Pakistan Economy: News & Discussion


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
Senior Member
Oct 14, 2020
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With 12 hours of load shedding in the “Paris of the East”, the only thing they will be able to assemble is a bunch of jihadis shouting “labbaik, labbaik….ya bullah rasooldallah”.
Won’t factories have their own power supply from generators and stuff?


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
Senior Member
Oct 14, 2020
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Senior Member
Jul 4, 2013
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Won’t factories have their own power supply from generators and stuff?
It increases the setup and running costs. Setting one up requires substantial cost benefit analysis.
Even in Bangalore, most IT companies have pretty big power backup setups to handle failures that last a few minutes or the rare ones that could occur due to equipment failure. Space and running costs are massive for those.
If its like the # of hours mentioned in paki land, then, investment would be massive!!! > Rs75 per khw vs 7rs if done by traditional electricity generation companies.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
Senior Member
Oct 14, 2020
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It increases the setup and running costs. Setting one up requires substantial cost benefit analysis.
Even in Bangalore, most IT companies have pretty big power backup setups to handle failures that last a few minutes or the rare ones that could occur due to equipment failure. Space and running costs are massive for those.
If its like the # of hours mentioned in paki land, then, investment would be massive!!! > Rs75 per khw vs 7rs if done by traditional electricity generation companies.
So these factories will provide part time jobs only? And will run only half a time? Lol.


Senior Member
Sep 5, 2020
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Won’t factories have their own power supply from generators and stuff?
Substantial fuel costs. No way that will make the goods export competitive. Generators are ok for stop gap power supply to cover for sudden unexpected outages but running generators for 8-10 hours will kill your costs. Plus fuel in Pakistan is in short supply.


Senior Member
Sep 5, 2020
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Their big industry = textiles. It grew from a small base, after getting shafted by Bangladesh. Maybe the Chinese are buying Paki underwear’s in bulk. Don’t know.
But expect it to go down given the usual tharki decision making and massive power outages in Pakshitstan.


Del horno

Tihar Jail
May 22, 2021
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HDI is improving only in few rich Middle east Islamic countries and in coming yrs KSA will be surprising under MBS.
However HDI will only decrease in B'desh.
HDI is honestly not subjective and never was and I can attest to this as a traveller myself. Example the HDI is much higher than most of Europe in the GULF and Europe won't be able to carve out such cities and infrastructure like across the gulf in Europe..

Other countries who has great infrastructure are the following Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Azerberijian, Turkmenistan, Algeria, Tunisa and Turkey they have all better infrastructure than East Europe.

Than you got Egypt that is currently building 40 new cities at the same time. Their infrastructure level will be very high in just couple of years. There is also Morocco improving alot just like Egypt going thru an up-hill period.

There is Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia in some places they have better infrastructure than west Europe and overall better infrastructure than East Europe..

Keep in mind the infrastructure in west europe is pretty basic all tho better than east europe but it is still pretty basic and all these who have been to west europe know this.

Pakistan has better infrastructure than India overall and the HDI is not shedding light on that as someone who has seen both countries. There is really not much in comparison. Could perhaps be due to having lower population.

BD is increasing alot in HDI and I would say they are currently ahead of most in South east Asia because they are just going at much higher speed

fire starter

Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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HDI is honestly not subjective and never was and I can attest to this as a traveller myself. Example the HDI is much higher than most of Europe in the GULF and Europe won't be able to carve out such cities and infrastructure like across the gulf in Europe..

Other countries who has great infrastructure are the following Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Azerberijian, Turkmenistan, Algeria, Tunisa and Turkey they have all better infrastructure than East Europe.

Than you got Egypt that is currently building 40 new cities at the same time. Their infrastructure level will be very high in just couple of years. There is also Morocco improving alot just like Egypt going thru an up-hill period.

There is Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia in some places they have better infrastructure than west Europe and overall better infrastructure than East Europe..

Keep in mind the infrastructure in west europe is pretty basica all tho better than east europe but it is still pretty basic and all these who have been west europe know this.

Pakistan has better infrastructure than India overall and the HDI is not shedding light on that as someone who has seen both countries. There is really not much in comparison.

BD is increasing alot in HDI and I would say they are currently ahead of most in South east Asia because they are just going at much higher speed
Lol stop smoking afghan weed porkistan and Bangladesh are no where near India when it comes to infrastructure.

Del horno

Tihar Jail
May 22, 2021
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Del horno

Tihar Jail
May 22, 2021
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I presented you the official statics do u have any anything to prove yourself except hollow talks which are just based on brain farts and illogical assumptions.
This is not assumption you are talking to someone who has seen both countries and take my words for it when I say there is no comparison.. Big time travellers like Karl Rock are of the same opinion who are frequently in both countries. It is public knowledge not a secret of anything.. PK has better roads, houses and infrastructure and way less slums and more cleaner. It could be due to India's overpopulation because you run into way more run-down Indian towns and cities which the overall picture changes everything and there can't technically be comparison of the two


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Pakistan has better infrastructure than India overall and the HDI is not shedding light on that as someone who has seen both countries. There is really not much in comparison. Could perhaps be due to having lower population.
Your gaslighting skills are legendary mate. :smash:

what are places you have been to in pak and India?

fire starter

Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
Country flag
This is not assumption you are talking to someone who has seen both countries and take my words for it when I say there is no comparison.. Big time travellers like Karl Rock are of the same opinion who are frequently in both countries. It is public knowledge not a secret of anything.. PK has better roads, houses and infrastructure and way less slumbs and dirt. It could be due to India's overpopulation because you run into way more run-down Indian towns and cities which the overall picture changes everything and there can't technically be comparison of the two
Again you don't have statics to prove yourself and why should we take your words as gospel truth? Who are you?

Just bcz u visited posh areas in Pakistan doesn't mean whole country is like than. Try to visit karachi and Waziristan.


Senior Member
Aug 16, 2014
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HDI is honestly not subjective and never was and I can attest to this as a traveller myself. Example the HDI is much higher than most of Europe in the GULF and Europe won't be able to carve out such cities and infrastructure like across the gulf in Europe..

Other countries who has great infrastructure are the following Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Azerberijian, Turkmenistan, Algeria, Tunisa and Turkey they have all better infrastructure than East Europe.

Than you got Egypt that is currently building 40 new cities at the same time. Their infrastructure level will be very high in just couple of years. There is also Morocco improving alot just like Egypt going thru an up-hill period.

There is Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia in some places they have better infrastructure than west Europe and overall better infrastructure than East Europe..

Keep in mind the infrastructure in west europe is pretty basic all tho better than east europe but it is still pretty basic and all these who have been to west europe know this.

Pakistan has better infrastructure than India overall and the HDI is not shedding light on that as someone who has seen both countries. There is really not much in comparison. Could perhaps be due to having lower population.

BD is increasing alot in HDI and I would say they are currently ahead of most in South east Asia because they are just going at much higher speed
Europe don't need to carve the Infra like Middle East.
People from all over the globe visits European countries not to watch the High rise buildings. They go there to visit the existing medieval era architecture.
The cities which needs to have modern architecture are present in each European country and most people there don't want buildings taller than 300 mtrs.

Few cities of Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia don't match the whole scale European Infra.
Stop smoking the weed! have some herbal tea!


Senior Member
Apr 14, 2020
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This is not assumption you are talking to someone who has seen both countries and take my words for it when I say there is no comparison.. Big time travellers like Karl Rock are of the same opinion who are frequently in both countries. It is public knowledge not a secret of anything
OMFG :pound: :pound: :pound:
Source-Trust me lol

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