Military Films - Reviews, discussion and critiques


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
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Aug 10, 2020
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The Kubo Ibuki.


The JS Ibuki DDV 192.


This article is the review of live action film adaption based on the Manga “Kubo Ibuki”. And is Inspired by the real life issues of the the Senkaku Islands between China and Japan. And in the film Instead of the real issues between the Japan and PRC. The territorial dispute was shown between the Japan and a Fictional country of the “East Asian Federation”.


The location of the dispute.


The East Asian Federation is agglomeration of various East Indonesian Islands United with the Pacific Islands and also PNG. Which is heavy militarized nation with more developed economy than the current counterpart regions almost in the scale of it's Neighboring real life Indonesia even with lower population and even has a strong navy with a aircraft carrier.

And in the beginning of the film surrounding the disputed island “Hatsushima.” are the Japanese coast guard which were attacked by the naval forces if the East Asian Federation disguised as fishing boats during the patrol. In order to rescue the Coast Guard personnel trapped on the Islands and prepare the way for the Ampibious forces Japan dispatched the 5th Fleet with its flagship Kubo Ibuki DDV 192. And is supported by a two 90's eras Destroyer with two modern Aegis equipped Destroyers and a advance submarine.

The construction of the Aircraft Carrier was contervesials and had a hugh discussion around it's. The first aircraft since the WW 2 saw constant demonstration and a targeted public campaign. And even in the film is classified as a Aircraft carrying Destroyer.


The 5th Fleet underways.

And Even in the film the aircraft carriers is analog of the real life Izumo class DDH. Expect a ski jump and able to carry 15 F 35 C and 10 helicopters.


In the disputed territory the face off is happning round the 500 km radius of the Islands. As the JMSDF is preparing for a ampibious landing while the 5 th Fleet supporting and giving the defence support. The East Asian Alliance has the lead and the russian designed submarine of EAF fires 12 missiles at the JS Ibuki. And due Japanese Constitution doesn't Japan allows to wage war. The 5th Fleet had been given a strict order of not to engage the enemy and to only engage when attacked and that's also with a minimum fire. But the reporters on the aircraft carrier were able to send all the live updates using a hidden satellite phone which was traced later. But this forced the Japaneae PM to release the details in the press briefing which were kept hidden till now.

The battle is waged on a carrier Vs Carrier the East Asian Federation also decided to wait and watch rather than engaging directly as the result the battles is taking in extreme slow pace as no side wants to engage the enemy direct and also the JS Ibuki elevators were damage during the first attack. And later the JMSDF Submarine was able to detect the enemy submarine but was restrained and didn't engage in a hostile actions. And due to this a old Destroyer take the damage instead of the Js Ibuki and sunk later when the EAF submarine got a clear sight of the 5th Fleet. The leaked footage of this created havoc in the public.

Even after this the JMSDF Submarine were ordered to engage and show reatrains. The captain of the submarine finally decide to not collide the vessel with the enemy submarine and sunk it's. But along with this the JMSDF Submarine also taken heavy toll and had to disengage from the battle fields.


The JMSDF Destroyer providing cover for the Ibuki against a missed torpedo launched by the enemy submarine.

The captain of the Destroyers near the enemy's fleet was told by the captain of the ibuki against the restrain issued by the cabinet to engage the enemies Destroyer spotted but only with it's main gun in order to not escalate the conflict. The JMSDF Destroyer engaged two udaloy 2 class destroyers and desperately the enemy launching a barrage of missiles the Destroyer was able to engage and Interecpt all the missiles but expanded all it's air defence missiles. And later engaged the enemies Destroyers but due to the superior range of the main guns system was able to conflict heavy damage without getting fired back. And barely survive a projectile by the remaining Destroyer. And eventually both the Destroyer inflacted heavy damages and most if it's Weapons systems out of order.


The F 35 C's scrambled to protect the fleet against the enemy's fighter's.


The MIG 29 K's taken off from the EAF aircract carrier to engage the 5th Fleet.

But as the night falled EAF decided to fully engage the enemy by launching 16 Mig 29 K's from it's Aircraft carriers deck. The Kubo Ibuki launched 5 fighters to intercept the enemys fighters and shot down 6 fighters but lost one of it's own. Later as the JS Ibuki was preparing to launch it's remining 10 F 35 C's. The Enemy carrier launched it's remains all the 28 fighters along with a barrage of missiles from its Fleet. The most of the missile were intercepted but the debris on the deck make it impossible to launch the remains 9 fighters.


The 5th Fleet engaging the barrage of the enemies missiles.

As they destruction was near out of nowhere 5 submarine were detected near the Japanese Fleet. In total 10 torpedo were launched. But here's the twist 5 in each direction if the Japaneae Fleet and also the EAF fleets. And were blown before engaging it's target. All the submarine surfaced and raises the UN flag.


Torpedo blown before hitting the targets.


In the film, the Prime Minister called the American President, but the Vice President of the United States answers the call, as the President was in a meeting with the leaders of China and Russia. And it's felt like there was a deliberate ignorance. And, it was also metioned that tge East Asia Federation attacked Japan with the external support, which major powers was support was not explained.

Behind the scenes.

The film is based on the Manga written by the Kaiji Kawaguchi. The Filme is made on eupport of the Japan’s aircraft carrier. And made a clear argument the needed for a aircraft carrier, without this aircraft carrier, Japan would be unable to fight for air supremacy on the ocean with the other side on the various disputes of this dispute. The island is far away from the Japanese mainland, and the air support is lacked. Then another meaning is to explain the hope to get rid of the exclusive defense constitutional control. And digs at the pacifist constitution where can't attack the opponent, nor can the kill the opponent, and can only retaliate in the self defence. When making decisions, prime ministers must also face domestic hawks and doves. Overseas, they must also consider the feelings of the United States, China, and Russia. The most important thing is the post-World War II peace constitutional constraints.

Courtesy : The images are taken from the Internet.
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Tactical Doge

𝕱𝖔𝖔𝖑𝖘 𝖗𝖚𝖘𝖍 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖑𝖘 𝖋𝖊𝖆𝖗
New Member
Aug 28, 2019
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The Kubo Ibuki.

View attachment 107620

The JS Ibuki DDV 192.


This article is the review of live action film adaption based on the Manga “Kubo Ibuki”. And is Inspired by the real life issues of the the Senkaku Islands between China and Japan. And in the film Instead of the real issues between the Japan and PRC. The territorial dispute was shown between the Japan and a Fictional country of the “East Asian Federation”.

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The location of the dispute.


The East Asian Federation is agglomeration of various East Indonesian Islands United with the Pacific Islands and also PNG. Which is heavy militarized nation with more developed economy than the current counterpart regions almost in the scale of it's Neighboring real life Indonesia even with lower population and even has a strong navy with a aircraft carrier.

And in the beginning of the film surrounding the disputed island “Hatsushima.” are the Japanese coast guard which were attacked by the naval forces if the East Asian Federation disguised as fishing boats during the patrol. In order to rescue the Coast Guard personnel trapped on the Islands and prepare the way for the Ampibious forces Japan dispatched the 5th Fleet with its flagship Kubo Ibuki DDV 192. And is supported by a two 90's eras Destroyer with two modern Aegis equipped Destroyers and a advance submarine.

The construction of the Aircraft Carrier was contervesials and had a hugh discussion around it's. The first aircraft since the WW 2 saw constant demonstration and a targeted public campaign. And even in the film is classified as a Aircraft carrying Destroyer.

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The 5th Fleet underways.

And Even in the film the aircraft carriers is analog of the real life Izumo class DDH. Expect a ski jump and able to carry 15 F 35 C and 10 helicopters.


In the disputed territory the face off is happning round the 500 km radius of the Islands. As the JMSDF is preparing for a ampibious landing while the 5 th Fleet supporting and giving the defence support. The East Asian Alliance has the lead and the russian designed submarine of EAF fires 12 missiles at the JS Ibuki. And due Japanese Constitution doesn't Japan allows to wage war. The 5th Fleet had been given a strict order of not to engage the enemy and to only engage when attacked and that's also with a minimum fire. But the reporters on the aircraft carrier were able to send all the live updates using a hidden satellite phone which was traced later. But this forced the Japaneae PM to release the details in the press briefing which were kept hidden till now.

The battle is waged on a carrier Vs Carrier the East Asian Federation also decided to wait and watch rather than engaging directly as the result the battles is taking in extreme slow pace as no side wants to engage the enemy direct and also the JS Ibuki elevators were damage during the first attack. And later the JMSDF Submarine was able to detect the enemy submarine but was restrained and didn't engage in a hostile actions. And due to this a old Destroyer take the damage instead of the Js Ibuki and sunk later when the EAF submarine got a clear sight of the 5th Fleet. The leaked footage of this created havoc in the public.

Even after this the JMSDF Submarine were ordered to engage and show reatrains. The captain of the submarine finally decide to not collide the vessel with the enemy submarine and sunk it's. But along with this the JMSDF Submarine also taken heavy toll and had to disengage from the battle fields.

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The JMSDF Destroyer providing cover for the Ibuki against a missed torpedo launched by the enemy submarine.

The captain of the Destroyers near the enemy's fleet was told by the captain of the ibuki against the restrain issued by the cabinet to engage the enemies Destroyer spotted but only with it's main gun in order to not escalate the conflict. The JMSDF Destroyer engaged two udaloy 2 class destroyers and desperately the enemy launching a barrage of missiles the Destroyer was able to engage and Interecpt all the missiles but expanded all it's air defence missiles. And later engaged the enemies Destroyers but due to the superior range of the main guns system was able to conflict heavy damage without getting fired back. And barely survive a projectile by the remaining Destroyer. And eventually both the Destroyer inflacted heavy damages and most if it's Weapons systems out of order.

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The F 35 C's scrambled to protect the fleet against the enemy's fighter's.

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The MIG 29 K's taken off from the EAF aircract carrier to engage the 5th Fleet.

But as the night falled EAF decided to fully engage the enemy by launching 16 Mig 29 K's from it's Aircraft carriers deck. The Kubo Ibuki launched 5 fighters to intercept the enemys fighters and shot down 6 fighters but lost one of it's own. Later as the JS Ibuki was preparing to launch it's remining 10 F 35 C's. The Enemy carrier launched it's remains all the 28 fighters along with a barrage of missiles from its Fleet. The most of the missile were intercepted but the debris on the deck make it impossible to launch the remains 9 fighters.

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The 5th Fleet engaging the barrage of the enemies missiles.

As they destruction was near out of nowhere 5 submarine were detected near the Japanese Fleet. In total 10 torpedo were launched. But here's the twist 5 in each direction if the Japaneae Fleet and also the EAF fleets. And were blown before engaging it's target. All the submarine surfaced and raises the UN flag.

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Torpedo blown before hitting the targets.


In the film, the Prime Minister called the American President, but the Vice President of the United States answers the call, as the President was in a meeting with the leaders of China and Russia. And it's felt like there was a deliberate ignorance. And, it was also metioned that tge East Asia Federation attacked Japan with the external support, which major powers was support was not explained.

Behind the scenes.

The film is based on the Manga written by the Kaiji Kawaguchi. The Filme is made on eupport of the Japan’s aircraft carrier. And made a clear argument the needed for a aircraft carrier, without this aircraft carrier, Japan would be unable to fight for air supremacy on the ocean with the other side on the various disputes of this dispute. The island is far away from the Japanese mainland, and the air support is lacked. Then another meaning is to explain the hope to get rid of the exclusive defense constitutional control. And digs at the pacifist constitution where can't attack the opponent, nor can the kill the opponent, and can only retaliate in the self defence. When making decisions, prime ministers must also face domestic hawks and doves. Overseas, they must also consider the feelings of the United States, China, and Russia. The most important thing is the post-World War II peace constitutional constraints.

Courtesy : The images are taken from the Internet.
Before going to the review people should be aware of the societal underpinnings of the plot and the political scenario
Please do watch this short video
Japan has a huge percentage of people who are anti-war and anti-violence
They don't want any kind of offensive campaigns taken by their country, the psyche of the country is shaped post WWII in such a way that even the word "WAR" is used cautiously in the dialogue exchanges

I wouldn't take this as a movie, but rather a deep dive into the Japanese psyche, which can be watched for the understanding of Japs as a people, and what spineless leadership can get you in a battlefield

don't go into the movie hoping for some action sequences or extreme hair raising dialogues, there is Zero of that in the movie
It is poorly written, There is several battles occuring between The JMSDF and EAF Navy, but it is all filmed like a drill rather than an actual combat sequence, it lacks seriousness
The effort of the story is to show JSD personnel as as self contained and pacifist as possible, they take it to such an extreme that instead of pacifism it is stupidity that shines through, example, like ramming an enemy submarine with your own instead of torpedoing it because Rules of engagement requires to refrain from acts of agression
:hail: :hat: :troll:

The visual effects were okay, but at times they were awfully distracting

I don't want to go into the technical aspects of the film,
One thing that stands out for me is this

The F-35 is actually shown as using the JHMCS (Joint helmet mounted cueing system)
The Lightning doesn't have a HUD, Heads up Display
Whereas in american movies like Green Lantern and Godzilla, it is shown as having a HUD and multiple MFDs
As usual, Air combat is as stupid and it gets, I thought whole point of 5Gen stealth tech technology is to detect your enemy before you are detected yourself, and engage him at stand-off ranges with BVR missiles

It is clearly said that the enemy aircrafts are some 70-80 KM away, should've been an easy task for the F-35 to engage them at stand-off ranges with the AIM-120 amraam, but they are specifically requested to go WVR and engage full guns blazing, an F-35 actually gets shot down with an R-73 which as usual movies do portray missiles, follows him around till it hits him

Overall, I'd say, I'm lucky I didn't fall asleep half-way through, Pacifist theme is too boring to be digested by action junkies,
What could have been an action packed thriller was lacking the seriousness of Naval combat all throughout
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लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
New Member
Aug 10, 2020
Country flag
Before going to the review people should be aware of the societal underpinnings of the plot and the political scenario
Please do what this short video
Japan has a huge percentage of people who are anti-war and anti-violence
They don't want any kind of offensive campaigns taken by their country, the psyche of the country is shaped post WWII in such a way that even the word "WAR" is used cautiously in the dialogue exchanges

I wouldn't take this as a movie, but rather a deep dive into the Japanese psyche, which can be watched for the understanding of Japs as a people, and what spineless leadership can get you in a battlefield

don't go into the movie hoping for some action sequences or extreme hair raising dialogues, there is Zero of that in the movie
It is poorly written, There is several battles occuring between The JMSDF and EAF Navy, but it is all filmed like a drill rather than an actual combat sequence, it lacks seriousness
The effort of the story is to show JSD personnel as as self contained and pacifist as possible, they take it to such an extreme that instead of pacifism it is stupidity that shines through, example, like ramming an enemy submarine with your own instead of torpedoing it because Rules of engagement requires to refrain from acts of agression
:hail: :hat: :troll:
View attachment 107721
The visual effects were okay, but at times they were awfully distracting

I don't want to go into the technical aspects of the film,
One thing that stands out for me is this
View attachment 107720
The F-35 is actually shown as using the JHMCS (Joint helmet mounted cueing system)
The Lightning doesn't have a HUD, Heads up Display
Whereas in american movies like Green Lantern and Godzilla, it is shown as having a HUD and multiple MFDs
As usual, Air combat is as stupid and it gets, I thought whole point of 5Gen stealth tech technology is to detect your enemy before you are detected yourself, and engage him at stand-off ranges with BVR missiles
View attachment 107722
It is clearly said that the enemy aircrafts are some 70-80 KM away, should've been an easy task for the F-35 to engage them at stand-off ranges with the AIM-120 amraam, but they are specifically requested to go WVR and engage full guns blazing, an F-35 actually gets shot down with an R-73 which as usual movies does, follows him around till it hits him

Overall, I'd say, I'm lucky I didn't fall asleep half-way through, Pacifist theme is too boring to be digested by action junkies,
What could have been an action packed thriller was lacking the seriousness of Naval combat all throughout


This is seperate

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That is an Indian navy submarine way behind the French one, couldn't get it properly in the screenshot but it is there Nibbas
Ya'll Nibbiars that's a RN Submarine. :hehe:

And they used the Karanatak flag as the East Asian Federation Flag.

