Popular Russian video on India China and Indian build up at Andaman and Nicobar


New Member
Jan 7, 2016
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Brief of video.

India is building Infrastructure very fast in Andaman and microbar which starts from less than 300 from south of Myanmar but ends just 200 north of Indonesia. India has created a theater command there. This can be very danger for China. this worries China so to divert the attention, China is increasing the pressure in Himalayas. China can embarrass India but can not stop it. There will be a time when India will emerge as a bigger threat to China than India. Whether India will bring China on its knee or not will be told by time but India will rattle China for Sure.


New Member
Jan 7, 2016
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China is badly rettled. Andaman Nicobar is a strategic estate. This 800 km long Island chain is a strategic asset. Modi knows very well how to use it.


New Member
Jan 7, 2016
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China respects only strength. We are placed at strategic location in Indian ocean. Andaman Nicobar is our trump card. It is as good as multiple aircraft carriers. It starts from 300 km South of Myanmar and ends at 200 km North of Indonesia. We should use this card very smartly. If we strengthen our position in Andaman and Nicobar, We can have a hawk eye on Chinese transportation happening through Malacca Strait. If required, we can have few basis where New QUAD can nations (France Included) can station their strategic assets there. This will rattle China completely. To compensate this, China will try to increase pressure in Himalayas for which India will have to remain ready. India can adopt a strong approach in Himalaya as well and increase the pressure in the areas geographically Important and advantageous to India. However, this need a some preparations such as very nice road infrastructure, Locating S400 and other air defense system there, inhibit more people in the area, building Air bases and Chopper basis in the area etc. This preparation will give India a decisive advantage against China. This will have a cost but every security measure comes with a price tag. Our preparation in Himalayas and in Andaman and Nicobar will inflict a heavy cost on China too to compensate the Indian preparation and counter deployment. In my opinion, we should complete 80% of our preparation in next 5 years. We can keep doing the rest at our convince. This will give a big protection to small neighbors of India as well such as Bhutan and Nepal. India's Andaman infrastructure will be a global asset against Chinese hegemony which can be used as a balance against Chinese aggression in other part of the world. We need a increasing power in Andaman and Nicobar and a wall of sensor for naval activity detection protecting Indian landmass and sea assets. This will give India a big strategic advantage over China which will be very difficult for China to Ignore or to counter. China will have no option but to talk peace, peace and peace. It will be an end of Chinese ambition of being global power and hegemonic design.

There are other measures to harm China like sabotaging its belt and road initiative after a significant investment happens. CPEC can serve a role model for that. I will discuss that at some other point of time.


New Member
Jan 7, 2016
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Never underestimate or trust the Chinese CCP. Indian strategic thinkers still do not understand the CCP culture.
Some time Vietnam and Taiwan makes us understand the Chinese game plan. We should share intelligence with these countries.

Other thing was missing focus. Actually, none of our politicians in past had ever think of taking China head on. They always remained defensive. When you have a conflict with your enemy, you will only know their strength and weaknesses. Our politicians always remained fearful of china. General sundar ji, by bypassing political order messed with China and taught them a lesson. Our spineless politicians made us lose. We need some baddas general and politicians.


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Nov 25, 2012
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Caspian report is by an Azerbaijani not Russian.
most of his video are kind of tilted towards India positively and negative towards pakis. there was probably one video from this channel about paki ambition of central asian connection and how it failed. very insulting though :rofl:, considering if the creator is assumed to be an azerbaijani

edit: pakis actually never had any set plans or agenda, it was just some idiotic musing which never realised becuase pakis are just incapable of anything constructive to began with.


New Member
Jun 20, 2021
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most of his video are kind of tilted towards India positively and negative towards pakis. there was probably one video from this channel about paki ambition of central asian connection and how it failed. very insulting though :rofl:, considering if the creator is assumed to be an azerbaijani

edit: pakis actually never had any set plans or agenda, it was just some idiotic musing which never realised becuase pakis are just incapable of anything constructive to began with.
Yeah he made a full series on India's act east policy.

Seeing an Azerbaijani cover india even more than turkey was kinda wierd.

