a 180 degree turn to accuse members of a unknown hindu group called 'Abhinav Bharat' with no history of violence let alone terror attacks. For the small minority who followed national security and terrorism issues closely, it just seemed a little too convenient. It was not as if Malegaon blasts were a one off, India by that time had been a routine victim of islamic terrorism, so it hardly made sense why such a great effort was being made to villainize a hindu group and sections of the Indian Army unless it was to sow confusion in the minds of public that the greater danger to the nation was not from islamic radicals or Pakistan but from pro-Hindu groups.

The reason I speak of 2008 Malegaon blasts is because in my opinion there is a linear and direct connection between the concocted hindu terror theory->Malegaon 2008 blasts -> arrests of Sadhvi Pragya, Col.Purohit and others and -> the attacks of 26/11/08. A product of that period, ISI sponsored full time bigot and part-time self proclaimed "defense analyst" Zaid Hamid shot to prominence around 2006-2007, and he never failed to talk about how "RSS fascists" have taken over Indian military, and that Indian nukes are a threat to the world! Somehow the "hindu terror" theory and later accusing Col.Purohit , Maj.Ramesh Upadhyaya and Sadhvi Pragya for Malegaon just felt like playing as per the ISI script.

Within the first 12 hours of 26/11, the talking heads on Pakistani channels, many known ISI stooges from Zaid Hamid to Hamid Gul were wheeled in front of the cameras to talk about "RSS terrorists" and how some of the 26/11 terrorists were talking in "hindi accent" and wore saffron threads around their wrists! The thing that really caught the attention of some of us was when the news of Hemant Karkare's death came out. The Pakis and their supporters in India immediately said this was proof that hindu terrorists were behind 26/11 because Hemant Karkare was investigating Malegaon among other terror incidents by the so-called "hindu terrorists". Question is, who sent Hemant Karkare, Ashok Kamte and Vijay Salaskar to the road leading to Cama Hospital where they were ambushed by the waiting terrorists ? The known islamic terror sympathizer and rabid hindu hater Digvijay Singh, was said to have been close to Hemant Karkare. Infact in later days Digvijay Singh admitted that he was the last person to call Hemant Karkare on the fateful day. What went on in the conversation ? Did Hemant Karkare, Ashok Kamte and Vijay Salaskar walk into a pre-made trap with the intention of blaming the entire 26/11 atrocity on RSS, ABVP and other hindu groups and absolve Pakistan and islamic terror modules from all previous terrorist attacks ? We will probably never know. What we do know is had it not been for the heroics of Constable Tukaram Omble, and arresting one of the terrorists alive, it was very likely the water would have been muddied to implicate RSS just the way they tried doing with Malegaon. Years later, an unrepentant Digvijay Singh was the chief guest at the release of Aziz Burney's conspiratorial book '26/11 RSS ki Saazish'.

Sadly, 26/11/08 too was forgotten. There were further attacks on other Indian cities including Mumbai after 26/11 that killed hundreds more. Nothing was ever done other than the shameful capitulation at Sharm-el-Sheikh. And if the Maharashtra ATS had not been so keen to try and implicate Col.Purohit and Sadhvi Pragya for the Samjoutha blasts (again, something that Pakistani ISI stooges had been claiming for while), and making some bizarre accusations, it is possible that they would have succeeded in imprisoning senior members of RSS, ABVP and pro-hindu, pro-national organizations in the name of "hindu terror".

26/11/08 violently shook me as a person and as a citizen. It was the first time i started believing what many awake dharmics had been saying for a long time that the total destruction of India and enslavement of the remaining hindus is the ultimate goal. It also proved that there were far deeper and greater conspiracies being hatched against the nation everyday than we would like to admit. There were few bright spots in the depressing coal mine that was India those days, 1. Advani completely lost relevance within his own party and was eventually forced to make way for a younger generation. 2. BRF online and 'New Indian Express' in traditional media were two sources that right from the beginning suspected there was more to post-Malegaon arrests and 26/11/08 attacks. and 3. In their eager to completely villainize, arrest and dismantle hindu organizations, Maharashtra ATS sent officers to UP to arrest a young seer in Gorakhpur, upon hearing this the then UP CM asked MH ATS to stuff it and walk back to where they came from! The name of the young seer was Yogi Adityanath and the then UP CM was Mayawati.

Karma may be delayed but is never denied. The planners, executors and conspirators of 26/11/08 will someday pay for the deaths of 166 innocent victims including many children. Never forget that we are in a civilizational war, it is not upto a single individual and a single party to carry this forward, but the weight of this responsibility and to carry forward the civilizational memory of our wounds falls rests on all of us.
Thank you for this post .
I was indeed in college when these attacks happened.. but i suppose my indifference was stronger than yours I coped with "well there are more islamic terrorists than hindu ones .. (refering to malegaon). It was watching the fallout of these attacks that i actually looked at politics .. (before this i only supported BJP because my parents supported them) My blackpill moment came when the UPA tried bringing in that communal violence bill .

But unfortunately it seems there is a section of the Hindu RW that seems hellbent on making the BJP lose .. i strongly suspect these are those that were not politically aware in the UPA era and grew up with the expectation that there is no way a major political faction can be that anti national and and anti hindu .. the raitas have no idea . If the BJP loses again you'll won't even have an online space to cope and seethe about what the anti nationals are up to.
Ps .. my parents became bjp supporters after the Shah Bano case . Every generation has its blackpill moment I hope the next blackpill moment isn't too hard on the young raitas .


Senior Member
May 20, 2021
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Why are we unable to get them and make them pray for there horrible crimes is it political will that's lacking or its something else?
Political will plus capability.

What happened aftermath Pulwama? we only blew up the bloody 'cannon fodders.'

We only blew a clean hole over the terrorist camp's roof and didn't 'carpet bombed' the place.

We love to be "Shareef" all the times and suffer from "Log kya kahengay syndrome"


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2022
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Political will plus capability.

What happened aftermath Pulwama? we only blew up the bloody 'cannon fodders.'

We only blew a clean hole over the terrorist camp's roof and didn't 'carpet bombed' the place.

We love to be "Shareef" all the times and suffer from "Log kya kahengay syndrome"
Agreed if it was any other country this would have happened to there agencies would have eaten these guys alive but yaha politicians ko kia hi farak padta he


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2021
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Why are we unable to get them and make them pray for there horrible crimes is it political will that's lacking or its something else?
RVS Mani's book "Hindu Terror: Inside account of Ministry of Home Affairs 2006-2010" will give you a window into the mindset of those who governed our country those days. He suggests that there were just too many coincidences just before and on 26/11, and this was not possible without a local network and assistance from inside the security establishment. He has more eloquently elaborated as an insider of the points i made in my prior post, i.e. there was a serious attempt to make "hindu terror" seem like a threat globally so it would give the govt. a reason to dismantle and imprison all major hindu organizations and their leaders. It is not a fluke that MH ATS tried to question and likely arrest Yogi Adityanath, i am grateful that Mayawati and her administration absolutely stood rock solid in their stance that there's nothing for MH ATS to investigate in Gorakhpur, and they were not welcome in UP.

Remember, MH ATS in their infinite wisdom, also tried pinning the Samjautha Express blasts on Col.Purohit and Swami Aseemanand, much to the utter confusion of IB, CBI and Haryana Police who had linked it to LeT. Ironically, the same government had approached US among other countries complaining about Pakistani government and ISI supported LeT's role in Samjautha blasts! Later US' own intelligence blamed the blasts on Ilyas Kashmiri and his Brigade 313. This was not the only case, just before 26/11, there were blasts in Guwahati where the pattern and signature of the attack suggested SIMI or LeT but Congress blamed the attack on "hindu terror" groups.

Something else to ponder, yes, Hemant Karkare was absolutely a martyr on that fateful day. He paid the ultimate debt to the nation, but he was known to be close to Shivraj Patil and Digvijay Singh. It is no coincidence that he was chosen to investigate the "hindu terror" angle of Malegaon blasts. Sadhvi Pragya after her release alleged that Hemant Karkare was the one who led her torture while in prison. It was too much of a coincidence for Hemant Karkare to get a call from Digvijay Singh, and then for him and other senior officers to drive to the same location where 2 terrorists waited for them in ambush, and in the immediate aftermath of his death, ISI spokies and their supporters in India to peddle the fud about Karkare's death to his investigation of hindu terror.

Zaid Hamid for the blabbermouth bigot he is got one thing right, the 26/11 terrorists were probably trained to make them appear as hindu as possible. There was no reason for Pakistan to undertake such a high-profile, brazen attack except to play a part in a larger game, a game that most likely had puppeteers in the highest echelons in New Delhi .


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2022
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RVS Mani's book "Hindu Terror: Inside account of Ministry of Home Affairs 2006-2010" will give you a window into the mindset of those who governed our country those days. He suggests that there were just too many coincidences just before and on 26/11, and this was not possible without a local network and assistance from inside the security establishment. He has more eloquently elaborated as an insider of the points i made in my prior post, i.e. there was a serious attempt to make "hindu terror" seem like a threat globally so it would give the govt. a reason to dismantle and imprison all major hindu organizations and their leaders. It is not a fluke that MH ATS tried to question and likely arrest Yogi Adityanath, i am grateful that Mayawati and her administration absolutely stood rock solid in their stance that there's nothing for MH ATS to investigate in Gorakhpur, and they were not welcome in UP.

Remember, MH ATS in their infinite wisdom, also tried pinning the Samjautha Express blasts on Col.Purohit and Swami Aseemanand, much to the utter confusion of IB, CBI and Haryana Police who had linked it to LeT. Ironically, the same government had approached US among other countries complaining about Pakistani government and ISI supported LeT's role in Samjautha blasts! Later US' own intelligence blamed the blasts on Ilyas Kashmiri and his Brigade 313. This was not the only case, just before 26/11, there were blasts in Guwahati where the pattern and signature of the attack suggested SIMI or LeT but Congress blamed the attack on "hindu terror" groups.

Something else to ponder, yes, Hemant Karkare was absolutely a martyr on that fateful day. He paid the ultimate debt to the nation, but he was known to be close to Shivraj Patil and Digvijay Singh. It is no coincidence that he was chosen to investigate the "hindu terror" angle of Malegaon blasts. Sadhvi Pragya after her release alleged that Hemant Karkare was the one who led her torture while in prison. It was too much of a coincidence for Hemant Karkare to get a call from Digvijay Singh, and then for him and other senior officers to drive to the same location where 2 terrorists waited for them in ambush, and in the immediate aftermath of his death, ISI spokies and their supporters in India to peddle the fud about Karkare's death to his investigation of hindu terror.

Zaid Hamid for the blabbermouth bigot he is got one thing right, the 26/11 terrorists were probably trained to make them appear as hindu as possible. There was no reason for Pakistan to undertake such a high-profile, brazen attack except to play a part in a larger game, a game that most likely had puppeteers in the highest echelons in New Delhi .
WoW well first of all thank you for some insights and well this is fucked up if kasab wasn't cought alive it would have been such a shit show and if bjp never got into power? We might even be heading towards our downfall not that bjp is doing something about these fuckers but ig its better than it was under congress and I have a question why is it that mh ats name comes in alot of curroption cases was listening to podcast yesterday he too mentioned something about ats has curroption gotten so deep inside our systems that there is no hope for Better future of our institutes?


Senior Member
Mar 2, 2019
Country flag
Can someone please correct the title of the post ? It should read "Shall neither forget, nor forgive" or "Never forget, never forgive".

The following is what I recall from that period, apologize in advance for the long post. Unlike some of you who were quite young and still in school or college, I was well into the declining days of my youth. 26/11/08 unfortunately was just in a long series of attacks on India orchestrated by Pakistan, it lives on in infamy because of the gruesomeness, brazenness and how the death played out live on TV for 3 days straight.

The 2000s was a terrible time for India but things got much worse from around 2005 onwards when a month did not pass without a terror attack. If it was Delhi one day then it was Mumbai the next, then Allahabad, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Delhi again, Surat, Pune, Ahmedabad,Mumbai again...the list , death toll and destruction was endless. The government not just looked clueless and helpless but their "do absolutely nothing" policy had begun to sow suspicion if they were equally guilty either through ignorance or incompetence or worse deliberately malicious. I shake my head when people call Rajnath Singh as "kadi ninda" not realizing how terrible leaders like Sharad Pawar, Shivraj Patil, P.Chidambaram were for our national security.

By 2008, the public had lost all faith in the government to safeguard the life and liberty of the citizens. One did not feel safe at an airport or in a train or in court or in a restaurant or hotel. It was in this backdrop that something called "hindu terror" was concocted to change the public opinion. A highly unpopular UPA, especially Rahul Gandhi and his close circle started talking about "hindu terror" in early 2008 which left many baffled. I vividly recall Malegaon 2.0, and how NDTV would just not let the case go. It was very confusing at first because both by casualty count and the fact that India had become accustomed to bomb blasts, the media's obsession with this attack seemed strange . But by October 2008 it became clear that there was a much much more sinister and nefarious intent. The arrests of Sadhvi Pragya and Col. Purohit and making them as the prime accused in 2008 Malegaon blasts shook the country.IB and the local investigating agencies had blamed Malegaon blasts on a SIMI module soon after their preliminary investigation but just a couple of weeks later they made a 180 degree turn to accuse members of a unknown hindu group called 'Abhinav Bharat' with no history of violence let alone terror attacks. For the small minority who followed national security and terrorism issues closely, it just seemed a little too convenient. It was not as if Malegaon blasts were a one off, India by that time had been a routine victim of islamic terrorism, so it hardly made sense why such a great effort was being made to villainize a hindu group and sections of the Indian Army unless it was to sow confusion in the minds of public that the greater danger to the nation was not from islamic radicals or Pakistan but from pro-Hindu groups.

The reason I speak of 2008 Malegaon blasts is because in my opinion there is a linear and direct connection between the concocted hindu terror theory->Malegaon 2008 blasts -> arrests of Sadhvi Pragya, Col.Purohit and others and -> the attacks of 26/11/08. A product of that period, ISI sponsored full time bigot and part-time self proclaimed "defense analyst" Zaid Hamid shot to prominence around 2006-2007, and he never failed to talk about how "RSS fascists" have taken over Indian military, and that Indian nukes are a threat to the world! Somehow the "hindu terror" theory and later accusing Col.Purohit , Maj.Ramesh Upadhyaya and Sadhvi Pragya for Malegaon just felt like playing as per the ISI script.

Within the first 12 hours of 26/11, the talking heads on Pakistani channels, many known ISI stooges from Zaid Hamid to Hamid Gul were wheeled in front of the cameras to talk about "RSS terrorists" and how some of the 26/11 terrorists were talking in "hindi accent" and wore saffron threads around their wrists! The thing that really caught the attention of some of us was when the news of Hemant Karkare's death came out. The Pakis and their supporters in India immediately said this was proof that hindu terrorists were behind 26/11 because Hemant Karkare was investigating Malegaon among other terror incidents by the so-called "hindu terrorists". Question is, who sent Hemant Karkare, Ashok Kamte and Vijay Salaskar to the road leading to Cama Hospital where they were ambushed by the waiting terrorists ? The known islamic terror sympathizer and rabid hindu hater Digvijay Singh, was said to have been close to Hemant Karkare. Infact in later days Digvijay Singh admitted that he was the last person to call Hemant Karkare on the fateful day. What went on in the conversation ? Did Hemant Karkare, Ashok Kamte and Vijay Salaskar walk into a pre-made trap with the intention of blaming the entire 26/11 atrocity on RSS, ABVP and other hindu groups and absolve Pakistan and islamic terror modules from all previous terrorist attacks ? We will probably never know. What we do know is had it not been for the heroics of Constable Tukaram Omble, and arresting one of the terrorists alive, it was very likely the water would have been muddied to implicate RSS just the way they tried doing with Malegaon. Years later, an unrepentant Digvijay Singh was the chief guest at the release of Aziz Burney's conspiratorial book '26/11 RSS ki Saazish'.

Sadly, 26/11/08 too was forgotten. There were further attacks on other Indian cities including Mumbai after 26/11 that killed hundreds more. Nothing was ever done other than the shameful capitulation at Sharm-el-Sheikh. And if the Maharashtra ATS had not been so keen to try and implicate Col.Purohit and Sadhvi Pragya for the Samjoutha blasts (again, something that Pakistani ISI stooges had been claiming for while), and making some bizarre accusations, it is possible that they would have succeeded in imprisoning senior members of RSS, ABVP and pro-hindu, pro-national organizations in the name of "hindu terror".

26/11/08 violently shook me as a person and as a citizen. It was the first time i started believing what many awake dharmics had been saying for a long time that the total destruction of India and enslavement of the remaining hindus is the ultimate goal. It also proved that there were far deeper and greater conspiracies being hatched against the nation everyday than we would like to admit. There were few bright spots in the depressing coal mine that was India those days, 1. Advani completely lost relevance within his own party and was eventually forced to make way for a younger generation. 2. BRF online and 'New Indian Express' in traditional media were two sources that right from the beginning suspected there was more to post-Malegaon arrests and 26/11/08 attacks. and 3. In their eager to completely villainize, arrest and dismantle hindu organizations, Maharashtra ATS sent officers to UP to arrest a young seer in Gorakhpur, upon hearing this the then UP CM asked MH ATS to stuff it and walk back to where they came from! The name of the young seer was Yogi Adityanath and the then UP CM was Mayawati.

Karma may be delayed but is never denied. The planners, executors and conspirators of 26/11/08 will someday pay for the deaths of 166 innocent victims including many children. Never forget that we are in a civilizational war, it is not upto a single individual and a single party to carry this forward, but the weight of this responsibility and to carry forward the civilizational memory of our wounds falls rests on all of us.
Good post that chronologically details everything that happened in that decade and later. It seems that it is serendipity alone that has prevented or ensured certain things transpired the way they did for it to come to this pass where we are in a much better position to respond to these threats and most of those who had a witch hunt against them stand cleared of their accusations if not having significantly enhanced both their clout and reputation. eg. Modi, Shah, Sadhvi Pragya, Yogi.
Pakistanis btw still use this book to suggest that Hindu terrorists were involved and so too do the assorted fifth columnists in India when they ask why is it that terror attacks only took place during those 10 years and not later? Implication being that BJP was somehow responsible for it. They are the same ones who say Pulwama was a conspiracy by the govt to win 2019 and that the Balakot bombings were a failure.

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