Israel-Palestine Conflict

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Mar 30, 2009
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Israel envoy: UNIFIL cooperated with Lebanese infiltrating Israel
By Shlomo Shamir, Haaretz Correspondent

United Nations peacekeeping troops in Lebanon did nothing to stop a group of Lebanese citizens from crossing the border into Israel, said Israel's envoy to the international body.

Hezbollah "allowed" 12 Lebanese civilians to infiltrate a few dozen meters into Israeli territory on Mount Dov on Saturday near Shaba Farms, raising a Lebanese flag. They returned to Lebanon shortly thereafter. The Israel Defense Forces said it did not respond because the civilians were unarmed and not dangerous.

In a letter of complaint to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, envoy Gabriela Shalev said that witnesses had also reported seeing the troops cooperating with the infiltrators.

This type of action "demonstrate an escalation and a pattern of behavior in Lebanon, that must be confronted," Shalev wrote. She added is a clear violation of UN Security Council resolution 1701., which brought a cease-fire to the 2006 war between Hezbollah and Israel.

The border between Israel and Lebanon in the area is not fenced. IDF lookouts said the group, which included children, also had a Hezbollah flag, but did not raise it.

Israeli forces were placed on alert and the IDF informed UNIFIL command of the matter, asking them to intervene. By the time the UNIFIL force went to the site, the group was on its way back to Lebanese territory.

Government officials dealing with the Lebanon issue say UNIFIL soldiers encounter armed Hezbollah fighters or are detained by them, but the incidents do not appear in the reports submitted to the Security Council.

On Saturday it was reported that that area residents prevented UNIFIL soldiers from searching an abandoned building near the building that blew up last week, in which it is believed Hezbollah stored weapons, against the UN resolution.

A government source in Jerusalem said UNIFIL learned a few months ago about the cache of Katyusha rockets that exploded in the southern Lebanese village of Hirbet Salim last Tuesday.

The source said UNIFIL had precise information about the cache and a number of other installations where Hezbollah is storing rockets, but that UNIFIL had done nothing.

A discussion is scheduled in the UN Security Council for late August on renewing UNIFIL's mandate in southern Lebanon; Israel hopes last week's explosion will show the need to strengthen UNIFIL. Israel believes that UNIFIL could sharpen its rules of engagement and act more forcefully with the Lebanese army in southern Lebanese villages.

Israel envoy: UNIFIL cooperated with Lebanese infiltrating Israel - Haaretz - Israel News

This report from Haaretz is how you do reporting.

Israel says Indian peacekeepers helping Hezbollah: Report
This was just a pathetic attempt to get their story through, pathetic.

BS report from ToI, building up on a small issues, Israel, Lebanon and Hezbollah keep on accusing the UNFIL of something every month.


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2009
To set the record straight AFAIK Israelis have never accused Indian contingent directly,which is part of the UNIFIL deployed in South Lebanon.Times has only twisted the Indian angle.

Israelis have never taken kindly to the UNIFIL,and the UNIFIL cant be blamed for it.Both the Israelis and Hezbollah violated the international border with impunity.The UNIFIL works under very restricted mandate and is deployed on a long border which is not even fenced properly.

What where the UN troops supposed to do,shoot at the unarmed protesters,something the Israelis didn't bring themselves to do.


Tihar Jail
Jun 16, 2009
Rabbi Ovadia slams US: We're not their slaves

Rabbi Ovadia slams US: We're not their slaves

In his weekly sermon Shas' spiritual leader protests US pressure on Israel to halt settlement construction, says 'Messiah will throw them out'

Kobi Nahshoni Published: 07.26.09, 16:31 / Israel Jewish Scene

In his weekly sermon Saturday evening, Shas' spiritual leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef slammed US President Barack Obama and other western leaders for pressuring Israel to freeze construction in the West Bank and east Jerusalem.

"'You can't build here, you can't build there' – it's as if we were their slaves," the rabbi protested. "We are being ruled by slaves," he said," adding that, "Our messiah will come and throw them out."

Rabbi Ovadia also bemoaned the current reality in the Temple Mount, saying: "Where is our temple? There are Arabs there!" He then promised that the messiah "will throw all these evil ones out of here."

Rabbi Ovadia's sermon was mostly dedicated to the customs of the Fast of Tisha B'Av, which will be marked on Thursday. He stressed that reading the newspaper was forbidden on that day, because it was a distraction from the day's mourning. The rabbi stated that taking a walk on Tisha B'Av is prohibited as well.

Instead of studying Torah, which is also forbidden, Rabbi Ovadia recommended to study mourning rituals or books on ethics.

However, he noted that in general, only by studying the Torah can the arrival of the Messiah be brought closer,7...752180,00.html

So Messiah will throw out USA ?


Senior Member
May 25, 2009
So u mean USA is even on that list of evil people
OM non-existent G. Do you wanna argue with everything.

From the article:There are Arabs there!" He then promised that the messiah "will throw all these evil ones out of here."


Tihar Jail
Jun 16, 2009
OM non-existent G. Do you wanna argue with everything.

From the article:There are Arabs there!" He then promised that the messiah "will throw all these evil ones out of here."
From the same article ..

In his weekly sermon Shas' spiritual leader protests US pressure on Israel to halt settlement construction, says 'Messiah will throw them out'

i m not talking abt arabs in here , There are even Rabbis who called to killed Palestinians children and females , here i m talking abt USA over throwing by Jewish Messiah .

Rabbi calls on Israel to kill Palestinian 'women, children and cattle'
US Rabbi calls on Israel to kill Palestinian 'women, children and cattle' - International Middle East Media Center

Ratus Ratus

Jul 1, 2009
From the same article ..

There are even Rabbis who called to killed Palestinians children and females , here i m talking abt USA over throwing by Jewish Messiah .

Rabbi calls on Israel to kill Palestinian 'women, children and cattle'
US Rabbi calls on Israel to kill Palestinian 'women, children and cattle' - International Middle East Media Center
NO your source only refers to one Rabbi, not Rabbis.
besides if that rabid Rabbi was so intent on his Jewish Way he should go to Israel and do his own fighting. But I see he is happy many thousand Km away from any danger.

There are radicle in all religions an d it is about time they were extinguished. They serve little purpose than causing hate.


Senior Member
May 25, 2009
From the same article ..

In his weekly sermon Shas' spiritual leader protests US pressure on Israel to halt settlement construction, says 'Messiah will throw them out'

i m not talking abt arabs in here , There are even Rabbis who called to killed Palestinians children and females , here i m talking abt USA over throwing by Jewish Messiah .

Rabbi calls on Israel to kill Palestinian 'women, children and cattle'
US Rabbi calls on Israel to kill Palestinian 'women, children and cattle' - International Middle East Media Center
Let me make it simpler........

:sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic: :sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic:
That is all I meant with my first post. It shouldn't have started a discussion in the first place. I was mocking the rabbi and his messiah.

Anything simpler and I need to hang myself.

And I am not allowed to post more than 8 smileys.


Tihar Jail
Jun 16, 2009
Arab League chief rejects normalization without Israeli changes

Arab League chief rejects normalization without Israeli changes

CAIRO, July 27 (RIA Novosti) - Arab countries see no reason to start normalizing relations with Israel while it continues to build illegal settlements on occupied land, Arab League head Amr Moussa said on Monday.

"There will be no Arab steps until Israel stops its settlement building policy," he said after meeting with U.S. Middle East envoy George Mitchell.

"The Arabs will not take any step of normalization as a sacrifice for Israel."

Moussa said Israel had failed to justify the hopes of the international Quartet of Middle East mediators, adding that any international conference on the Middle East peace process would also depend on Israel.

"Whether the conference goes ahead - either in the narrow or expanded format - depends on progress in the Israeli position, in particular insofar as concerns the building of settlements," he said.

The Arab League head said he was satisfied with U.S. President Barack Obama's efforts in the Middle East.

"The U.S. administration is taking efforts to achieve peace in the present situation," he said, noting Washington's efforts to resume the peace process on the Syrian-Israeli and Lebanese-Israeli tracks.

Mitchell's stop in Egypt comes after visits to Israel and Syria. He is to meet with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank before returning to Israel for talks with Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

He said earlier he planned to meet many Arab leaders "to encourage them to take genuine steps toward normalization" of ties with Israel.

The number of Jewish settlers living in the West Bank has risen 2.3% since the start of the year to 304,569, Israel's Haaretz daily said earlier on Monday, citing a military report.

The Israel Defense Forces Civil Administration report covering the first half of 2009 said the growth is mainly in religious communities, including ultra-Orthodox settlements.

Haaretz said growth rates tend to rise in the second half of the year, as families move during the summer months.

Under the internationally-agreed roadmap for the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, Israel is obliged to freeze all settlement construction activity and remove unauthorized outposts built since 2001. The country has pledged to destroy at least 22 of the 121 settlements in the West Bank.

The issue of Jewish outposts has become the main obstacle to reviving peace talks with the Palestinians, and a sticking point in relations with the United States, Israel's main strategic ally, which has called for an end to settlement expansion.

Despite international pressure for a settlement freeze, construction continues under what Israel calls "natural growth."

Arab League chief rejects normalization without Israeli changes | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire


Tihar Jail
Jun 16, 2009
NO your source only refers to one Rabbi, not Rabbis.
besides if that rabid Rabbi was so intent on his Jewish Way he should go to Israel and do his own fighting. But I see he is happy many thousand Km away from any danger.

There are radicle in all religions an d it is about time they were extinguished. They serve little purpose than causing hate.
there are many sources which refers to many rabbis , I can just google it .

I think u r not aware that United states of America is having more Jews than Israel and all the funding comes from USA to Israel .

Yes true they are radicals in all religions but now the present israeli government is full of religious radicals .


Tihar Jail
Jun 16, 2009
Let me make it simpler........

:sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic: :sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic:
That is all I meant with my first post. It shouldn't have started a discussion in the first place. I was mocking the rabbi and his messiah.

Anything simpler and I need to hang myself.

And I am not allowed to post more than 8 smileys.

it will take time for me to understand people here .. so by that time these things would be common . I know how forums works ,just need to learn at which time which member like to reply back .


Tihar Jail
Jun 16, 2009
Israeli warplanes enter north Lebanese airspace

Israeli warplanes enter north Lebanese airspace: report

2009-07-28 21:38:51 GMT2009-07-29 05:38:51 (Beijing Time) Xinhua English

BEIRUT, July 28 (Xinhua) -- Six Israeli warplanes made their way right up to the north of Lebanon on Tuesday, in a serious violation of Lebanon's airspace, the official National News Agency(NNA) reported.

The Lebanese warplanes conducted circular flights over Hasbayya, West Bekaa, Iklim Tefah and Marjeioun, according to the report.

It is rare for Israeli warplanes to enter northern Lebanese airspace, although Lebanon repeatedly accuses Israeli warplanes of violating its airspace on a daily basis.

The Lebanese army announced its readiness on that front, saying it has placed its troops on alert to face up any Israeli action, local media said. UN peacekeepers also were in a state of alert.

The flight of Israeli warplanes coincided with the movement of four Israeli tanks towards a recently built Israeli observation post in Kfarshouba hills with a 100-meter distance to Hasssan gate.

Also in the day, representatives from the Lebanese army, the Israeli army and the UN Interim Forces in South Lebanon (UNIFIL) held a meeting in the Lebanese town of Naqoura to discuss the breaches of UN Security Council Resolution 1701.

UN resolution 1701, which ended the 34-day devastating war between Israel and the Lebanese Shiite armed group Hezbollah in the summer of 2006, prohibits weapons smuggling to Hezbollah and forbids the group from engaging in military activities in south Lebanon.

Israeli officials have recently expressed apprehension over events in southern Lebanon which Israel claims suggest that Hezbollah is seeking to provoke another round of conflict.

On Monday, Israeli officials said they believe Hezbollah will try to escalate the tension on the border by organizing civilian demonstrations and protests in the Har Dov region along Israel's border with Lebanon, as it did about a week ago, as part of an effort to launch a popular uprising against Israel.

The 2006 ceasefire installs a 13,300-member UN peacekeeping force along Lebanon's border with Israel to assist the Lebanese army and prevent any hostile actions between Hezbollah and Israel.

Israeli warplanes enter north Lebanese airspace: report - World News - SINA English


DFI Technocrat
Regular Member
Jul 6, 2009
I think the Israeli's were testing their Air defence .....


Regular Member
Jul 21, 2009
:connie_running::connie_running::connie_running: :connie_running:

our friends r warming up


Tihar Jail
Jun 16, 2009
I think the Israeli's were testing their Air defence .....
No , Israelis are trying to move the international pressure which is increasing on them because of Settlements and the blockades.


Tihar Jail
Jun 16, 2009
Israel wants nuclear power plant

Israel wants nuclear power plant

Officials in Jerusalem seek American assistance in building civilian reactor in south

Amir Ben-David Published: 07.31.09, 10:30 / Israel News

Israel recently asked the United States to assist in the establishment of a nuclear power plant in the southern Negev desert, Yedioth Aharonoth reported Friday.

For the time being, no response was received from Washington.

The government needs America's approval so it can build an internationally monitored civilian reactor while avoiding monitoring of Israel's other nuclear capabilities.

A report prepared for the Infrastructure Ministry by one of the world's largest energy companies indicated that a nuclear plant would best address Israel's needs at this time.

In recent months, the Netanyahu-led government has renewed efforts to secure US approval for building a nuke plant without having to sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Israel is interested in adopting the "Indian model," which only allows monitoring of civilian reactors.

Plans for building a nuclear reactor in Israel have been in place since the 1960s. The government has already reserved a plot of land for the venture in the south of the country. The plans were shelved in the wake of nuclear mishaps at various sites around the globe, but officials have not given up on the idea.

In technological terms, building a nuclear power plant is not considered a complicated mission. The need for such plant stems from forecasts predicting growing demand for electricity in Israel in the coming decade.

Israel wants nuclear power plant - Israel News, Ynetnews


Tihar Jail
Jun 16, 2009
2 killed in Tel Aviv shooting

2 killed in Tel Aviv shooting

GLBT activist says shooting that killed 2, wounded 10 at gay community meeting place in central Tel Aviv was 'deliberate act against gay community'

Avi Cohen Latest Update: 08.01.09, 23:35 / Israel News

A shooting incident occurred at a meeting place for the GLBT community in Tel Aviv late Saturday evening, and paramedics have reported two people dead. At least ten people have been wounded, six of them seriously.

The incident took place at a time during which teenagers belonging to the GLBT community were holding a meeting.

Paramedics and police have been alerted to the scene, but the circumstances of the case remain unclear.

Yaniv Weizmann, an activist for the GLBT community, told Ynet that "according to the assessments, this was a planned and deliberate act against the gay community".

At around 10:40 pm shots were heard at the meeting place in central Tel Aviv. A man dressed in black was spotted by eyewitnesses fleeing the scene, and he was later spotted again on a nearby street.

Police have cleared the surrounding roads in order to allow ambulances to evacuate the wounded.

2 killed in Tel Aviv shooting - Israel News, Ynetnews
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