Naming..Shaming..and Taming pakistan-Full Version


Sep 7, 2015
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Punjab asks PCIW to take up issue with India
Islamabad - Perturbed by a drastic reduction in water flows, Punjab has asked the Pakistan Commission of Indus Water to take up with India the issue of the construction of a rubber dam on River Jhelum, which has considerably reduced country’s water share.

In a letter to the PCIW last week by Director Indus Water Treaty and Regulation, Irrigation Department Punjab , Punjab has showed concerns that the construction of rubber dam by India will not only be against the provisions of Indus Waters Treaty but it also results in the shortage of supply in Jhelum River during the low periods and the issue be taken up with the Indian counterpart organization.

In November 2017, the Punjab government had also approached the PCIW to contact India over the violation.:playball:

The letter further said that “soon after the news of rubber dam broke, this department has informed the PCIW about the India move of building a rubber dam on the Jhelum River near Wullar Barrage in the Occupied State of Jammu and Kashmir. The aforesaid rubber dam shall have the capacity of storing 0.30.”

Punjab has requested the PCIW to take up the issue with India to ascertain the factual position as well as request the Indian commissioner for arranging a tour of inspection of the project site at the earliest. According to Section D Article VIII of the Indus Water Treaty, the commissioner of either country is bound to undertake a prompt tour of such sites as might be considered necessary by him for ascertaining facts.

The Punjab province has also asked the PCIW to apprise it of details of the meeting with the Indian side on the same issue last year. “Jhelum River flow dropped to a minimum of 1917 cusecs on February 18, resulting in a heavy depletion of Mangla reservoir causing serious shortages in Punjab canals during this crucial maturity period of Rabi crops,” the letter said.:playball: The Punjab government has requested that “the factual position of the case may please be ascertained from the Indian commissioner at the earliest so as to conform to the provisions of the treaty and avoid shortages in Jhelum River”.

Earlier, the IRSA had also asked the PCIW to take up the issue of 82 percent reduction in water inflows in the Jhelum River. As per IRSA, from February 11, 2018, to February 22, 2018, the average water supplies in Jhelum were 2,863 cusecs against the last 10 years average of 16,175 cusecs showing a huge deficit in water inflows. However, Mangla flows improved on Sunday from less than 2000 cusecs to 6400 cusecs.
Hmmmm....It seems our plan to finally make Pak into a desert has started bearing fruit!!

Lage raho Muna Bhai!! :biggrin2:


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Apr 13, 2013
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NHPC's Kishanganga Hydroelectric Project first unit synchronised with grid

Bandipora: First unit (110 MW) of the Kishanganga Hydroelectric Project of NHPC at Bandipora, Jammu & Kashmir has been successfully test synchronized with the grid on 01.03.2018. On this occasion, Shri Balraj Joshi, Chairman and Managing Director, NHPC, Shri Ratish Kumar, Director (Projects), Shri N. K. Jain, Director (Personnel), Shri S. Kalgaonkar, Executive Director (RO-Jammu), Shri Arvind Bhat, Executive Director (Design-E&M), Shri A. K. Singh, Executive Director (Kishanganga), Shri Amresh Kumar, General Manager (Kishanganga) and other senior officers of NHPC were present. Deputy Commisioner, Bandipora, Shri Sajad Hussain Ganie, also graced the occasion, who has been instrumental in fructification of the project.

The Kishanganga project envisages diversion of water of Kishanganga River to underground Power House through 23.25 KM long Head Race Tunnel to generate 1713 million units per annum. The Project is covered under the Indus Waters Treaty signed between India and Pakistan.

NHPC currently operates 22 power stations with a total installed capacity of 6691 MW including 1520 MW through NHDC Limited - JV of NHPC with Government of Madhya Pradesh. The company currently has 3 projects of 3130 MW capacity under construction. NHPC has 7 power stations in Jammu & Kashmir with an installed capacity of 2009 MW. It is also pertinent to mention that NHPC through its joint venture company, CVPPPL with JKSPDC and PTC (India) Limited is executing three hydroelectric projects –Pakal Dul, Kiru and Kwar– at Chenab River Basin.

Butter Chicken

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Oct 6, 2016
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Turkey Is Turning Into the Next Pakistan

There isn't much that Turkey's president can do these days to further debase his reputation in the West. Recep Tayyip Erdogan has crushed peaceful protests at home and abroad, closed newspapers, threatened American soldiers, and collectively scapegoated Kurds. But over the weekend, Erdogan managed to go even lower.

At a rally at Kahramanmaras, the Turkish leader brought a trembling 6-year-old girl on stage dressed in military garb and told her she would be honored if she died as a martyr. He sounded like a terrorist. We expect this kind of child abuse from the fanatics in Hamas or Hezbollah. Erdogan though is the leader of an important NATO ally.

Turkey is beginning to resemble Pakistan, a perpetually failing state whose military leadership has tolerated and advanced a vision of political Islam deeply hostile to U.S. and Western interests.


Deep State kills yet another Journalist

A subeditor working for a local daily in Islamabad was shot dead by unidentified assailants in the late hours of Thursday in a high-security zone of Rawalpindi, police said.

Anjum Muneer Raja, 40, was returning home after work at Urdu newspaper Qaumi Pukaar when unknown attackers riding a motorcycle opened fire on him at Bank Road in the jurisdiction of Civil Lines police station, before midnight. The site of the incident is minutes away from GHQ, the Pakistani military's national headquarters.


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Apr 13, 2013
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After FATF Grey-Listing, Pakistan now faces EU Black-Listing

The Financial Action Taken Force’s (FATF) decision to put Pakistan on its grey list will not only make it difficult for Islamabad to attract foreign investments, but may also invite punitive action by the European Union as the bloc might put the country on its own blacklist.

Pakistan, following the FATF decision last month, entered into a phase where it has to not only submit an action plan against controlling terror fund at the body’s next plenary in Paris end-June but also give a political undertaking that it would implement the steps, officials here told ET.

If Islamabad fails to comply with the rules of the grey list and an action plan is not adopted, then the country runs the risk of being included on to the blacklist of the FATF that currently features Iran and North Korea.

At the same time, South Asia’s second biggest country runs the risk also of being put on blacklist by the EU. Such a decision by its top trading partner could severely hit that country’s industry, especially the lucrative textile sector, as well as banking channels with Europe, India’s foreign ministry officials familiar with the subject said. The motion to put Pak on the grey list was jointly moved by the US and three key powers of Europe: the UK, France and Germany.

Pakistan had earlier been pulled up by members of EU Parliament for its failure to control terrorism emanating from its soil. The issue of crossborder terror will figure prominently when French President meets the Indian PM here on March 10.

The EU is Pakistan’s most important trading partner, European Commission figures show. This puts the EU in a strong negotiating position. According to Indian officials, FATF’s decision to put Pakistan on the grey list came after much deliberations. The February 18-23 plenary in Paris witnessed hectic negotiations from day one till the final day as India, supported by its partners, put forward strong arguments against Pakistan’s lacklustre efforts to control financing of terror groups.

Last ditch efforts by Islamabad, including action against Lashkar-e-Taiba founder Hafiz Saeed, did not yield results as even China and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) finally agreed to counterviews, the officials said. Realpolitik came into play on the morning of February 23, with Beijing refusing to support Islamabad.


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Apr 13, 2013
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'FreeKarachi' campaign ads appear on leading US Newspaper
The 'Free Karachi' campaign has launched a new drive to raise global awareness over the plight of ethnic Mohajirs in Pakistan.

In this latest phase of the campaign, digital ads appeared on the official website of a leading newspaper of the Unites States, New York Times, highlighting the Mohajir issue.

New York Times is one of the leading newspapers in the USA with a worldwide web readership.

These digital ads urge US Congress to stop all kind of military and financial aid to Pakistan, as its military establishment allegedly continues to commit atrocities against Mohajirs and provide safe havens to extremist terror outfits in the country.

Nadeem Nusrat, spokesperson for the Free Karachi campaign, told the media that the campaign in New York Times will run for at least two weeks and its ads will briefly explain what injustices the urban population in Sindh, Mohajirs in particular, has been facing.

He said that Mohajirs are the most educated and secular group of people in Pakistan, who firmly believe in religious tolerance and coexistence. Pakistan's jihad-obsessed military establishment, however, is bent upon handing over these urban areas to its religious proxies such as the Taliban, JuD, Lashkare Jhangvi, AWSJ, SSP, al-Qaeda, ISIS and other extremist outfits.

These outfits are openly operating in Karachi under the support of the country's intelligence agencies, whereas political workers belonging to secular political groups continue to disappear after being taken into unlawful custody by the non-local security forces. The military establishment has also been busy causing division among the Mohajir political leadership to weaken the unity of Mohajirs, he said.

He added that due to complete ban on freedom of speech and ever-shrinking space for secular political groups in Karachi, raising voice in democratic-loving countries is the only option left for Mohajirs. He said that raising global awareness about the dangerous practice of supporting terrorist outfits in Pakistan is vital for world peace, as such practices in Afghanistan have already led to dangerous terrorist incidents such as the 9/11 attacks. If left unchecked, this practice is likely to pose more major threats to world peace.

Nusrat urged all those seeking to achieve long term peace and stability in South Asia, Pakistan in particular, to raise their voice against injustices being committed against Karachi and other urban areas of Sindh. He said that Karachi is the world's second-most populated city in the world and its secular population could be an effective bulwark against the forces of extremism.

He also thanked all those people in and outside Pakistan who are extending their support to the Free Karachi campaign. He assured them that despite all seen and unseen challenges, the campaign would continue to raise the grievances of Sindh's urban population as well as Pakistan's other ethnic and religious minorities at every relevant platform in the world.

The 'Free Karachi' campaign was started in Washington, DC, on Martin Luther King Jr. Day (January 15).

A large number of taxis, displaying 'Free Karachi from state atrocities of Pakistan' banners, had participated in the annual MLK Day parade.

For the unversed, Mohajirs are the descendants of those who had migrated to Pakistan from India's Muslim-minority provinces following the partition of the Indian subcontinent in 1947. Majority of these immigrants -now termed as Mohajirs, meaning immigrants—had settled in Sindh, the southern province of Pakistan.

These educated, secular and prosperous Mohajirs provided Pakistan with the skills and expertise the country needed to deal with the challenges the country was faced with in its first few years.

The first prime minister of Pakistan, Liaquat Ali Khan, as well as the heads of most financial, administrative and educational institutions were Mohajirs. Liaquat Ali Khan, however, was assassinated in 1953 in the Pakistani city of Rawalpindi that also houses the headquarters, GHQ, of the Pakistan Army. Soon after the assassination of Khan, the Pakistani military took over and Mohajirs were systematically expelled from government jobs, army and educational institutions.

Their privately-owned banks, other financial and educational institutions and factories were nationalised under the guise of socialism. A quota system was also imposed in Sindh Province which severely restricted opportunities for urban population in employment and admissions in educational institutions.


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Apr 13, 2013
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In trade with Afghanistan, India stumps Pakistan to take big lead

Despite efforts to keep India at bay in order to maintain its stranglehold on trade with Afghanistan, Pakistan has not just faltered but even lost ground - losing fifty per cent of its market share in just two years.:clap2::clap2:

According to a report in Pakistan-based Dawn, the country is fast losing out to India and China in terms of countries with the largest share in trade with Afghanistan. Zubair Motiwala, Chairman of Pakistan-Afghanistan Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry, has been quoted as saying India, in particular, has managed to penetrate Afghan market by subsidising its exports to Kabul. He has said that Afghans find it easier to travel to India with cheaper tickets and multiple-entry visa, and that medical tourism has seen a paradigm shift. "Medical tourism:rofl: of Peshawar:hail::pound::pound:, which was mainly due to Afghans, is now at zero level; hospitals in Hayatabad are empty,” he said.

Domestic industries in Pakistan which flourished due to trade with Afghanistan has also reportedly suffered major setbacks. Of 200 flour mills in Pakistan which catered to Afghanistan for instance, 100 have reportedly shut down. :clap2::clap2:Motiwala has further elaborated that at bilateral trade's peak, 70,000 containers from Pakistan to Afghanistan was the usual figure. Now, it it's 7,000.:clap2::clap2:

The drastic and dramatic fall in trade share with Afghanistan may well be Pakistan's own doing. Both India and Afghanistan had previously expressed a desire for Pakistan to open its land route for New Delhi. It had been turned down:laugh:. Analysts believe Islamabad feared India would upstage Pakistan's dominance in trading with the Afghans. But that is just what eventually happened. India bypassed Pakistan completely by opting to trade with Afghanistan through the Chabahar Port in Iran.:balleballe: The first consignment of wheat from India reached the Afghan city of Zaranj last November and was hailed by both nations as a start of bigger and better things.

Meanwhile, Pakistan has largely gone from being an active player to a being on the sidelines. The Afghanistan-Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement continues to be mostly confined to bilateral meetings with not much materialising on the ground. Little surprise then that other players stepped up and have snatched the mantle away.

Oh Well!!!
congrats pakis
The shoot yourself on the foot jack ass award in economics goes to pakistan.


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Apr 13, 2013
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330 MW Kishan Ganga project to be ready by April

Finally after a wait of 9 years, 330 MW Kishan Ganga hydroelectric project in Bandipora district is set to be commissioned by April with Prime Minister Narendra Modi likely to inaugurate it, an official informed.

“The work on all the components of the project has been completed and two machines are undergoing final tests while the third machine is in advance stage of erection. The project is expected to be commissioned by April 2018,” said a senior executive of NHPC.

He said that Prime Minister Office has been monitoring the progress of the project. “And it is likely that PM will inaugurate the project in the next month.”

Sources informed that in order to clear decks for the commissioning of the project, union secretary power, A. K Bhalla inspected the progress of the work on its various components on March 10.

“He commended the team for its hard work and dedication in constructing the project in such a difficult condition and hoped that the project will start commercial operation soon,” officials add.

The project envisages diversion of water of Kishan Ganga river to underground power house through 23.25 km long head race tunnel to generate 1713 million units per annum.

The project was supposed to be commissioned in September2017. On its failure to meet the deadline, the executing agency was asked to complete and commission it by December 2017 end. However, it failed to meet the December deadline too. The work on the project was started in 2009.

The project is a run-of-the-river project located on a tributary of river Jhelum in the northern district of Bandipora. The project is being executed by the public sector National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC) at a cost of Rs 5,783.17 crore.

The project has been designed to divert water from the Kishan Ganga river through a 24-kilometre-long tunnel for generating electricity and then send the water back to the Kishan Ganga.

Interestingly, Pakistan is building the 969 MW Neelum-Jhelum hydroelectric project downstream which, Islamabad contends, will be affected by the Kishan Ganga project.

Pertinently, the construction on the dam of the project was temporarily halted by Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague in October 2011 on Pakistan's protest alleging that it would affect the flow of the Kishan Ganga river, known as Neelum River in Pakistan.

In February 2013, the Court at The Hague ruled that India could divert a minimum amount of water for power generation.

In August 2017, India was permitted to construct the Kishan Ganga and Ratle Dam projects by the World Bank after Pakistan complained that the construction of these dams was not permitted under the Indus Water Treaty.


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Apr 13, 2013
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Zawahiri based in Pakistan, plans attacks in Syria: Syrian Minister

The visiting Minister also says the government of Bashar Al-Assad remains committed to reconciliation
Al-Qaeda chief Ayman Al Zawahiri has directed several attacks in Syria, from his safe hideout in Pakistan, a Syrian Minister said here on Tuesday. Speaking at the Embassy of Syria on the current situation in the war-torn country, Dr. Hayan Ahmad Salman said that Syria has information that apart from the main fighters of Al-Qaeda, the fugitive terror chief who inherited the mantle of leadership of the organisation from Osama Bin Laden, has also guided affiliates of Al-Qaeda like the Al Nusra group.

“We have all the relevant information and have begun to share them with our friends. From his base in Pakistan, Ayman Al Zawahiri has been directing attacks inside Syria in coordination with other local terror groups that have also received help from the US and Israel,” said Dr. Salman who also teaches political science at the University of Damascus.

Dr. Salman, who visited India for four days focused on engaging the Indian civil society groups, said that Syria appreciates the support that India has extended in various international platforms.

India as a friend
“Unlike the US which is supporting violent groups inside our territory, Russia intervened in the war on our invitation. Friends like India have helped by providing us support on international platforms,” Dr Salman said explaining that a new phase of Syria will begin as the war is coming to an end.

The visiting Minister also said that the government of Bashar Al Assad remains committed to reconciliation and will not follow a policy of revenge following the end of the war.

“We welcome all, including those who became rebels. We want them to shun the path of violence and return to normal life. We will accept them into the Syrian mainstream, if they give up the path of violence,” said the Syrian scholar who also urged India to play an active role in regional issues of South Asia.

oh well!!!!
this most wanted guy hiding in pakistan will float another political party in pakistan like JuD guy!


Senior Member
Sep 7, 2010
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Zawahiri based in Pakistan, plans attacks in Syria: Syrian Minister

The visiting Minister also says the government of Bashar Al-Assad remains committed to reconciliation
Al-Qaeda chief Ayman Al Zawahiri has directed several attacks in Syria, from his safe hideout in Pakistan, a Syrian Minister said here on Tuesday. Speaking at the Embassy of Syria on the current situation in the war-torn country, Dr. Hayan Ahmad Salman said that Syria has information that apart from the main fighters of Al-Qaeda, the fugitive terror chief who inherited the mantle of leadership of the organisation from Osama Bin Laden, has also guided affiliates of Al-Qaeda like the Al Nusra group.

“We have all the relevant information and have begun to share them with our friends. From his base in Pakistan, Ayman Al Zawahiri has been directing attacks inside Syria in coordination with other local terror groups that have also received help from the US and Israel,” said Dr. Salman who also teaches political science at the University of Damascus.

Dr. Salman, who visited India for four days focused on engaging the Indian civil society groups, said that Syria appreciates the support that India has extended in various international platforms.

India as a friend
“Unlike the US which is supporting violent groups inside our territory, Russia intervened in the war on our invitation. Friends like India have helped by providing us support on international platforms,” Dr. Salman said explaining that a new phase of Syria will begin as the war is coming to an end.

The visiting Minister also said that the government of Bashar Al Assad remains committed to reconciliation and will not follow a policy of revenge following the end of the war.

“We welcome all, including those who became rebels. We want them to shun the path of violence and return to normal life. We will accept them into the Syrian mainstream if they give up the path of violence,” said the Syrian scholar who also urged India to play an active role in regional issues of South Asia.

oh well!!!!
this most wanted guy hiding in Pakistan will float another political party in Pakistan like JuD guy!
I have had this intuition about Zawahiri ever since they found Bin La Din in Pakistan. The cities which come into my thoughts are Peshawar, Rawalpindi and Quetta. He is most likely in Pakistan's Army uniform with the rank of Brigadier. He has moved around on frequent basis between the cities named and villages around them.


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Apr 13, 2013
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Pakistan military remodeling terror groups into political parties: UN conference

NEW DELHI: Pakistan’s military establishment is attempting to remodel proscribed terrorist groups as political entities, with the state remaining a mute spectator to attempts by theJamaat-ud-Dawa(JuD) to contest parliamentary polls – this was the topic of discussion at a recently held conference at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva.

The conference, held on March 16, was organised to draw the attention of the international community to this dangerous development which poses a threat to the entire subcontinent and beyond.

Speakers at the conference, including European Union MPs, alleged that the Pakistan government and its institutions had lately turned a mute spectator to the UN designated terrorist group JuD not only floating a political party, Milli Muslim League, but also contesting elections to a few parliamentary seats.

The conference was moderated by Brian Toll, a former policy coordinator for Asia at the European Commission, who in his opening remarks said that Pakistan had acquired a reputation as a nation that was in the forefront of sponsoring terrorism.

Toll said that it was well known that the Lashkar-e-Taiba and the JuD were involved in terrorist activities including the Mumbai attacks, where a number of Europeans had been killed, and that any forward movement on these groups taking over political power in Pakistan would have severe security repercussions internationally.

Fulvio Martusciello, a member of European Parliament, said that Pakistan lacked commitment to tackling home-grown terrorists and that in spite of international pressure the situation had shown no improvement. He said that for years Pakistan had been living in denial, while allowing Islamic extremist groups to freely carry out their activities and raise funding in the country apart from radicalising the masses. He said it was high time the European Union and the UN took stringent action against Pakistan.

Henri Louis Malousse, 30th president of the European Economic and Social Committee, said in his speech that over the years Pakistan had received massive aid

from the international community for its “war on terror”. However, he said, it was now obvious that Pakistan’s efforts to fighting terrorist had been an eyewash and the country had continued to patronise terrorist groups for its strategic goals.

Had Pakistan shown even some degree of seriousness to fight terrorists, designated terrorists such as Hafiz Saeed would not roam freely on the streets of Pakistan, Malousse said and called upon the international community to hold Pakistan responsible for using terrorist groups as proxies to further its own


The conference concluded that the dangerous trend of terrorist groups being gradually brought into the political mainstream at the behest of the Pakistani military establishment needed to be nipped in the bud to prevent legitimising of terrorism.
Read more at:

Butter Chicken

Senior Member
Oct 6, 2016
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The U.S. added several Pakistani companies to the Entity List yesterday "based on their involvement in the proliferation of unsafeguarded nuclear activities that are contrary to the national security and/or foreign policy interests of the United States."


(1) Akhtar & Munir, Hussain Plaza 60-B No. 3, Adamjee Road, Punjab 46000, Pakistan;

(2) Engineering and Commercial Services (ECS), 204, 2nd Floor, Capital Business Center, F-10 Markaz, Islamabad, Pakistan;

(3) Marine Systems Pvt. Ltd., 2nd Floor, Kashmir Plaza, Blue Area, G-6/F-6 Islamabad, Pakistan;

(4) Mushko Electronics Pvt. Ltd., Safa House Address, Abdullah Haroon Road, Karachi Pakistan; and Victoria Chambers, Abdullah Haroon Road, Saddar Town, Karachi Pakistan; and Office No. 3&8, First Floor, Center Point Plaza, Main Boulevad, Gullberg-III, Lahore, Pakistan; and 26-D Kashmir Plaza East, Jinnah Avenue, Blue Area, Islamabad, Pakistan; and 68-W, Sama Plaza, Blue Area Sector G-7, Islamabad, Pakistan;

(5) Pervaiz Commercial Trading Co. (PCTC), PCTC House, 36-B Model Town, Lahore, Pakistan;

(6) Proficient Engineers, Tariq Block, 437 New Garen Town, Lahore, Pakistan; and

(7) Solutions Engineering Pvt. Ltd., a.k.a., the following two aliases:

—Solutronix Engineering Pvt. Ltd. and

—Solutronix Pvt. Ltd.

95A Solutions Tower, DHA Phase 8 Commercial Broadway, Lahore, Pakistan; and 54-B PAF Colony, Zarar Shaheed, Lahore, Pakistan; and Ground Floor, Almas Tower, Begum Salma Tassadaq Road, Near E Plomer, Lahore, Pakistan; and Suite 1&4, Hafeez Chamber 85 The Mall Lahore, Pakistan; and Gohawa Dak Dhana Bhatta Kohaar, Lahore, Pakistan; and Sehajpal Village, near New Airport Road, Lahore, Pakistan; and, Office #201, 2nd Floor, Capital Business Center, F-10 Markaz, Islamabad, Pakistan; and 156 The Mall, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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That is exactly being done. are you aware of current financial crisis in Pakistan?
ofcourse...and chinese are eating their donkeys and dogs
and pakis will be left with grass to graze on.

Well!! The then Soviet Union with its mighty nukes broke into chunks without firing a single shot.. Them Russian boys had the might and the balls.

What does pakis have..Nor the might or the balls as pakistan is already castrated by USA.


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Apr 13, 2013
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Pakistan accuses India of making IWT ‘dysfunctional’

Pakistan on Thursday accused India of making the Indus Waters Treaty (IWT) “dysfunctional” and said it has taken up the matter with the World Bank.

The IWT was signed in 1960 after nine years of negotiations between India and Pakistan with the help of the World Bank, which is also a signatory.

The World Bank’s role in relation to “differences” and “disputes” is limited to the designation of people to fulfill certain roles when requested by either or both of the parties.

“Indus Waters Treaty has been made dysfunctional by India. Its dispute resolution mechanism is currently not working, which includes the contentious Kishanganga and Ratle power projects,” Foreign Office spokesman Mohammad Faisal said while addressing the weekly press briefing here.:hehe:

Mr. Faisal said Pakistan on its part was taking up this issue with the World Bank.

Pakistan has consistently maintained that “a result oriented and meaningful dialogue, which is uninterrupted and uninterruptable,:pound: is the only viable solution to the problems facing Pakistan and India,” he said.

He also said that Pakistan and India were working on proposals to activate the Judicial Committee and the exchange of doctors between both sides.

Responding to Home Minister Rajnath Singh’s remarks that Indian security forces can cross over the Line of Control, if needed, to protect country’s territorial integrity, Faisal said “such irresponsible belligerent statements reflect the jingoistic mindset prevailing in India which can further exacerbate the already vitiated environment.”

He said Pakistan refrains from such aggressive statements but “our armed forces are fully capable of giving a befitting response in case of any misadventure.

Pakistan has consistently maintained that “a result oriented and meaningful dialogue, which is uninterrupted and uninterruptable,:pound: is the only viable solution to the problems facing Pakistan and India,” he said.
Funny..Very funny pakis..
Talk about all those terrorists who are booked and wanted by the whole world....thriving inside pakistan by the protection of the porki army.


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Apr 13, 2013
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Water scarcity in Pakistan

Raheel Hassan |

Pakistan has been facing a magnitude of problems since its inception. There is an immediate need to work towards those problems in various sectors. Pakistan has a very fragile condition; it lacks a proper plan for its political, economical, foreign, health and environmental fronts, except the defense and strategic. The culture of proper policy making does not find anywhere else. Nations progress to pursue their priorities and policy planning.

There are hundreds of thousands of articles being written on the political and economical conditions today. We will take a look at the feeble environmental condition which required a comprehensive policy making. We have just neglected the grim environmental changes that have occurred in the recent past. Rivers and dams are running short of water..

Pakistan could face severe drought by 2025, this estimation is not new, the Pakistan council of research in water resources (PCRWR) and metrology department have warned several times before. Rainfall has steadily declined due to climate change therefore the groundwater level is decreasing gradually. If groundwater depletion continues at its current rate, the country is surely headed for widespread water poverty in next few years.

People should also manage the consumption of water in their individual capacity. This is a major task all of us need to accomplish together responsibly so as to avoid water-related problems. Government should focus on “greener” policies to improve the situation of water and climate change.

The rapidly excelling population and urbanization are key players behind this snag. Karachi and Lahore have been facing water shortage since the last two decades, and the residents are being exploited by the tanker mafia. Islamabad, recently, has been thrown in the ring against the water tank mafia as well. The two dams, “Rawal and Simly”, have scarce levels of water due to which ground water in Islamabad is also diminishing and the residents suffering.

It seems the government lacks a proper policy to accommodate people with water. Due to the lack of political will, Pakistan has not made new dams since 1960s :laugh:and this is also a violation of Indus water treaty. The treaty was signed in 1960s is about the possession of water of the western and eastern rivers between Pakistan and India. The conflict emerged when India built the Kishenganga and Ratle hydro-electric power plants within the framework of Indus Water Treaty.

Read more: Pakistan facing ‘absolute scarcity’ of water: Severe implications

However, the dispute is yet to be resolved through arbitration of the World Bank, which is a signatory to the water sharing treaty between the two adversaries. Water crisis is not just confined to Pakistan; it is becoming a global issue. According to report published annually by the International Institute of Strategic Studies in London, The next big wars might be fought over water; clashes are still or could soon occur over access to water. The UN World Water Develop¬ment Report 2018 calculated that an estimate of 3.6 billion people, nearly half of the global population, live in areas where water levels are decreasing.

And this number could rise to 5.7 billion by 2050. The countries currently facing with extreme water scarcity are Yemen, Libya, Jordan, Djibouti, Cape Town and some other African countries. :laugh:According to ISRA (Indus river system authority), due to the less capacity of water storage, Pakistan wastes 30 million acre-feet water worth $21bn annually in the sea. Storage capacity of this country is just 15.75 million acre feet, which is equivalent to 30 days of consumption:laugh:. Glaciers are also affected by the climate change, dams are necessary to be built to conserve the amount of water that goes to sea.

It lacks a proper plan for its political, economical, foreign, health and environmental fronts, except the defense and strategic. The culture of proper policy making does not find anywhere else. Nations progress to pursue their priorities and policy planning.

The current daunting condition can lead a severe drought and the impact could be worse for an agricultural country like Pakistan. It is in need of a large amount of water supply for agricultural production; approximately seventy percent of the world’s usable water is consumed in agriculture.

:laugh:In Pakistan, particularly, small farmers use sewage water for cultivation of vegetables which is causing a number of diseases and deaths. :laugh:Water contamination is also a serious problem, those areas which have easily availability have contaminated water. Due to rapid industrialization, drinking water quality is deteriorating day by day. According to a report the water of world’s leading brands of bottled mineral water are contaminated.

Read more: Muslim countries to face severe water scarcity by 2025

Government has nothing to do with this issue even the issue is not a part of any political party’s manifesto except Imran Khan, his promises regarding the cleaning of rivers and building dams yet to be fulfilled Any delay in reforms would thrive the severe challenges because water needs are expected to rise significantly due to the rapid population growth, economic development and changing consumption patterns.

People should also manage the consumption of water in their individual capacity. This is a major task all of us need to accomplish together responsibly so as to avoid water-related problems. Government should focus on “greener” policies to improve the situation of water and climate change.

Raheel Hassan studies journalism at National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad. The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Global Village Space’s editorial policy.

It seems the government lacks a proper policy to accommodate people with water. Due to the lack of political will, Pakistan has not made new dams since 1960s
But pakis have nooks which they can never use.

The politics of water will soon yield.!


जय परशुराम‍।
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Oct 7, 2015
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If We can control the flow of all the rivers flowing inside Bakistan we would have even greater leverage than the so called strategic position of Bakistan ,the krishanganga project will control the flow of an important tributary Krishanganga ,we already have dams on important rivers and tributaries, Bakistan can't provide the water to its ever growing population which have a policy of ham 5 hamare 25 ,it's suicidal population policy coupled with jihadi infrastructure , Pakistan will surely implode from inside , time is on our side.


Senior Member
Oct 10, 2014
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harami congress did nothing to squeeze pakis using IWT. even traitor is a small word to describe them.

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