Nuclear Power in India

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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A big event in India’s nuclear journey passed off quietly. Just as well
Why is the switching on of one more nuclear reactor so significant?

S Raghotham DH’s Opinion Editor lives the life of an owl, and can turn his head 270o. X/@sraghotham
Credit: DH Illustration
A most significant event took place in the country last week, but with almost no attention paid to it – probably because the Prime Minister did not make a big deal of it. He came, he saw, he left, apparently all in 45 minutes.
Fittingly appropriate, I must say, considering what it was all about. It was the “commencement of core loading of the Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR)”. In simple terms, the operators of this nuclear reactor, PFBR, began to load fuel into the reactor and switched it on – and they will slowly crank it up over some months to ‘criticality’, when they can be sure that a sustainable fission chain has been set off and the reactor can run and produce power.
Also Read: PM Modi witnesses first step towards operationalisation of long awaited Fast Breeder Reactor
But India already has 20+ nuclear reactors and more are coming up, and all of them together don’t still account for more than 4-5% of India’s power generation. So why is the switching on of one more nuclear reactor so significant?
So, here’s the thing in a nutshell: India has huge energy needs to meet its industrialisation and developmental goals, but it is not endowed with massive hydrocarbon (oil and gas) resources. Nuclear energy is the only source that can meet India’s energy and power needs while at the same time helping to de-carbonise the economy. But to harness this technology, we need the right fuel. We do not have enough uranium reserves, but we have abundant thorium (which can be converted into uranium), said to be enough to power India for more than 250 years. To be able to use thorium optimally, we have to graduate through a 3-stage nuclear programme. That is what Homi Bhabha designed in the 1950s, and we have been following since. The existing nuclear reactors are all of the first stage – burning uranium to produce power, and plutonium for the second stage reactors. With the PFBR, we have reached that second stage on a commercial scale. This reactor will breed plutonium as it consumes it. It will also help convert thorium to U-233 on the side. The dream of reaching the thorium stage is thus closer.
Also Read: The Kalpakkam milestone
The PFBR story is the story of India, its leadership and the people, at all levels, in the nuclear establishment determinedly pursuing a plan laid out in 1958, no matter what. If it succeeds – and at this stage, one sees no reason why it shouldn’t – then India will have arrived as the leader on the world nuclear stage at just the time when there’s growing interest worldwide in reviving nuclear power, thanks to climate change.
I have been inside the reactor vault, the ‘sanctum sanctorum’, as it were, and the control room of the PFBR, where PM Modi too was taken, some 10 years ago, when it stood ready, more or less. And I have met and interviewed dozens of people involved in it — from Sivaramakrishnan, a crane operator who had to lift up the reactor and safety vessels -- special steel vessels of 12-13 m diameter -- above 80-foot tall walls and place them in a precise spot on the other side (with a tolerance of 300 mm!) without being able to see the other side (believe me, there’s a logic to why it had to be done that way), to people right up the hierarchy of scientists, engineers, directors and CMDs of ‘Bhavini’, the company formed to build the PFBR, and IGCAR, the research centre whose experience of building and running a test breeder reactor (FBTR) since 1985 determined every detail of the PFBR.
I have also met and interviewed scientists, engineers and directors and heads at the apex of the Department of Atomic Energy and the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, and many other institutions that make up India’s vast nuclear establishment, as well as people from the likes of L&T, Walchandnagar Industries, MTAR, etc., who were involved in the manufacture of key components, sub-systems, etc.
The story of the PFBR, more than anything else, is the story of the perseverance and triumph of these people. Let me point you to only a few of these people, events and stories:
Nehru: In the 1950s, the US and Britain, too, wanted to build thorium-based reactors. In 1951, when Nehru appealed to the US for food aid as India reeled under near-famine conditions, the US Congress made it conditional on India lifting its ban on export of Kerala’s thorium-rich monazite sands, and exporting them to the US. Nehru refused to give in. The US Congress held off the food aid for weeks, but finally gave in. That export ban stands even today. We need the thorium ourselves.
‘Carbide’ Ganguly: When France, which was helping us design the experimental FBTR, backed off from cooperation and refused to sell the special mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel required, India’s breeder reactor dreams seemed at an end. India was not in a position, at the time, to make the MOX fuel. In stepped C Ganguly, a young PhD who had researched on an alternative carbide fuel. The FBTR ended up using the carbide fuel, a world-first, and has run on it for nearly 40 years now, thanks to Chaitanyamoy, nay ‘Carbide’ Ganguly.
The Tsunami: Then PM Manmohan Singh laid the foundation stone for the PFBR in October 2004. A special elevated platform was built for the PM to do the honours by remote since his security chief would not allow him to go into a large excavated area. Two months later, when the December 2004 Tsunami struck and the entire excavated area was flooded and everything in the vicinity washed away, it was this VIP platform that helped save the lives of all but one of the 150 people who were at the site. A construction superviser who was standing on that platform alerted the workers to flee just in time as he saw the giant waves rush in.
Anil Kakodkar: During the India-US ‘nuclear deal’ talks, the US insisted that India put its Fast Breeder Reactor under international safeguards. Given its strategic and commercial importance, the DAE resisted it strongly. Some in the government and some ‘strategic experts’ ridiculed the Fast Breeder programme as a “pipedream” that would never take off and that it would be silly to let go of the deal for its sake. Pressure was sought to be mounted on the DAE to relent. The then DAE Chairman Anil Kakodkar decided to use the only weapon he had: He went public with his “over my dead body” opposition. The FBR was taken off the table. Today, the “pipedream” has become reality.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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India Enters Stage Two Of Its Nuclear Programme; The Three Stages, Explained
India reaches a milestone in nuclear energy with the initiation of core loading at its first homegrown fast breeder reactor.
PM Modi on Monday witnessed the commencement of core loading of India's first and indigenous fast breeder reactor at Kalpakkam.

PM Modi on Monday witnessed the commencement of "core loading" of India's first and indigenous fast breeder reactor at Kalpakkam.
This past Monday (4 March), Prime Minister Narendra Modi witnessed the initiation of "core loading" at India's first homegrown “fast breeder reactor” in Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu.
In a nuclear reactor, core loading is the process of loading nuclear fuel assemblies into the reactor core. The fuel assemblies comprise fuel rods that contain fissile material, such as enriched uranium or plutonium, which undergoes nuclear fission to produce heat.
And a fast breeder reactor is a type of nuclear reactor that is designed to produce more fissile material (such as Plutonium-239) than it consumes during operation.
It achieves this by using fast neutrons to convert non-fissile isotopes (such as Uranium-238) into fissile isotopes (such as Plutonium-239). This process is known as "breeding" because it creates more fissile material than is initially loaded into the reactor.
India’s prototype fast breeder reactor (PFBR) in Tamil Nadu has a capacity of 500 Megawatt electric (MWe). It was designed by the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research and constructed by BHAVINI.
Short for Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Limited, BHAVINI was established in 2003 to build and operate the PFBR.
Over 200 players from the Indian industry have contributed to the PFBR's development. This reactor is considered a precursor to future fast breeder reactors (FBRs).
After the core loading is completed, the Kalpakkam PFBR reactor will undergo the first approach to criticality, leading to power generation.
Once it becomes operational, India will be only the second country after Russia to have a commercial operating fast breeder reactor.
Milestone Unlocked
The latest development symbolises India’s entry into the crucial second stage of the country’s three-stage nuclear programme — as stated in the note put out by The Prime Minister's Office.
India holds only about 1-2 per cent of the world's uranium reserves, but it possesses one of the largest shares of global thorium reserves, estimated at around 25 per cent of the world's known thorium reserves.
Dr Homi Bhabha, therefore, devised a three-stage nuclear power programme to make the most of India's limited uranium reserves and abundant thorium reserves.
Each stage of the programme has fuel cycle linkages. This means that spent fuel from one stage is reprocessed to obtain fuel for the next stage — there is little to no wastage.
Ultimately, the goal is to generate nuclear power while ensuring long-term energy security.
The three stages are:
1) Pressurised heavy water reactors (PHWRs) using natural uranium as fuel
2) FBRs using plutonium as fuel
3) Advanced reactors using Uranium-233 as fuel in a thorium-uranium cycle
The first stage involves using natural uranium in PHWRs to multiply domestically available fissile resources.
Natural uranium consists of 0.7 per cent Uranium-235, which undergoes fission to release energy.
The remaining 99.3 per cent is Uranium-238, which is not fissile but can be converted into the fissile element Plutonium-239 in a nuclear reactor.
In the second stage, plutonium from the spent fuel of PHWRs is used in FBRs, such as the one at Kalpakkam which saw the initiation of core loading on 4 March.
In FBRs, Plutonium-239 undergoes fission, producing energy and more Plutonium-239 through the transmutation of Uranium-238.
This process allows FBRs to produce energy and additional fuel, which is why they are termed "breeders." FBRs generate more fuel than they consume.
Over time, a stockpile of plutonium can be built up by introducing Uranium-238 into the reactor.
Once enough nuclear capacity is built, the third stage will involve using thorium, which will be converted into Uranium-233 in FBRs.
Thorium-232, which is abundant in India, is not fissile. Therefore, it needs to be converted into a fissile material, Uranium-233, through transmutation in an FBR.
Significant commercial use of thorium can only begin when there are abundant supplies of either Uranium-233 or plutonium.
The conversion fron thorium to uranium is planned to be achieved in the second stage of the programme, which involves the commercial operation of FBRs.
After the PFBR at Kalpakkam becomes operational, BHAVINI will build two 600 MWe FBRs adjacent to it. The preparatory activities are currently in progress.
Three Stages Will Take Time
The third stage, utilising thorium as an energy source, is expected to be reached in a few decades.
Just like with uranium, generating electricity from thorium produces no greenhouse gases, making it a clean energy source.
Thorium reactors are also more cost-effective than conventional reactors.
Nobel laureate Carlo Rubbia estimates that a tonne of thorium could produce as much energy as 200 tonnes of uranium or 4 million tonnes of coal. As a result, far less nuclear waste is generated.
Importantly, the waste from thorium reactors contains no isotopes with a half-life beyond 35 years, significantly reducing the required storage time.
Harnessing thorium for India's energy needs presents many economic opportunities, as argued in Swarajya (2015) by nuclear policy expert Jaideep Prabhu.
The availability of affordable electricity could drive a transition away from gas, petrol, and diesel for cooking and transportation.
Additionally, nuclear energy could alleviate the pressure on the railways by reducing the need to transport millions of tons of coal, potentially reducing the necessity for service expansion.
To prepare for the use of thorium in the third stage of the programme, efforts are currently underway to develop and demonstrate the necessary technology. This is being done so that a mature technology for thorium utilisation will be ready in time.
The Bhabha Atomic Research Centre is developing a 300 MWe advanced heavy water reactor (AHWR).
The AHWR is an innovative concept that serves as a bridge between the first and third stages of the nuclear programme. It aims to advance thorium utilisation without going through the second stage.
The AHWR uses light water as a coolant and heavy water as a moderator. It is fuelled by a mixture of Plutonium-239 and Thorium-232, with a significant portion of the power being generated from Thorium-232.
The "AHWR is not only a stepping stone to the third stage but also expected to provide a platform for developing and testing technologies required for the third stage," according to the Department of Atomic Energy.
The three-stage nuclear programme is expected to make India completely self-sufficient in nuclear energy.

new salem

Regular Member
Nov 21, 2023
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India Enters Stage Two Of Its Nuclear Programme; The Three Stages, Explained
India reaches a milestone in nuclear energy with the initiation of core loading at its first homegrown fast breeder reactor.
PM Modi on Monday witnessed the commencement of core loading of India's first and indigenous fast breeder reactor at Kalpakkam. 's first and indigenous fast breeder reactor at Kalpakkam.

PM Modi on Monday witnessed the commencement of "core loading" of India's first and indigenous fast breeder reactor at Kalpakkam.

Milestone Unlocked

The three stages are:
1) Pressurised heavy water reactors (PHWRs) using natural uranium as fuel
2) FBRs using plutonium as fuel
3) Advanced reactors using Uranium-233 as fuel in a thorium-uranium cycle

Three Stages Will Take Time
So we are in the third stage and we know tech is exponential in nature.
How long until true thorium reactors.
@gslv markIII

Raj Malhotra

Senior Member
Aug 13, 2009
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PFBR might have a completely different importance apart from electricity production and three phase cycle. That is, it is optimised for producing weapon grade plutonium. It might be able to produce weapon grade plutonium for 10-15 nuclear devices every year.

This info is based on past discussions on BRF

new salem

Regular Member
Nov 21, 2023
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PFBR might have a completely different importance apart from electricity production and three phase cycle. That is, it is optimised for producing weapon grade plutonium. It might be able to produce weapon grade plutonium for 10-15 nuclear devices every year.

This info is based on past discussions on BRF
So thorium reactors when?

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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That far huh?
Two decades more for rnd?
Construction? Or operation?
Two decades minimum for starting a prototype like we did with PFBR. We anyway are yet to conclude second stage since we will have to create full scale FBRs after seeing performance of PFBR.

Nuclear reactors anyways are very very long term projects FYI. Production is too critical here.


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
Senior Member
Aug 10, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars what stopping is the nuclear liability the local issues are over, now the ball in the central government courts. If this time didn't happens then it's the Central problems, to unable to sort the liability issues.

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