North Korean nuclear crisis


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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more Supply from US to SoKo

Curretnly there is a E-6B Mercury, and a RC-135S COBRA BALL is on the way to Seoul

Where B1 and B52 are Stationed on Seoul, B2 and F 22 are stationed on Guam Base


Senior Member
Sep 14, 2009
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There are clear signs that China is losing patience with North Korea, America's former top diplomat in Asia has said.

For several decades, China has been North Korea's closest ally, largest trade partner and primary source of aid.
However, Kurt Campbell, the former head of the State department in Asia, said there are signs that a relationship once described by Chairman Mao to be "as close as lips and teeth" is wearing thin.
"There is a subtle shift in Chinese foreign policy. Over the short to medium term, that has the potential to affect the calculus in north east Asia," Mr Campbell said at a forum at John Hopkins university.
"You have seen it at the United Nations (Security Council). We have seen it in our private discussions and you see it in statements in Beijing," he added.Mr Campbell, who left the State department in February to found his own consultancy firm, was one of the architects of the US diplomatic and military "pivot" towards Asia.
He added that North Korean officials have noticed the change of mood in Beijing.
"I do not think that subtle shift can be lost on Pyongyang," he said. "They need a close relationship with China for every conceivable reason. It's not in their strategic interest to alienate every country that surrounds them.
"The most important new ingredient has been a recognition in China that their previous approach to North Korea is not bearing fruit."
Earlier, Mr Campbell told the Wall Street Journal that China "cannot be happy" and that he expected a tougher line to emerge from Beijing.
Nevertheless, he acknowledged that Beijing has never been willing to debate North Korea's future with the United States and South Korea, both of whom it holds in some suspicion.
Currently, Beijing appears to prefer the devil it knows, in the shape of the unpredictable Kim family regime, to the uncertainties, and perhaps American influence, that a reunification on the Korean peninsula could bring.
However, Daniel Pinkston, a North Korea expert at the International Crisis Group, said Beijing was "fed up" at the distractions being created by Pyongyang while it tries to focus its energies on other problems. "They need to address issues in the South China Sea, they have a corruption campaign going on at home, North Korea is giving them a headache," said Mr Pinkston.
Certainly North Korea no longer merits much respect among ordinary Chinese, who have taken to insulting Kim Jong-un as "Fatty Kim" or "Fatty the Third", in reference to his father and grandfather, on the Chinese internet.
But more reasoned debate over North Korea has been reined in by the Chinese authorities. Deng Yuwen, the deputy editor of the Central Party School's Study Times journal was suspended last week from his position after penning an anti-North Korea editorial for the Financial Times.
Mr Deng argued that China's relationship with North Korea had become a liability. "Why should China maintain relations with a regime and a country that will face failure sooner or later?" he asked. "Once North Korea has nuclear weapons, it cannot be ruled out that the capricious Kim regime will engage in nuclear blackmail against China," he added.
Meanwhile, the Kaesong Industrial Complex, a key bellwether of relations between the North and the South, was closed on Friday for a national holiday.
The North has blocked South Korean workers from entering the site, which lies six miles inside its border, for two days, although staff are permitted to leave the site.
The South Korean Unification minister, Ryoo Kihl-jae, said the South was willing to evacuate the Kaesong if it was felt that its citizens were in danger. At present, however, he said the situation at Kaesong "is not very dangerous" and the government was "not considering" a shutdown.
South Korea has also dispatched warships, in addition to the two US destroyers in the area, to monitor the North for a missile launch. Yonhap, the South Korean news agency, reported that two more missiles had been transported by North Korea to its east coast using its network of underground tunnels.


Senior Member
Sep 14, 2009
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As bellicose posturing and threats have grown more dramatic on the Korean Peninsula, the government in the North has told foreign diplomats it cannot guarantee their safety, if war breaks out.
The same concern apparently does not extend to foreign tourists.
On Friday, officials met with ambassadors to ask if they needed help evacuating their personnel, several diplomatic missions said.
On Saturday, Amanda Carr, who works for a British travel company, wrapped up a pleasure tour of North Korea with a group of 20 tourists. Before leaving the country, they were able to take in a rally in Pyongyang.

The UK's embassy in North Korea gave her company, Koryo Tours, some guidance in light of the international tensions. "We've been advised to continue with the tours," Carr said.
Her North Korean partners -- from the state's travel agency -- continue to accept tourists, she said. And their demeanor is friendly towards them, as it always has been.New reports of missile movements in North Korea have triggered military counteractions by South Korea and the United States.
A U.S. official told CNN that two medium-range missiles have been loaded onto mobile launchers on the East coast of North Korea, but a second U.S. official said intelligence on that is not definitive.
South Korea's semi-official Yonhap news agency reported the missiles were ready to launch, citing military sources in Seoul. They are likely Musudan missiles, U.S. officials said. They would have a 2,500-mile range and could threaten South Korea, Japan and Southeast Asia.
It is believed a missile launch would be a "test" launch rather than a targeted strike.
In response, South Korea has sent Aegis destroyers equipped with advanced radar systems to both of its coasts, Yonhap said, citing navy sources.
The United States will deploy missile defense systems to Guam, a Western Pacific territory that is home to U.S. naval and air bases. North Korea has cited those bases when listing possible targets for missile attacks.


Senior Member
Sep 14, 2009
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North Korean leader Kim Jong-un recently ordered the country's arms industry workers to increase their production of artillery, a television report out of Pyongyang showed Saturday.

In a documentary film aired on the Korean Central TV Broadcasting Station, Kim was seen chairing a consultative meeting of defense industry workers on March 17.

"Once the war breaks out, we have to destroy the enemies' key military locations and government institutions with a quick and sudden strike," Kim was quoted as saying. "We must absolutely guarantee the quality of our artillery and shells to ensure a rapid pre-emptive attack on our enemies."

Kim also noted that the North's enemies are preparing for war, which further demands production of "trustworthy" artillery for Pyongyang.

Kim was accompanied by Pak To-chun, the arms secretary for the Workers' Party, according to the film.

On March 26, the North had said its military would place its missile and artillery units into the highest combat readiness posture.


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
BBC News - US plays down North Korea threat

US officials have played down the threat of war on the Korean peninsula, after weeks of bellicose statements from Pyongyang.

A White House spokesman said the US "would not be surprised" if North Korea launched a missile, while a top US military officer said recent threats appeared to fit a familiar pattern.

Pyongyang has threatened to attack both US and South Korean targets.

It has told foreign embassies it cannot guarantee their safety in a conflict.

Diplomats in Pyongyang were asked on Friday to tell the foreign ministry by 10 April what help they would need in evacuating.

The warning prompted Russia to ask whether Pyongyang was offering help in the event of a conflict, or making a decision.


Senior Member
Oct 17, 2009
The present NK posturing is more a sign of domestic problems for the Chubby. Therefore there is reason to believe that In the event of a major war becoming imminent, dissident elements in the North Korean Army will dethrone Chubby and sue for peace. Any takers?


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
The present NK posturing is more a sign of domestic problems for the Chubby. Therefore there is reason to believe that In the event of a major war becoming imminent, dissident elements in the North Korean Army will dethrone Chubby and sue for peace. Any takers?
Not me. When the people starve, they are completely helpless.


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Fidel Castro asks North Korea to avoid war

Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro called Friday for long-time ally North Korea and the United States to avoid hostilities on the Korean Peninsula.

"If war breaks out there, the people of both parts of the peninsula will be terribly sacrificed, without benefit to all or either of them," he said in a column published in Cuban state media.

"Now that (North Korea) has demonstrated its technical and scientific achievements, we remind her of her duties to the countries which have been her great friends, and it would be unjust to forget that such a war would particularly affect more than 70 per cent of the population of the planet." Mr. Castro, 86, reminded the United States of its duty to avoid a clash, amid mounting tensions this year between North and South Korea.

"If a conflict of that nature should break out there, the government of Barack Obama in his second mandate would be buried in a deluge of images which would present him as the most sinister character in the history of the United States," Mr. Castro said. "The duty of avoiding war is also his and that of the people of the United States." Cuba is one of the last remaining allies of the communist government in Pyongyang.

"The Democratic People's Republic of Korea was always friendly with Cuba, as Cuba has always been and will continue to be with her," Mr. Castro wrote. "I had the honour of meeting Kim Il-sung, a historic figure, notably courageous and revolutionary." Kim Il-sung was the founder of North Korea and grandfather of Kim Jong Un, the new leader of the reclusive Pyongyang regime.

Fidel Castro asks North Korea to avoid war - The Hindu


Senior Member
Aug 15, 2010
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India must learn a thing or two from North Korea's courage. Without any proven deterrence and a proven long range missile they are threatening USA, but India on the other hand, even after having a proven credible deterrence, still is afraid of a nuclear attack by pakistan, if a war breaks out. After all the terror attacks on India, which have their roots from inside pakistan, India is still mulling over the issue of attacking the terror camps on the side of PoK.


Senior Member
Oct 17, 2009
India must learn a thing or two from North Korea's courage. Without any proven deterrence and a proven long range missile they are threatening USA, but India on the other hand, even after having a proven credible deterrence, still is afraid of a nuclear attack by pakistan, if a war breaks out. After all the terror attacks on India, which have their roots from inside pakistan, India is still mulling over the issue of attacking the terror camps on the side of PoK.
Mad dogs do not fear anything... even they know the sensible will avoid them.
I believe that Chubby is doing all this barking out of domestic necessity. He has to prove a point to some of his military uncles who might have harboured political ambitions. NoKo so very gone down a destructive path, there is no return. The country has no economy left, barring Chinese largesse. And even China knows they will not be able to prop up that economy too long. China has kept it alive so long as a buffer to US-controlled South Korea but they must have set a limit even to that kind of suffering.


Regular Member
Aug 16, 2012
India must learn a thing or two from North Korea's courage. Without any proven deterrence and a proven long range missile they are threatening USA, but India on the other hand, even after having a proven credible deterrence, still is afraid of a nuclear attack by pakistan, if a war breaks out. After all the terror attacks on India, which have their roots from inside pakistan, India is still mulling over the issue of attacking the terror camps on the side of PoK.
There is nothing to learn from NK. NK leaders are like suicide bombers who first announce that they are suicide bombers. Their enemies can kill them whenever they wish. US can easily defeat NK. But if they do so then China will ask them to remove troops from SK. US don't want to end the problem because they want their troops to stay in SK for prolonged time.


Senior Member
Oct 17, 2009
North Korea tension prompts US missile test delay

The US has delayed an intercontinental ballistic missile test scheduled for next week, defence officials say.

The Minuteman 3 test was put off over concerns it could be misinterpreted by North Korea, amid fears of a conflict.

It could be postponed till May, in what correspondents say will be portrayed by Pyongyang as a victory.

North Korea has issued a series of unusually strong threats since it was sanctioned by the UN in March for carrying out a third nuclear test.

It has threatened nuclear strikes on the US, formally declared war on the South, and pledged to reopen a nuclear reactor in defiance of UN Security Council resolutions.

A Pentagon official said the US wanted to "avoid any misperception or miscalculation" that might result from the test.

US and South Korean officials have sought to play down fears of a conflict on the Korean peninsula in recent days.

The BBC's John Sudworth in Seoul says Pyongyang will likely use the delay to its advantage in propaganda, and say the US has been forced to climb down in the face of resilience from the North Korean army.

The North Korean media are full of images of military preparedness, he adds, intended to rally people behind the leadership.

On Friday, North Korea warned it would not be able to guarantee the safety of embassy staff in the event of a war, but no foreign governments have announced plans to evacuate their embassies.

Guam threat

North Korea has been angered by the current US-South Korean drills
Many of North Korea's angry statements have cited annual military exercises between US and South Korean forces as provocation.

The US flew nuclear-capable B2 and B52 bombers over the South as part of the drill, and has since deployed warships with missile defence systems to the region.

This week, the North reportedly moved at least one missile to its east coast. It has threatened to strike the Pacific island of Guam, where the US has a military base.

North Korea's missiles have the capability to carry nuclear warheads, but the country is not yet thought to have developed such warheads.

Many observers say that North Korea's belligerent rhetoric appears intended for a domestic audience and at shoring up the position of Kim Jong-un, who came to power after his father's death in December 2011.

However, they also say that knowledge of the North's political calculations risk is limited, and the risk of a major escalation has increased amid the heightened tension of recent weeks.

Our correspondent adds that Pyongyang sees itself as vulnerable, having seen the upheaval in countries like Syria and Iraq, and is using the threat of nuclear weapons to protect itself.
BBC News - North Korea tension prompts US missile test delay
Is this the straw that Chubby will clutch at to declare a great victory at a grand parade?


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
Is this the straw that Chubby will clutch at to declare a great victory at a grand parade?
Until next year at this time.


Super Mod
Mar 24, 2009
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They (NoKo) will test a missile in by the middle of this week. Wednesday the more likely day.


Senior Member
Aug 15, 2010
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There is nothing to learn from NK. NK leaders are like suicide bombers who first announce that they are suicide bombers. Their enemies can kill them whenever they wish. US can easily defeat NK. But if they do so then China will ask them to remove troops from SK. US don't want to end the problem because they want their troops to stay in SK for prolonged time.
Guys, the matter of point is the guts to threaten a SUPER POWER. We India, even after having the power to protect our national interest are not doing so. We are not even taking a hard stance against pakistan. This is point. Understand my motive behind the post. I want the GoI to take a very hard stance and send a strong message that anther terror attack inside India will be retaliated with a strike on all the terror camps in PoK.......


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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North Korea allegedly preparing fourth nuke test

As tensions are running high on the Korean Peninsula reports have e merged that North Korea could be gearing up for a fourth underground nuclear weapons test at Punggye-ri, the site of its previous test.

Pyongyang appeared to be making
preparations for the test, according to a
South Korean government source
speaking to the country's Joongang Daily

"We have detected increased activity of
labor forces and vehicles at the southern
tunnel of the test site in Punggye-ri,
where the regime has worked on
maintenance for facilities since its third
nuclear test in February", one of South's
top government officials said. He added
that "the activities appear to be similar to
those before the third test, so we are
closely monitoring the site."

The official went on to say that the South
Korean government "were also tipped off
that Pyongyang would soon carry out an
additional nuclear test"¦but we are
analyzing if it is indeed preparation for an
additional test or it is just to pressure
Seoul and Washington."

The news comes on the heels of the
report by a top South Korean security
official that their northern neighbor could
be gearing up for a test-launch this week
– just a day after the United States had
earlier delayed its own unrelated missile
launch for fear of provoking Pyongyang.
Chief national security adviser to South
Korean President Park Geun-Hye said it is
not yet clear if the launch would come
before or after Wednesday, April 10,
which is the date by which North Korea
recommends any foreign diplomats leave
its territory.


Senior Member
Oct 17, 2009
Guys, the matter of point is the guts to threaten a SUPER POWER. We India, even after having the power to protect our national interest are not doing so. We are not even taking a hard stance against pakistan. This is point. Understand my motive behind the post. I want the GoI to take a very hard stance and send a strong message that anther terror attack inside India will be retaliated with a strike on all the terror camps in PoK.......
It is simple. NK has to constantly appear belligerent to exist as a nation because that is the very foundation of the state. What other rationale does it have to exist as a different nation? The moment the leadership slackens, the state will disintegrate.
Who wants to be a nation that exists in a constant state of bellicosity?

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