ISRO General News and Updates


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Aug 12, 2015
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ISRO to set up research centre in Guwahati

GUWAHATI, Oct 5 - The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) will set up a research centre in Guwahati for start-ups, academicians, environmentalists and entrepreneurs. A decision to this effect was taken at a meeting between Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal and ISRO Chairman Dr AS Kiran Kumar held at the Lokapriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport here today. It is for the first time that the ISRO is setting up such an exclusive research facility in Assam to explore the possibility of using geospatial technology, which includes data generated through Global Positioning System (GPS), Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Satellite Remote Sensing for expediting development of Assam and using the remote sensing technology for accurate flood warning system, prevention of soil erosion and landslide, etc.

In course of the meeting, Chief Minister Sonowal requested the ISRO chief to integrate space technology for the overall development of the State. He informed Dr Kumar that the State government would provide land to the ISRO free of cost for opening the research centre.

Along with other activities, the research centre will be mandated to be used extensively for collecting and interpreting satellite data over the last few decades which can be made accessible to young researchers.

Sonowal also informed that the State government would ink an MoU with the Department of Space for leveraging the potential of the State for using space technology. Once the MoU is signed, both the State government and the ISRO will work together for development of the region.

Referring to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s special thrust on the North East and considering the region as the new growth engine of the nation, Sonowal requested Dr Kumar to integrate space technology with the Act East Policy so that space technology can be used as a bridge between the North East and other South East Asian countries.

Drawing the ISRO chief’s attention to the verdant natural resources of Assam – both flora and fauna – and the Brahmaputra and Barak providing the lifeline to the entire State, Sonowal sought the ISRO’s help in using space technology for drawing a broad remote sensing map to stop the alleged illegal trade on natural resources. He also sought the ISRO’s help to use space technology as a deterrent against deforestation which is largely responsible for sedimentation and siltation of the riverbeds.

Sonowal also hoped that both the State government and the ISRO can work together in carrying out a survey in studying the depth of the Brahmaputra which, according to him, would help in the State government’s proposed move to dredge the mighty river along its entire stretch in the State from Sadiya to Dhubri.

Chief Secretary VK Pipersenia; Additional Chief Secretary Science and Technology Rajiv Bora; Scientific Secretary, ISRO Bangalore PG Diwakar; Director National Remote Sensing Centre, Hyderabad YVN Krishnamurthy; Director North East Space Application Centre, Shillong PLN Raju; Director ISRO Bangalore Shantanu Bhatwadekar; Scientist, North East Space Application Centre Shillong Jonali Goswami and other senior officers of the government were present in the meeting.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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Story of the Week
Many Satellites Celebrated Birth Anniversary during last week of September
Mars Orbiter Mission
(MOM), the maiden interplanetary mission of ISRO, launched on November 5, 2013, was successfully inserted into Martian orbit on September 24, 2014 in its first attempt. MOM completed three years orbiting around the Planet Mars as on September 24, 2017.

  • On this occasion, Space Science Programme Office, ISRO Hqs conducted a ‘MOM Science Meet’ on September 25, 2017.

The first dedicated Indian Astronomy mission, AstroSat was also completed two years in orbit on September 28, 2017

  • In order to commemorate two years completion of AstroSat in orbit, Space Science Programme Office (SSPO), ISRO Headquarters organised an “AstroSat Science Meet” at ISRO HQ, Bangalore during 26 – 27 September 2017.

SCATSAT-1 completes one year in orbit on September 26, 2017. It was launched on September 26, 2016 on-board PSLV-C35. SCATSAT-1 is a continuity mission for Oceansat-2 Scatterometer to provide wind vector data products for weather forecasting, cyclone detection and tracking services to the users.

  • It has provided valuable input data in the area of weather forecasting and cyclone detection & tracking to the National as well as International users. The SCATSAT-1 data is extensively used on daily basis with the usage touching about 85,000 down loads per month from NRSC web portal.
All these Satellites are in good health and continue to work as expected. Analysis of the data received from these satellites is in progress.

Other Satellites launched during Last Week of September are GSAT-10 on Sep 29, 2012, Oceansat-2 on Sep 23, 2009, INSAT-3E on Sep 28, 2003 and IRS-1D on Sep 29, 1997.

Story of the Week - Archive
Oct 03, 2017 : Many Satellites Celebrated Birth Anniversary during last week of September
Sep 25, 2017 : Operationalisation of Thunderstorm Nowcasting Services over NE Region using DWR data
Sep 19, 2017 : Monitoring Larsen C Rift propagation, Calving and Iceberg Deformation: through VEDAS developed Automatic Technique
Sep 11, 2017 : NARL Studies tropical tropopause aerosol layer using in-situ observations in collaboration with NASA
Aug 28, 2017 : Haze Removal Algorithm developed for Cartosat Images
Aug 22, 2017 : National Workshop on Popularisation of Remote Sensing Based Maps and Geo-spatial Information
Aug 14, 2017 : ISRO Organises an Outreach Programme in Hindi at Ranchi


शक्तिः दुर्दम्येच्छाशक्त्याः आगच्छति
New Member
Aug 14, 2015
ISRO has developed satellite based quantum communication system in partnership with Raman Research Institute.
This sounds :cool1:, :hat:, :india2:etc; but could someone tell me what satellite based quantum communication is all about?:confused1:


शक्तिः दुर्दम्येच्छाशक्त्याः आगच्छति
New Member
Aug 14, 2015
Think of guaranteed encryption end to end. Basically unhackable or untappable lines of communication utilizing quantum properties.
Is it based on same technology (that exploits quantum mechanics for communication or maybe cryptography also) on which blue-laser submarine communication is based? I ask because this announcement comes close on the heels of an announcement about some DRDO lab achieving a breakthrough in blue-laser communication tech some days ago, and it sounds similar.


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Apr 4, 2010
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No blue laser communication developed by drdo and quantum communication are not the same thing. Blue laser based on 3-5 semiconductors like GaN(which we are building a foundry in IISC) is a conventional technology where the high penetration of blue light in water is used as a mode of communication with submarines.But the encryption remains standard military encryption based on factoring a large polynomial number by prime number eg : RSA algorithm. This encryption technique is well documented and it requires 1000s of years of a modern supercomputer to perform the factorization. But scientist began working quantum computers which uses quibits and quantum logic gates in place of digital logic gates and binary bits. Quantum computers(yet to be built) will increase our computational power exponentially and making our current encryption technology vulnerable. Hence scientist started working on quantum communication technology where photons trapped in cold gases will be entagled state and any means to snoop in on the communication by 3rd part will collapse the entagled state of the photons and make the communication unhackable.
Besides China is making rapid stides in quantum communication systems and hence our effort is a welcome developement


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Jan 30, 2017
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ISRO has developed satellite based quantum communication system in partnership with Raman Research Institute.
can anyone one pls tell that what is stage of development of this tech? if already developed will this replace the existing military communication system ? and how soon?

how many countries have made advancement in this tech?


शक्तिः दुर्दम्येच्छाशक्त्याः आगच्छति
New Member
Aug 14, 2015
No blue laser communication developed by drdo and quantum communication are not the same thing. Blue laser based on 3-5 semiconductors like GaN(which we are building a foundry in IISC) is a conventional technology where the high penetration of blue light in water is used as a mode of communication with submarines.But the encryption remains standard military encryption based on factoring a large polynomial number by prime number eg : RSA algorithm. This encryption technique is well documented and it requires 1000s of years of a modern supercomputer to perform the factorization. But scientist began working quantum computers which uses quibits and quantum logic gates in place of digital logic gates and binary bits. Quantum computers(yet to be built) will increase our computational power exponentially and making our current encryption technology vulnerable. Hence scientist started working on quantum communication technology where photons trapped in cold gases will be entagled state and any means to snoop in on the communication by 3rd part will collapse the entagled state of the photons and make the communication unhackable.
Besides China is making rapid stides in quantum communication systems and hence our effort is a welcome developement
This is pretty interesting stuff.
Correct me if I am wrong but what my interpretation of this news is that ISRO has achieved a demonstration of this capability. So what I now understand is that we have achieved quantum teleportation like what China achieved in 2010, according to this article here:
China’s Secure Communications Quantum Leap
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Aug 12, 2015
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can anyone one pls tell that what is stage of development of this tech? if already developed will this replace the existing military communication system ? and how soon?

how many countries have made advancement in this tech?
Its in its infancy. It would take atleast 2 decades to fully incorporate it in military communication system.
Till now no one have made any serious advancement in this regard. Recently China had launched one quantum communication satellite for testing purpose and been able to teleport a photon with it.


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Aug 12, 2015
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This is pretty interesting stuff.
Correct me if I am wrong but what my interpretation of this news is that ISRO has achieved a demonstration of this capability. So what I now understand is that we have achieved quantum teleportation like what China achieved in 2010, according to this article here:
China’s Secure Communications Quantum Leap
No news is out regarding this till now. Whether ISRO had been able to teleport photon in free space or not is yet to be seen. Moreover we would have to launch satellite for testing purpose before announcing its success.


शक्तिः दुर्दम्येच्छाशक्त्याः आगच्छति
New Member
Aug 14, 2015
No news is out regarding this till now. Whether ISRO had been able to teleport photon in free space or not is yet to be seen. Moreover we would have to launch satellite for testing purpose before announcing its success.
Then what does this tweet mean:-
ISRO has developed satellite based quantum communication system in partnership with Raman Research Institute.
Also, we can test it without having to send the satellite. That is what the Chinese did in 2010. They performed a quantum teleportation over a distance of 16 kilometers. Read this here: China’s Secure Communications Quantum Leap
In May 2010 a team of 15 Chinese researchers from Tsinghua University in Beijing and the Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences, a government-directed research center, published a research paper announcing a successful demonstration of “quantum teleportation” (liangzi yinxing chuan) over 16 kilometers of free space.


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Aug 12, 2015
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Then what does this tweet mean:-

Also, we can test it without having to send the satellite. That is what the Chinese did in 2010. They performed a quantum teleportation over a distance of 16 kilometers. Read this here: China’s Secure Communications Quantum Leap
The tweet is only saying that they had developed satellite based quantum communication system. It could mean anything. Most probably transmitter and receiver.

I have been following Chinese progress in this. Now what they have done is an achievement. In 2010 they have tested it across free space, they had not been upfront that whether they mean vaccum by this. Its only recently that they had been able to transmit a photon all the way from space to earth station. So for testing, you do need a satellite up there.

Recently a pic is doing round and been posted in last page here about a structure coming up in Sathish Dhawan Space Centre. I would be not amused if it is a part of it.


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Apr 4, 2010
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The LAMP Group (Raman Research Institute) has one of the first labs in the country to develop the technology of single photon sources based on spontaneous parametric down conversion in bulk non-linear crystals. The single photons and their various degrees of freedom are used to investigate aspects of quantum optics and quantum information.
In collaboration with ISRO they are probably trying to send a satellite in space which will perform quantum communication.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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Story of the Week
Successful completion of One Year of Service by SCATSAT-1 Scatterometer
SCATSAT-1, the state-of-the-art satellite with a dedicated Scatterometer payload was launched on September 26, 2016. It is a continuity mission for Oceansat-2 Scatterometer (OSCAT) to provide wind vector data products for weather forecasting, cyclone detection and tracking services to the users. SCATSAT-1 inherits the design of OSCAT, hence operates in Ku-band having 13.53GHz central frequency and having a pencil beam design with two beams with incidence angles of 490 and 570 on ground with HH and VV polarization respectively. With a swath width of 1800 km, this instrument covers 90% of the earth’s surface in a single day. With the experience gained through OSCAT, a few improvements have been made to the sensor characteristics for better sensitivity in backscatter especially in Polar Regions.

The radar backscatter measurement of SCATSAT-1 has commenced with the switch-on of main TWTA (Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier) on October 03, 2016. The instrument had undergone calibration and validation (Cal-Val) phase during which sensor stability monitoring, fine-tuning of algorithms have taken place. As the sensor is providing very high quality observations without any glitch, which provided good confidence on the instrument performance and led to the early public release of wind products (Beta version) through MOSDAC and NRSC as a Beta version on October 22, 2016. Subsequently after successful completion of the Cal-Val phase, the mission entered into operational phase from April 21, 2017.

The main operational products from this mission are global ocean surface wind products at 25 km and 50 km swath grids. Apart from this, various value added products such as (1) High Resolution Winds at 6.25 km swath grid (2) Daily Analysed Winds (3) High Resolution Sigma0 products over land and polar regions are routinely generated and disseminated to the user community through MOSDAC.

SCATSAT-1 provided invaluable wind observations during various cyclones such as Matthew, Hima, Nina, Nada, Vardha, Maarutha, Moora, Harvey and Irma etc., Apart from this, the SCATSAT-1 wind products are able to cater to various application like - improved weather forecast through data assimilation in NWP models, improved Cyclone track and intensity prediction, improved ocean state forecast through SCATSAT-1 derived wind forcing. SCATSAT-1 derived ocean surface winds are being operationally assimilated by National Centre of Medium Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF), MoES and Space Applications Centre, ISRO in Numerical Atmospheric Weather Prediction Model to improve the predictions. Moreover, using the SCATSAT-1 measured backscatter data, land applications like soil moisture estimation and hydrological applications such as river water level change detection studies etc., and polar studies of studying the spatio-temporal variability of Ice coverage are well demonstrated.

Analysis of SCATSAT-1 super resolution data derived sea ice had revealed that the seasonal minima of the Antarctic sea ice (occurred in the first week of March 2017) and the seasonal maxima (occurred on September 15, 2017) were delayed with respect to 2016. An animation prepared from sea ice images from January to September 15, 2017 is shown below. The sea ice derived from SCATSAT-1 is shown against the median value of sea ice extent from 1978 to 2010 (usually this is taken as climatological sea ice behaviour) is also shown. It is clear from the chart that this year the sea ice remained below normal (1981-2010 median value) for all the months.

The SCATSAT-1 data is extensively used on daily basis by both National as well as International users. It provided valuable input data to the global community in the area of weather forecasting and cyclone detection & tracking.

Global Ocean Surface winds (m/s)from SCATSAT-1 during October 04- 05, 2016 (Top) and October 01- 02, 2017 (Bottom)

Snapshot of high-resolution winds captured by SCATSAT during cyclone Vardha in Bay of Bengal on December 10, 2016

Life cycle of winds captured by SCATSAT during cyclone Irma in North Atlantic Ocean during August 24 to September 01, 2017

Sea ice seasonal variations depicted through SCATSAT-1 from December 2016 to September 15, 2017 (Left, animation). The right part shows SCATSAT-1 derived sea ice (Red Line) in comparison to the long term median sea ice from 1981-2010 (Blue line)

Story of the Week - Archive
Oct 09, 2017 : Successful completion of One Year of Service by SCATSAT-1 Scatterometer
Oct 03, 2017 : Many Satellites Celebrated Birth Anniversary during last week of September
Sep 25, 2017 : Operationalisation of Thunderstorm Nowcasting Services over NE Region using DWR data
Sep 19, 2017 : Monitoring Larsen C Rift propagation, Calving and Iceberg Deformation: through VEDAS developed Automatic Technique
Sep 11, 2017 : NARL Studies tropical tropopause aerosol layer using in-situ observations in collaboration with NASA
Aug 28, 2017 : Haze Removal Algorithm developed for Cartosat Images
Aug 22, 2017 : National Workshop on Popularisation of Remote Sensing Based Maps and Geo-spatial Information


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Apr 13, 2013
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India plans to spend $308 million to improve weather forecasting

By Ganesh Nagarajan
India is planning to enhance its meteorological forecasting capability to more accurately predict severe weather in a localized manner.

The Ministry of Earth Sciences will send a proposal to the government for spending 20 billion rupees ($308 million) in five years to install more radars, supercomputers and special observatories, said M. Rajeevan, secretary of the ministry.

The modernization program will help the country forecast rain in a small geographical area. In August, the heaviest rainfall since 2005 killed a dozen people in Mumbai, India’s financial capital, and disrupted stock and bond trading and halted a suburban train network that carries about 8 million people a day. Local residents and civic authorities struggled to cope as most roads were submerged and commuters waded through waist-deep floodwater.

“Urban cities are a serious problem, so we are starting an urban meteorology program,” Rajeevan said in an interview in Chennai on Monday. “There are challenges in terms of predictions.”

Accurate and targeted weather forecasts are critical in India, where rain is the lifeline for about 880 million villagers who directly or indirectly depend on farming for a living. India is the world’s second-biggest grower of rice, wheat and sugar.

Read more at:

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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ISRO Celebrates World Space Week-2017
World Space Week (WSW) is an international annual celebration of space science and technology, observed during the week of 04-10 October. The commencing and concluding dates of world space week recalls two important dates in space history.

October 04, 1957: Journey to space started with the launch of the first man-made Earth satellite, Sputnik 1.

October 10, 1967: The signing of the treaty on principles governing the activities of states in the exploration and peaceful uses of outer space, including Moon and other celestial bodies.

The Theme of WSW-17 is “Exploring New Worlds in Space”

WSW-2017 was celebrated by ISRO across the country by various Centres of ISRO from October 04-10, 2017. The programmes were organised jointly by Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC), ISRO Inertial Systems Unit (IISU) and ISRO Propulsion Complex (IPRC) at Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala and Nagercoil, Tamilnadu. Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SHAR) has organised celebrations in 22 venues spanning 5 states, namely, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamilnadu, Odisha and Puducherry with a grand inauguration at Sriharikota by Hon'ble Vice President of India, Shri M Venkaiah Naidu. Vikram Sarabhai Space Exhibition (VSSE) at Space Applications Centre (SAC) also, celebrated the event, which was witnessed by the people in and around Ahmedabad, Delhi, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. Whereas, National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC) along with its five Regional Centres (RC), had conducted WSW celebrations at larger scale by collaborating with the NESAC, State Remote Sensing Centres and Academia. ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC) also celebrated the event by visiting two schools around Bengaluru.

Details of the celebrations are given in the following paragraphs:

WSW-2017 Celebrations at VSSC, LPSC, IISU and IPRC

The WSW-2017 was inaugurated by Honourable Chief Minister of Kerala Shri Pinarayi Vijayan on October 04, 2017 at Kanakakunnu Palace, Thiruvananthapuram. A Space Expo was organised at S.T. Hindu College, Nagercoil during October 5-9, 2017. The space expo showcased ISRO’s achievements and contributions in space based technologies and applications. The exhibitions drew more than 1,00,000 people including students from more than 170 Government schools. Science students were trained and deployed as communicators for the exhibition. Career guidance and interactive sessions were conducted for students with lectures on variety of space related topics like space exploration, space technologies and applications etc.,. Open forum attracted space enthusiasts from various walks of life and provided opportunities for active discussions. Films related to space science were also screened at the venue. A special quiz zone was also set up exclusively for school students. The visitors could touch and feel actual engines and power heads used in ISROs work horse launch vehicles and satellites. Free bus services were provided to transport the students to the venue.

A workshop for students was organised in VSSC, Thiruvananthapuram on October 06, 2017 with the participation of around 370 students. The students were chosen from institutions in rural areas across the state including tribal schools and care centre for cancer patients. The initiative was aimed at creating interest and awareness among the students. Senior scientists of ISRO interacted with the students and several interesting queries were raised and answered. Lecture session was also conducted on space science and technology.

Open Innovation Contest was organised for students of engineering colleges & science colleges in Kerala.

Three day long Open House featured visit to VSSC Space museum, sounding rocket launch pad and control centre. Open house drew more than 10, 000 visitors. The public could see the location where ISRO’s space programme took shape and where pioneers of Indian Rocketry forged their ideas. The visitors also witnessed sounding rocket launch at TERLS and visited the Space Museum.

Citizen’s familiarisation programme were conducted in VSSC for 300 registered participants. The main objective was to provide scientific awareness, increase knowledge and understanding of the benefits from space. Resource materials on theme of WSW-2017, India’s Mars Orbiter Mission and Astrosat mission were distributed for students and other participants.

WSW-2017 programme were broadcasted in AIR, AIR FM Kumari and DD Malayalam channel. Programme included LIVE discussion panel about role of space as a most critical and indispensable infrastructure for the world. Telecasted pre-recorded video on WSW theme and talks on space transportation systems, navigation systems, extra-terrestrial habitat, benefits of space programme etc., were also broadcasted.

WSW- 2017 events were concluded in a formal function held at VSSC on October 10, 2017.


WSW-2017 Celebrations at SHAR

Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SHAR), the Spaceport of India, celebrated the World Space Week through public outreach programmes spread across 22 venues. After the inauguration by Honorable Vice President of India, Shri M Venkaiah Naidu, SDSC SHAR teams moved out to other 21 venues with the exhibition materials conveying ISRO's achievements.

Exhibitions of scaled down models of launch vehicles and satellites, informative panel displays, video screening of ISRO Space activities, interactive lectures by senior executives of SDSC SHAR, competitions for students and "Space Awareness Walk" were organised in each venues, mainly to educate the students on space research activities and to hone the scientific inclination in them. Video wall displays were arranged in the schools including those in the rural areas. Sounding Rocket launches were also arranged at Sriharikota on four days during the week. Students and Public were offered the opportunity to visit the various facilities at the Spaceport of India on all the days during this week.

The hosting institution at each venue was chosen considering the approachability to public, availability of large exhibition hall to showcase the exhibits, availability of video screening halls and infrastructure to accommodate multitudes of students participating. Inauguration and valedictory functions were organised at all the venues jointly with the hosting institution and local state government authorities, graced by important dignitaries / eminent personalities.


WSW-2017 Celebrations at SAC

The celebration of WSW-2017 by SAC was witnessed by a large number of Space enthusiasts; more than 15,000 visitors of all age-groups and various sections of society participated in the event. Various competitions such as Paper model making, Coloring/Drawing, Water Rocket Launching, Space Quiz, Elocution, Presentations etc., were organised for students and specially-abled people wherein all participants were given a certificate and Do-It-Your-self GSLV-MkII model.

Many posters were designed to explain the WSW theme. 3D movies on various missions of ISRO and Images obtained from various satellites like Cartosat, MOM, Resourcesat were displayed on a large screen throughout the day and night. A live display of INSAT-3D imager was also organised. Mobile Planetarium shows were run throughout the day for kids and visitors.

Talks by eminent speakers were arranged and visitors got an opportunity to interact with eminent scientists throughout the day and got their queries answered and their curiosity satisfied.

The highlight of the week was sky observation using telescope. Four telescopes (11”, 8”, 5” and 3”) were used to show Moon, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Orion Nebula, Pleiades, Sirius, Vega, Altair, Antares, Lyre Double Star etc. Thousands of people queued up enthusiastically for hours late in the night and early mornings to observe these spectacular objects in the sky.


Selected Photos of October 09, 2017

Selected Photos of October 10, 2017

WSW-2017 Celebrations at NRSC

WSW-2017 celebrations at NRSC included promotional activities focused on campaigning about ISRO’s Space Programme and its contributions to the nation benefiting citizens, various applications of Remote Sensing (RS) data, support in disaster management and monitoring climate change etc.,

Exhibitions of various miniaturised models of Launch Vehicles and Satellites of ISRO were arranged. Live demos of BHUVAN Portal was organised and interaction with Antarctica scientists to the students at the exhibitions were also arranged. Satellite/Aerial data Fly through demos of Hyderabad city, Mumbai City, Himalayas including Kedarnath etc., were made for providing a deep insight into RS capabilities. Satellite Images and Aerial Data, pertaining to RS Applications were displayed. Audio-visual programmes showcasing ISRO activities, Satellite Launches, Interactive sessions with scientists at Balanagar, Jeedimetla and Shadnagar campuses were organised.

Scientists delivered lectures at various schools in and around Hyderabad and Rangareddy districts especially focusing on the underprivileged students. Study material on ISRO Space programmes and applications of Remote Sensing were provided to all the schools throughout the country using e-media like ftp, Internet from RCs and State centres.

Across India celebrations were conducted in the States / Union Territories of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Sikkim, Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttarakhand, J & K, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Goa, Maharashtra, Delhi, Chandigarh and Diu & Daman.

Quiz programmes for students were organised at various states. A total of 18 teams, which are toppers at their respective state levels have participated in the National Quiz held at Earth Station, Shadnagar. Assam Team participated through Video Conference at NESAC. 75 students visited Shadnagar to participate in the Quiz finals.

As part of painting competitions, 50 paintings were received. 50 Teachers from all parts of the country came to Shadnagar and took part in the concluding sessions of the celebrations. Live demonstration of Satellite data acquisition was witnessed by the participating students.

ISRO has deputed two scientists of NRSC to Nigeria on invitation from Nigerian Government for participation in World Space Week Celebrations Organized by Nigeria Erosion & Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP).

Shri A S Kiran Kumar, Secretary DOS & Chairman, ISRO had participated in the valedictory function through Video Conference from New Delhi and addressed the students participating in the function and 1,80,000 plus students from nearly 3600 schools of Telengana state through the live telecast.

The exhibitions had overwhelming response from the students of various schools. Overall, 4,19,536 students/general public across the country participated in the celebrations of WSW-2017 organized by State Remote Sensing centres, Regional centres of NRSC, NESAC, Professional Societies and NRSC, Hyderabad and viewers through TV network.


WSW-2017 Celebrations at ISAC

A group of Engineers and Technicians of ISAC visited two schools in the outskirts of Bengaluru and acquainted the school children with the working of satellites and launch vehicles besides briefing them about the Indian Space Programme, its pioneers, number and types of satellites/launch vehicles launched so far, their applications and benefit to society and country besides future plans of ISRO. Posters and stickers were distributed to the students and schools were presented with a scaled model of spacecraft for their science laboratory.

A team visited the Government Primary/High School at Araleri, Malur Taluk Kolar District on October 06, 2017 and explained the significance of World Space Week to the children. The different types of Spacecraft and rockets launched by ISRO, their subsystems, construction materials, orbits, mission manoeuvres, facilities at ISAC, space environment and different tests carried out on spacecraft etc were explained in local language followed by a question and answer session. As a motivational aspect the children were informed about the career prospects in ISRO / DOS and what it takes to enter ISRO / DOS. A brief about how space technology is being leveraged for societal / national development was made. The principles on which the satellites and launch vehicles work were also explained. The future ISRO plans were also touched upon in the end. Demonstration of a launch vehicle model formed a part of the briefing. Nearly 150 students and staff members participated in the event.

Whereas, another team visited the Devasandra Govt. High School near Harohalli in Kanakapura Road on October 07, 2017 and briefed nearly 250 students on the topics mentioned above.


ISRO had succeeded in conducting the world space week celebrations as one of the biggest and popular outreach programmes of the Organisation. Important task of this programme was to inform the public about the latest advances and discoveries in the space field, application of space technologies in daily lives and to develop programmes to inspire young people to pursue careers in science and technology. In summary, through WSW-2017 events, ISRO could reach out to all the major cross section of society, made them aware of space technologies and inspired children to learn. The entire programme was very well received. The interaction with students was a great success with teachers expressing their appreciation. The exhibition and video show fascinated everyone. World Space Week activities received broad coverage by print and electronic media also.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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ETS - A System for Transportation of Small Satellite and Flight Hardware
The Space programme in the country is executed through ISRO Centre/Units spread across the country, each one with a specific responsibility ranging from the conceptual design to building and operating variety of space systems. The satellites, which are built at ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC), Bengaluru needs to be transported to the country’s spaceport at Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC), Sriharikota for the launch. Towards the safe transportation of satellites, ISAC has designed and developed Satellite Transportation System (STS) and transported many satellites safely to Sriharikota.

Assembly, Integration and Testing (AIT) of satellites invariably demand safe movement of flight hardware such as equipment panels, payloads and multiple satellites (Mini/Micro/Nano) between various fabrication, integration and test facilities. Towards this, Equipment Transportation System (ETS) is designed and developed by Systems Integration Group (SIG), ISAC to adapt for varied transportation requirements of flight hardware within minimum turnaround time for modular conversion, test and validation processes. It is sized (7.88 m x 3.0 m x 3.9 m) to meet the ongoing and envisaged flight hardware of ISRO’s Space Programme.

The transportation system designed must protect the space hardware against all environment hazards encountered during transportation. The STS is built with a suspension cradle that attenuates shock, vibration and handling loads. Double walled thermally insulated, sealed encapsulation structure of STS shields satellite from climatic hazards such as temperature, humidity, contamination, rain, dust, differential pressure, etc. Robust all metallic Faraday’s cage design and low resistance electrical bonding of STS provides Electro Static Discharge (ESD) path and protection against RF radiation hazards.

In addition to these, ETS needs to be equipped with four overhead hoists (remote controlled) that operate in tandem / selected combination. The hoists powered through bus bar (Harness free) and extendable outside for handling hardware. Also, modular suspension system is tuned for low frequency range of 5-7 Hz. The intermediate berth decks permitting utility at two levels are provided. Three-way opening door enables loading operations in confined laboratories. The flexible ductings are provided for even distribution of conditioned air to control temperature and humidity. These features make the system self-contained for performing operations without depending on external handling systems, devices or accessories. Further, a low-level air suspended trailer is used to haul ETS on road.

ETS has been used for transportation of many subsystems of ISRO’s Satellites which include: Transportation of LAPT module of Chandrayaan-2 from LPSC, Bengaluru to ISAC; Transportation of 4 nos of Flight panels (GSAT-6A South Panel, GSAT-6A EV Panel, IRNSS-1I South Panel and IRNSS-1I North Panel) from ISAC to SAC, Ahmedabad. Three Panels were accommodated at the base and one panel was accommodated on the intermediate deck; Transportation of GSAT-11 EV Payload module and Feeds (4Nos) from SAC to ISAC.

ISRO is scaling up its capacity to deliver more satellites per year, channelising the support of associated centres of ISRO, Indian industries and various institutions. Towards this, ETS developed by ISAC, cater to the requirement of transporting multiple flight hardware is very useful. Transportation of multiple systems together is more economical as compared to individual transportation, resulting in reduced logistics and manpower. The response time incurred in preparation, testing, validation and certification of multiple systems has reduced significantly. ETS plays a critical role in throughput realization of multiple spacecraft which is designed in-house by ISRO and realised by harnessing the support of Indian Industry.

ETS mounted on Air Suspended Trailer along with Environmental Control and Monitoring System (ECMS)

Internal View of ETS

LAPT module in ETS

GSAT-11 EV Payload Module being loaded to ETS

Story of the Week - Archive
Oct 23, 2017 : ETS - A System for Transportation of Small Satellite and Flight Hardware
Oct 17, 2017 : ISRO Celebrates World Space Week-2017
Oct 09, 2017 : Successful completion of One Year of Service by SCATSAT-1 Scatterometer
Oct 03, 2017 : Many Satellites Celebrated Birth Anniversary during last week of September
Sep 25, 2017 : Operationalisation of Thunderstorm Nowcasting Services over NE Region using DWR data
Sep 19, 2017 : Monitoring Larsen C Rift propagation, Calving and Iceberg Deformation: through VEDAS developed Automatic Technique
Sep 11, 2017 : NARL Studies tropical tropopause aerosol layer using in-situ observations in collaboration with NASA

