PLA Navy would lose 40% of its fleet to sink a US carrier


Long walk
New Member
Feb 21, 2012
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PLA Navy would lose 40% of its fleet to sink a US carrier

China would have to sacrifice up to 40% of its People's Liberation Army Navy fleet in an attempt to sink a super aircraft carrier like the USS Gerald R Ford in a campaign, according to a report from the Moscow-based Military-Industrial Courier.

China currently possesses several effective weapons systems that could be used against a US carrier battle group, including its DF-21D anti-ship ballistic missiles and 12 guided-missile destroyers. The country's two Type 051C and six Type 052C destroyers are all equipped with anti-ship missiles such as the YJ-83, C-805 and YJ-62, and they would also pose a serious threat against US carriers within the Asia-Pacific region. In addition, China has purchased four Sovremenny-class destroyers equipped with Moskit SSM P-270 anti-ship missiles from Russia, the report said.

Aside from the Liaoning, the country's first aircraft carrier, the PLA Navy currently has 15 Type 054A frigates carrying HQ-16 surface-to-air missile within its vertical launching system. With the capability to defend the Chinese fleet against the US carrier-based aircrafts, Type 054A is able to sink enemy vessel with its C-803 anti-ship missile as well.

If a US carrier battle group were to enter the waters of the Chinese coast, the PLA Navy could also deploy its 10 Type 056 corvettes and 40 Type 022 missile boats to fight in guerrilla warfare at sea against the US Navy, the report said. Both vessels able to launch anti-ship missiles such as YJ-83 and C-803 and the United States Navy would loses 10% of its strength in the region if one of its carriers were to be sunk.

However, the PLA Navy would not be able to sink a US aircraft carrier easily. According to the Forbes magazine, several countermethods have been developed by the US Navy to defend its aircraft carriers from Chinese attacks. While long-range unmanned aerial vehicles are able to destroy Chinese missile facilities, F-35 fighters with a combat range of 200 and 300 nautical miles enables the US ships to fight without entering the Chinese coastline.

The Military-Industrial Courier estimated that between 30%-40% of China's total naval strength would be lost to simply destroy one US carrier. Meanwhile, the biggest weakness for the US Navy in a potential conflict with the PLA Navy would be how to deploy its 11 carriers, 88 surface combat vessels, 55 Littoral Combat Ships and 31 amphibious assault ships to the Western Pacific in a short period of time, the report said.

PLA Navy would lose 40% of its fleet to sink a US carrier: report|Politics|News|


New Member
Feb 16, 2013
Depends on where the carrier's at. Attacking an alert carrier-group underway in open water would be costly, but the Chinese aren't known for doing things the hard way.


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
New Member
Sep 28, 2011
Read this if you have the time.

Taffy 3 – Courage Beyond Measure « theleansubmariner

In the annals of US Naval history, there are a number of instances that demonstrate the courage and determination of a committed group of dedicated officers and men.

The one that stands out most in many people's opinions is the battle which occurred on October 25th 1944. On this day, a small group of scrappy warriors took on a force many times its size and contributed to one of the greatest naval victories of all time.


Maulana Rockullah
New Member
Aug 12, 2009
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US needs to be concerned really since China is building massive strength and now making a large local defense industry(COPY-CAT INDUSTRY) to cater to many African/LATAM countries in addition to FULL support to countries like DPRK,Pakistan,Iran.

China has started to become a uncontrolled menace to the world peace and hunger for land and having disputes with almost all neighbours.


New Member
Sep 12, 2013
US needs to be concerned really since China is building massive strength and now making a large local defense industry(COPY-CAT INDUSTRY) to cater to many African/LATAM countries in addition to FULL support to countries like DPRK,Pakistan,Iran.

China has started to become a uncontrolled menace to the world peace and hunger for land and having disputes with almost all neighbours.
this is a serious issue regarding it's support to the rebel nations besides offending all it's neighbours....even pak is just a chinese puppet........but i believe chinese has a long way to go to match USA


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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Should there be war between China and the US then expect Chinese satellite networks to be fried first. But then again if that happens then expect also giant mushroom clouds to pop up in American, Japanese, Chinese, and even European cities to pop out. Ka-boom!


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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Interesting facts not covered by the article:

1. The Japanese Task Force does not have air cover at the time since the remaining Japanese carriers where used as baits to lure Halsey's main force. The Americans on the other hand had air support, albeit with wrong ammos.

2. The American destroyers have radars that directed their guns. The Japanese only have optical gun directors.

But overall, the courage and audacity of the Americans saved the day. (Classic Hollywood ending - there should be a Hollywood movie on this battle)
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Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
New Member
Sep 28, 2011
If you look through any country military history, you will find similar story everywhere. So good for americans, but nothing special to boast in front of whole world.
I'll give you another chance to think about why I posted the link of the account of Task Force Taffy in the context of the thread. Really, try for something more than expressing your petty, petulant thoughts. Can you do it? Are you able to analyze naval tactics, or can you only snipe at others who post material that others might learn from.

In other words, son, grow the fvck up.

I'll tell you what is nothing special: You. Never will be.
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