Jallikattu Ban: Elites vs Local Tradition

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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What dear sir was the vijaynagara in the south and sikhs marathas in the north doing
Why did guru tej bahdur die
Why did maharana of mewar wage a single handed war aginst the mughals
I meant when were they all united as one


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
Until and unless the darmics of our land unite and take a stand like our illustrious forefathers did for our culture and values
Till then this leftist cocksucking morons like PETA and bahumat brigade will challenge our traditions in the name of modernity
This issue basically concern with Tamils or maybe people in neighbouring States.


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2010
The only thing I can conclusively say from your reply is that you dwell on semantics ..... do you understand what that means?

P.S: and no. supreme court is by no means the baap of India or Indians.
Yes supreme Court is just an interpreter of constitution. It can not decide what is good for people, simply it don't have power for moral judgement's.

SC crossed it's limit's clearly , even though its justifying it's judgement on the reports from earlier goi. So where is its duediligence and responsibilities to recheck it's feed backs received from UPA reports are violation or not.

SC will have to revert back it's decision's and apologise to people. Except for such issues which threatens the very constitution it's made to protect.


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2010
Double post ...................................................
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Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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SC will have to revert back it's decision's and apologise to people. Except for such issues which threatens the very constitution it's made to protect.
Is there a constitutional check on misuse of authority by the court?


Regular Member
Dec 3, 2015
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Is there a constitutional check on misuse of authority by the court?
Not against the court, because it is authorized to interpret and uphold the law:-- which is not the main issue.

The problem right now seem to be the fact that this particular law is looking at a very broad picture and is open to interpretation by anyone with the authority to do so. (I am judging by the notice in the post #312, thanks to @TheRenegades, which is clearly ambiguous.)
So, to reverse the judgement, the law for prevention of cruelty, captivity, treatment of & to the animals will have to be amended in detail as to what all constitutes a cruelty; rather than painting every small discomfort to the animal as some huge threat of extinction. This will have to be passed as an amendment of the existing law by the parliament.

But the judge who issued it clearly has some issues based on his statement that he need not answer to anyone, & can be impeached if the motion is passed and approved by both the houses.
This might warn other judges against further such arrogance.

PS:-- I am being objective as I have never witnessed the festival and cannot comment on the legality or nature of this event. The above post is my understanding of the constitution and I am posting for the benefit of all the members on the particular issue of safeguards against errant court orders.


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2015
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Support a manly sport, stop being a western feminized wuss.
That's exactly what feminists don't want. Most of these NGO personnel are feminists. They just want all men to be beta males with reduced testosterone levels who they can control and manipulate in the name of equality.


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2015
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This issue basically concern with Tamils or maybe people in neighbouring States.
It's an Indian issue. This is exactly how the Brits managed to control and rule over our land. They didn't conquer with brute force. They chipped at us, piece by piece knowing the rest will not bother. Let's not make the same mistake again.


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
It's an Indian issue. This is exactly how the Brits managed to control and rule over our land. They didn't conquer with brute force. They chipped at us, piece by piece knowing the rest will not bother. Let's not make the same mistake again.
This is an INDIAN issue NOT JUST A Tamizh one. Bull racing and Jallikattu like events have been held all over India for a millenia. Even now small villages in Punjab, Gujarat, Maharashtra and MP organise localised bull racing events, there's often overlap with bull taming, but not always.

This is is Maharashtra

This in MP

The agenda behind banning Jallikattu is quite clear here

First was this notification by MoEF when Jairam Ramesh was the minister

This notification was the basis on which SC banned Jallikattu in 2014.

Then in 2016 MoEf Prakash Javadekar issued another notification partly annulling the 2011 order

The notification was quite reconciliatory and forward looking. Included safe guards

It also made it mandatory for the administration to ensure that the bulls are put to proper testing by the animal husbandry and veterinary department to check if they are in good physical condition.

The order also stipulated that rights conferred upon the animals according to the 1960 law and five freedoms declared by the Supreme Court in its May 2014 order are fully
Guess what happened? SC stayed it in 6 days..where were the protectors of Tamizha identity then?

And then again in 2017. SC chose to ban it .

Do you know who are the SC judges currently looking at the petition to re-examine Jallikattu ban? Dipak Misra and R Banumathi. Now R Banumathi is the very same judge who unilaterally expanded the scope of an animal rights hearing when she was in Madurai Bench of the Madras High court


“March 29, 2006, is a date that I want to erase from the calendar, if I can do so. It was on that day a single judge of the Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court banned jallikattu for the first time and since then, I am carrying the black badge of having been a lawyer on record in that unfortunate case,” laments advocate L. Shaji Chellan.
Surprise surprise, the very same Madurai bench of the Madras HC goes on and does this

See the trend? Can one honestly hold up their hand and say that there is not hint of conspiracy?

To me it seems that Central government has done far more in this matter than TN government, even when JJ was the CM..forget about MK and DMK, who are going around shedding croc tears.


Senior Member
Feb 7, 2011
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This issue basically concern with Tamils or maybe people in neighbouring States.
Yes it might sound like just a tamil issue and in fact i don't know about northern sides.
But bull related festivals are found in all parts of Southern India.

They are known by various names like Maramadi, Kambala or bull surfing if you will.
Since these are nowhere near as popular as jallikattu they have been (mostly) off the radar of PETA and others like that witch maneka.

But be sure that after jallikattu they will come after the other ones too.


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2015
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This is an INDIAN issue NOT JUST A Tamizh one. Bull racing and Jallikattu like events have been held all over India for a millenia. Even now small villages in Punjab, Gujarat, Maharashtra and MP organise localised bull racing events, there's often overlap with bull taming, but not always.

This is is Maharashtra

This in MP

The agenda behind banning Jallikattu is quite clear here

First was this notification by MoEF when Jairam Ramesh was the minister

This notification was the basis on which SC banned Jallikattu in 2014.

Then in 2016 MoEf Prakash Javadekar issued another notification partly annulling the 2011 order

The notification was quite reconciliatory and forward looking. Included safe guards


Guess what happened? SC stayed it in 6 days..where were the protectors of Tamizha identity then?

And then again in 2017. SC chose to ban it .

Do you know who are the SC judges currently looking at the petition to re-examine Jallikattu ban? Dipak Misra and R Banumathi. Now R Banumathi is the very same judge who unilaterally expanded the scope of an animal rights hearing when she was in Madurai Bench of the Madras High court


Surprise surprise, the very same Madurai bench of the Madras HC goes on and does this

See the trend? Can one honestly hold up their hand and say that there is not hint of conspiracy?

To me it seems that Central government has done far more in this matter than TN government, even when JJ was the CM..forget about MK and DMK, who are going around shedding croc tears.
This post raises so many questions... while I never had faith in the local parties, the high court ruling is news to me. And what is Christian Jallikattu? This only reminds me of the thread 'games evangelicals and missionaries play'. They subtly try to incorporate local traditions into Christianity to make it more relatable to the masses.



Images originally uploaded by @arnabmit

This is how they take over and the war on Jallikattu is a small move in the grand plan.


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
This is how they take over and the war on Jallikattu is a small move in the grand plan.
Oh yes, absolutely and it's a long drawn war, the build up will be slow, battles will be fought everywhere- in the academia, on campuses, on the streets, in the courts, in the parliament..everywhere.

Is it a coincidence that the same judge who banned Jallikattu in the first place is now assigned the job of re-examining the ban? What outcome can be reasonable expected?

Is it a coincidence that despite Jayanthi Natrajan blaming Jairam Ramesh (her predecessor in MoEF) for the notification resulting in Jallikattu ban, she did nothing to reverse the notification during here tenure from 2011-2013 especially since she has repeatedly said how this issue is very close to her heart as a Tamizh.

It took a Maharashtrian minister to issue the notification to undo the mess created by Jairam Ramesh (a kannadiga) and allowed to fester by Jayanthi (a Tamizh) and people say that it's a sub-regional issue not of much relevance to people from North, West and East of India?



Senior Member
Sep 19, 2016
TN has to pass jallikattu law: Attorney General Rohatgi says it’s only way to end impasse

The Jallikattu issue has reached an impasse with the Centre not showing any inclination to pass an ordinance, and instead saying that they will support any action taken by Tamil Nadu government.

In a first ever statement giving clarity to how the impasse can be broken, Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi told Sanket Upadhyay of CNN-News 18 that the state can pass its own law.

In clear terms, the AG said that sports is a state subject and TN has all rights to make a law allowing the sport. He however added that the law should address the element of cruelty in the sport and impose strict punishment and penalty or both.

Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi said, “A lot of people revere the bull, it is not as if they want to kill the bull. Under the Constitution of India, there are separately demarcated areas where the Parliament has the right to make laws in several subjects, and similarly the state legislature has the right to exclusively make laws on certain subjects. Sports falls within the domain of the state, it does not fall within the domain of the Centre. Cruelty to animals falls within the domain of the Centre and that is why there is an act on it.

So, if the state is desirous of allowing or promoting this sport, the state must bring out a law, if it so chooses. And the law must concern and take into account all the concerns of cruelty. These have been expressed by the central act and by the judgement of the Supreme Court in 2014. That is the way out of the impasse. Very strict conditions and penalties must be laid down, if the state does desire to make such a law. If anybody exercises any cruelty like throwing stones, using knives or hitting the bulls, that could be termed as a crime and there could be punishment.

The Supreme Court was really testing the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act. SC said you cannot have cruelty to animals and the way Jallikattu is performed, it appeared there will be cruelty. If the state drafted law addresses the issues of cruelty, it will still be challenged in the Supreme Court, but the apex court cannot say that a state cannot have its own law.”


There's still hope.

Some say TN did the same thing last time but the courts did not listen as it did not have presidents signature on it. However, this time Modi has assured TN CM that he will get Pres Pranab signatures.

People from all corners of India are in support for jallikattu(Twitter). My tamilian brothers and sisters u r not alone in this fight.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2013
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Supreme Court is the "baap" of all courts and justice, this is not a attack on culture if anything these kind of laws should be encouraged, next is that retarded baby throwing and stoning festival communities practice in Karnataka. fact is all courts are pissed scared when it comes to religion, our countries history is the living proof. they wont pass this kind of laws if it wasn't serious.
Supreme court needs to be belted in the teeth, it has better things to do than to solve 'karishma kapoor divorce' or running BCCI.

Next, ban kabadi or boxing too on this ground.
Anyway, tamil folks have shown a lot of spine. and, tbh so much disappointed in Modi and bjpee.


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
People from all corners of India are in support for jallikattu(Twitter). My tamilian brothers and sisters u r not alone in this fight.
And this is what makes it different this time. In the previous years, the issue was treated with indifference at best and even contempt by many. Now there are people from all corners standing up for this and letting their feelings know.

Jallikattu today, who knows what else tomorrow...:biggrin2:

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