News and Events - AUGUST 2009


Regular Member
Mar 30, 2009
In my school, during the practice for drills, the sports master took out a pair of scissors and snipped off anyone's hair he thought was too long. this way, he figured, the kid would be forced to get a decent haircut anyway.

Good times...:blum3:


Member of The Month SEPTEMBER 2009
Senior Member
Jun 8, 2009

Nelly will get the principals stick :D


Feb 19, 2009

around 100 threads created by I-G in the "News and Social Events" forum have been merged to this one thread. these were the threads which either had generated no response or the level of interest/responses amongst/from the members at large was too low.

if members will be specifically looking for certain threads and they do not find them, please take it as having been merged with this one thread. this may cause inconvenience to some and our sincerest apologies for that.

in recognition of hard work put in by our esteemed member I-G, we have named this thread as “I-G's news update corner”, and we are hopeful I-G will make full use of this thread as was discussed with him.



Feb 19, 2009

as a part of clean up drive of News & Social Events forum, all such threads that had either generated no response or had just one reply to it have all been merged to this thread. these are all such threads which have not been created by I-G, for which we have a separate thread.

we will have a news update thread on quarterly basis, and it is requested to all the members that they make full use of this and all such threads in future.

there will be some members who will find their number of posted thread count go down, it is requested to them that they kindly bear with us.



Tihar Jail
Jun 16, 2009
1,000-crore diesel subsidy for paddy farmers

1,000-crore diesel subsidy for paddy farmers

Special Correspondent

NEW DELHI: With paddy transplantation hit by delayed and erratic rain, Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar on Friday announced a Rs. 1,000-crore subsidy on diesel to farmers across the country.

According to the latest kharif report from the Ministry, paddy transplantation was done only on 191.30 lakh hectares as against the coverage of 256.76 lakh hectares in the corresponding period in 2008-09. This means a 25 per cent shortfall. For, the government considers July 31 the second most crucial cut-off date for an assessment of crop prospects. The shortage in coverage means the country would have to bear with at least a 16 per cent fall in production compared to the performance in the last kharif season.

In a bid to provide relief to paddy farmers, the Cabinet on Thursday agreed to extend a budgetary subsidy of Rs.1,000 on diesel to those who relied on pumpsets for irrigation, Mr. Pawar told journalists.

The Hindu : National : 1,000-crore diesel subsidy for paddy farmers


Tihar Jail
Jun 16, 2009

around 100 threads created by I-G in the "News and Social Events" forum have been merged to this one thread. these were the threads which either had generated no response or the level of interest/responses amongst/from the members at large was too low.

if members will be specifically looking for certain threads and they do not find them, please take it as having been merged with this one thread. this may cause inconvenience to some and our sincerest apologies for that.

in recognition of hard work put in by our esteemed member I-G, we have named this thread as “I-G's news update corner”, and we are hopeful I-G will make full use of this thread as was discussed with him.

Why it should be IG news updates corner , almost majority of cases are related to india's social problems . and how come so many China's riots related posts comes in this thread , already there is one single thread on that issue . how come these articles comes here . Indian prisoners aboard deserve a thread , I m talking abt sarabjit singh .. and how come no orissa riots thread .. caste system practices even should get one thread as homosexuality is having one .
in social related thread , there would be social related issues of india.


Tihar Jail
Jun 16, 2009
Can't find brides, Haryana barters away little girls

Can't find brides, Haryana barters away little girls
Divya A, TNN 2 August 2009, 01:16am IST

A curious case recently came to light in Jandli Kalan village of Haryana's Fatehabad district. One Nathu Ram was to marry Geeta. His sister was to
marry Geeta's maternal uncle on the same day. But Geeta's father complained to the deputy commissioner of police that his daughter was just 15 years old. He said his wife and her family had conspired to marry her off in order that his brother-in-law get a bride under the 'barter system'. The authorities swooped down on Jandli Kalan village and stopped the wedding, but the family had a contingency plan. They produced Geeta's cousin Savitri as a replacement bride. But she turned out to be a minor as well. Under pressure, Geeta's relatives frantically searched for a bride within the extended family and finally found a 20-year-old.

Fatehabad deputy Commissioner CG Rajnikanthan said that when his team went to stop Savitri's marriage, her family tried to convince him that the girl was adult even though the girl herself admitted she was born in 1993. "It was only after I categorically told them that criminal cases would be registered against them in case they went ahead with their plan without producing evidence that the girl was a major, that they stopped and gave me an undertaking they would not marry off the girl till she's of marriageable age."

The Jandli Kalan case may be extraordinary but it is hardly unusual. The same thing happened almost 100 km away, in the Keharwala village of adjoining Sirsa district, except that the prospective brides were even younger 12 and 14.

Haryana is reduced to this because of its deeply skewed sex ratio. A state government report admits there are just 822 females for every 1000 men in the 0 to 6 years category. The ratio falls even further in the literate population: 618 females to 1000 males. In some villages in the state, notably Malerna and Duleypur, the sex ratio at birth is 370 and 400 females per 1,000 males respectively.

So rural Haryana operates a barter system so that its sons can find brides. But every family does not have a girl of marriageable age to exchange; some marry off minors to keep their end of the bargain.

"Families with large land holdings don't face much of a problem finding brides for their sons," says Chandigarh social scientist Manjit Singh. "But small and marginal farmers have no choice but to marry their own daughter or a female relative into the family from where they expect a bride for their son."

No one is keeping count but the numbers might be huge in a state where more than 14 lakh people don't have a house and live in slums, according to a 2006 state government report.

Singh says that the barter system was earlier limited to the Bishnois and a few other communities, but it is now being adopted even by Jats.

Asha Setia, officer of the state's Integrated Child Development Scheme, says that few cases come to light but "we fear it goes on". She says the state government has recently deployed one child marriage protection officer to each district. His job: to convince village heads such practices are wrong.

Ranjana Kumari, director of the Center for Social Research, takes an uncompromising view. "Only in Haryana are women treated as commodities they are bought, sold, killed, discarded and even exchanged. Honour killings, child marriage and female infanticide all are taking place in the name of custom. It shows a totally desensitized political class," she says. Is this the state that was once home to the Arya Samaj movement, Kumari says scathingly.

Unicefs 'State of the Worlds Children-2009' report says that 40% of all child marriages in the world occur in India. Girl's may be married off early in many parts of Africa too, some even before puberty. But there is a difference. The African brides parents are paid in cash, cattle or other valuables and her bride price falls steadily as the girl gets older. In Pakistan, the tribal custom of 'watta satta' has families betroth a son and a daughter together to another family.

Some believe Haryana's practice could make daughters more relevant within the family but others believe it means the exploitation of minors. Kumari says, "The police may have been able to stop a couple of such cases but the ground reality could be scary. Many teenage girls must have been passed off as brides to middle-aged men only because their brothers or uncles needed a wife. Such a practice makes them victims of easy exploitation."

Can't find brides, Haryana barters away little girls - India - NEWS - The Times of India


Tihar Jail
Jun 16, 2009
Kandhmal riots: 16 walk free

Kandhmal riots: 16 walk free
TNN 2 August 2009, 04:21am IST
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BHUBANESWAR: A fast-track court in Kandhmal has acquitted 16 persons accused in the ethno-communal riots that swept the southern Orissa district
last year, killing over 40, rendering thousands homeless and damaging over 100 churches.

The fast-track court (II), set up exclusively to deal with the riot cases, on Friday exonerated 16 persons of Gocchapada area on grounds of lack of evidence. The charges against the 16 ranged from murder, setting a police station on fire, possession of arms and unlawful assembly, official sources said. Those acquitted hail from different villages in Gochapada area, which witnessed an attack on the local police station in September, 2008.

Kandhmal riots: 16 walk free - India - NEWS - The Times of India


Tihar Jail
Jun 16, 2009
VHP to launch 'Gau-Gram yatra' from Bengaluru from Sept 30

VHP to launch 'Gau-Gram yatra' from Bengaluru from Sept 30

Updated on Sunday, August 02, 2009, 23:36 IST Tags:VHP, `Gau-Gram yatra`, Bengaluru

Gondia: Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), Bajrang Dal and Durga Vahini are going to launch 'Gau-Gram' yatra from Bengaluru on September 30, which will go through all over the country and conclude at Nagpur on January 17, 2010, VHP's International Executive president S Vedantaya said.

The yatra will aim at bringing awareness among Hindus on banning the cow slaughter in the country and also strengthen its membership drive.

The organisation is aiming to enrol around two lakh members in each state. And with a demand of declaring cow as national animal and to stop cow slaughter in the country, a delegation will meet President Prathiba Devisingh Patil on January 22 next year and submit a memorandum comprising of over 50 crore signatures of people of the country.

Replying on Pakistan issue, Vedantaya said that Indian borders are not secured and it deemed that our Prime Minister is too soft on Pakistan. Indian Government should stop talking with Pakistan and should take strong stand against that country, he said.

"The country, which has attacked India thrice could not understand the language of talks, hence the government needed to talk in the same language which they understand," he said.

Government needed to follow the footsteps of Israel, Russia, USA and China against terrorists, Vedantaya said. Religion conversion of Hindus is on rampant in the country and if it's not prevented then there is every possibility that India will turn into a Christian land and the Hindus will be on minority side at the end of this century, he warned.

VHP state unit secretary Dr Hemant Jambhekar accused Congress Government of fooling minority people by utilising their votes for their political gain.

Replying to a query VHP Vidarbha unit president Vijayjeet Walia said that SIMI activists are active in Gondia city. He demanded to conduct enquiry against the newly constructed mosques in the region where people of suspicious characters used to visit them.

Bureau Report
VHP to launch `Gau-Gram yatra` from Bengaluru


Tihar Jail
Jun 16, 2009
Tension grips village Jida in Punjab

Updated on Sunday, August 02, 2009, 22:27 IST

Bathinda: Tension gripped Jida village on the Bajakhna road here on Sunday when some sikh extremists allegedly tried to stop the religious discourse (naam Charcha) being organised by the Dera Sacha Sauda followers at the house of Gurtej Insa.

As soon as the news of religios discourse spread the surrounding villages, sikh extremist followers objected the discourse and tried to stop the followers from attending it, officials said.

The dera followers were also in no mood to dispense their discourse so the Sikhs blocked the national highway to force the administration to stop the spiritual discourse.

The district police rushed to the spot and cleared the jam and arrested the 90 sikhs who had staged it. Senior superintendent of Police Ashish Chaudhary said that the situation is under control and there is peace in the village and that the dharna was lifted.

Convener of the joint action committee formed in connection with the killing of Sanjit, Thongram Anita said "We will not allow police commandos to enter our area till our demands are met."

Apunba Lup, which is spearheading the movement for removal of AFSPA from the state, has called a 48-hour general strike starting midnight tonight to protest the killing of Sanjit.

Lup's coordinator Sunil Karam demanded that Chief Minister Okram Ibobi should resign for making a statement "justifying" police action in the incident in the Assembly without any inquiry.

In the July 23 incident at BT Road in the heart of Imphal, Sanjit along with a 5-month pregnant woman, Th Rabina, were killed. Police claimed Rabina was killed by bullets of the militant.

Bureau Report

Tension grips village Jida in Punjab


Member of The Month SEPTEMBER 2009
Senior Member
Jun 8, 2009
Nazi concentration camp survivor, 90, found strangled

Nazi concentration camp survivor, 90, found strangled

NEW YORK (CNN) -- A 90-year-old Holocaust survivor was found strangled Thursday in his Upper East Side apartment, a spokeswoman for the New York City medical examiner said Friday.
Felix Brinkmann, a native of Latvia, escaped death for a year while he was in the Nazis' Mauthausen, Ebensee and Auschwitz concentration camps. Five times he had been slated for the gas chambers, but each time he used his fluency in German to talk his way out.

After the war ended, he was stunned to discover that his wife, who had also been shipped to Auschwitz, was alive and well in Poland.

The Brinkmanns immigrated to America, where Felix spent years in the bar and nightclub business, co-founding in 1971 Adam's Apple disco in Manhattan.

In recent years, he had served as the real estate manager of a mixed-use building in the Bronx, working "seven days a week, without fail," said his son Rick Brinkman, who spells his last name differently than his father.

On Thursday, the building's superintendent grew concerned when Brinkmann did not show up to work. He notified Brinkmann's son and received permission to enter the father's apartment, where he had lived alone since his wife died last year.

Brinkmann's body was found lying face down in his bedroom, his hands bound, his body showing blunt-force trauma wounds, police said. Brinkmann's blue 2009 Honda Civic may have been stolen and a safe in his apartment tampered with, police said.

A police spokesman said authorities were looking for "a man and a woman" in connection with the homicide.

Rick Brinkman speculated that the killing was random in nature. "Anybody who knew him really liked him," the son said. "He was not the kind of guy who had enemies."

Nazi concentration camp survivor, 90, found strangled -


Member of The Month JULY 2009
Senior Member
Mar 7, 2009
Despite new dossier (4th dossier), Pak lets off Hafiz Saeed

Despite new dossier (4th dossier), Pak lets off Hafiz Saeed

In a slap in the face for India, Pakistan has apparently let off LeT chief Hafiz Saeed, failing to mount a case against the 26/11 mastermind.

Pakistani Jammat-ud-Dawa chief and main accused in the 26/11 Mumbai attacks, is a 'free' man according to his lawyer A K Dogar, after the Pakistan Lahore High Court adjourned his case indefinitely on Monday (August 3).

The case hearing today was adjourned immediately on being taken up, according to Dogar. The shocking development comes despite India's submission of a an additional dossier with evidence of Hafiz Saeed's involvement in 26/11, which was expected to tighten the state's case against him.

The Lahore High Court in an earlier hearing had dismissed the case. Speaking to the media after Monday's hearing, Dogra said :

"He will continue as free man, he can do whatever he likes. He is doing his duties at the second most important mosque in the country. I tell the whole country, Saeed opened 160 schools from sources of JuD, 52 madrasaas and 4 universities. I am elated hear recently that a girl from the JuD Girls' High school, topped the list of all the boards," he said. Asked about the report of a fourth dossier that India had provided, Dogar said, "Rehman Malik who now calls all the shots in the country on these security matters - made a positive statement reported on July 28 - 'We have no evidence with us that Hafiz or JuD is in any manner connected with Mumbai attacks."

India responded to the latest queries from Pakistan on Saturday (August 1) over 26/11 by sending certified copies of Lashkar gunman Ajmal Kasav's confession and interrogation reports of LeT operatives Fahim Ansari and Sahabuddin Ahmed as part of a seven-page response. The communication is said to have sufficient evidence -- as home minister P Chidambaram said this week -- for Pakistan to proceed against the Jamaat-ud-Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed.

The JuD, the politico-religious outfit guiding LeT, can be charged for the Mumbai attacks if Pakistan really wants to.

Pakistan has delayed the trial against Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi and Zarar Shah, men it has described as Lashkar's Mumbai masterminds, and four others until August 29 while the case against Saeed was postponed to August 3.

India's fourth dossier was given to Pakistan deputy high commissioner, Riffat Masood, by MEA officials, after the information had been given by the home ministry.


Feb 22, 2009
India should not talk to Pakistan unless they hang this bastard from a tree.

If they don't do it, make a big noise and declare Pakistan a terrorist state. We need to do it first and then get the world to follow the lead.


Member of The Month JULY 2009
Senior Member
Mar 7, 2009
But, do we have enough clout to force that ???

Also, given the important position that Pakistan is having in the War on Terror as America's "staunchest" ally and the fact that they need Pakistanis soldiers' boots on the ground to win their war on terror means that we can't do a thing about it...

It was a bloody sellout at Sharm el Sheikh and that's also going to haunt us in the future alongwith the Hafiz Saeed release...

We've yet again managed to royally misplay our cards...


Respected Member
Regular Member
Apr 20, 2009
May be the dossier has not reached them yet.


Senior Member
Apr 1, 2009
I agree with you. We need to first do that, only then its the turn of world. Right now, India wants someone else to do the dirty work. We have to get dirty to get the job done. We need a meaner diplomacy.


Feb 22, 2009
But, do we have enough clout to force that ???

Also, given the important position that Pakistan is having in the War on Terror as America's "staunchest" ally and the fact that they need Pakistanis soldiers' boots on the ground to win their war on terror means that we can't do a thing about it...

It was a bloody sellout at Sharm el Sheikh and that's also going to haunt us in the future alongwith the Hafiz Saeed release...

We've yet again managed to royally misplay our cards...
We need to be persistent like hell in achieving our objectives and no one can stop us if we do that.

Its an open and shut case. But we need to stand up for ourselves first and present it to the world as a fait accompli. The same as what happened after 9/11. It was just given that USA will screw Afghanistan after that.

Everyone should know that messing with India carries a terrible price!


Member of The Month SEPTEMBER 2009
Senior Member
Jun 8, 2009
They're using Saeed as bait to force India to come to the negotiating table and discuss Kashmir.


Member of The Month OCTOBER 2009
Senior Member
Jul 23, 2009
KMC expels two students for ragging​

Kirori Mal College in Delhi University on Monday rusticated two students for ragging their juniors, and what followed was a day of protests with various third year students demanding justice. However, with the move, the college has made it clear that it will not tolerate ragging in any form. Seniors say no proper enquiry was done and action was taken based on the version of the victim, who complained to the hostel warden that he was ragged.

"The committee did not hear my side of the story. They are just believing that first year student," said Mohammad Hani, an accused. But college authorities defend the punishment, saying it was necessary to curb the unhealthy practice of ragging, especially when the matter has been reported. "There are several such cases that happen in the university but go unnoticed. I have to believe the victim, not the third year students who repeat such behaviour every year," said Bheemsen, principal, KMC.

The last time a ragging incident came to light on DU campus was in 2007, when a first-year student at St Stephen's received burns after some of his seniors sprayed deodorant on him and lit a match. Since then, Delhi University authorities promised to come down hard on ragging. There are several such posters strewn all across the Delhi University, and this is just the second ragging incident to be reported from the campus in two years. But the authorities are planning to keep a stronghold and in this case have decided to ignore the accused version and side with the victim.



Tihar Jail
Jun 16, 2009
Indian activist Deep Joshi wins Magsaysay Award

Indian activist Deep Joshi wins Magsaysay Award
PTI 3 August 2009, 10:24pm IST

KUALA LUMPUR/NEW DELHI: Prominent Indian social activist Deep Joshi, who has done pioneering work for "development of rural communities", was on
Monday named along with five others for the prestigious Ramon Magsaysay Award for 2009, considered as Asia's equivalent of the Nobel Prize.

Joshi is being recognised for "his vision and leadership in bringing professionalism to the NGO movement in India, by effectively combining 'head' and 'heart' in the transformative development of rural communities," the Board of Trustees of the Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation said in a press statement from its headquarters in Manila.

"I am delighted to get this honour. But the award is not for an individual, it is for an idea, for the development of rural population. We need the educated people to go to rural areas and work for their welfare," 62-year-old Joshi said.

A masters in engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and a Masters in Management from the Sloan School, MIT, Joshi worked with the Systems Research Institute, the Ford Foundation and has nearly 30 years of experience in the field of rural development and livelihood promotion. He also advises the government on poverty alleviation strategies.

Joshi was the co-founder of Professional Assistance for Development Action (PRADAN) and now works as an independent consultant for the NGO which works for rural poor, promoting self-help groups, developing locally suitable economic activities, mobilising finances and introducing systems to improve livelihoods of rural people.

Indian activist Deep Joshi wins Magsaysay Award - India - NEWS - The Times of India

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