Masood Azhar Designated Global Terrorist by UN, Pak Loses Fig Leaf


New Member
Apr 8, 2019
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In order to be a super power, we ought to act like one.
Stop looking towards West for any support or action (including their media reports),
if it comes good, else in order to safeguard our national interests,
take "preemptive" action anyway, like in Balakot strikes.

This listing as "Global Terrorist" is more of a Moral victory.

No amount of cash reward & bans stopped Pakis from giving Paki Army protection to "Osama"
fooling even USA

So we need to pound them now more than ever.
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Sanathan Pepe
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Sep 18, 2009
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Who gives a shit about all this, just kill him already.
This designation means that JeM and Masood Azhar are burned. Pakistan cannot use him to do anything against India, if they do, India needn't convince Pakistan to act, it only needs to knock on UN's door, and Pakistan will suffer economic/trade/travel consequences. To India it makes no difference whether he's dead or alive, other than to exact retribution for past crimes. It's now in _Pakistan's_ self-interest to kill Masood Azhar before India begins to weaponize him against the paki economy. He can neither run to Afghanistan nor Iran, because RAW will get him. Both those countries are friendly to India.

This is a gargantuan diplomatic defeat for Pakistan, and doesn't strengthen its case against FATF blacklisting.

In the same vein, it's a gargantuan diplomatic coup for Modi. He essentially ended JeM.


New Member
Apr 8, 2019
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China has other reasons->

India China Buyer's Bloc(group) for Oil

With Iran's oil export sanctions, & crude oil prices going to only rise ->Huge Economic reasons

Also China had no option, as in case of technical hold, it would have to justify,
impossible now, without destroying their image, as "sole" terror supporters,
& even then US/France were going to bring in a Resolution,so China had to withdraw...

So be Realistic China is not going to change, neither is NaPak,
until we force Pak to crumble Economically along with destruction of their military.


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
I am changing my stance on China after reading more on this.

Pakistan is the hub of terrorism, a dirty swamp full of jihadi criminals, a black bolt on the civilized world.

Today when another terrorist is banned whom they kept under state protection and the protection of their so-called professional forces who also die without recognition protecting them; the history will register another reason to keep spitting back at them.

His role in Kashmir terrorism and Pulwama attack was already condemned at UN but both Chinese and Pakistanis losers have started to look for a concealer to hide fingerprints as they got slapped on both the cheeks.

Both are patting each other's back as the world community slowly cornered them and humiliated them for disgraced technicalities they were hiding behind.


New Member
Jul 21, 2010
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Massoud has been written wrongly instead of Masood in title . Mods correct it please .


New Member
Mar 10, 2013
Finally Chinese have come back to their senses.

There is no place for terrorism in the civilized world.
It must be some quid pro quo. Anyway it's not going to change much for him. Pakis would let him continue with whatever he is doing.


New Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Well!!! whose the NEXT anti India paki terrorists getting propped by china..
Keep close watch on the frequency!


New Member
Feb 27, 2018
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Finally Chinese have come back to their senses.

There is no place for terrorism in the civilized world.
The Chinese have always been in their senses, it’s we who have not....For the last few years, the Chinese have been blocking this listing and have faced no consequences for that. The PM has travelled to Wuhan and tried and made nice with them. We have made so much of this listing, we are acting as if the Chinese have helped us, forgetting that the Chinese are blocking us at the NSG, caring two hoots of our protestations on OBOR in PoK, screwing us on trade......the list goes on.

The Chinese are cold blooded about this, the reason they backed off here was because the US had upped the ante. It’s a victory for us but this should have been just a normal listing and done a couple of years ago. It’s only news because the Chinese blocked it. Let’s not exaggerate what happened here.


New Member
Mar 20, 2018
Getting Masood Azhar on the UN terror list is a good diplomatic victory.

But we all know that Hafiz Saeed has been on the same list for the last 10+ years....and a fat good it did to India!!

These things will only matter as much as India is willing to exploit it. Technically these listing give India a green light to ASSASSINATE them in Paki land with absolutely no immunity! Technically the world community is duty bound to honor India's actions if it were to assassinate these jihadi scum! At least India should launch pre-emptive launches against LeT & JeM!!!

In a twist, it appears that India agreed not to retaliate to Pakis air raid into India because US, IK & France promised to push Masood Azhar into the terror list. Now it would be a travesty it Masood Azhar continues to proliferate his jihadi scum while India lost a golden opportunity to teach Pakis a life snuffing lesson via counter raid!

India next big option is to mount pressure via FATF etc. Blacklisting Pakis would be the ultimate victory in the near term.

In my view, Modi should not talk with IK until some kind of decisive gain is made against Pakis!


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Dec 12, 2015
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What kind of magic list is this that Indians think they're safe from this pig and his followers?
Now it is on to FATF. India will fight to put Pakistan on FATF.
The benefit of putting Masood Azhar on international terrorist list will become clear when Pakistan is on FATF.

Do not under-estimate Jaishe-Muhammad. It is like an undeclared army. Cutting funding to Jaish is very important.


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
The Chinese have always been in their senses, it’s we who have not....For the last few years, the Chinese have been blocking this listing and have faced no consequences for that. The PM has travelled to Wuhan and tried and made nice with them. We have made so much of this listing, we are acting as if the Chinese have helped us, forgetting that the Chinese are blocking us at the NSG, caring two hoots of our protestations on OBOR in PoK, screwing us on trade......the list goes on.

The Chinese are cold blooded about this, the reason they backed off here was because the US had upped the ante. It’s a victory for us but this should have been just a normal listing and done a couple of years ago. It’s only news because the Chinese blocked it. Let’s not exaggerate what happened here.
There is no harm in excepting the realities and play nice with China.

At the end of the day, the Chinese have eaten their own shit.

The problem is not with India because the people at the helm of running its affairs are quite good since current dispensation came. The problem is neither with China because they will do what is at their best interest. The problem is with Indians who refuse to analyze the whole picture but are in haste to make opinions.

What we are dealing here is not a typical bilateral or trilateral dispute. The kind of compulsive obsession Pakistan has for India and the kind of sabotage they are always trying to inflict upon us is unprecedented.

Only in recent times, we have been able to turn the game on its head otherwise it was always Pakistan who dictated the conflict and its terms.


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
It must be some quid pro quo. Anyway, it's not going to change much for him. Pakis would let him continue with whatever he is doing.
I agree, only in future we may be able to connect the dots on Quid pro quo.

To add further, I distaste when people say it won't change much on the ground.

I found this unacademic, borrowed, readymade tabloid junk assertion quite irritating. Please don't take it otherwise but people say it without knowing its futility.

This logical fallacy has become quite a space filler for those who are not investing time to understand this ever-evolving paradigm.

Pakistan hasn't changed even after losing East Pakistan, NLI, its own school going children... the list goes on and on. Like I said it before, it is a never-ending war, a war for those with better stamina. We must learn to fight small battles and win.



New Member
Mar 20, 2018
It must be some quid pro quo. Anyway it's not going to change much for him. Pakis would let him continue with whatever he is doing.
I agree, only in future we may be able to connect the dots on Quid pro quo.

To add further, I distaste when people say it won't change much on the ground.

I found this unacademic, borrowed, readymade tabloid junk assertion quite irritating. Please don't take it otherwise but people say it without knowing its futility.

This logical fallacy has become quite a space filler for those who are not investing time to understand this ever-evolving paradigm.

Pakistan hasn't changed even after losing East Pakistan, NLI, its own school going children... the list goes on and on. Like I said it before, it is a never-ending war, a war for those with better stamina. We must learn to fight small battles and win.

The only quid-pro-quo is India agreeing not to attack Pakis after they air raided Indian Army Brigade HQ! US, UK & France promised to get Masood Azhar listed in UN terror list!

It's was the responsibility of US, UK & France to nudge or kick China into agreeing to the listing! It's also apparent that the trio asked India not to make inflammatory statements against China while they were nudging it.

I totally doubt if India gave in anything to China directly just for Masood listing!

mystic avatar

New Member
Oct 5, 2017
On paki websites they are claiming Azhar's listing as a victory of pakistan. They are saying that pakistan gave green light to china for his listing. The reason they are giving is IK wants to have peaceful relation with india.

Also they are saying that they have delinked terrorism in kashmir from masood azhar (JeM) and india has agreed to it. Right now they are celebrating this as a victory on paki forums.

Is there any onus of thruth? or is this blatant propaganda from paki side.

