J20 Stealth Fighter


New Member
Jan 2, 2011
For starters - the Chinese j-20 is simply huge ......absolutely huge.

WTF.....Maybe the designers thought they were building a stealth f*cking transport plane.....LOL ??

The Front face is a 100% copy of the F-22......and I mean an absolute 100% every single line and curve, from the cockpit canopy to the engine inlets to the nose cone. Its almost as if they just took as many pictures of the F-22 and replicated it.

The only difference being those stupid looking canards. (stealth with canards - that must be the Chinaman's version of stealth !!!)

When you look at the whole plane in general - its size overwhelms. You Chinkis better make sure that your RCS is really low because if you ever end up in a air-to-air dogfight, the opponent just need to get within range and open up and spray the cannon. This thing is so large that he wouldnt even need to aim. Given the size, I have to seriously wonder about the weight - if even those 2 engines is enough to attain the performance you need for a 5th gen fighter.

Its pretty funny that the Chinese cannot do jack without wholesale copying despite all their engineering prowess !

Lets do an audit of China's main fighter programs so far -

1) The J-10 - A lame imitation of the F-16 with canards and an underpowered Ws-10 engine

2) The J-11 - 100% copy of the Sukhoi SU-27 airframe with some chinese electronics

3) The J-20 - 100% F-22 front copy married to canards
Good boy!~ Nice imagination! Here's ur candies~


New Member
Dec 17, 2009
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the 4th flying test,J-20's Afterburner.white engines
Nah, she is dumping fuel to lighten her load before landing. Rafale M will do it to make carrier landings easier like so...

Don't see any reason for J-20 to do it on a long runway except that it is truly a flying brick.


DFI Buddha
New Member
Aug 21, 2010
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Nah, she is dumping fuel to lighten her load before landing. Rafale M will do it to make carrier landings easier like so...

Don't see any reason for J-20 to do it on a long runway except that it is truly a flying brick.
How would we know its a flying brick? Such jealous and dismissive comments dont serve us well either.


New Member
Jan 2, 2011
Nah, she is dumping fuel to lighten her load before landing. Rafale M will do it to make carrier landings easier like so...

Don't see any reason for J-20 to do it on a long runway except that it is truly a flying brick.
learned much .

why dont they make the fuel not too much , or just fly longer to exhaust the fuel?

after all it's a flying test.and it never did this before.

do u mean it is testing dumping fuel and landing?or why doesnt it do this before?


New Member
Dec 17, 2009
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That's a contrail on the J-20, not a fuel dump.
Contrail doesn't form that thick and quick to the engine nozzles as it is vapor, it is thick because it is a liquid fuel dump.

learned much .

why dont they make the fuel not too much , or just fly longer to exhaust the fuel?

after all it's a flying test.and it never did this before.

do u mean it is testing dumping fuel and landing?or why doesnt it do this before?
The purpose of a fuel dump is for the case of an emergency, either shortly after takeoff so as not to create a fireball when returning in case of ex. engine failure, or lightening the load to lower approach speeds. The only other case is for dump and burn which is used for airshows by lighting the fuel with afterburners into a torch... not the case here.


New Member
Dec 17, 2009
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For starters - the Chinese j-20 is simply huge ......absolutely huge.

WTF.....Maybe the designers thought they were building a stealth f*cking transport plane.....LOL ??
Truer words were never spoken about this aircraft. It is a flying brick. I have been observing the footage of takeoffs and landings of which requires large amounts of runway. She has to deploy her drag chutes before the forward gear even starts to touch the ground. Takeoff footage cuts out half the distance of the runway so you don't see how long it takes to get up to speed. Then landing you see it coast out of sight.


New Member
May 25, 2009
Truer words were never spoken about this aircraft. It is a flying brick. I have been observing the footage of takeoffs and landings of which requires large amounts of runway. She has to deploy her drag chutes before the forward gear even starts to touch the ground. Takeoff footage cuts out half the distance of the runway so you don't see how long it takes to get up to speed. Then landing you see it coast out of sight.
A Stealthy Space Shuttle then. :p


New Member
Jun 9, 2010
the 4th flying test,J-20's Afterburner.white engines
Is this the only stealth fighter the Chinese are building? I think its too big to be a fighter , more like bomber or some kind of aircraft to target aircraft carriers and ships from long range.
Given its size and underpowered engines it wouldn't even come close to the agility,maneuverability of an F22 or Pakfa.If China has any plans of dogfights with f22 or Pakfa I think they should be designing something smaller and agile.


New Member
Dec 5, 2010
u know what? I was always interested in your comments. R u really serious or u r just joking about most of your words?

FYI, to respond all your comments on this page only:
1. No weapon bays?
Thought u r not suspicious abt the side weapon bay now, right? As for the main weapon bay, pls check that picture carefully. The red circled one is the bottom weapon bay. U said it is the landing gear door. U r partially right, there are two maintenance/landing gear door per side. I know u couldn't differentiate the main landing gear door from that picture clearly. But pls note the black main landing gear door near the landing gear door. And u can also see the same mechanism(I mean the strut there) to open the weapon bay door in that picture if u want to find a F-22 one to compare. I'd like to say they are exactly the same(just by appearance).

2. Flying Brick?
Feel quite happy u can point out the fuel dumping and even upload a Rafale one. Hehe, maybe u want to a little bit research on how many fighters can do this kind of job. FYI, youtube can even give u some video clips... What I want to say here is that not only Chinese land-based fighter performs so. BTW, you know what is flight TEST right? So they are just TESTING...

3. J-20 deploy drag chute before nose landing gear touch ground? Requires very long runway to t/f and landing?
haha, ur logic is quite hmmm~~~~ interesting... what's ur standard of deploying drag parachute?
And the flight test going on now is the very basic one, it is done by the producer only. I mean very initial stage test --- nothing much more than maiden flight. It is even not transferred to Yanliang --- where all performance flight test should occur. Does it need to show u how mighty it is? And u see any sign of afterburner during taking off?

Sigh~~~ In the very beginning I wanted to show u all those pictures and videos proof. However, later I changed my mind.
I think u guys are just so cute!!! Why do I bother to disrupt ur such passionate and 'wonderful' understanding of Chinese fighters.
Hope u can continue share with more abt ur unique and interesting views abt all these topic... :)


New Member
May 3, 2011
LOL. I see that the new J-20 pics have your panties in a knot.

For starters - the Chinese j-20 is simply huge ......absolutely huge.

WTF.....Maybe the designers thought they were building a stealth f*cking transport plane.....LOL ??

The Front face is a 100% copy of the F-22......and I mean an absolute 100% every single line and curve, from the cockpit canopy to the engine inlets to the nose cone. Its almost as if they just took as many pictures of the F-22 and replicated it.

The only difference being those stupid looking canards. (stealth with canards - that must be the Chinaman's version of stealth !!!)

When you look at the whole plane in general - its size overwhelms. You Chinkis better make sure that your RCS is really low because if you ever end up in a air-to-air dogfight, the opponent just need to get within range and open up and spray the cannon. This thing is so large that he wouldnt even need to aim. Given the size, I have to seriously wonder about the weight - if even those 2 engines is enough to attain the performance you need for a 5th gen fighter.

Its pretty funny that the Chinese cannot do jack without wholesale copying despite all their engineering prowess !

Lets do an audit of China's main fighter programs so far -

1) The J-10 - A lame imitation of the F-16 with canards and an underpowered Ws-10 engine

2) The J-11 - 100% copy of the Sukhoi SU-27 airframe with some chinese electronics

3) The J-20 - 100% F-22 front copy married to canards


Respected Member
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May 30, 2009
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LOL. I see that the new J-20 pics have your panties in a knot.
That's too funny coming from a Chinese guy.

Correction - on the contrary, I think its your chinese designers who got their panties in a knot after seeing the F-22.

That the J-20 is a half-ass copy job of the F-22 is almost apparent when you lay your eyes on it.

The J-20 will serve a good purpose for the US military - it will allow US military commanders to go up to Congress and do a major exaggeration of the threat of the Chinese stealth fighter, and demand more F-22 fighters.

They will make up stories about how the J-20 will overpower the F-22 and F-35 and scare the shit out of the Republicans with the new China threat and say that we need another hundred F-22.


New Member
May 3, 2011
That's too funny coming from a Chinese guy.

Correction - on the contrary, I think its your chinese designers who got their panties in a knot after seeing the F-22.

That the J-20 is a half-ass copy job of the F-22 is almost apparent when you lay your eyes on it.

The J-20 will serve a good purpose for the US military - it will allow US military commanders to go up to Congress and do a major exaggeration of the threat of the Chinese stealth fighter, and demand more F-22 fighters.

They will make up stories about how the J-20 will overpower the F-22 and F-35 and scare the shit out of the Republicans with the new China threat and say that we need another hundred F-22.
What if China doesn't lend the US Treasury the money to buy more F-22's ? Will you take the money from poor seniors on a fixed income to buy more F-22 that are all currently grounded and can't fly in the rain and are afraid of the international dateline and have never seen combat??

Yan Luo Wang

New Member
Dec 22, 2010
The J-20 will serve a good purpose for the US military - it will allow US military commanders to go up to Congress and do a major exaggeration of the threat of the Chinese stealth fighter, and demand more F-22 fighters.

They will make up stories about how the J-20 will overpower the F-22 and F-35 and scare the shit out of the Republicans with the new China threat and say that we need another hundred F-22.
Excellent. :D

And when America needs to find the money to pay for all those additional F-22's, China will be more than willing to extend the credit line even further.
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Respected Member
New Member
May 30, 2009
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What if China doesn't lend the US Treasury the money to buy more F-22's ? Will you take the money from poor seniors on a fixed income to buy more F-22 that are all currently grounded and can't fly in the rain and are afraid of the international dateline and have never seen combat??
Can you tell me which Chinese fighter has seen more extensive combat than American planes. Forget about your air-force, even your army hasnt fought a war in almost 40 years. Besides your "hot-air" cage-rattling warning to Taiwan every year....your entire military officer corp, up and down the ranks - has got zilch for real combat experience.

There is no military in the world that has as much combat(air and ground) and COIN experience as the US military in the last 3 decades. Thats a fact. Whether you agree with Iraq, Bosnia, AFPak, Kuwait, wars or not - The US military is probably the most battle hardened military in the world today.

After the US, I would put Israel and India. Hell, even the Sri-Lankan army has more battle experience than the PLA.

As for China stop lending money to the US, people will just buy less Chinese products. Actually that is already happening, people in the US are starting to save more and reduce the credit-card debt. Its going to affect China's exports to the US, regardless of whether China keeps lending.
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