Pakistani Lies & Denial thread


Regular Member
Jan 25, 2014
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And your making of cartoons make us that man I am amused at your butt being on fire keep enjoying and by the way do you have woods or we should send them to you so you can burn your two soldiers which according to you we killed today we off course say we haven't done anything
Your troops were rotting there- our troops had to call for deodorants and kerosene when they came up- You will be amused because Its in your blood to be a RANDI and now you are officially self declared one- And RANDIs are always amused while being raped- they do It for their beard-

You will soon say nothing happened- when your Army will send dead bodies to the families in the middle of Night and threaten to bury them quietly-

Brood Father

Senior Member
Jun 27, 2015
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Which surgical strike you are talking about ??????????? O the cross border firing last year in which you managed to kill our two soldiers and than started calling it surgical strike to fool your own people. Ya Ya I remember that big fat like your Army told you
Spreading lies is the forte of Paki Army.... You guys are Pakthelogical liers
You guys still lie about 1965, so please spare us with your phony intellect


Mera Bharat mahan
Senior Member
Mar 19, 2016
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Yep, one and the same. I molested him so badly on twitter a few times he probably shit blood for a few weeks. Same with the other Pak rat on this forum.. If you notice, they don't reply to me..
Your twitter handle paaji.....?????????????

Looking forward to gangbang zarvan


Senior Member
May 23, 2011
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Yep, one and the same. I molested him so badly on twitter a few times he probably shit blood for a few weeks. Same with the other Pak rat on this forum.. If you notice, they don't reply to me..
I read his bio on twitter and cringed so hard that I tore a muscle. And to think he is an adult.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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Your twitter handle paaji.....?????????????

Looking forward to gangbang zarvan
Yaar it used to be projectdharmatruth but I deactivated it after getting bored.. Also I got blocked by Zaid Hameed, Ajai Shukla, Barkha Dutt and a few other prominent people that I liked to troll. I'm going to make a new one today and will share it with you.

I read his bio on twitter and cringed so hard that I tore a muscle. And to think he is an adult.
Yep, very strange character. He was debating some Pakistani Muslim woman about how it would be justifiable to rape them because they didn't cover themselves from head to toe. He is such a waste of life.


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2016
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Not a single soldier died that day but you Indians and your delusions and by the way as far as I know this claim is made only by India Today no other newspaper or Indian Tv Channel made this claim so it should be enough to tell that it's big fat lie
Lie? Because the great old pakistan says so?
A nation of pathological liars, you have been getting caught with your pants down since your inception.
The last 10 years are rife with all the pathetic alibis and lies you lot make.
Even if anything you say is true it will never be given the benefit of the doubt, so enjoy living in perpetual humiliation.

Cutting Edge 2

Space Power
Regular Member
Apr 17, 2017
India has capability to make 2600 nuclear weapons: Pakistan
May 18, 2017
Amid heightened tension between the two neighbouring nations in the wake of the Kulbhushan Jadhav case, Pakistan has said that India is capable of producing 2600 nuclear weapons.

Claiming the India has the fastest growing nuclear programme in the world, Pakistan foreign office spokesperson Nafees Zakaria told reporters in Islamabad that India's nuclear aspirations pose a threat to strategic stability in the south Asian region.



Regular Member
Jul 1, 2015
Not a single soldier died that day but you Indians and your delusions and by the way as far as I know this claim is made only by India Today no other newspaper or Indian Tv Channel made this claim so it should be enough to tell that it's big fat lie
Hey Don't you know china is mapping dna of your kins in xinjiang province how about asking them to map your dna? So that you can really know whether or not your ancestors were sand ******s or were they Hindu?:bounce:
Biggest lie in of porkistan is porkistan itself!


Regular Member
Apr 11, 2017
The Enemy...Part II

“Give your enemy a thousand chances to become your friend, but do not give your friend a single chance to become your enemy.”
— Hazrat Ali R.A.(as)
In the first part i tried to explain creation of Pakistan and the wicked dream of Akhand Bharat, Now in this second part i will try to give new evidence that how our arch enemy trying to hit us in every aspect of life to weaken us as a nation but their henioius acts proving counter productive and as a nation we comes up against terrorism, extremism and intolerance more powerful, more determined.

Lets Start... I will try to uncover few barbaric and heinous acts by our ENEMY....
Water Terrorism & Kashmir Issue:

Notwithstanding the cruel rules of earlier rulers, Kashmir was subjected to worst excesses in 1846 AD, when she passed into the hands of Dogra chieftain Maharaja Gulab Singh for a paltry sum of seven and a half million rupees through infamous Sale Deed of Amritsar, executed by the British conquerors of Sikh territory. The Dogra Hindu rule extending over more than a hundred years from 1846 till 1947 was one of the blackest periods in the history of Kashmir. Gulab Singh (1846-56) sucked the very life blood of the people. The last of the autocratic Dogra rulers was Hari Singh who had to abdicate power on 26 October 1947 in the face of freedom movement launched by Azad forces of Kashmir and tribal lashkar. The latter had come to the rescue of Kashmiri Muslims on 24 October 1947 after learning that they were being brutally butchered by Dogra Army and Hindu terrorist gangs.
By that time Pakistan had come on the world map but was only two months old. 80% of Muslim subjects of Kashmir under the leadership of Ghulam Abbas, chairing Muslim Conference had aspired to join up with Pakistan and had moved a resolution to that effect. But for the wily role of pro-Indian National Conference leader Sheikh Abdullah who was duped by Nehru, machinations of Congress leaders and Mount Batten would have failed.

Despite the mismatch, Pakistan forces put up a valiant fight and succeeded in keeping Kashmir a disputed territory requiring resolution through a fair and free plebiscite under the supervision of the UN so as to allow right of self-determination to the people of Kashmir. One-third of Kashmir which is known as Azad Kashmir was retained by Pakistan, which acts as the operational base for the freedom struggle in two-third Indian occupied Kashmir.

Pakistan had laid claims on Kashmir on the basis of ideological, religious, political and geographical linkages. Pakistan shared with Kashmir three of its rivers namely Indus, Chenab and Jhelum which originate from Himalayan part of Kashmir and form the backbone of its agriculture and literally the aqua vital. The other three rivers flowing into West Pakistan were Ravi, Sutlej and Beas had its origins in Indian Territory. Pakistan being a lower riparian was placed at a distinct disadvantage at the very outset particularly when viewed in context with India’s bellicosity and expansionist designs and its failure to reconcile with existence of Pakistan. Hindu leaders had agreed to the creation of Pakistan under the illusion that it would live as a satellite under the gigantic shadow of Indian military, or would beg for re-integration into Indian Union within six months of its birth.

The 15-month 1948 war ended in January 1949 as a result of UNSC arranged ceasefire which was requested by India. Nehru agreed to stop the war after he assessed that major part of Kashmir including the enchanting vale, Jammu and origins of three rivers had been annexed, and that Pakistan being a lower riparian would be perpetually at its mercy. Liaquat Ali Khan accepted the ceasefire since at that time fledgling Pakistan was too deeply immersed in host of intractable problems. Prolongation of war would have been at the cost of survival of Pakistan. He was sure that the pledges given by Nehru and UNSC to hold a free and fair plebiscite under the auspices of the UN would be honored.

Nehru however made a u-turn on his promises and not only disregarded the UN resolutions but also started integrating Kashmir into Indian Union through deception, fraud and use of brute force. India’s negative attitude and flagrant disregard of UN resolutions on Kashmir thwarted all attempts to settle the dispute by peaceful means. Instead of reaching an amicable settlement with Pakistan, it all along tried to pressurize Pakistan into giving up its demand for a just and fair settlement of the issue. Its obduracy and bellicosity led to 1965 Indo-Pak war and even the 1971 war was a result of unsettled Kashmir dispute. The two sides came close to war in 1990-91 and clashed with each other in Dras-Kargil sectors in the summer of 1999 due to Kashmir. Decision of the two countries to go nuclear in 1998 was also motivated by Kashmir, India wanting to retain its illegal hold over it and Pakistan wanting a just solution. Laws framed by the US on terrorism in the aftermath of 9/11 suited India and Israel the most. Encouraged by the US, the two terrorist and expansionist states involved in massive human rights against Palestinians and Kashmiris respectively for decades became more barbaric.

Pakistan by agreeing to become a front line state at the behest of USA to combat global terrorism got completely distracted from Kashmir and got deeply immersed in fighting its own people. Indo-Pak peace treaty signed between Gen Musharraf and Vajpayee in January 2004 gave new hopes of resolution of Kashmir dispute and other core issues. However, tall promises made by India proved elusive since it wasted time in futile CBMs and kept the core issues on the sidelines. India availed the elusive peace along the LoC to its advantage by intensifying its atrocities against marooned Kashmiri Mujahideen, devoid of support from Jihadi groups based in Azad Kashmir and Pakistan.

When India could no more drag its feet and situation in Occupied Kashmir became explosive following dispute over Shri Amarnath land, India’s RAW in connivance with Mossad and CIA engineered Mumbai attacks drama on 26 November 2008, blamed Pakistan, stalled composite dialogue and reverted to its old hostile posture.

Whole-hearted support of the US, western world and Israel as well as of Afghanistan together with easy induction of sophisticated weaponry from advanced world made the Indian leaders highly belligerent and uncompromising. Its military leaders openly talked of resorting to Cold Start doctrine to overrun Pakistan.

Pakistan tardily realized that it had been deceived by India under the garb of peace treaty and its real motive was to proceed with its covert war from Afghanistan and cultural war from its own soil so as to encircle Pakistan in a three-directional pincer and make it powerless. FATA and Balochistan were made volatile to play the Balochistan and Pashtunistan cards and to force Pakistan to give up Kashmir. Water war was operationalized by building dams over the three rivers flowing into Pakistan from Occupied Kashmir to choke Pakistan.

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah had rightly termed Kashmir as the jugular vein of Pakistan since cutting of the jugular vein causes instant death to a person, and if it is pressed hard, it renders the person half-dead. Sensing the wicked designs of the Hindu leaders, Jinnah could foresee that if the jugular vein gets severed in the process of partition of India, it would cause death to Pakistan, and if it is choked it would make Pakistan comatose. An enemy grip on the hill courses of these three rivers could starve West Pakistan. Furthermore, it could enable India to either flood Pakistanis living in low lying West Punjab, or choke water flow and cause drought and kill them, or flood or dry up canals suiting its military design during war.

He had rightly decided to stand up to the Indian aggression in 1948 irrespective of the fact that in that timeframe newly born Pakistan was engulfed in multi-dimensional problems. Had the two ill-equipped infantry brigades together with Azad forces and tribesmen not resisted Indian military’s Summer Offensive launched in April 1948, whole of Kashmir would have been annexed by India. And had we not agreed to ceasefire as desperately demanded by India and continued fighting, our forces could have pushed out the thoroughly demoralized and exhausted Indian forces from Kashmir.

His apprehensions have come true and India is doing exactly what he had visualized in 1947. Despite signing Indus Basin Treaty in 1960, which gave exclusive water rights of Western Rivers Jhelum, Chenab and Indus flowing down from Occupied Kashmir to Pakistan, India in blatant violation of the said treaty has not only usurped the full quota of the three eastern rivers namely Beas, Sutlej and Ravi, but taking full advantage of the jugular vein which is in its iron grip is pressing it from many points by building dozens of dams to suffocate Pakistan to death or to make it gasp for life and thus forget about Kashmir.

India has ventured upon an ambitious plan worth $120 billion to divert waters of Rivers Jhelum, Chenab and Indus flowing from north to south and turn fertile lands of Pakistan into a desert. So far, it has built 65 dams and headworks, but has plans to build a total of 300 small and big size dams so as to gain total control over the three rivers. It is constructing a 3800 km long canal in order to divert water from River Indus to River Sutlej. This project will be completed by 2014. In addition, construction of series of canals measuring 14000 km is also in the pipeline, which will help connect 14 rivers of India. From 2008 onwards, West Punjab’s standing crops are getting severely damaged due to water shortage caused by Baghliar dam.

Violation of Indus Basin Treaty is in line with India’s national policy of backtracking from its pledges and breaking international agreements and defying the UN. India intends to complete its water denial plan to Pakistan by 2016 after which Pakistan will get deprived of its share of water. Pakistan’s condition will become worse than Somalia and Ethiopia, the two drought ridden countries. If India opens the gates of these illegal dams, it can sink Pakistan within 48 hours.

With no end to its malevolence, India has now managed to coax its strategic partner Afghanistan to build dams over River Kabul and has offered its full assistance. This would further worsen water problem of Pakistan. India has full backing of USA, UK and Israel as well as the western world as a whole since none has ever taken notice of this most pitiless form of terrorism against humanity.

Among host of coercive tactics applied by the gang of six based in Kabul, water terrorism is one of the cruelest forms to overawe Pakistan and break its will to resist. I wonder what the preachers of Aman-ki-Asha who are spending their entire energies to present the soft image of India have to say about the excessive human rights violations of Indian security forces against the Kashmiris including teenagers and water terrorism against Pakistan, which will suck the very life blood of the people of Pakistan. Brahman Hindus are far crueler than Hindu Dogras in Kashmir.

Unlike India which starts howling like a spanked child on slightest suspicion, or procurement of a weapon by Pakistan, or a terrorist attack and makes a mountain out of a mole, and the US led western world rush forward to extend their wholehearted support to anguished India lamenting over cooked up grievances, our leaders on the other hand for unexplained reasons remain tightlipped even when the very survival of Pakistan is at stake. Our lackadaisical approach encouraged India to build dams in contravention to the treaty. India managed to build so many dams illegally since we didn’t make noise and failed to take up the case with international bodies in time. Jamaat Ali Shah, deputed to protect Pakistan’s water interests remained in a laid-back position thereby allowing India to complete construction of Baghliar dam and now the Kishinganaga dam. He has gone in exile.

Pakistan should immediately take up this grave matter in the UNSC and International Court of Justice and under the UN deputed unbiased Commission carryout on spot inspection of all the spots on Rivers Chenab, Jhelum and Indus where dams have been/are being built and put an end to India’s madness.

India's proxy war and terrorism in Pakistan:

AJit Doval
"Till that happens, what India can do. I think one is that we should continue to work hard to persuade Pakistan, to convince Pakistan, through our sincerity, whatever we can do and whatever we think is the language in which the Pakistan can understand it well. We should be able to convey and convince it," he said.

As it was long stated by Pakistan, the Indian Govt has financed the murder of over 60,000 innocent Pakistani people through its vicious proxy war waged against the Pakistani civilians from Afghanistan. This campaign of terror was India's attempt to dismember Pakistan through internal instability as it did so in East Pakistan in 1971.

Using the US lead war on terrorism as a cover in Afghanistan, the Indian secret service Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) cultivated a partnership with Afghan Intelligence the National Directorate of Security (NDS) to facilitate its proxy war in Pakistan.

This nexus gave birth to the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) which has killed over 60,000 innocent people in Pakistan, destroyed more than 2000 schools and was also responsible for the barbaric murder of 140 school children in Peshawar on 16th December 2014.

TTP was lead by Commander Hakim Ullah Mehsud, his second in command was Commander Latif Ullah Mehsud who oversaw the financing aspect of the TTP in hand with the Afghan intelligence NDS. In October 2013, Latifullah Mehsud was on his way to meet his RAW handlers in Afghanistan in full protection of Afghan intelligence officials when the US Navy SEALs stopped the convoy and snatched him from the NDS protection.

On 7 December 2014, Latif Ullah Mehsud was handed over to Pakistani Govt by the United States. His came remained a mystery, until now. In this video Latif Ullah Mehsud who once was the second in Command only to Commander Hakim Ullah Mehsud blows the lid from the Indian - Afghan nexus to soak Pakistani people in blood through the Tehreek-e- Taliban Pakistan (TTP).

Truth has been revealed.

Time to wake up Pakistan, its time the Indians see their blood flowing in their streets just like they made us and our children see it. Its time the old enemy is given a taste of its shameful history. Lets give Brahmins a fight they are itching for..we have survived their onslaught..can they survive that is coming their way? - Guess the time will reveal...its time to pay India back in a way which makes Taimur look like a human rights activist.
(Horus PDF)

APS, Charsadha & polio team attacks:

On December 16, 2014, the Taliban launched the deadliest attack in Pakistan’s history, killing at least 148 people, including 132 schoolchildren, at the Army Public School in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Mohammad Khorasani, also known as Omer Khorasan, who heads the Jamatul Ahrar, a faction of the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) led by Maulana Fazllula, quickly accepted responsibility for the attack. A spokesperson for the Jamatul Ahrar said the assault was in retaliation for the ongoing Operation Zarb-e-Azb in North Waziristan. He further claimed that the school had been targeted because “almost all students are the children of army personnel."
PESHAWAR: Indian intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) is involved in Peshawar School attack by outlawed Taliban of TTP, media reports.
According to PakistanTribe, military intelligence agencies of Pakistan has traced the telephonic discussion of militants who attacked on school in Peshawar. Evidences were found that RAW is involve in this incident.
Kharasani group of TTP was involved in attacked who is being supported by Afghan Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah. Adding to this also the leadership of Kharasani group of TTP is in connection with Indian consulates.
Strong evidences were found for involvement of (National Directorate of Security) NDS and its strong ties with Kharasani leaders.
Further Nareendra Moodi’s National Defense secretary also visited Kandhar and met with Kharasani Group Commander Khalid Kharasni. This meeting was arranged by National Directorate of Security (NDS) in Indian consulate.

In this meeting strategy was planned to activate terrorist activities in Pakistan to weaken the security forces.

Charsadda incident: Taliban Commander's phone call traced, Indian embassy provided money
PESHAWAR (Dunya News) – Sources revealed on Wednesday evening that the Taliban commander involved in Charsadda university attack had been in contact with Indian embassy in Afghanistan. The connection was revealed when the calls of the commander got traced, reported Dunya News.

According to the sources, the whole plan of the attack on Bacha Khan University was cooked in Afghanistan with the help of India. It is also revealed that the attackers were provided with 30 lac Indian rupees from Indian embassy in Jalalabad Afghanistan to use for the preparations of the deadly attack.The commander, who conducted the attack, had been working as the right hand of the banned Tehreek-e-Taliban’s chief Mullah Fazalullah. The traced calls proved that the commander had been continuously in contact with the attackers through the phone numbers 0093774022167, 0093782552489 and 0093774262593. The commander was controlling the activities of the terrorists from Afghanistan.

Pakistani government has decided to raise the issue in front of Afghan government.

There are clear evidence available with the agencies that India is financing and planning attacks on polio vaccination teams by doing so they wanted to achieve two goals a long term and short term, in a short term goal the wanted to include Pakistan in list which are not polio free and put travel ban on Pakistanis to hamper our economy + name. Secondly they wanted to disable youth population of Pakistan so that they will not actively involve in nation development and defence.

Success of JF-17 and enemy heartburn:

After the great success of JF-17 project our enemy is on fire, JF-17 not only fulfill our requirements but have a great offer to many developing nations but out arch enemy can't digest it and trying hard to harm out sales. They offer their Tejas jet which still not inducted even their air force just look at new low from enemy..

Pakistan’s first export order of the JF-17 ‘Thunder’ fighter aircraft at the first day of the International Paris Air Show has left India concerned.

Pakistan was successful in securing its first ever export order for its JF-17 Thunder fighter at the first day of the International Paris Air Show where a contract was confirmed to have been signed with an Asian country.

PAF Air Commodore dealing in sales and marketing, Khalid Mahmood said “A contract has been signed with an Asian country.” However the name of the country was not disclosed and deliveries are likely to begin in 2017.

The latest models of the jets, which are locally produced in cooperation with China, are lightweight multi-role aircraft capable of Mach 2.0 (twice the speed of sound) with an operational ceiling of 55,000 feet.

Eighty people were promoting the JF-17 in Paris this year, reflecting a significant marketing push.

In comparison Indian Air Force (IAF) is struggling with its light combat aircraft ‘Tejas’, which will take another year to become ready for combat.

The IAF is greatly concerned as it is down to just 35 fighter squadrons while at least 44 are needed to tackle a threat from Pakistan or China.

Moreover the much needed Tejas Mark-II which has a more powerful engine likely needs foreign collaboration if the premier prototype is to take to the skies by 2018-2019 as per expected deadlines.

“Tejas Mark-II is still on the drawing board, with only the preliminary design review being completed till now. The critical design review is far off,” a source claimed.

On the other hand an ongoing commercial negotiation for the acquisition of 36 expensive twin-engine Rafale fighters – the numbers of which may be doubled – is expected to be sealed in a month.

However the delivery of the jets which are to be acquired via France is expected to be in two years.

The utility of the Tejas which are progressing at snail’s pace lies in them leading to a quicker development of the proposed fifth generation air craft fighter; advanced medium combat aircraft (AMCA).

India thretens SL not to buy Pakistan’s JF-17

NEW DELHI: Diplomatic sources have revealed that Indian Government has threatened Sri Lanka not to buy fighter Jet JF-17 Thunder from Pakistan otherwsie its 400 million aid will be stopped, The reported.

Sri Lanka is following the footsteps of India’s other neighbour, Myanmar. Myanmar bought JF 17 aircrafts from Pakistan shortly after India invaded its territory.

Sri Lanka is likely to buy JF-17 thunder from Pakistan but India has threatened her not to go for this move it will not be good in favor of India, Sri Lanka ties.

Sri Lankan Government is facing mounting pressure from its powerful neighbour India over a defence deal Sri Lanka is to enter into with Pakistan. According to highly placed sources in the diplomatic circles, India has expressed its strong opposition to a deal the SL Government entered into with the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) to purchase 10 JF-17 combat aircraft.

It is pertinent to mention here that Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is in Sri Lanka for 3 three days visit and tey have already signed 8 different Memoranda of Understandings (MoUs) in various fields like Education, Trade, Technology and Science with host government.

Modi pushes 'obsolete' made-in-India plane on reluctant military
NEW DELHI: India's government has turned down its military's request to expand the acquisition of 36 fighter planes from Dassault Aviation SA to plug vital gaps, officials said, nudging it to accept an indigenous combat plane 32 years in the making.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's decision, in line with his Make-in-India policy to encourage domestic industry, is a blow for not only the French manufacturer but also others circling over the Indian military aviation market worth billions of dollars.

The push for India's struggling Tejas light combat aircraft (LCA) also comes at a time when the Indian Air Force (IAF) is at its weakest operational strength since the 1962 war against China, which is causing anxiety within military circles.

Since it took over last year, the Modi administration has repeatedly said its overriding goal is to cut off the military's addiction to foreign arms which has made it the world's top importer.

The air force wanted the government to clear an additional 44 Rafale medium multirole aircraft on top of the 36 that Modi announced during a visit to Paris this year that are to be bought off-the-shelf to meet its urgent requirements.

Read: Rafale fighter jets deal between India and France in jeopardy

But a defense ministry official said that Indian Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar had told the Indian air force that there weren't enough funds to expand the Rafale acquisition and that it must induct an improved version of the indigenous Tejas-Mark 1A.

"The IAF (air force) needs to have a minimum number of aircraft at all times. The LCA is our best option at this stage, given our resource constraints," the defense official said.

"The Rafale is our most expensive acquisition. The LCA is our cheapest in the combat category."

India's air force says its requires 45 fighter squadrons to counter a "two-front collusive threat" from Pakistan and China. But it only has 35 active fighter squadrons, parliament's defense committee said in a report in April citing a presentation by a top air force officer.

With the drawdown of Soviet-era MiG 21 planes under way, the air force would be down to 25 squadrons by 2022 at the current pace of acquisitions, it told the committee.

Cleared by the government in 1983, the LCA designed by the government's Defense Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) was meant to be the backbone of the air force due for induction in 1994.

Instead, it suffered years of delay and chaos with scientists trying to build the world's most modern light combat aircraft from scratch, including the engine.

Eventually they scrapped the engine, turning to GE Aviation and lowering their ambitions for a state-of-the-art fighter. So far, only one aircraft has been produced and even that is awaiting final operational clearance, now delayed to early 2016.

"In January this year, they had given one LCA ... which had not completed its flight testing. They handed over the papers to us. We do not make a squadron with one aeroplane. That is where we are," said an air force officer speaking on condition of anonymity.

Safety concerns
An independent investigation by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India into the LCA program identified 53 "shortfalls" in the plane. In a report in May, the auditor said that the plane wasn't as light as promised, the fuel capacity and speed were lower than required and there were concerns about safety.

Retired Air Marshal M. Matheswaran, a former deputy chief of the Integrated Defense Staff, said the LCA was obsolete.

"It is a very short-range aircraft which has no relevance in today's war fighting scenarios. If you are trying to justify this as a replacement for follow-on Rafales, you are comparing apples with oranges."

He said the plane was at best a technology demonstrator on which Indian engineers could build the next series of aircraft, not something the air force could win a war with.

"We would like to have the MMRCA (Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft) variety of aircraft. At least about six squadrons, to my mind," the head of the air force, Arup Raha, said at the weekend, referring to the Rafale class of fighters.

But K. Tamilmani, the DRDO's aerospace chief, said the modified version of the Tejas addressed most of the Indian air force concerns. These included electronic warfare system, flight computer, radar and maintenance problems.

"Almost all the problems get solved with the 1A. There will always be scope for improvement, but there are no flight safety issues," he said.

State-run Hindustan Aeronautics Limited would be able to ramp production to 16 a year by 2017 to meet the air force's demands, he said.

"We Indians are extremely good at blaming each other - at blaming it all on Indian production."

Dassault declined any comment on the government's decision to cap the Rafale fleet.

A source close to Sweden's Saab, which has been pushing its Gripen light fighter, said that it was respectful of India's decision to try to develop its domestic military base.

"There's still a huge gap that needs to be filled. We are marketing it (the Gripen) under the Make-in-India umbrella," he said. "Even if you add the seven squadrons of the Tejas, there is still a requirement (with MiGs retiring etc). It’s a question of timing. Can they build these for when they need them?"

Asian tribune
Dawn News
Duniya news + others
PDF (Horus)
I actually read all that garbage and I swear my brain is bruised!, I don't know if it's the fractured English the OP learned as a sixth or seventh language or the retarded mental masturbation!,


Regular Member
Jan 21, 2017
I actually read all that garbage and I swear my brain is bruised!, I don't know if it's the fractured English the OP learned as a sixth or seventh language or the retarded mental masturbation!,
better than the swahili learning Kenyans ....


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2016
Country flag
@kenyannoobie Don't mind him. He is the end result of generations of inbreeding. Can't make a coherent argument or even a sentence to save his life.


Regular Member
Apr 11, 2017
better than the swahili learning Kenyans ....
It's only the internet but let me give you free advice which you're free to ignore. Even on the 'net address people as if you're face to face. You don't know me like that to come at me sideways. Btw,do you actually know any Swahili or English speaking Kenyans?


Regular Member
Jan 21, 2017
It's only the internet but let me give you free advice which you're free to ignore. Even on the 'net address people as if you're face to face. You don't know me like that to come at me sideways. Btw,do you actually know any Swahili or English speaking Kenyans?
somewhat i remember some words like hello etc and also know the jambo song:biggrin2:
and i have visited Kenya it is a charming country and have many friends from there most of them are migrants form india..

Cutting Edge 2

Space Power
Regular Member
Apr 17, 2017
Pakistani lawyers give 7-day deadline to Sharif to quit
LAHORE, MAY 20, 2017 21:29 IST

The Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) and the Lahore High Court Bar Association (LHCBA) on Saturday announced their joint stance

Pakistani lawyers today gave a seven-day deadline to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to resign on the Panama Papers scandal otherwise they will launch a nationwide movement against him.



Regular Member
Sep 19, 2015
somewhat i remember some words like hello etc and also know the jambo song:biggrin2:
and i have visited Kenya it is a charming country and have many friends from there most of them are migrants form india..
Kashmirs is ours you can the muslim people there in your country for that reason you people have made pakistan right ? we had enough of islamic terrorists cockroaches in india . Now its our turn .

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