INS Vikrant Aircraft Carrier (IAC)



As for powerful fighter i believe navy will have fgfa in naval version

Dark Sorrow

Respected Member
New Member
Mar 24, 2009
As for powerful fighter i believe navy will have fgfa in naval version
Indian Navy doesn't pocesses enormous resource like USN to have a naval fifth generation aircraft. Even USN was denied to navalized Raptor.


Daku Mongol Singh
New Member
Mar 7, 2009
Indian Navy doesn't pocesses enormous resource like USN to have a naval fifth generation aircraft. Even USN was denied to navalized Raptor.
There are plans for a navalised version of PAK/FA-FGFA, if it happens, IN should not miss the opportunity to procure the fighter, though it is a far dream time being, but quite feasible for a raising military power.

more over USN have plans to buy about 350 F-35Bs and 480 F-35Cs(exclusive user) to replace the F/A-18s and other fighters, a navalised version of F-22 was proposed for the Navy Advanced Tactical Fighter (NATF) program to replace the F-14s in service which was cancelled for various reasons, one reason maybe a 6th generation carrier borne UCAV is in thier preffered list than developing two 5th gen. carrier borne fighters, so cost is a factor here.


New Member
Aug 21, 2009
Well said..... But the thing is that we should not compare our military capabilities with US at this point of time as there is no way we have any kind of threats from them, the thing that we need to focus is what our enemies have, and that's Pakistan and China.... Till date both of these nations don't have any such aircraft that can match Indian standards, yes, China has a huge number of aircraft in its inventory but its way below what we possess but its not going to be a match as one fighter can not whipe out an entire squadron..... Though China is procuring Su 33 naval flankers for trial and for theit Aircraft Carrier of future.... To counter that threat we already have out Air Forrce in place and with that by that time, we'll have Mig 29K.....

Its is very necessary for India to procure LCA as soon as possible as the no of squardon has been declining badly, plus we need to gear up for faster production od MKIs to fill the gap.... MMRCA deal is gonna take another 5 years minimum to become operational..... And navy is lacing an aircraft carrier as Virrat with her Harriar's fleet won't be able to handle troubled situation as we need at least 4 carriers by 2020 and I guess by that time we will have 3 (fingers crossed though).....

Groshkov is gonna take another 2 years before she enters into service, INS Vikraant will be in service not befor 20145 or so and I have my doubts about the 3rd carrier.... Plus we already have Arihant into trials which is bout to enter service by 201-2013....

Navy needs to be strong to protect the coast line.... Pakistan is not a greater threat but China is..... We need to gear up keeping that in mind and not US.....


House keeper
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Feb 16, 2009
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Cochin Shipyard aircraft carrier launch by 2012: Pallam Raju IDRW.ORG

Cochin Shipyard aircraft carrier launch by 2012: Pallam Raju

The aircraft carrier built at the Cochin Shipyard would be launched by 2012, Minister of State for Defence M M Pallam Raju said here today.
Following the launch, the aircraft carrier would be operationalised after a certain time lag, he told reporters.
As per the Indian Navy’s perspective maritime plan, the country which has a vast coastline was in dire need of aircraft carriers to protect its economic assets during peace time. It needed at least three aircraft carriers at any given point, out of which only one – INS Viraat was in operation, he said.
The Russia-built Admiral Gorshkov is likely to be inducted by 2012, for which the Indian government is still negotiating.


DFI Technocrat
New Member
Mar 7, 2009
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I hope all the other support ships and the fleet is readied in time either by indigenous ships or procured ones.


New Member
Aug 28, 2009
IN should buy more Mig 29K and V-22 osprey awacs

- well would agree on Mig29k part -which will be a formidable force pojection aircraft when operating from Goroshkov and even from coastal airbases if we have then in large numbers -reports say it is even more agile than Su30 mki
About V-22 oespray not that sure -it has some unique capabilities maybe very good for long range submarine hunt with much faster response than a kamov or sea king - but opearting cost ,maintaance issues and US laws and sanctionn quickly make it useless hanger queen -we can may be try a couple if we can get


New Member
Aug 28, 2009
IN should buy more Mig 29K and V-22 osprey awacs

- well would agree on Mig29k part -which will be a formidable force pojection aircraft when operating from Goroshkov and even from coastal airbases if we have then in large numbers -reports say it is even more agile than Su30 mki
About V-22 oespray not that sure -it has some unique capabilities maybe very good for long range submarine hunt with much faster response than a kamov or sea king - but opearting cost ,maintaance issues and US laws and sanctionn quickly make it useless hanger queen -we can may be try a couple if we can get
good point , when ever any country buys yankee weapons , end user aggrement is in their favour , but the temporary solution is V-22 AWACS , E2D cannot be launched by our Aircraft carrier , later we can adopt DRDO awacs


New Member
May 4, 2009
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With the current fleet of Sea Harriers having some trouble, and in light of INS Viraat out after repairs and also the first batch of Mig 29s coming in for the IN is it possible that we see the MIGs operating from INS Viraat.


New Member
Aug 13, 2009
With the current fleet of Sea Harriers having some trouble, and in light of INS Viraat out after repairs and also the first batch of Mig 29s coming in for the IN is it possible that we see the MIGs operating from INS Viraat.
no sob. it can not operate mig 29k. viraat is not STOBAR AC. the migs will have to operate from land till our 2 ACs arrive post 2012.

Dark Sorrow

Respected Member
New Member
Mar 24, 2009
With the current fleet of Sea Harriers having some trouble, and in light of INS Viraat out after repairs and also the first batch of Mig 29s coming in for the IN is it possible that we see the MIGs operating from INS Viraat.
No, it is not possible to operate Migs on INS Viraat.
(1) Viraat is a carrier mean to handle aircraft with STOVL, while mig is a plane with convection take of landing.
(2) Viraat don't possess arresting wires while Mig-29K uses arrested recovery.
(3) Amount of deck required for Mig-29K for take-of with ski-jump did is more than that what could be made avaible in Viraat.
(4) The deck of Viraat itself is to small to handle Mig-29K.


New Member
Aug 28, 2009
well since our own aircraft carrier will be inducted soon in IN , it is important that more Mig 29K should be bought along with N-LCA


New Member
Aug 13, 2009
well since our own aircraft carrier will be inducted soon in IN , it is important that more Mig 29K should be bought along with N-LCA
it won't be soon AJS. only around 2013 onwards or thereabouts. more migs will come as and when the ACs go close to operationalisation.


DFI Technocrat
New Member
Mar 7, 2009
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Isnt IAC supposed to carry 30 aircrafts? Can anyone confirm this for me?

wild goose

New Member
Jun 15, 2009
Indian Built Fighters On Indian Built Carriers

September 23, 2009: The Indian Navy is buying six of the new LCA (Light Combat Aircraft, or "Tejas") fighters to fly from the new carriers they will enter service in the next five years. This is an experiment to see how the LCA will do as a carrier aircraft. The navy has already bought navalized MiG-29s for these carriers. The navy LCAs will also be navalized (mainly stronger landing gear, a tail hook and different cockpit electronics.) The MiG-29K weighs 21 tons (16 percent weapons), while the navalized LCA weighs 13 tons, 34 percent of that weapons. The MiG-29 is a better fighter, but the LCA carries a little more (4 versus 3.5 tons) armament, making it a cheaper way to attack ships or land targets with missiles and bombs. A land based carrier deck is being built, so the naval LCA can begin tests, and training pilots, within two years.

The LCA is only now preparing to enter mass production. Five prototypes already exist, and another ten pre-production models will be built next year. By 2012, mass production (at least 20 aircraft a year) is to begin, no matter what. Or at least that's the plan. For over two decades, India has been trying to design, develop and manufacture its own "lightweight fighter." India calls it the LCA, and the project has been a major disaster.

The U.S. F-16 is probably the premier "lightweight fighter" in service, and entered wide service about the time India began thinking about creating their own. Both the F-16 (at least the earlier models), and the LCA, weigh about 12-13 tons. But the F-16 is a high performance aircraft, with a proven combat record, while the LCA is sort of an improved Mirage/MiG-21 type design. Not too shabby, and cheap (about half the cost of an F-16). Also, for all this time, money and grief, India has made its aviation industry a bit more capable and mature.

When work began in the mid-1980s, it was believed that the aircraft would be ready for flight testing by 1990. A long list of technical delays resulted in that first flight not taking place until 2001. Corners had to be cut to make this happen, for the LCA was originally designed to use the Indian built Kaveri engine.

For a jet fighter, the engine is the most complex part of the aircraft, and the Kaveri has had its share of setbacks. Fortunately, there was an American engine, the GE 404, that fit the LCA, and could be used as a stop-gap. The Kaveri engine is not expected to be ready for flight tests until later this year, or thereabouts. The American engine has been used in the meantime.

For all this, India only plans to buy 200-300 LCAs, mainly to replace its aging MiG-21s, plus more if the navy finds the LCA works on carriers. Export prospects are dim, given all the competition out there (especially for cheap, second-hand F-16s). The delays have led the air force to look around for a hundred or so new aircraft (or even used F-16s) to fill the gap between elderly MiG-21s falling apart, and the arrival of the new LCAs. However, two decades down the road, the replacement for the LCA will probably be a more competitive, and timely, aircraft.

The LCA was not the first attempt to produce an Indian jet fighter. The HF-24 was an earlier attempt at developing a modern fighter. Designed by Kurt Tank (who also designed the FW-190 and Ta-152), the HF-24 was a failure because India could not develop a powerful enough engine. Thus the 147 HF-24s built, served from the 1960s, to the 1980s, as a ground attack aircraft.

Naval Air: Indian Built Fighters On Indian Built Carriers


New Member
Oct 2, 2009
I know we are going to have 2 more aircraft carriers other than the Vikramaditya..........Just for discussion, My point is 4 overall makes better sense - Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal and Indian ocean........Remember, it is better to have one on standby or it might be in repairs..........By having 2-3 carriers out, it is a great way to project power........its all about projecting and other party gets the in pint being China..........Its never fought a war..........Just projects and countries are scared of its might........Look at this way, would you pick up a fight with the big guy in the gym


DFI Technocrat
New Member
Mar 7, 2009
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I know we are going to have 2 more aircraft carriers other than the Vikramaditya..........Just for discussion, My point is 4 overall makes better sense - Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal and Indian ocean........Remember, it is better to have one on standby or it might be in repairs..........By having 2-3 carriers out, it is a great way to project power........its all about projecting and other party gets the in pint being China..........Its never fought a war..........Just projects and countries are scared of its might........Look at this way, would you pick up a fight with the big guy in the gym
We are actually planning to have 3 more ACs 2 Vikrant class, one Baku class and one will be in the 60k tonnage for which the design has started. :sporty55::sporty55:

