Really?Really so whole world is going towards automation and you want our airmens to use those old instruments which is slow & takes more manpower
And you assumed this based on one you tube video?
To begin with, a manual lifter is much more practical for us then a powered one.
Why? Because of operational reason.
Operational cost of these manual lifters are exceptionally low or should we say zero. These are zero maintenance equipment and ideally suited for our varied geography and climate.
These manual lifters do burn zero fuel as opposed to the automated ones.
For wing pylon loading, its ok. But have you seen them uploading ammo in underbelly pylons? In that case, its the manual lifts which many do prefer.
Now coming to actual scenario, we do have both manual and automated lifts in all our bases including the ALGs. You have not seen in YouTube doesn't mean we don't have them. Its just that, for day to day use, manual lifts are more preferred over automated ones for obvious reason.