ISRO General News and Updates

Akask kumar

New Member
Jan 28, 2016

Here is YouTube video..... Enjoy
the satellite deployment is a visual treat.. good work ISRO.. not all space agencies release sat deployment footage .

i have a doubt.. do nano satellite fix their rotation after deployment or they remain spinning..??

larger satellite have mini thrusters that can take care of spin and orientation..


New Member
Feb 12, 2017

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
New Member
Apr 29, 2015
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Comments from our esteemed British friends:
"Wonder how the Indian Space Research Organisations control teams and top players are going to sleep tonight and how sweaty they will be tomorrow.

Launching 104 satellites from a single rocket Wednesday 15th.

They have had the following numbers of successful and failed launches.

Total no. of launches = 57

Successful launches = 45

Launches which left payloads usable = 49

Failed launches = 8

The rocket is the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle with only one failure out of 36.

I'm thinking the insurance premium is going to be sky high."

Someone hoping for full stop:
What could possibly go wrong?

Consolation(I love these parts):

Other britard claims that our Sats landed in Pacific!!:biggrin2:

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
New Member
Apr 29, 2015
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Chinese cubesat hitches ride on India's record-breaking launch of 104 satellites
India's world record launch on Wednesday included Chinese cubesat Chen Jiayong-1 among the 104 satellites successfully put into orbit.
The Indian Space Research Organisation's Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C37) launched at 0358 UTC, taking the primary 714kg Cartosat-2 Earth observation satellite into orbit.
The other 103 nano satellites piggybacking on the mission had a combined mass of 664kg, with the smallest being just 1.1kg.
One of these was Chen Jiayong-1 (陈家镛一号), a micro experimental satellite named after Chen Jiayong, a professor at the Institute of Process Engineering (IPE) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).
The 3U cubesat aims to provide an accessible, affordable and reliable microgravity research serving the chemical engineering study of the dispersion and coalescence in a liquid-liquid system, according to CAS.
The microgravity experiment onboard aims to resolve the true mechanism of liquid-liquid interaction, which is possibly distorted by gravity.
The research could prove to have valuable applications for chemical processes, energy, food, medicine, cosmetics and other fields.
The experiments onboard the satellite come from a collaboration between IPE, Spacepharma Israel Ltd, Spacety China Ltd, and the Institute of Mechanics, CAS stated.
The research and development group took less than one year to complete the design, verification and launch preparation stages.

Above: The Chen Jiayong-1 mission patch, noting the partners from China and Israel (CAS).
Competition or cooperation?
India and China are traditional geopolitical rivals and fought a short war in 1962. Border disputes mean that a Line of Actual Control (LAC) is used to demarcate Indian and Chinese territory.
More recently in a time of growing engagement, India and China agreed in 2014 to cooperate "in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes".
Today's launch indicates a measure of cooperation and interaction at lower levels.
There are also proposals for satellite constellation involving the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).
Despite these moves a de facto Asian rivalry in space was underlined when India's Mars Orbiter Mission in 2014 successfully entered orbit around Mars, making it the first nation from the continent to reach the Red Planet.
China is now working on its own, more ambitious project which includes an orbiter, lander and rover in one mission, set to launch in summer 2020.
CNN is week wrote of India's record launch as being part of a wider Asian space race with China and Japan.
Joan Johnson-Freese, a professor and space specialist at the US Naval War College, backed this view.
"Recognition of the multifaceted benefits from space exploration and space technology dates back to the Apollo program. Asian countries have been following that model and seeking those benefits ever since," she told CNN.

Above: Artist impression of China's 2020 Mars rover (Xinhua).


New Member
Mar 10, 2009
India lofts a record 104 spacecraft on a single rocket

Then came a carefully-choreographed deployment sequence for the remaining 101 payloads stowed inside 25 Dutch-built “QuadPacks” for the ride into orbit.

A view of the 25 “QuadPacks” holding 101 CubeSats preparing for launch on PSLV. Credit: Innovative Solutions in Space
The QuadPacks opened two at a time to eject their CubeSat passengers. Most of the CubeSats separated while the PSLV was flying over a remote stretch of the Indian Ocean between ground stations in Mauritius and Antarctica.
Seattle-based Spaceflight Services purchased space for nine CubeSats in the QuadPacks — eight 10.1-pound (4.6-kilogram) Lemur commercial weather satellites owned by Spire Global of San Francisco and the BGUSat payload developed by Israel Aerospace Industries and Ben Gurion University.

Planet’s 88 satellites will help enable daily imaging of every place on Earth from space. Credit: Planet
Most of the satellites launched Tuesday were owned by Planet, another San Francisco company that has already sent up more than 100 shoebox-sized miniature Earth observatories.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
New Member
Apr 29, 2015
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Story of the Week - Indian Space Research Organization
Space Technology Inputs to Operationalise Flood Early Warning System (FLEWS) in Assam
North Eastern-Space Applications Centre (NE-SAC), located at Shillong, is a joint initiative of DOS and North Eastern Council (NEC) to provide developmental support to the North Eastern Region (NER) using space science and technology. The Indian sub-continent is one of the most affected due to chronic flood events mostly induced by periodic monsoon rainfall. In India, the north eastern state of Assam has a complex fluvial systems of rivers, mainly, with two inter-connected river valleys namely Brahmaputra and Barak which together enter the bay of Bengal. Due to enormous sediment transport from the upper catchment areas and subsequent lack of carrying capacity of the channels in these two river valleys, flooding is a periodic phenomenon every year during the peak monsoon months of June, July, August and September causing extensive damage to life and property.
There has been little improvement in the flood mitigation scenario due to the conventional early warning systems (based on gauge to gauge correlation). However, still due to limitations like inadequate lead time, lack of ability to predict spatial spread of flooding against a particular warning, etc., administrative machinery often expresses the opinion that this conventional flood alerts are not actionable decision support for planning effective flood mitigation measures. After a devastating flood event in Lakhimpur district of upper Assam in June 2008, at the request of the Government of Assam, NE-SAC took the responsibility of piloting an exercise with application of space based numerical rainfall prediction and a physics based distributed hydrological model in GIS platform.
This particular service of flood early warning has been carried out with inputs from meteorology, hydrology and Remote Sensing and GIS in watershed scale. Prime services under this activity are: early warning of flood in magnitude (severity), location (revenue circle/ group or cluster of villages) and probable time, High rainfall warning with location and time, post monsoon status of embankments in various flood causing rivers, etc.
The technical component of this exercise comprises of two sub components namely the numerical rainfall prediction model called the Weather Research Forecast (WRF) supported by a qualitative synoptic weather monitoring exercise and a GIS based distributed hydrological model known as the Hydrologic Engineering Centre - Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS). The first sub component, predicts the rainfall values in different grid resolutions such as 27 km, 9 km, 5 km and 3 km at three hourly intervals for coming 24-hour period. The second sub-component intake the predicted rainfall values into a spatially distributed mesh of inter-connected hierarchy of watershed run-off models giving predicted values of peak discharge as well as hydro-graphs which in turn is compared with established flooding threshold discharge values of the river or tributaries concerned in order to generate the flood alerts and disseminated accordingly to the Revenue circles and district concerned in terms of simple flood advisories with satellite images pertaining to the concerned Revenue circle and district lying in the flood plain under the said flood alert.
With one pilot district having four tributaries of river Brahmaputra in 2009, with periodic requests from the Government of Assam for the inclusion of additional districts in annual phases, by the year of 2016, all existing 27 districts and 7 newly created districts of Assam have been taken up by NESAC, taking the total number of major watersheds to 43 covering both Brahmaputra and Barak valley. After the initial pilot phase from 2009 to 2011, the Government of Assam expressed its willingness to fund and operationalise this activity for the first phase from 2012 to 2014 and again the second phase from 2015 to 2017.
An average year-to-year alert success score of 75% and an average alert-to-alert lead time of 24 to 36 hours have been maintained during these years. FLEWS was declared as a Professional Best Practice by the Department of Administrative reforms under Union ministry of Public Grievances and Pensions in the year 2012. The same year FLEWS was also short-listed as a finalist for Prime Minister’s award for innovations in Public Administration. FLEWS was also honoured as the Winner of e-North East award for e-Governance and citizen services delivery by the North East development foundation, New Delhi in the year 2013. With the success of FLEWS, a full fledged node for risk reduction of other relevant disasters (Landslides, Forest fire, Cyclone, Thunderstorm, epidemics, etc.) in NE region of India in the name of NER-DRR has also been set up at NESAC. Presently, alerts issued under FLEWS are uploaded in the user website (
The soundness of an effective flood early warning system under FLEWS has collectively played a major role in effective management of flood disaster while incorporating and improving many factors. During the course of the project, more robust flood hydrological modeling tools are getting tested for implementation into the FLEWS operational block. Accuracy of weather prediction is planned to be scaled to finer grids and domains using multiple system resources. A web-enabled decision support system with dynamic update interface is planned to provide support to the user community.
With the inspiration gathered from its success in Assam, preparations are on to expand its ambit to the other remaining states of NER. The present focus is on extension of FLEWS to other flood prone areas of North Eastern states and presently the NESAC Team is working on building the model for Meghalaya and Nagaland.

WRF Rainfall Prediction HEC-HMS Hydro Modelling Predicted Run-off Values

Seasonal Success Score of Last Four Flood Seasons

Story of the Week - Archive
Feb 13, 2017 : Space Technology Inputs to Operationalise Flood Early Warning System (FLEWS) in Assam
Feb 06, 2017 : Indigenous development of Telemetry & Telecommand Processor (TTCP)
Jan 30, 2017 : Polar Sea Ice Monitoring using SCATSAT-1 Data
Jan 23, 2017 : Long Eclipse Avoidance Manoeuvres Performed Successfully on MOM Spacecraft
Jan 16, 2017 : High Altitude Flight Acceptance Test of CE20 Engine Conducted Successfully
Jan 09, 2017 : Discovery of a hot companion associated with a Blue Straggler in NGC-188 using AstroSat UVIT data
Jan 02, 2017 : Golden Jubilee of Composite Materials Activities at ISRO


New Member
Jan 10, 2013
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New Member
Jul 9, 2014
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Can anyone give comparisons of launch vehicles of ISRO and others,and where we lag behind them


New Member
Jul 20, 2015
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How much we are charging for sending these nano satellites in space??

