Pakistani Lies & Denial thread


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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Typical Islamic apologist card played to soften the brutal behavior of invading Mughals.

The recipe for dum aloo, ice creams and rest of stuff was not for local Indians but for their own consumption which subsequently gained common acceptance.

It was not as if there was a weekly cooking show where every kaffir would gather around and take recipe notes while the Mughal chefs taught them these foreign recipes as a thank you gesture of looting temples, selling local women into harems and extracting jizya.

This is the same argument like how the British left us railways.
Exactly. This is one area where I like Shashi Tharoor who gives it right back to the British on their national media.

We need our leaders at the very highest level to shun political correctness and start giving it right back to muzzies and call a spade a spade.

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Feb 12, 2014
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Paki awam has been kept jahil for a reason and this is exactly the aforementioned reason.

Not a peep about Shimla agreement. Fucking goats and breeding your own sisters did some serious damage.
One douchebag Farooq Ab Lullah asks US & China to sort out Kashmir problem and pakis interpret it as WORLD Capitals call for blah blah blah..


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2016
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One douchebag Farooq Ab Lullah asks US & China to sort out Kashmir problem and pakis interpret it as WORLD Capitals call for blah blah blah..
That's where you are wrong. The entire reason for the existence of that country, even after 1971 is "not India". The entire reason for existence of their Army is Kashmir.

They don't need an excuse, be it this Abdullah or someone else's Lulli. Kashmir/India will always be their raison d'être.


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2017
Typical Islamic apologist card played to soften the brutal behavior of invading Mughals.

The recipe for dum aloo, ice creams and rest of stuff was not for local Indians but for their own consumption which subsequently gained common acceptance.

It was not as if there was a weekly cooking show where every kaffir would gather around and take recipe notes while the Mughal chefs taught them these foreign recipes as a thank you gesture of looting temples, selling local women into harems and extracting jizya.

This is the same argument like how the British left us railways.
Humein toh aapnon ne loota, gairon me kya dum tha :pound:

The partition of India was the biggest scam pulled on us by Congress. First they asked for a separate nation, and instead of telling them that separate means separate, we gave them the option to migrate to Pakistan and those who wanted to stay here could stay here too, so what did we get out of the deal?

They should have been told categorically, once you speak of separateness, you cannot leave any trace behind.

It's a simple thing. Muslim League said that Muslims and Hindus cannot live together. There's no grey area here, you either believe the theory or you don't. If you accept the premise then all Muslims must have been sent to Pakistan. But we negotiated in a way where we got the worst of both worlds. We said, "well, we disagree with your two nation theory, we will allow Muslims to live here but we will also concede land you need to make your two nation theory a success".

Aisa kabhi negotiation hota hai kya :rofl:

Now, those who migrated there are bullying us from there, and those who remained here are bullying us from within the nation. Bengal is burning like a toasted marshmallow. Those who remained in India use that premise as proof of their loyalty towards India. It's no loyalty, they stayed because they didn't want to lose property. What does it mean when someone says that they 'chose' to live here? what did they choose, if not the constitution? Still they haven't assimilated with the locals, despite the constitution laying out a directive to pass UCC, they have resisted.


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
Senior Member
Jun 5, 2017
India to fill Kishanganga Reservoir by blocking Pakistan’s Water in the next few weeks

In bid to escalate water war, India is mulling generation of 330MW electricity from controversial Kishanganga hydroelectric plant by blocking Pakistan s water in the next few weeks.

Currently, power generation from Kishanganga project stands at 110MW.

As per probe carried out and reports of Indian media, Indian authorities in Kashmir are keen to fill the controversial water reservoir to highest possible level for obtaining power from the project in full capacity.

Sources privy to Ministry of Water & Power told our correspondent that Indian Prime Minister Modi can inaugurate the Kishanganga project in ongoing year, the hearing of which is about to begin in the World Bank (WB).

In 2013, World Bank’s court of arbitration had awarded verdict partially in India’s favour.

As per details available, New Delhi’s counsel successfully convinced WB that work on India’s Kishanganga project was kicked off before work on Pakistan’s Neelum Jhelum hydropower project. However, the reality is quite parallel.

When investigation was magnified, it was learnt that Neelum Jhelum was approved by Executive Committee of National Economic Council (ECNEC) in March-2002 whereas India’s Kishanganga project was approved by Planning Commission India in November-2004.

Startlingly, ECNEC’s files pertaining to approval of dam in 2002 were not produced before WB’s court of arbitration during proceedings, though they were acquired by the legal team which fought Pakistan’s case in Hague.:pound:

Pakistan s former Indus Waters Commissioner Jamaat Ali Shah demanded constitution of high-level committee to probe matter of criminal negligence pertaining to alleged missing of ECNEC’s files. Ali also urged stern action against those who mishandled Pakistan’s stance in court of arbitration.:pound:

On the other hand, office of Indus Waters Commissioner and officials of Ministry of Power and Water, when contacted, did not give official stance.
How is this project coming along, any updates.?

Syed Mahmud

New Member
Jul 24, 2017
I mean that the ideology is of foreign origin, in a similar manner people say tomatoes and potatoes are not Indian, these were imported to India from Latin America. The later generations of farmers may very well have voluntarily planted tomatoes and it has become a staple diet, but tomatoes didn't destroy our temples and way of life, so they do not carry political baggage like religion does.

The very first generation came from outside. Some stayed, some converted others, some others willingly converted for political and monetary reasons.

Islam is of foreign origin, even though successive and contemporary Muslims may be of Indian origin. In many cases, the invaders created castes in India which were an interface between Muslim invaders and Hindu masses. Castes like Chamar, etc (leather tanning guys) were created artificially so that the profession becomes a stepping stone towards acceptance of foreign ideas and eventually an acceptance of religion.

Just like they say that Marijuana is a gateway drug towards harder drugs, same way, Muslims employed several 'gateways' for Hindus to walk towards full fledged conversion to Islam. It's not indigenous in any way and after years of co-habitation, it is not possible to associate any ethnic group with a foreign ancestry, but if you go by technicality then the only Muslim group in India which has foreign ancestry is Dawoodi Bohra community which traces back to Egypt. Some were converted by force, and some opportunists like Farooq Abdullah converted for lure of political power.

Foreign fruit breeds destroyed local market for indigenous produce in a manner that people don't even know the names of indigenous fruits today, just like foreign ideologies destroyed indigenous ideologies. We could have done without the latter 'enrichment'.

I had the same debate with someone on Quora who argued that the Muslims have contributed so much to the Indian way of life. He passionately argued that everything from the recipe for dum aloo to the art of making ice cream was inherited from the Persian empire. I'm grateful for that contribution, all I'm saying is that there are cheaper ways to import the recipe for ice cream than having our temples destroyed and our women raped. It's kind of an unreasonable price to pay for an ice cream recipe. The world enjoys ice cream today, but not many of them have gotten that recipe at the cost of having their civilization destroyed over a period of a millennium and as if that was not enough, gifted us with a parting gift of partition in 1947.

No one is refusing to eat tomatoes citing their foreign origin, they are a staple diet, but that is no excuse for a civilization to not be mindful of the historic attrition and the potential for future attrition a foreign ideology has. You may be just as Indian as any other Indian, but there's no denying that there exist two Indias within the India we live in. This is where the difference comes in. We didn't bring it in but it is imposed on us.

The government still doesn't allow us to construct a temple in the birth place of one of the most revered Lord Rama. Hindu temples are still under government administration, while Muslims get to claim their religious places to be sovereign 'wakf'. Our donations to temples are audited and taken by the government, while donations to Muslim places of worship go to the respective wakf boards to do as they please. We have to make our own financial arrangements to Mahakumbh and Amarnath, while Muslims are given government sponsored trips to Haj.

So, when I refer to 'foreign origins' it's not about ancestry. It's about an ideology which refuses to assimilate and become one with the local spiritual beliefs and not only retains its distinct nature, but also propagates it, and we have to change our way of life to adjust with it. It is foreign to us in that regard, because it chooses to remain foreign and shoves its foreignness in our face while claiming the benefits of a syncretic social life in India which it denies to Hindus in Pakistan or Bangladesh or any other Muslim nation. Our foreignness and therefore secondary status is promptly made known to us, despite being ethnically homogeneous. It is foreign, in that regard.

Social media is a bubble with lofty ideals, so it is politically incorrect to point out the foreignness of foreign ideologies. Outside of this bubble, the full extent of this foreignness stares us right in the face be it the genocide of Kashmir Pandits by fellow Muslim Kashmirs or the killings of Bengalis by fellow Muslim Bengalis. These groups weren't foreign to each other either. They were ethnically the same and had common ancestry, the only thing foreign was their religion.
That post kind of stings a little coming from a Muslim family but I can see where you are coming from. The thing is that any religion or ideology is foreign to India if you go back enough in time. Islam is different in the sense that it also comes with a political establishment that is built into the religion. Therefore, it is very difficult if not impossible for it to integrate into the fabric of Indian society without special treatment by the law.

The thing is, there are a lot of Muslims from affluent well educated families like myself who are Muslim in name only. I don't really care for religion and would go so far as to consider myself an atheist. However, I am forced to identify as a Muslim for marriage purposes. It also hurts to see my Indianness get questioned for no fault of mine, I also have close family serving in the forces. :frown:


Regular Member
Jan 21, 2017
It was very informative to read about the history, ordeals, oppression and commitment of Baluchi people in these articles. . I also noticed that interview of Mr. Hyrbyair Marri is dated 12th July 2016. And just after one month. Mr. Modi had openly supported the call for freedom of Baluchistan on 15th Aug 16 from the ramparts of the Red Fort in Delhi. All Indians sincerely hope that the dream of the Baluchi people to free their motherland from a devilish state called Pakistan comes true within this life time itself.
so does pakistan wish to see J&K freed from indian rule free from being murdered and blinded openly.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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so you are gonna expels people who have lived there for thousand of years.

How many Hindus, Sikhs and Christians are in pakistan ? Why they were forced to leave Pakistan?

What these jehadists did with kashmiri pandits ?

We have other options like carpet bombing on their villages. :playball:

These rag tag people have defeated you shitty country many times and you lost half of the Pakistan within 13 days and prefered a surrender . :rofl:


Regular Member
Jan 21, 2017
No weaponry lol Were they swinging their dicks wildly in the air and yelling Allahu Akbar then? :pound:

Indian Army conquered most of J&K without proper equipment and supply lines without even being properly acclimatized against an enemy used to fighting in mountainous terrain. Only reason they stopped is because there were not good enough supply lines.
you should read about the attack on the buni camp then you will understand. the only thing which stopped us was indian artillery or we would have captured Srinagar


Regular Member
Jan 21, 2017
How many Hindus, Sikhs and Christians are in pakistan ? Why they were forced to leave Pakistan?

What these jehadists did with kashmiri pandits ?

We have other options like carpet bombing on their villages. :playball:

These rag tag people have defeated you shitty country many times and you lost half of the Pakistan within 13 days and prefered a surrender . :rofl:
only talk no action i dare the Indians to do it.. you can do whatever in Indian territory for all i care do whatever you want to the Sikhs and Muslims in India .


Regular Member
Jan 21, 2017
And why you lost east Pakistan and preferred a surrender instead of fighting like a man in the battlefield ?? :pound::pound::pound:
because fighting a pointless war and losing more soldiers was inevitable when you know one way or the another that you were gonna lose .


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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because fighting a pointless war and losing more soldiers was inevitable when you know one way or the another that you were gonna lose .

That is what you will do in the next war. And again loose half of the Pakistan ..... Just wait for the appropriate time. :lol::lol::lol:

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