North Korea: Craziest Country in the world


New Member
Jul 20, 2009
1. Even at the height of the North Korean famine in the 1990s, Kim Jong-Il was still the largest consumer of Hennessy cognac.

2. Kim Jong-Il kidnapped a famous South Korean director (and his wife) and forced him to make movies. When the director refused, he was sent to a concentration camp for 5 years and eventually complied. He and his wife finally escaped, eluding guards while in Cannes for the premiere of one of their films

3. Everyone must wear a pin with Kim Il-Sung or Kim Jong-Il’s face on it, and keep it spotless at all times

4. Kim Il-Sung has been dead for 16 years but is still the head of state, having been “elected” “eternal” leader

5. Everyone is subject to daily “self-criticism” sessions in which they must describe all of the ways that they have failed in their duty to Kim Jong-Il



New Member
Jan 17, 2010
to a certain degree NKorea has been demonized by the dominant powers and their mouthpieces in the world today. scarcely is there a voice from NK side heard!

up to date the US-led 'world community' is still imposing embargo/sanctions after Korean War ended 50+ years ago. NKorea has to count on its own for self defence in face of the US, SKorea and Japan forces. And famines, collapse of the Eastern Bloc which NK relied on for trading and aids add troubles to its suffocated economy.

Kim Il Sung, the late leader of NK was a commander in Chinese guerrilla against Jap. ferocities during WW2. Koreans were the most steadfast fighters in China's army, weathering the worst environment in isolated Manchuria which had been occupied for 13 years . In the end Chinese resistance force incling Korean legions had to seek refuge across the border in Soviet Union, where Kim Jung Il was born, until the victory in 1945, when Kim Il Sung was able to get back to lead post-war Korea.

Up to date millions of Koreans are living in China as a minority with the highest educational level among 56 ethnic groups!

One of Mao Zedong's sons died in Korean War and was buried there as a warrior evidencing the brotherhood btwn 2 nations.

Ideology (totalitarian blah blah ) has never been decisive in international relationship, but the strategic importance of Korea Penisula that makes N.K. Russia and China come together.

China, to my woe, hasn't really been supportive of N.Korea despite the alliance forged by blood, instead of ideology. Kim may be a dictator. But what does it matter? There're many many dictators in the world - just think about Saudi A. Haiti, or Iraq who were or are the US allies but never 'democracies' . Numerous such examples against US propaganda as a 'democracy advocate'. Never shall we be brain-washed to believe any ideological rhetoric but bear in mind our own interest!

China shall offer more aids for its isolated economy and humanitarian relief, for our own sake, and also for the sake of peace in E. Asia.
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New Member
Oct 2, 2009
to a certain degree NKorea has been demonized by the dominant powers and their mouthpieces in the world today. scarcely is there a voice from NK side heard!

up to date the US-led 'world community' is still imposing embargo/sanctions after Korean War ended 50+ years ago. NKorea has to count on its own for self defence in face of the US, SKorea and Japan forces. And famines, collapse of the Eastern Bloc which NK relied on for trading and aids add troubles to its suffocated economy.

Kim Il Sung, the late leader of NK was a commander in Chinese guerrilla against Jap. ferocities during WW2. Koreans were the most steadfast fighters in China's army, weathering the worst environment in isolated Manchuria which had been occupied for 13 years . In the end Chinese resistance force incling Korean legions had to seek refuge across the border in Soviet Union, where Kim Jung Il was born, until the victory in 1945, when Kim Il Sung was able to get back to lead post-war Korea.

Up to date millions of Koreans are living in China as a minority with the highest educational level among 56 ethnic groups!

One of Mao Zedong's sons died in Korean War and was buried there as a warrior evidencing the brotherhood btwn 2 nations.

Ideology (totalitarian blah blah ) has never been decisive in international relationship, but the strategic importance of Korea Penisula that makes N.K. Russia and China come together.

China, to my woe, hasn't really been supportive of N.Korea despite the alliance forged by blood, instead of ideology. Kim may be a dictator. But what does it matter? There're many many dictators in the world - just think about Saudi A. Haiti, or Iraq who were or are the US allies but never 'democracies' . Numerous such examples against US propaganda as a 'democracy advocate'. Never shall we be brain-washed to believe any ideological rhetoric but bear in mind our own interest!

China shall offer more aids for its isolated economy and humanitarian relief, for our own sake, and also for the sake of peace in E. Asia.
you wan to know how f'd up NK is.

Did you know that in NK , the real head of state is not Kim-jong il , but to this day is still his father. who dies many decades.
Kim-jong il is the head of the communist party in charge of North Korea, essentially making him the most powerful living individual in North Korea. That's why when foreign leaders meet with him, he is refereed to as Mr Secretary .

This is essentially makes North Korea a necrocosy . Because their official head of state has been dead for well over 40 years.

North Korea is not country, its a giant cult.
a cult where people are born into and die in. without ever knowing the truth about the world.

And don't take this the wrong way, but as far as human existence let alone right go, china is mount Everest compared to North Korea.
The CPC despite all the criticism cares for china and its people. And Has a leadership determined to transform the lives of Millions of poor Chinese.
what ever their intentions internationality, they are a positive force in China.

North Korea is communist only in name, it shares none of the trappings of real country, its government is only concerned with maintaining power.
Its people have no opportunity or growth, They live to worship the great leader ( the dead guy ) and his son. And now one of Kim's dozen of so children are taking his place as the head of the communist party. and one day his son will take his place. and the great leader ( the dead guy ) will still be the head of state.

One of Mao Zedong's sons died in Korean War and was buried there as a warrior evidencing the brotherhood btwn 2 nations.
that was over 50 years ago.

China knows as well as the rest of the world , NK is now F'd up. They just want it to keep America busy.
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New Member
Feb 19, 2009

We live in a world where the print and electronic media are largely controlled by the funding of the US and the west and the voices that are most respected and heard are the ones that originate from the west who all have a certain agenda to follow and these are the voices who primarily help form world opinions so if a discourse is in a certain direction the majority will follow that, even if it is biased at times.

But that is not the end of it, what you have in dprk is one of the most brutal regimes who believe in wide spread discrimination and there remains a huge divide of have and have-nots and not surprisingly the have-nots out number the haves by a massive margin, think of it, 10% of the population gets wiped out due to famine with a similar threat again looming large with another 10(odd)% expected to be wiped out, with a huge number of people end up being in the concentration camps for as petty a mistake that some one did not bow in-front of statue/photograph of the dear leader, or that his pic got folded or someone sat on that pic etc and it is not only that person who is subjected to the brutality of those concentration camps but the their entire family of 3 generations, their friends, their neighbours, the newborns, all end up there and those camps are a living hell if anything and the government there continues with this state sponsored terror for it remains too obsessed in being anti-US, and why? Can there be any humane reasoning to this state sponsored brutality?

That aside today we live in a world where we have the internet which remains quite free to the extent a lot of terrorist organizations use the same medium to propagate their ideology and it seems they are quite successful at that, so what and who is stopping the north Koreans from telling their side of the story, as it is they come from a state which is all about propaganda so there remains no fear that they will not follow the propagated line.

Fact remains the government there is inclined on keeping its people isolated because the fear that once these people are exposed to the outside world and that too through a largely free medium like internet people will start questioning them on why they are being subjected to such sub-human levels of living standards, and why they do not have any sort of freedom, which is sadly not even compared to what one gets in Cuba or lets say in PRC who across much better.

It is the job of the regime of dprk to form a world opinion about themselves to which they quite literally give two hoots for they don’t really a damn to the rest of the world and they really have no options for they know that even if they attempted doing that they would be thoroughly exposed and if they fail miserably then they are to be faulted and not the others because others will do what best suits them and their interests.


DFI Technocrat
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Oct 10, 2009
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and since this is inb the photos thread let me give you guys a few pictures of sweet sunny pyongyang(sarcasm just isn't my thing)

and just in case any one of you is crazy enough (and has the cash to boot)to go and visit here's the tour group to take you on a guided tour

but as always there are rules which in this case are

Please be aware that whilst we do the utmost for our tourists you are under very strict regulations as to what you can and cannot do and this is not negotiable. For example; you are not free to wander around on your own, there are photographic restrictions and video cameras are generally prohibited. The main problem is with journalists who have tried to enter the DPRK with us but without informing us of their status. This has led to two serious instances which has got our guides into trouble. WE CANNOT TAKE JOURNALISTS INTO THE DPRK. We therefore ask all journalists to notify us of their position so we can suggest other alternatives.

It is therefore only advisable visiting the DPRK if you can tolerate the following points:

1) In the DPRK you will be under close scrutiny from the guides and security. Use of cameras causes the majority of problems. You can only take a photograph of what the guides allow. The public are obliged to report all photography. Taking photos of soldiers, at check points, poverty, sneaked photos and close ups of people without their express permission will cause serious problems. Photography when being driven around is also restricted. Even what we would interpret as 'day to day' harmless scenes may cause problems. It is too easy to get carried away and think that it is not causing offence or would not put the guides in danger. This is not the case and therefore we ask our tourists to take a very responsible attitude even though it may mean missing the photographic opportunity. If the group gets the confidence of the guides you will have amazing opportunities for photography and you will miss out on very little. DPRK regulations state that you cannot take a lens over 150 mm into the country.

2) Leaving the hotel without the guides or the guides' express permission is not possible. If you are feeling the need for 'a breath of air' then a casual stroll along the river is possible but only if accompanied with a guide. It is possible to stroll in the grounds of the hotel but please ask the guide and do not take your camera.

3) We are 'invited' to the DPRK and therefore we ask our tourists to respect the Koreans and their vision of the Great Leader - this involves bowing at the 20 metre statue on Mansudae and on various other occasions. Chewing gum, eating sweets and wearing scruffy clothing in places of Korean national importance (such as Mansudae statue to Kim Il Sung, the Friendship Exhibition and Manyongdae birthplace of Kim Il Sung) will offend guides.

In all these instances it is the guides that get into trouble and not you. If you are happy just to be taken around the 'system' with all the diatribe and trimmings, then you will have the most amazing experience. If any of the above poses a problem it is advisable not to visit the DPRK as we have too many experiences of seeing guides put in serious trouble by tourists who are not aware of their actions.


New Member
Jul 20, 2009
video about North Korea.

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Sanathan Pepe
New Member
Sep 18, 2009
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Those pictures of amazing buildings in Pyongyang, they're true on the outside, but empty inside. There's nothing inside them. Some structures are completely hollow frames that have nothing inside them. Just to show off a "skyline". Here are more amazing pictures of Pyongyang:

You'll see pictures of tall buildings, wide roads, but not a single sight of people going about their business or any form of road traffic:

You can tell how people in these pictures were choreographed to stand that way:

Lol wtf is she there for?



Sanathan Pepe
New Member
Sep 18, 2009
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They call this "Arirang Mass Games", some national sporting event. Look again before you think they're dancing on turf.

More choreography:

Advertisements of the 1.1 million strong armed forces:

Oh look, an amusement park. Too bad nobody is rolling on it:

Looks like Kim Jong Il is inspired by his counterparts from Ancient Egypt:


Compared to Seoul, South Korea: a vibrant capitalist democracy, home of Samsung, LG, Hyundai, and so on:



New Member
Jan 17, 2010
North Korea is communist only in name, it shares none of the trappings of real country, its government is only concerned with maintaining power.
Its people have no opportunity or growth, They live to worship the great leader ( the dead guy ) and his son. And now one of Kim's dozen of so children are taking his place as the head of the communist party. and one day his son will take his place. and the great leader ( the dead guy ) will still be the head of state.

China knows as well as the rest of the world , NK is now F'd up. They just want it to keep America busy.
Guys, my views are not fundamentally different from yours... I just want to give another angle of observations , or another side of 'truth'-
1) 50+ years of embargo by the US led camp is suffocating its economy and the source of many mishaps for an isolated country
--> economy and communication with the outside world
2) strong military presence of US in SK and Japan, and regular manoeuvres threatening peace in the region - Why does NK keep such a big army?
(Who is keeping China and Russia busy all the time? don't forget we have 0 military base in NK nor any joint manoeuvre!)
3) millions of Korean minority in China in close kinship with NK, and many K cross the borders for aids
4) we never forget who fought along with us -- Kim Il Sung! In the Manchurian forests and snow lands (-40c in temperature sometimes) without supplies from other parts of China.
Rarely was there a Korean traitor to Jap. but many Chinese! During Korean War, China defended NK and ourselves. Otherwise US army could have made inroads to China.
5) don't observe NK in ideological perspective. think more about what's best for the interest of China/Chinese and Korean neighbors!

In my opinion
1) US and NK shall nego for an end of hostility, smattering all shits of 'embargo' and sanctions, and denuclearizing the WHOLE penisula!
2) China shall help NK more - China can't stand aside, saying ah ha, NK, a rotten regime, let it be. INstead China shall positively invest and engage and encourage NK to reform for its own sake and for China's
say, $10b and food and oil aid... nothing to China - why not support NK - as humanitarian relief and development fund?
There're positive signs in NK for change now. For instance NK grants a Chinese ent. franchise for a port development project as gateway to Pacific for NE China.

Instead of condemning or mocking our neighbor China shall help our neighbor out and in the end safeguard our own interest
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Sanathan Pepe
New Member
Sep 18, 2009
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Maybe China's intentions are good, but I doubt on the ground it makes any difference to the situation in NK. That country for long has refused foreign aid. UN, ASEAN, and countries including Japan and South Korea have made repeated attempts at giving it food and medicine aid, which the government there refused. These refusals go to a breaking point where the regime finally accepts something from China that's just about enough for the sustainability of the regime, but doesn't go a long way benefiting the people.


New Member
Oct 2, 2009
Guys, my views are not fundamentally different from yours... I just want to give another angle of observations , or another side of 'truth'-
1) 50+ years of embargo by the US led camp is suffocating its economy and the source of many mishaps for an isolated country
--> economy and communication with the outside world
2) strong military presence of US in SK and Japan, and regular manoeuvres threatening peace in the region - Why does NK keep such a big army?
(Who is keeping China and Russia busy all the time? don't forget we have 0 military base in NK nor any joint manoeuvre!)
3) millions of Korean minority in China in close kinship with NK, and many K cross the borders for aids
4) we never forget who fought along with us -- Kim Il Sung! In the Manchurian forests and snow lands (-40c in temperature sometimes) without supplies from other parts of China.
Rarely was there a Korean traitor to Jap. but many Chinese! During Korean War, China defended NK and ourselves. Otherwise US army could have made inroads to China.
5) don't observe NK in ideological perspective. think more about what's best for the interest of China/Chinese and Korean neighbors!

In my opinion
1) US and NK shall nego for an end of hostility, smattering all shits of 'embargo' and sanctions, and denuclearizing the WHOLE penisula!
2) China shall help NK more - China can't stand aside, saying ah ha, NK, a rotten regime, let it be. INstead China shall positively invest and engage and encourage NK to reform for its own sake and for China's
say, $10b and food and oil aid... nothing to China - why not support NK - as humanitarian relief and development fund?
There're positive signs in NK for change now. For instance NK grants a Chinese ent. franchise for a port development project as gateway to Pacific for NE China.

Instead of condemning or mocking our neighbor China shall help our neighbor out and in the end safeguard our own interest
i don't hate or dis-lake any particular nation or people.

I may show my disdain for certain institution , like the communist party of North Korea and the great leader(the dead guy) and his son.

But i feel the north Korean people should have the right to live their lives, Not be bound to the servitude of the state and the Great leader(the dead guy) for the rest of their natural lives.

Ask you self one thing, When the world talks to NK they talk to KIm, not the NK.
In China the CPC still represents more or less some iota of public opinion, the government acknowledges its existence to the people of china.
I am not the poster buoy for the CPC but thats how progressive healthy governments all around the world function . Even in Soviet Russia and Communist China there is Dialouge between the people and government.

But in NK the government exits and the people are there to serve the great leader(the dead guy ) and his sons and grand children. and you get tossed in jail if you forget that, and you family gets tossed in jail to teach yo a lesson as well. An i mean extended family. People are born and live in these camps because of something their grand parents did.

Don't make it seem as though it was the west that made things so bad in NK.
Sure they share some blame. But the government of NK is the worst in the world.
They have no internet, no TV( they have TV but it always talks about the Great leader,). all the social events are about the great leader.
Your actions are monitored in public and in your home.

Forget political rights, thats luxury to these people. they just need to be able to live. Wheres the creativity and entertainment going to come from.
books , magazines all talk about the great leader

Imagine something, think about how you spend your day, and ask you self how a normal NK person spends his/ her day .


New Member
Jan 17, 2010
Imagine something, think about how you spend your day, and ask you self how a normal NK person spends his/ her day .
What I wrote is mostly about
1) the West (namely US+) is also to blame for miseries of NK people
2) how China can practically help NK out especially when Kim Jung Il is likely to pass away anytime soon

For most of your characterization of NK regime - I agree.... I don't like it either... Given the status quo China needs to play a POSITIVE role in transforming NK - my standpoint
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New Member
Mar 24, 2009
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The problem is NKs beligirant attitude long after the war. It did not try and make up with the west. It closed its society even further. Their great and eternal leader was thinking only about himself and power. He is nothing but a despot.

Think about the vanquished of the second world war. They joined up with the ones who just defeated them and prospered. No their dignity was not hurt. One country is the second largest economy in the world and produces really high quality stuff. The other is the 4th largest and prides on its engineering skills.

Look at south korea. It has progressed so much. All by opening up to the world and doing business.

I have seen programs on TV which have secretly filmed NK. Their great leader makes sure that huge buildings are visible and other advanced things. Its nothing but cardboard dummies to fool its people.

I saw a report where the guards on the DMZ is actually asked to stand with his back to the border and there is another guard who faces him. This to make sure no guard defects to SK.

