

Jun 14, 2012
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YEREVAN, Armenia (AP) — Azerbaijani and Nagorno-Karabakh authorities both are reporting military deaths in a flare-up of fighting.

Nagorno-Karabakh is a separatist region of Azerbaijan under the control of the Armenian military and a local force of ethnic Armenians. Since an all-out war ended in 1994, the region has been separated from the rest of Azerbaijan by a demilitarized zone.

Each side frequently claims violations by the other, but a recent escalation appears to have been unusually intense. The Armenian defense ministry on Saturday said Azerbaijan had fired 122-millimeter howitzers for the first time since the truce.

Azerbaijan said one soldier was killed over the past day by Armenian artillery, and the Nagorno-Karabakh defense ministry said four of its fighters died from an Azerbaijan barrage.

Armenia aims to harm negotiation process on Karabakh conflict, says Azerbaijani FM
Baku, Azerbaijan, Sept.26
By Seba Aghayeva - Trend:

Armenia aims to harm the negotiation process on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict by taking various provocative steps, in particular, by escalating the tension on the contact line of the troops and along the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov said.

He made the remarks during the meeting with Armenia’s Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian, in the presence of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs in New York, Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry said.

The meeting was held as part of the 70th session of the UN General Assembly.

Mammadyarov said that Armenia’s true purpose is to continue the aggression and occupation.

Armenia by all means hinders the contacts between Azerbaijani and Armenian communities of Azerbaijan’s Nagorno-Karabakh region, while this could allow to create genuine trust, Mammadyarov added.

He reiterated Azerbaijan’s strong position on the settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

The foreign minister emphasized the inadmissibility of the current status quo based on the occupation of Azerbaijani territories, adding that this can’t last long.

Azerbaijan will never accept the occupation of its territories, said Mammadyarov.

The foreign minister noted that in order the resolve the conflict, Armenia should put an end to aggression against Azerbaijan and withdraw its armed forces from the occupied territories.

“Azerbaijan participates in the negotiation process for resolving the conflict,” he said. “But if Armenia doesn’t withdraw from the occupied lands, Azerbaijan will take all necessary steps to restore its territorial integrity, sovereignty and ensure the inviolability of its borders.”

As an aggressor and occupier, Armenia will be fully responsible for any step to be taken, he added.

The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of the ensuing war, in 1992 Armenian armed forces occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijan, including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and seven surrounding districts.

The two countries signed a ceasefire agreement in 1994. The co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group, Russia, France and the US are currently holding peace negotiations.

Armenia has not yet implemented the UN Security Council's four resolutions on the liberation of the Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding regions


Jun 14, 2012
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In Agdam killed civilian
Armenians fired on the village of garadagli.

In the Agdam region of Azerbaijan in the result of violation of ceasefire by Armenian armed units killed civilians.

According to Oxu.Az, citing the Azerbaijani Presidential Administration, the enemy side was firing mortar.

It is reported that a resident of Garadagly village of Harahan Bagirov Bahram oglu, born in 1975, received a shrapnel wound in the explosion of a shell.

Bagirov died in hospital.


Jun 14, 2012
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The Azerbaijani side launched into combat positions MLRS T-300 (Turkish licensed copy of the Chinese MLRS WS-1).


Jun 14, 2012
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On the border between Armenia, Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan in the last days there is a sharp escalation of the conflict. According to the Armenian position for the first time since the signing of the armistice in 1994, he was fired from artillery systems: MLRS, 122-mm howitzers D-30, mortars. It is also used rocket-propelled grenades and small arms. "To" estimate the amount of weapons that are concentrated on both sides, and came to the conclusion that if a local worsening again turn into a war, it would lead to irreparable consequences for the region.
The next step of escalation for the first time since 1994, was a prominent victim away from contact line - four soldiers of the armed forces of Armenia were killed, 16 were injured, five kilometers from the border. The blow was struck 107-mm MLRS T-107 Turkish origin. In addition, under the cross-border shelling got Paravakar Armenian village, killing three women (two of them elderly, 94 and 83 years), injuring two men. In response, on the Azerbaijani positions opened mortar fire. According to the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan, killing a soldier and a civilian. Also, the post was destroyed by Azerbaijan near the village Paravakar there killed five soldiers and injuring two. In this regard, Armenian leadership has made a number of unexpected applications - in particular, President Serzh Sargsyan called Nagorno-Karabakh part of the country and promised that the enemy will get a balanced response to the artillery and rocket attacks. The roots of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict go back to the events of a century ago, when between Armenians and Azerbaijanis armed clashes. After World War I, during the formation of the USSR, Nagorno-Karabakh, which at that time 94.4 percent of the population were Armenians, the Soviet authorities handed Azerbaijan SSR. It was established Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast (NKAO). When, in the 1980s, the central government weakened the USSR, Nagorno-Karabakh want unification with Armenia. The result - a bloody war, which began in 1991 and ended in May 12, 1994 the signing of an armistice between Armenia, Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan (but not a peace treaty). Military victory Armenians then controlled only the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh is not, but the adjacent seven regions of the former Azerbaijani SSR, which became a security belt. At the moment, the independence of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic officially recognize only South Ossetia and Abkhazia, as well as the unrecognized Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.
Since 1994, between the parties to the conflict within the OSCE Minsk Group negotiations, but no real results. From the Azerbaijani leadership louder sound statements about military revenge, the ceasefire is violated more often. Especially since 2014 - regularly shelled border villages on November 12, Armenian Azerbaijani troops shot down the Mi-24, carrying circled boundaries within the teachings. In the spring of 2015 in the course went mortars, and now does - MLRS and artillery. Weapons sides in the armed forces of Armenia and the NKR Defense Army - 60-70 thousand people. Azerbaijan has about 70 thousand soldiers, however, given the large number of people - a much greater mobilization potential. The main small arms on both sides of the Soviet - the traditional "Kalashnikovs". Azerbaijan has a certain amount of Israeli small arms such as assault rifles TAR-21. Both sides used sniper rifles of different production, including their own. Anti-tank weapons: Armenia - Russia's modern anti-tank systems "Cornet" and "Metis" older "Contests" and "Fagot", as well as Franco-German Milan, Azerbaijan, in addition to Soviet anti-tank systems - modern Israeli Spike, Ukrainian "Skif" and Russian "Cornet". Azerbaijani Armed Forces somewhat more saturated with night vision and thermal imaging, more Israeli-made. Both sides of a large arsenal of portable antiaircraft missile complexes "Igla". Azerbaijan has advantage in infantry combat vehicles and tanks created after the signing of several major military contracts with Russia (it was one of the main claims of the Armenian opposition to Moscow). According to one of the contracts will soon be completed delivery of 100 infantry combat vehicles BMP-3. There are about 100 units of BMP-1, BMP-2 and BMD-1. Azerbaijani Armed Forces have already received a batch of 94 T-90S tanks. Also in the ranks of about 250 T-72, partially modernized. Armenia that can counter some 100 BMP-2 and BMP-1. However, unknown number of such machines in the NKR Defense Army, which is very rich in military equipment (at least it just as much as at the Armenian Armed Forces). Tanks - about 160, all of the T-72. In Karabakh, they are not less, and perhaps more, given the fact that in recent years Russia supplies Armenia, several dozen armored vehicles annually. As armored personnel carriers, the situation is close to parity - both sides used the traditional BTR-60, 70 and 80. Also, the Azerbaijani Armed Forces significantly strengthened, gaining in the modern Russian missile and tube artillery: 18 self-propelled artillery units (SAU) "MSTA-S" caliber 152 mm, 18 BM-30 MLRS "Smerch" caliber 300 mm (a total of 30, previously 12 were purchased in Ukraine), 6 jet flamethrowers TOS-1A "sun." Besides this, Baku has a contract to supply 300 heavy MLRS Kasirga with Ankara. Cannon artillery - more than 500 units. The total number of MLRS caliber 122 mm (for example, BM-21 "Grad") is approaching 100. Armenia can not boast of such figures, especially on heavy MLRS shown at the moment the Chinese samples. It is known that eight were purchased WM-80 caliber 273 mm and six AR1A caliber 300 mm (first exhibited to the public, information on the supply of the second report appeared in the Center for Analysis of World Arms Trade). The number of cannon artillery close to 200 units, and there are about 50 BM-21 "Grad". There is a corresponding weapons and the NKR Defense Army. According to the BBC, too, benefit from Azerbaijan, located MiG-29, Su-25, a large number of Mi-35M helicopters and upgraded Mi-24. Armenia - only the Su-25 and Mi-24 helicopters. However, both sides have created a very powerful air defenses. Armenia and NKR at least six battalions of antiaircraft missile systems (SAM), S-300PT-1 and S-300PS and a lot of different SAM short range - modernized "Osa", "Strela-10", "Cube" and so hereinafter. Azerbaijan also purchased the three divisions of S-300PMU-2 air defense missile systems "Buk" and "Thor" and the Israeli "Barak-8" (though they have not demonstrated). So the Air Force both sides will not be able to strike deep in enemy territory, which is somewhat negates the role of aviation in a hypothetical conflict. The main advantage of Armenia - ballistic missiles. In service of Armenian Armed Forces - at least eight launchers "Scud-B", with a maximum range of 300 kilometers, all of them were modernized. Both sides are operational-tactical missile complexes "Tochka-U", but Yerevan them much more. Large-scale actions can not be said that even with so many armed conflicts necessarily develop into full-scale hostilities. The parties have often tended to escalate, but the bloodshed was prevented by political and diplomatic means. But now, both sides scored very serious arsenal of heavy weapons, and in the event of war, it will lead to disastrous consequences and a large number of casualties, including among civilians. Judging from the features of weapons, it will have to attack the Azerbaijani side. Yerevan has used 20 years of silence to prepare echelon defensive lines - some created 10 lines of fortifications. It contributes to such tactics and terrain - in the first Karabakh war local militia was able to take a dominant, and will have to attack from the plain to the mountains. Less favorable position in the armed forces of Armenia Armenian-Azerbaijani border (where snipers opened fire on border villages), but there are also impassable terrain for armored vehicles, contributes to the defense and the dense forest. The problem for Azerbaijan and allied relations between Russia and Armenia (which is a unit of the CSTO). 102nd Russian military base in Gyumri is required in case of an attack on an ally to intervene. The only loophole, according to the Azerbaijani military - the so-called limited conflicts, only on the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh. A very likely scenario is a large-scale military-technical support without the direct intervention of external players. In any case, in the short term a serious shift of the boundaries can not be achieved, and damage to the infrastructure of both countries could be seriously. The result is unpredictable conflict. It is believed that the more advantageous is Azerbaijan, to buy a lot of military equipment, and periodically express their readiness to attack the enemy. However, it is clear that the war was disastrous for both countries, regardless of who initiated it. The Armenian Defense Ministry issued a statement calling on the OSCE Minsk Group and the international organizations to draw attention to the fact that the use of artillery in Azerbaijan contact line creates a new situation. According to the military establishment, is another step on the way to large-scale hostilities.


Jun 14, 2012
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Azerbaijan threatens Armenia with war

If Armenia does not restore the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, Baku will have to defend themselves.It was in New York, said the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Elmar Mamadyarov."If the result of the negotiations will not become complete and unconditional withdrawal of Armenian forces (from Nagorno-Karabakh and surrounding areas - Ed.), Azerbaijan will have to apply the right to defend itself to restore its sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders" - said Mamadyarov.According to him, the conflict can be resolved only on the basis of recognizing the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. "Military occupation of my country is not the solution and will never be political consequences, expected by Armenians", - said the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan.


Jun 14, 2012
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"Putin's NATO" refuses to fight for Armenia: Sort it out yourself.

"Now the decision making unrealistic."The armed forces and the system of national security of Armenia are able to adequately respond to the provocations, which are carried out on the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh.As the Oxu.Az citing, it was declared by the Deputy Secretary General of CSTO Valery Semerikov responding to a question about the absence of adequate response to Armenia by the organization.According to him, any actions that are associated with the use of collective force, is necessary to solve the CSTO. And that did not hear the reaction may be, it was still not much time."At least, the acuteness of the problem that is emerging in the region, President Serzh Sargsyan voiced in some detail at the summit in Dushanbe.The issue has been given much attention by the Heads of State. During the UN General Assembly, Armenian Foreign Minister presented the problem of colleagues at the ministerial meeting of the CSTO, "- said Valery Semerikov.He stressed that now is the adoption of a decision is unrealistic - it needs a political solution, which take statutory bodies."Statutory bodies do not disregard the evolving situation," -say Semerikov.


Jun 14, 2012
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Azerbaijani army inflicted heavy losses to the enemy - Official

The Armenian side suffered heavy losses.November 12 in the evening hours of reconnaissance and sabotage group of Armenian Armed Forces on the frontline trying to attack Azerbaijani positions.As the Oxu.Az with reference to the Ministry of Defense, after the first division of Azerbaijani Armed Forces have found the enemy, carried out preventive measures and dealt a blow to the enemy fire, the invaders were forced to retreat.According to preliminary data, it killed 2 members of subversive groups of the enemy, and there are a large number of wounded.Azerbaijani armed forces have not suffered any losses and fully control the operational situation


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2010
Nagorno Karabakh, sounds like a mutter from a distant corner left in limbo. Azerbaijan who is probably in good terms with Turkey, vs. Armenia who maybe has Russia and Iran behind. Landlocked, they have neither oil nor gas so no one would give a damn to their conflicts.

~Tapa talks: Orange is the new black.~


Regular Member
Nov 13, 2015
Armenia vs Azerbadjan in Azerbadjan homeland ??


Regular Member
Nov 13, 2015
The Azerbaijani side launched into combat positions MLRS T-300 (Turkish licensed copy of the Chinese MLRS WS-1).
Good multi launch rocket close to Russia ?!


Jun 14, 2012
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Good multi launch rocket close to Russia ?!
MLRS is not directed against Russia. Azerbaijan and Armenia regularly scheduled training firing with heavy MLRS. Therefore, they know how to to use them.


Regular Member
Nov 13, 2015
Azerbaijan and Armenia regularly scheduled training firing with heavy MLRS. Therefore, they know how to to use them.
So they are not enemies and Russia are biggest enemy for two compering ??

Russia is maybe enemy with Sweden.



Jun 14, 2012
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So they are not enemies and Russia are biggest enemy for two compering ??

Russia is maybe enemy with Sweden.

They are enemies. Azerbaijan wants to return the territory, but can not. Waiting for weakening Russia.


Jun 14, 2012
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Russian media: "Turkey is ready to go with the Karabakh front"
our reaction
In Russia was disturbed by the visit of Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu to Azerbaijan.

Today, one of the leading Russian publications - the newspaper "Kommersant" openly expressed dissatisfaction with the visit to Baku Cavusoglu and his talks with the leadership of Azerbaijan. The Russian media announced the activation of Turkey in the Karabakh issue.
In the article "Turkey is ready to go with the Karabakh front 'after the reminder on allied relations between Russia and Armenia, expressed serious concerns about the safety of the Kremlin's interests and its historic ally - the official Yerevan.The newspaper writes: "On Thursday, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu in fact opened a new front against Russia and its ally Armenia, he promised to" do everything possible to liberate the occupied territories of Azerbaijan. " Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu is in Baku, where on Friday to hold talks with the leadership of this country.On Thursday evening, Mr. Cavusoglu arrived in Baku, where on Friday to hold talks with the Azerbaijani leadership. The tone of the meeting, asked the head of the Turkish government today, Ahmet Davutoglu said it actually opened a new front against Russia. "Turkey will do everything possible to the occupied territories of Azerbaijan have been released," - said Davutoglu, Ankara, announcing the intention to intervene in the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Given the difficult relations between Ankara and Yerevan (the border between the two countries is closed, severed diplomatic relations), Moscow can hardly imagine impartiality of Turkey in this very sensitive issue. ""Delicate issue" - a very strange political newspeak used to determine the conflict, which, it seems, no one, and especially from the OSCE Minsk Group - Russia, which still ranks among the strategic partners of the official Baku should not be in doubt. It occupied a territory of Azerbaijan! What kind of impartiality may be involved in this issue? There is a real bias - the denial of the fact of occupation and aggression. This is what Moscow calls the mind.
And yet - why did Moscow so alarmed because Cavusoglu's visit to Baku? Why is public opinion in Russia so excited Ahmet Davutoglu statement? Is Russia against the liberation of the occupied Azerbaijani territories? If against, say so openly, so everything was all clear. Although everything and so everything is clear for a long time ... Since the first Karabakh war.


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2010
Maybe Turkey hopes to enhance energy cooperation with its Turkic brethren Azerbaijan in face of Russian sanctions? Besides Armenia and Turkey can hardly see eye to eye due to the genocide of Armenians.

~~Still waters run deep. ~~from my MiPad using tapatalk


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
They are enemies. Azerbaijan wants to return the territory, but can not. Waiting for weakening Russia.
Azerbaijan can get in trouble if stuff like the one below continues. Iran is a neighbour of Azerbaijan, has Azeri minorities, and is an ally of Russia.



Jun 14, 2012
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Azerbaijan can get in trouble if stuff like the one below continues. Iran is a neighbour of Azerbaijan, has Azeri minorities, and is an ally of Russia.

Agree. But Iran is not a fanatical ally of Russia.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Agree. But Iran is not a fanatical ally of Russia.
It is to be seen how Iran manages to make profits from oil. I expect Iran and Russia to join forces and sell oil in BRICS SDR, and not limit it to the Dollar. Russia's aim is to weaken the Dollar, and reduce its role as the global currency of trade. It is in Russia's long term interest to weaken the US, and the only way to do this is to weaken the Dollar. The US cannot be defeated militarily.

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