Kashmir conflict-India should act now?


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2009
Maharaja's complaint to Patel

The constitutional head of the State, Maharaja Hari Singh, was highly dismayed over the anti-Hindu activities of Sheikh Abdullah. The Sheikh had almost descended to the level of an anti-national rebel. He was simply worried over Kashmir and its Muslims. There was danger of an end of Hindus of Kashmir and Hindus and Muslims of Jammu and Ladakh. According to Gourinath Rastogi, "what to speak of India, the Sheikh was not even interested in the protection of the entire state. His sole aim was to protect the Kashmir valley. The events of Gilgit, Kotli, Baltistan, Mirpur, Muzaffarabad and Bhimber lend evidence to it. Soon after the state's accession with India on October 27, 1947 the Indian Army had reached Srinagar by air. The Indian troops had liberated the entire valley from the occupation of Pakistani invaders within 10 days upto November 7. The troops had to march ahead to liberate the remaining areas of the state. The Military Governor of Gilgit, Brigadier Ghansara Singh, people of Mirpur, Bhimber, Kotli and Muzaffarabad and the Hindu leaders of the Jammu region were imploring in front of the officers of the Indian Army, requesting the troops to liberate these areas from the clutches of Pakistanis. But the Indian forces were not allowed to move forward. The Army commander of Jammu province, Brigadier Pranjaype, told Hindu leaders of Jammu the reason behind this, saying "Nehru had given the overall command of the Indian Army to Sheikh Abdullah and, therefore, the Army cannot move forward without his orders".

While giving information about the fundamentalist and conspiratorial attitude of Sheikh Abdullah Maharaja Hari Singh wrote a long letter to Sardar Patel. The Maharaja had written that even after the elapse of two months, the Indian troops were still in Uri. The main spots of Mirpur and Kotli have been lost after a defeat and the defeat "is a major blow for us. It has wounded the image of the Indian soldiers. Till now the Indian troops have not captured even a single town... In this context my position is precarious".

The Maharaja wrote to Patel that he had supported the Indian Union under the belief that the Indian Union "will not allow us to stoop". There was no purpose of keeping the State with India if the Indian Union is not able to restore "to us our lost territory and if it is prepared to hand us over to Pakistan under the Security Council resolution". He even told the Sardar that he was prepared to take the command of the Kashmiri and the Indian troops because the country that cannot be understood by "your generals for months and years is better known to me".

This letter indicates Maharaja's pitiable and dishonourable condition. He was pained and troubled over the plunder, destruction and defeat of his state. He was hurt by the compulsions of the Indian Army, anti-national actions of Sheikh Abdullah, intrigue of Muslim soldiers in Kashmir Army, unstable policy of the Government af India and the procrastination of the Security Council. But he was helpless. His mind was in tears on seeing his people in difficulty.

Mehar Chand Mahajan's communciation to Patel

Mehar Chand Mahajan too wrote a letter to Sardar Patel informing him about the plight of the Maharaja. Describing the Sheikh as a feelingless creature, he informed Patel about his (Shiekh's) fascist misrule. He wrote in his letter that the feelingless Sheikh, who had pledged faith in the Maharaja of Kashmir, was now wishing to drag the Maharaja to the court and was demanding his resignation. His new outlook is that let the Maharaja retain Jammu, Kathua and Udhampur and handover the rest of the geographical area to Pakistan. Now he was trying to meet the leader of the Muslim Conference Party, Ch. Abbas, in Jail, in order to secure his approval to his proposal.

Mr. Mahajan, in his letter, informed Patel that a situation had reached a stage when Sheikh Abdullah was openly insulting the Maharaja and was daily giving display to his communal bent of mind". "If you permit, I could submit comprehensive details and material which can throw light on the administrative capacity, communal bent of mind of Sheikh Abdullah and his open insults to the Maharaja through the assistance of the National Guards. He has come to realise that he can do whatever he likes. After receiving your reply I shall submit, for your perusal, important examples on the corrupt administration of the Sheikh and on his fascist misrule".

The two letters of the Maharaja and Mehar Chand were thrown in the dustbin because of the obduracy of Nehru. In front of Nehru, Sheikh Abdullah was the only saviour of Kashmir and the nationalist and the rest of the nationalist Muslims and Hindus, including the Maharaja, Mehar Chand Mahajan, Patel, Acharya Kriplani, Shyama Prasad Mookherjee, Pandit Premnath Dogra, were all unwise.

Article 370 gives constltutional validity to separatism

Now Jenab Sheikh Mohd. Abdullah got engaged in the task of giving practical shape to his efforts for total Islamisation of Kashmir and its complete independence. The Sheikh was the Prime Minister and not the Chief Minister of the State. The State was governed by its own constitution and not by the Constitution of India. The National Conference flag was the State flag and not the tricolour. The Indians needed a permit for visiting Jammu and Kashmir. There were several other such separatist concessions and customs which Nehru offered, as his gift, in connection with the delight on Sheikh becoming the Sultan of the State. But the Sheikh was not satisfied with it. There was one special reason behind this dissatisfaction of Sheikh Abdullah despite having the blessings from the Prime Minister of India, support of the UN Security Council and Pakistan. He had fears that Hindus of India may come and settle in the land of Kashyap Rishi. He had fears that the Kashmiri Muslims may be swept by the national mainstream. He had fears that Kashmir may be recognised on the basis of its ancient culture, Kashmir may be amalgamated like other states in India after Pt. Nehru. Such fears would spoil his sleep. In order to realise his dream of total independence for Kashmir, it was necessary to keep Jammu and Kashmir away from India permanently. He needed such an instrument through which he could protect the seed, he had sown, of separatism in Kashmir. He again took Nehru for a ride and brought him under the clutches of his schemes. By incorporating Article 370 in the Constitution of India, Nehru offered him that instrument.

Article 370 of the Constitution gave constitutional validity to Abdullah's separatist ideas and international intrigues and gave a special position to the state of Jammu and Kashmir. It also affixed stamp on the historical fact that the Muslim majority region cannot remain with India. The details of this Article are given in the succeeding chapters.

The Sheikh started giving practical shape to all his antinational ideas and activities. Many schemes were implemented in broad daylight which related to the recruitment of members of the National Conference and the Peoples United Front, in the Government services, full support to the activities of Jamait-e-Islami, anti-India teachings in schools, secret links with Pakistsni leaders, atrocities on Kashmiri Pandits, development of Kashmir region at the cost of Jammu and Ladakh provinces. Pt. Nehru received information about it but he adopted "I do not agree" policy. When there was no other alternative, the nationalists of Jammu and Kashmir launched a powerful agitation under the leadership of Pt. Premnath Dogra. The agitators formed Praja Parished which launched the agitation for three years. The Sheikh broke all the records in crushing this peoples' movement. People sacrificed, filled the jails, tolerated atrocities from the Kashmir police but kept alive the flame ofthe struggle. But all this did not open the eyes of Nehru.

Sheikh exposed and Nehru slightly yielded

Many other leades informed Nehru about the split personality of Sheikh Abdullah. Those very days a member of the Indian Constituent Assembly. Sh. M.L. Chottopdhiya, went to Kashmir for rest along with his colleague, Dr. Raghuvir. They prepared a comprehensive report about the Sheikh after holding discussions with representatives of people, social and religious leaders in the state and submitted that report before a meeting of the Parliamentary Committee of the Congress. This report carried an account of the Sheikh's scheme of having an independent Kashmir. According to Gourinath Rastogi, the Sheikh himself had givsn a proof of his desire for carving out an independent Kashmir during hiis interview with two British Journalists, Michael Davidson and Ward Price. When reports about it were published in the newspapers, Sardar Patel summoned Sheikh Abdullah and pulled him up and the Sheikh assured him that such a mistake will not be repeated. But in reality there was no change in his intentions. And the intelligence officer who had reported the matter regarding the interview was forced to Quit Kashmir. In November 1952 the defeated Democratic Party candidate, in the Presidential elections in the United States, Steevenson, had close links with Sheikh Abdullah and the two together were preparing the scheme for Independent Kashmir.

Prime Minister Nehru visited Srinagar in May 1953. By chance, that time the five-day convention of the National Conference was going on. The report about the Sheikh's anti-India, pro-Pakistan, and separatist speeches at the convention reached Nehru. Nehru invited top leaders of the National Conference to his place. The Sheikh too was present. Nehruji tried to bring them on the right path by talking about the history of India, heritage of Kashmir and the unity of the country. Instead of accepting the guidance of Nehru, the Sheikh tried to ridicule him. The Director of the Intelligence Bureau, Mr. G.K. Handoo, who had accompanied Nehru to Srinagar as his security chief, and the Union Home Minister, Mr. Kailashnath Katju, submitted several secret documents to Nehruji. After perusing these documents Nehru told the Sheikh "Sheikh Sahib till now I was behaving with you as Jawaharlal Nehru but henceforth I shall be behaving with you in the capacity of a Prime Minister." It means Nehru himself had admitted that till then all the decisions on Kashmir were taken by Nehru in the capacity of a friend of Sheikh Abdullah and not as Prime Minister of India.

After this, Nehru sent Maulana Azad to Srinagar to bring the Sheikh on the right path. Even being unwell, Maulana came to Srinagar on the suggestion of Nehru. Maulana tried to make the Sheikh understand things during his long meeting with him. He had told him that the welfare of Kashmir lay in being with India. The Muslims and their religion were safe in India. The Sheikh dubbed a great leader like Maulana Azad as an enemy of the Muslims and a stooge of Hindus. On returning to Delhi, Maulana Azad conveyed his experiences to Nehru and suggested to him to dismiss the Sheikh immediately.

A member of the UNCIP mission, Joseph Karbel, in his report "Danger in Kashmir" has given a correct and meaningful account about the Sheikh.

"In May 1949 Sheikh Abdullah had assured Jawaharlal Nehru that 'I want you to believe that Kashmir is your's. No power in the world can separate us. Every Ksshmiri feels that he is an Indian and India is his motherland'. From time to time he made a repeated mention about the total independence of Kashmir and on other occasions he announced that the idea of independence was not practicable. In 1952 he declared that 'our state is neither under the legal domination of the Indian Parliament nor that of any Parliament from outside the state. India or Pakistan, any country cannot be a spike in our wheel of progress'. After some days he described Ksshmir as such a bridge between India and Pakistan that can unite the two in one country. Two days later he said that the relations between Pakistan and India were strong and stable and no power on the earth can separate us. Again he made an announcement that 'Kashmir's existence does not depend on India's money, trade or security forces snd he does not attach any importance to the strings of Indian assistance. He cannot be forced to stoop by threats'. The fsct is that he, while raising Kashmir, step by step, carried it far away from India. One of his political rivals has described him as communal in Ksshmir, communist in Jammu and a nationalist in India."

In the description of Joseph, the real face of Sheikh Abdullah is magnified. He gave a display of this character while crushing the Praja Parishad movement. By then the movement had received support from India. Nehru too was apprised of the dictatorial behaviour of the Sheikh and his black laws. Nehru was caught in two minds. When Dr. Shyamaprasad Mookherjee violated these black laws and reached the Jammu barder, he was arrested and sent to Srinagar Jail where he died in mysterious circumstances. The entire country was rocked by this sacrifice. When the flames of revolt against the Sheikh and the murder of Dr. Mookherjee rose from all corners of India, it opened the eyes of Nehru. In order to assess the situation in Kashmir Nehru reached Srinagar. The result: Sheikh was imprisoned.

National character of Nehru ?

Here many questions arise. Why was it that a leader like Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru did not know the anti-national inclinations of the Sheikh for so many years ? If he had known it, why he kept on tolerating disservice to the nation ? Why did he deliberately adopt such a policy through which Kashmir has become a permanent problem ? Did he give more importance to personal friendship than the country ? Was he too willing to see Kashmir as an independent state ?

The then Deputy Chief of the Intelligence Bureau, Mr. B.N. Malik, has lifted the curtain from it in his book "My days with Nehru". He writes:

'Then suddenly to our utter surprise Pandit Nehru started talking bitterly against Sheikh Abdullah's communalism. He traced the Sheikh's history from 1930 onwards and mentioned how he had started his career with the Muslim Conference, which was an out and out communal organisation. He said that as a result of pressures from outside and also seeing the development of the People's Movement in the rest of India and for purely tactical reasons and probably under the advice of some of his more liberal followers, the Sheikh had converted the Muslim Conference into the Political Conference to give it a non-communal appearance. At this time Pandit Nehru suddenly looked at me and enquired whether I had come across some information of possible British connivance in that movement. I replied in the affirmative. He continued his talk against the Sheikh and mentioned all his communal activities throughout the period he had acted as the National Conference leader. It was the Pakistani aggression which had mellowed him a little for a short time, because the tribals had committed gruesome atrocities on the Muslim population in the valley. But, as soon as he became the Prime Minister, he came out in his true colours once again and started his anti-Hindu activities. In contrast, he praised Bakshi and Sadiq for their completely non-communal outlook and said that these two were really secular-minded persons who required all support from India. Pt. Nehru said that all trouble in Kashmir was due to the Sheikh's communal outlook and it was he who was not allowing the state to settle down to peace and stability. The Sheikh always talked about the rights of the Muslims, forgetting that the Hindus also formed nearly 35 per cent of the population of the state and he never showed any consideration for them. Pt. Nehru mentioned thal politically he and other Indian leaders had to go along with the Sheikh for a considerable period and they had also helped him and played him up hoping that by coming in contact with secular India, where Muslims and Hindus and persons of all other denominations were living together and enjoying a peaceful life. Sheikh Abdullah would be able to get rid of his communalism; but communalism was a disease with him and he could never get rid of it and his entire outlook and behaviour were based on the fact that Kashmir valley had a Muslim majority. Therefore, he was not at all surprised that the Sheikh had conspired with Pakistan to overthrow the non-communal and secular Government of Bakshi and Sadiq. What Pt. Nehru said was factually correct and was similar to what Sardar Patel had stressed to me in 1949. At the end he wished G.S. Pathak a success and concluded by saying that he himself was allergic to these protracted political trials and he suggested that every effort should be made to expedite it."

The above revelation from Malik has tied Nehru's entire life, his mind and national character to a deep question mark.

the link to the article


Regular Member
May 8, 2009
Country flag

the link to the article
CONVERTED KASHMIR: Memorial of Mistakes
Thanks AJSingh for the link and the information.

The link provides very good information on Article 370, The politics of Gandhi and Abdullah Family, Jagmohan and the entire sequence of events in the creation of Kashmir, Its Islamization and many other things related to Kashmir.

The Conclusion which is given in the book is a worth read and worth being implemented.

Link - CONVERTED KASHMIR: Memorial of Mistakes

I sincerely hope that there would be a day when the Indian leaders take notice of the mistakes committed in the past and then rectify it.

Its the leaders in both the countries who are fighting with each other and the citizens paying the price for it.

With India being a democracy, the hunger for power to rule is only growing to go north. And they will always keep the flame burning as the leaders in the past did.

The solution is only the people of Kashmir and the local leaders. Local leaders who are Indian Nationalist should be elected in to power, who can then lead to scrapping of the Article 370 and then ensure the security of the Kashmiri people.

For I feel that the Kashmiri people are the most courageous Indians who still reel for being the citizens of India despite serious ignorance of their problems by the Indian leaders and who live under the constant threat of terrorists.

Hats off to Kashmir and our Kashmiri brothers. May this land of God be blessed with peace and splendour.

Jai Hind


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2009
^^^ god point there . indian leaders should remove the specil status and let it develop like rest of india
after all we have to reverse what nehru did to kashmir
he was more of a kashmiri than indian


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2009
Country flag
sorry u are missing point

Kashmir is all about rivers and water, it has got no other geo-political advantage to fight for. India is doing to Rivers flowing into Pakistan, what China is trying to do with Brahmputra.
sorry u are misssing point here if u ca see map pok is gatway to central asia reach in mineral and gas. what do u think why china made SCO with all its members being CENTERAL ASIAN contries and plus u can conut also rivers if we lost our J&k(god forbids )


Regular Member
Oct 20, 2009
We should try to down play the kashmir issue as far as possible. Our main objective should be to take all possible steps to ensure that there is no war till 2020. If this needs some kindly of weakness to be shown by our politicians and defence body that should be absolutely ok. Our general mass should understand that we are standing at the juncture of stardom and we have to grab it at any cost. Let pakistan feel happy that we are scared of them let china keep smiling about how weak India is when it comes to responding to chinese incursions but we should be persistently persuing our objective of becomming a real BIG BOY. Both economically and militarily. This is the time when we should try to build us within our country. talk less and work more. let the Kashmir issue go to hell. Just make sure its not taken away from us and that will be enough. Play meek and weak. Get rid of socioeconomic deformities within the country, pump up the educational system , work on health,build infrastructure, Improve pak specific and hitech intelligence to stop all terror attack but even inspite of that something takes place then try to solve it by diplomacy & dont wage useless war rhetorics. All these steps whould see us as a permanent member of security counsil by the fall of next decade. Once thats is achieved solving Kashmir issue will just a matter of couple of years.So lets not talk about the failure of indian leaders of the past. We all are awar of it so nothing we will achieve by reaping it again and again. It will only spoil our reputatin. we have now tasted the blood so lets run grab and eat it out .Be the Golden India of modern times.


New Member
Mar 22, 2009
India criticises 'polls' in PoK- Politics/Nation-News-The Economic Times

India criticises 'polls' in PoK
14 Nov 2009, 0254 hrs IST, ET Bureau

NEW DELHI: India on Friday criticised the assembly elections held in Pakistan-occupied northern areas of Jammu and Kashmir calling it “just another cosmetic exercise intended to camouflage the fact of Pakistan’s illegal occupation of areas of the state of Jammu and Kashmir.”

Pakistan had announced a plan in August giving greater autonomy to the Gilgit-Baltistan area with the first step being an assembly election.

India had also slammed the autonomy package that was unveiled by Pakistan. The elections took place amid widespread allegations of fraud and irregularity.


Oct 8, 2009

The article you posted seems is not based on facts particularly related to Sheikh Abdulla. Anyone who has even vaguely studied his actions knows that he was anti Pakistan and Muslim League and hate Jinnah for his pro feudal stance. The Maharaja was a feudal overlord which was hated by both Hindu and Muslim landless peasants and Abdulla's National Conference was leading a secular agitation against him. Maharaja was far far from being a nationalist although his assent did give it legal status.

This is the reason why Pakistan did not want to go for the plebescite then as well. National Conference and Sheikh Abdulla were the most popular among Hindus and Muslims because he had a pro poor policy and J&K was one of the first Indian state to implement widespread land reforms. If a free and fair plebescite had been conducted, most likely they would have followed Abdulla's lead and voted for India.

And when the tribal raiders entered the state of J&K and the Maharaja's authority all but evaporated, it was the NC workers who took the first step to fight against them much before the Indian troops even made it to Srinagar. These NC workers fought with whatever they could find and took up the local police and administration of the state and defended their land and whose sacrifices are nothing short of the IA officers who fought their first war as well. So lets not belittle his or NC's contribution.


Oct 8, 2009
The Best thing would be to listen what Sheikh Abdulla said in his opening speech to the people of J&K. This is more accurate than any other source about what Sheikh Abdulla thought.

Excerpts from Sheikh Abdullah's Opening Address to the J&K Constituent Assembly, 5 November 1951

Our movement to freedom has been connected against the background of this same old struggle. We stood for the brotherhood of men of all creeds and strengthened our union on the basis of common work and sacrifice .Against us were ranged the force of religious bigotry centred in the Muslim league and its satellites, and the Hindu communalists from within and without the State. Ranged against us ,and often in alliance with communalism were the forces of the autocratic States ,backup on the Paramount Power, and on the other, by the rich landowners and other beneficiaries of Court patronage.

We must remember the our struggle for power has now reached its successful climax in the convening of this Constituent Assembly. It is for you to translate the vision of NEW KASHMIR into reality, and I would remind you and its opening words , which will inspire our labours:

"We the people of Jammu , Kashmir and the Frontier regions , including Poonch and Chenani Illaqas - commonly known as Jammu and Kashmir States -in order to perfect our union in the fullest equality and self-determination ,to raise ourselves and our children for ever from the abyss of oppression and poverty darkness and ignorance into the sunlit valleys of plenty ruled by freedom , science and honest toil , in worthy participation of the historic resurgence of the peoples of the East and the working masses of the world , and in determination to make this our country a dazzling gem on the snowy bosom of Asia do purpose and propound the following constitution of our state"

This was passed at the 1944 Session of the national Conference in Srinagar , Today in 1951 embodying such aspiration , men and women from the four corner of the State in this constituent Assembly have become the repository of its sovereign authority. This assembly , invested with the authority of a constituent body , will the fountain head of basic laws , laying the foundation of a just social order and safeguarding the democratic rights of all the citizens of the State.

You are the sovereign authority in this State of Jammu and Kashmir ;what you decide has the irrevocable force of law. The basic democratic principle of sovereignty of the nation , embodied ably in the American and French Constitutions , is once again given shape in our midst. I shall quote the famous words of article 3 of the French Constitution of 1791:-

"The source of all sovereignty reside fundamentally in the nation ……. Sovereignty is one and indivisible , inalienable and imprescriptable. It belongs to the nation."

We should the clear about the responsibility that this power invests us with. In front of us lie decisions of the highest national importance which we shall be called upon to take . Upon the correctness of our decisions depends not only the happiness of our land and people now, but the fate as well of generations to come.

What then are the main functions that this Assembly will be called upon to perform?

One great task before this Assembly will be to devise a Constitution for the future governance of the country . Constitution- making is a difficult and detailed matter. I shall only refer to some of the board aspects of the Constitution . which should be the product of the labours of this Assembly.

Another issue of vital import of the nation involves the future of the Royal dynasty .Your decision will have to be taken both with urgency and wisdom , for one that decision rests the future Form and character of the state.

The third major issue awaiting your deliberations arises out of the Land Reform which the Government carried out with vigour and determination . our "land to the tiller" policy brought light in to the dark homes of the peasantry; but, side by side , it has given rise to the problem of the landowners demand for compensation .The nation being the ultimate custodian of all wealth and resources . the representatives of the nation are truly the best jury for giving a just and final verdict on such claims. So in your hands lies the power of this decision.

Finally this assembly will after full consideration of the three alternatives that I shall state later . declare its reasoned conclusion regarding accession. This will help us to canalise our energise resolutely and with greater zeal in directions in which we have already started moving for the social and economic advancement of our country.

To take our first task , that of Constitution- making we shall naturally be guided by the highest principles of the democratic constitutions of the world. We shall base our work on the principles of equality. Liberty and social justice which are an integral feature of all progressive constitutions . The rule of law as understood in the democratic countries of the world should be the cornerstone of our political structure . Equality before the law and the independence of the Judiciary from the influence of the Executives are vital to us. The freedom of the individual in the matter of speech. Movement and association should be guaranteed ; freedom of the press and of opinion would also be features of our constitution, Indeed not refer in great detail to those rights and obligations, already embodied in NEW KASHMIR, which are integral parts of democracy which has been defined as "an apparatus of social organisation wherein people govern themselves through their chosen representatives and are themselves guaranteed political and civil liberties".

You are no doubt aware the scope of our present constitutional ties with India,We are proud to have our bonds with India,the goodwill of whose people and Government and available to us in unstinted and abandant measure .The constitution of India has provided for a fedral union and in the distribution of sovereign power has treated us deffirently from other constituent units. With the exception of the items grouped under Defence , Foreign Affairs and Communication in the instrument of Accession . we have complete freedom to frame our Constitution in the manner we like. In order to live and prosper as good partners in a commanendeavour for the advancement of our peoples. I would advise that, while safegaurding our autonomy to the fullest xetent so as to enable us to have the liberty to build our country according to the best tradition and ginius of our people . we may also by suitable constitutional arrangments with the aunion establish our right seek and compel Fedral co-opration and assistance in this great task.as well as offer our fullest co-opration and assistance to the union.

Whereas it would be easy for you to devise a document calculated to creat a framework of law and order . as also a surbay of the duties and rights of citizens, it will need more admous labour to atke concrete decisions with regard to the manner in which we purpose to bring about the rapid economic development of the State and more equitable distribution of our national income among the people of which we are pledged . Our national confrence avows its faith in the principle that there is one thing comman to men of all castes and creeds and that is their humenity. That being so,the one ailment which is ruthlessly sapping the vitality of human beings in jammu and kashmir is their appalling poverty, and if we merely safegaurd their political freedo m in solemn terms , it will not effect their lives materially unless it guarantees them economic and social justice.

NEW KASHMIR contains a statement of ther objectives of our social policy. It gives broudly a picture of the kind of life that we hope tro make possible for the people of jammu and kashmir and the manner in which the economic organisation of the country will be geared to that purpose. These ideals you will have to intigrate with the political structure which you will devise.

The future political set-up which you decide upen for Jammu and kashmir must also take into consideration the extence of verious sub-national groups in uor State .Although culturally diverse, history has forged an incomman unity between them; they all are pulseting with the same hoopes and aspirations, sharing in each others joys and sorrows. While guaranteeingthis basic unity ofg the state,our Constitution must not permit the concentration of power and privilege in the hands of any particuller group or teriritorial region. It must afford the fullest possibilities to each of these groups to grow and flourish in confornity with their cultural characteristics, without detriment to the integral unity of the State or the requirments of our social and economic policies.

Now let us take up an issu e of basic importance which involves the fundamental character of the State itself .As an instruments of the will of a self -determination people who have now become sovereign in their own right, the Constituent Assembly will now re-examine and decide upon the future of the present ruling dynesty , in respect of its authority.

The present Iiouse of the Rulers of our state based its claim to authority on the treaty Rights granted to it by the British Government in 1846. To trhrow light on the nature of these rights , it will be helpful to recall that the British power in its drive for territorial xepension , achived its objectives through a network of alliences with the indian Princes subsidieary and subordinate . ofensive and defensive . This mutually helpful arrangment enable the British to consolidate their power and streangthened the grip of the princes, giving them military halp in the event of rebellion by their exploted subjects . The butler Committee Report on Treaty Rights in 1929 bears ample testimony to this. It says:

"The duty of the Paramount Power to protect the states against rebellion and instruction is derived from the clouse of treaties and sanads, from usage and from the promise of the King Emperor to mentain unimpaired the privileges, and dignities of the princes ……. The promis of the King Emperor to maintain unimpaired the privileges , rights and dignities of the Prince against attempts to climinate him and subsitute another from of Government."

In recongnition of their service s to the british Crown the indian Princes earned the rebards of a limited sovereignty over their States under the protection and suzerainty of the paramountr power. It was in this way that their rights , privileges and prepogatives were preserved.

Thus the poineers of British Imperialism subjugated India ,aided by the Indian Princes . This was hardly dfiplomacy ;it aomouted to fraud and deceit. Mutal agrrrments arrived at for such ignoble purposes were invested with the sanctity of treaties . And it is from such "treaties " that the princes claimed their right to rule. Our own State provides a classic example of this . One glance at a page of our history will lay bare the truth.

The State of Jammu and kashmir come to be transferred to Maharaja Gulad Singh in 1846 after the Sikh Empirbegan to disintegrate.II is falure to rander competent assistence to the Sikh armies was duly noticed by the British as also his willingness to acknowledge their authourity . This paved the way for the total occupation of Northern India by the british who were not slow in recongnising Maharaja Gulab Singh 's services to them. In reward they sold him the territory of Jammu and Kashmir for 75 lakhs of rupees and in the "Territory of Amritsarthe british Government made over the entair country in independent possession to "Maharaja Gulab Singh and the hairs male of his body." In this way the entire population of jammu and Kashmir State come under his absolute authority. The peculier indignity of the transaction natureally offened the national self -respect of ourpeople.. who resisted the occupation of their country. But the direct intervention of the British troops helped the Maharaja to take possession of the territory.

This event in the history of the State had catastrofic consequences for the people . the old feudel order , which was bad enough gave way to more exacting rule, in which the Maharaja assumed all properietary rights over land. The enire State was plunged into a chantic economic condition , aggravated by a heavy scale of taxation . tributes and levies wich were required to make up for the money given by the maharaja to thye British.This unrelieved despotism reduced the bulk of the people to the level of serfs. There was general impowerishment . In 1848, some 4,000 artisans started on trek to Lahore with the object of permanetly settling there.Even the british counselled the Maharaja to loosen his grip so as to avoid to total collaspe of his administration .Perhaps the forefathers of the great poet -philosopher son of kashmir,iqbal,were also part of the same trial of migrents who left the State of this time. When his agony over the fate of the people of his homeland brust out in immortalverse, his fillings are echoed in the heart of every kashmiri:

"O Wind, if you pass through Geneva, give this massage to the comity of the people of the world.They sold the peasant,his field , his propertyand the roof over his head,in fect,they sold the entirenation and for what a paltryprice!"

invested with this absolute authority acquired in 1846,the present ruling dynesty was in power for one hundred years. This sad and stern century of srevitude has stultified the grouth of our people;leaivng them in the backwaters of civilisation. While in British India ,and even in some of the Indian State,many a measureof reform was introduced to alleviate the misery of the people,in this State the unenlightened absoutism of the Rulers Drove them deeper and deeperinto poverty and degradation. When cinditions become increasingly intolrable, they made determined,efforts to wrest power from the hands of the ruler.

By 1947, India had achieved independence and reached one of her historicalwatershedes.It was clear that with the withdrawal of the Paramount Power ,the treaty rights of the Indians princes would cease. Sovereignty in that case should revert to the people, they wished therefore to be consulted about the arrangements to be made with regard to the transfer of power. But a strang situation arose. The cabinet Mission . while admiting the claims of the Indian National Congress and the Muslims league in the british India , completely refused a similar representation of the states' peoples, who would not allow the right of the princes to speak on their behalf.

In our own state , the national Confrence had made it clear as early as Febuary 10,1946 that it was against any further continuance of the treaty rights of the Princes which had been "made in times and under circumstances which do not obtain and now which have been farmed without seeking the concent of the State peoples. Under such circumstances , no treatics or engagements which act as a dividing wall between their progress and that of their brethern of british india, can be binding on the people."

It was in this connection that I invited the attention of the Cabinet Mission to the standing iniquity of the treaty of Amritsar,and sought its termination . I wrote to the Cabinet Delegation to that

"as the Mission is at the moment reviewing the relationship of the princes with the paramount Power with reference to treaty rights, as wish to submit that for us in kashmir reexamination of this relationshipis a vital matterbecause a hundred years ago in 1846 the land and people of kashmir were sold away the British for 50 lakhs of Britishindian Rupees. The people of Kashmir are determind to mould their destiny and we apeal to the Mision to recognise the justice and streangthof our cause."

In the Memorandum submitted to the cabinet mission later by the national conference , the demand for Independence from autocracy was reiterated:"Today the national demand of the people of kashmir is not mearly the establishment of responsible Government ,their right to absolute freedom from autocratic rule . The immensity of the wrong done to our people by the sale deed of 1846 can only by judged by looking into the actual living conditions of the people .It is the depth of our torment that has given strenth to our protest."

The different attitude of the cabinet Mission to the claimes of the State's people convinced us that freedom would not be given to a hundred million people who were to be left to be grown under the heel of autocratic rulers. Consquently the national Conference gave a call ot the people to prepare themselves for fresh ordeals nad new responsibilities in the final bid for the capture of power from the hands of authocracy.This call came on the eve on the transfer of power in India and was therefore in kipping with the spirit of thre times.

The partition of india in 1947 brought many new problems and developments in its wake. In kashmir , the very fooundations of the administration begain to sake ,and ther government made frantic efforts to patch up the creaking structure. Its incompetence had become glaring .With the tribal raids on the State in october 1947,it was obvious that the maharajah's authority had creased to function and the real power lay in the hands of the people's organisation ,the national conference .Even at this hour of grave national danger,the ruler failed to see the wishdom of taking of this organisation into his confidence and the preferred ascape to the dignity of a farmer surrender. When the situationbecome critical, the unprecedented pressure of the people forced him to call upon the representatives of the Nationsal Confernce to deal with the emergency , when he himself had failed to handle the affairs of the state effectively.

The emergency Administration in the state marked in effect a revolutionary transfer of power from the ruler to the people.

It was however the proclamation of march 5,1948.which constituted the first step towards the completion of national emancipation .On this day ,t, as the leader of the largest party of the state , was entrusted with its Government ,being assisted by a cabinet with full power to run the administration . The maharajah's authority was limited to that of a constitutional ruler,making it imperative upon him to consult his Government on all issues relating to the government of the State.

This was obviously an interim measure. The Cabinet of the people's representatives thus choosen function with the support and co-opration of the national Conference . but with the passage of time it became clear that the maharajah could not reconcil himself to this democratic system of Governent.He put positive impediments in the way of the Government .these threatened to bloch much -needed reform in verious spheres of administration. It was, therefore . natural that following disagreement between him and the Government on matter on polcy . that he should disconnect himself from the administration and leave the state.His young son Yuvaraj karan Singh there upon became the Regent and has functioned since as constitutional Head of the State.

Today , the Constituent Assembly having, meet the time has come for the people's representatives to make the fundamantal decision about the fiture position of the present dynasty.

It is clear that this dynasty can no, longer exercise authority on the basis of an old discredited Treaty. During my trial for sedition in the "Quit Kashmir" movement . I had clarified the attitude of my party when I said:

"The future constitional set.up in the State of jammu and Kashmir cannot derive authority from the old source relationship which was expiring and was bound to en soon. The set -up could only rest on the active will the people of the State


Oct 8, 2009
And lets not forget that Kashmiri muslims themselves have suffered the most deaths against these militants and need our support as well.

BERNAMA - More Muslims Killed In Kashmir By Militants

NEW DELHI, Oct 27 (Bernama) -- More Muslims have been killed in Kashmir which has been plagued by militancy over the last two decades, said a senior Indian minister.

Indian Health and Family Welfare Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad, a Kashmiri himself and former chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir said 14,808 Muslims lost their lives while 1,748 Hindus and 115 Sikhs were killed during the rein of militancy in the state since 1989.

"Two decades of terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir have killed far more Muslims than people of other communities. Terrorist activities have led to destruction, deprivation and wrecked the socio-economic situation, marred the education, health and communication sectors, and played havoc with tourism sector.

"As it happens in all militancy affected areas, the common man is the real sufferer. A Kashmiri stands hapless today, witnessing his own destruction mutely," Ghulam said Tuesday.

He was speaking at the 2nd International Conference on "Terrorism - National and International" organised by the Jama Masjid United Forum, a social movement that strongly denounces terrorism.

Several armed separatist militant groups had helped foment violent terrorist activities in Jammu and Kashmir, which had crippled the picturesque valley for years.

Although it has come under control in recent years, sporadic militant attacks continue to risk the valley's peace and security.

"The acts of terrorism across the globe underscore terrorism as a global threat that transcends borders and religions and is not linked to any specific sect, religion or creed," he added.


Oct 8, 2009
I have also noted a perception probably fueled by right wing media in both India and Pakistan that some how there is overwhelming pro-Pakistan sentiment in Kashmir. That is hardly the case. Many opinion polls have been conducted and pro-India sentiment has always been higher that pro-Pakistan sentiment. While the sepratist section wants Independence, not joining Pakistan. The Independace option is something that is not acceptable to Pakistan either.

The most extensive and properly researched opinion survey was done by www.peacepolls.org I suggest people to check out the Kashmir conflict report which will be an eye opener to many.
Please note that this survey was done in July 2008 in the backdrop of the Amarnath agitation and communal sentiments were very high. This was also before Pakistan had its post 2009 descent into TTP chaos which would have changed opinions even further.

I have attached a screenshot of the most relevant section and still the results in this politcal backdrop are quite revealing.

71% of Indian Kashmiris said it was unacceptable to join Pakistan, while only 45% voiced the same about India. Infact, if full autonomy under article 370 is allowed, then the percentage unacceptable goes down to 27% only. This is the reality there.

So if a plebescite is held today with only India or Pakistan as options, India is most likely to win. But will China and Pakistan cede their territory?

There fore, the best course of action is providing good governance to Kashmiris, not treating them particularly the Kashmiri muslims with suspicion and resolving this problem with Pakistan bilaterally as quickly as possible as they will have to settle with what they have as well and mould their public opinion accordingly


Regular Member
Nov 27, 2009
someone should put it on the heads of our incapable and lazy government authorities that spending more and huge amount of money on infrastructure and development of people of kashmir,rather than suppressing than with force more than 1/4th of india's armed forces are concentrated in kashmir,It is a shamefull truth that indian military looks every kashmir's as anti social elements and treats them in that way.Most of the people of kashmir wants independent kashmii state because of the life threating situation created by india and pakistan. Image how will you feel if you are constantly bulled and harrsed by seniors in your college or your workplace or neighbours,you will start fighting against them.
The thought process needs to be changed.In place where action is required we must be hard...Remmember pakistan was a part of india before independence,Its just people living on both side.If the attitude changes everything will change.We should toghether work for it.
JAI HIND:india:


Tihar Jail
Oct 2, 2009
I have also noted a perception probably fueled by right wing media in both India and Pakistan that some how there is overwhelming pro-Pakistan sentiment in Kashmir. That is hardly the case. Many opinion polls have been conducted and pro-India sentiment has always been higher that pro-Pakistan sentiment. While the sepratist section wants Independence, not joining Pakistan. The Independace option is something that is not acceptable to Pakistan either.

The most extensive and properly researched opinion survey was done by www.peacepolls.org I suggest people to check out the Kashmir conflict report which will be an eye opener to many.
Please note that this survey was done in July 2008 in the backdrop of the Amarnath agitation and communal sentiments were very high. This was also before Pakistan had its post 2009 descent into TTP chaos which would have changed opinions even further.

I have attached a screenshot of the most relevant section and still the results in this politcal backdrop are quite revealing.

71% of Indian Kashmiris said it was unacceptable to join Pakistan, while only 45% voiced the same about India. Infact, if full autonomy under article 370 is allowed, then the percentage unacceptable goes down to 27% only. This is the reality there.

So if a plebescite is held today with only India or Pakistan as options, India is most likely to win. But will China and Pakistan cede their territory?

There fore, the best course of action is providing good governance to Kashmiris, not treating them particularly the Kashmiri muslims with suspicion and resolving this problem with Pakistan bilaterally as quickly as possible as they will have to settle with what they have as well and mould their public opinion accordingly
Ejaz funny how easily you speak of plebiscite.How India has protected the kashmir identity through article-370.R u sure that the present POK?northern areas population is genuine kashmiri after 6 decades. what about askai chin.how about its population is it kashmiri or chinese.Pakistan has lost its chance of plebescite on kashmir in 1947-48 when it refused to fulfill UN condition of pulling out its forces and the kabailies from NWFP(who were the 1st wave of attacking hordes.).Or do you mean plebiscite only in in part of j&k or just kashmir valley or whole of jammu and kashmir(including indian part pok,northern areas and askai chin).Today reality is that kashmir is divided by 3 countries.And there are other interests group (USA along with west) who would like to get foothold into kashmir through its independence so as to keep eye on india/china/ russia.Thats the Usa Uk interest in kashmi rthrough APHC.

As for gentleman above just please check out how much india spends of its gdp on on J&K alone with nadir contribution of J&K to india's gdp.As for keeping forces in karshmir:when you 've two neighbours whith whom you ve already fought wars and who are grabbing your land illeagally then u need to keep forces there.

Well for infra developement refer this report.
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Senior Member
Jan 17, 2010
this is such an interesting discussion thread that I'd like to bookmark it !
key words kashmir /plebiscite/democracy/freedom/comparison btwn kashmir with xinjiang/tibet/taiwan and dual standards


Senior Member
Jun 29, 2009
Country flag
this is such an interesting discussion thread that I'd like to bookmark it !
key words kashmir /plebiscite/democracy/freedom/comparison btwn kashmir with xinjiang/tibet/taiwan and dual standards

any terrorist attack in xinjiang/tibet/taiwan?


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2009
this is such an interesting discussion thread that I'd like to bookmark it !
key words kashmir /plebiscite/democracy/freedom/comparison btwn kashmir with xinjiang/tibet/taiwan and dual standards
Kashmir was not forced annexation, Maharaj of Kashmir made an agreement to join India.
It is not in the case of xinjiang/tibet/taiwan. We havent cut any communication to the outer world from kashmir other than pre-paid ban (fear of using it as the tool for bomb blastings).


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2010
Maharaj of Kashmir made an agreement to join India.
The Maharaj is supposed to be the ruler of Kashmir then according to my shallow understanding (or in other words - the few privileged ruling class), while Pebiscite is to be held with the masses of K population according to the UN resolution.
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Senior Member
Nov 1, 2009
The Maharaj is supposed to be the ruler of Kashmir then according to my shallow understanding (or in other words - the few privileged ruling class), while Pebiscite is to be held with the masses of K population according to the UN resolution.

How will u make your logic 'water-proof' that it's different from Xinjiang or Tibet or Taiwan? u need to make your stance consistent and view them on the same par!?
Where the UN resolution came into picture??

Always shallow response will endanger you, so always read the fact first and then start to post your views/ideas

Now coming to your wiki way http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invasion_of_Tibet_(1950–1951) (Oops im sorry i can provide other evidence but your web censor is working perfctly well it seems :))

India never forced annexed the kashmir, when the war in 1948 broke maharaj flee the kashmir by giving it to India. Half captured was shared by Pakistan and China (Aksai Chin)


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2010
your web censor is working perfctly well it seems
Ya I hate the censorship too although it will exist as always (not possible to be entirely abolished). But it's also wrong to assume we're stereotyped behind the 'iron curtain' and have no access to 'truth' (u assume we are as a victim of another type of propaganda). However China isn't stagnant instead it's evolving progressively too.

Here u go - U.N.Resolution August 13, 1948.
quoted below
The Government of India and the Government of Pakistan reaffirm their wish that the future status of the State of Jammu and Kashmir shall be determined in accordance with the will of the people and to that end, upon acceptance of the truce agreement, both Governments agree to enter into consultations with the Commission to determine fair and equitable conditions whereby such free expression will be assured.
United Nations Security Council Resolution 47, adopted on April 21, 1948, after hearing arguments from both India and Pakistan the Council increased the size of the Commission established by United Nations Security Council Resolution 39 to five members, instructed the Commission to go to the subcontinent and help the governments of India and Pakistan restore peace and order to the region and prepare for a plebiscite to decide the fate of Kashmir. The resolution was passed by United Nations Security Council under chapter VI of UN Charter.[1] Resolutions passed under Chapter VI of UN charter are considered non binding and have no mandatory enforceability as opposed to the resolutions passed under Chapter VII.[2][3][4]
By the way Xinjiang's nearly 50% of population is Muslims, infiltrated by neighboring "Jihad" and "Mujahideen'.


Tihar Jail
Oct 2, 2009
1. As the presence of troops of Pakistan in the territory of the State of Jammu and Kashmir constitutes a material change in the situation since it was represented by the Government of Pakistan before the Security Council, the Government of Pakistan agrees to withdraw its troops from that State.
was never implemented.so india is /was under no obligation to hold plebiscite

1.When the commission shall have notified the Government of India that the tribesmen and Pakistani nationals referred to in Part II, A, 2, hereof have withdrawn, thereby terminating the situation which was represented by the Government of India to the Security Council as having occasioned the presence of Indian forces in the State of Jammu and Kashmir, and further, that the Pakistani forces are being withdrawn from the State of Jammu and Kashmir, the Government of India agrees to begin to withdraw the bulk of its forces from that State in stages to be agreed upon with the Commission.

The Government of India and the Government of Pakistan reaffirm their wish that the future status of the State of Jammu and Kashmir shall be determined in accordance with the will of the people and to that end, upon acceptance of the truce agreement, both Governments agree to enter into consultations with the Commission to determine fair and equitable conditions whereby such free expression will be assured.
so when part one and 2 of truce was never implemented by pak, india is not under any obligation.now after 60 years untill china also vacates askai-chin which is part of J&K there can be no plebiscite.Kashmir is jihad is also infiltrated by the nebouring mujahideen.btw Xinjiang demographics has be changed long since china occupied it by settling han population there.otoh kashmir demograpics is intact as it was except for the pak occupied kasmir where lot of pathans and punjabis setteled in in northern areas and pok.

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