India's first laser guided bomb – Sudarshan

Feb 16, 2009
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India has developed its first Laser Guided Bomb (LGB), a weapon that can hit a target with greater accuracy, with technological support from city-based Instrument Research and Development Establishment (IRDE). The development of technology for producing Laser Guided Bomb is part of ongoing research towards achieving self-dependency in the defence area being done in IRDE, a lab of DRDO, Scientist and Public Relation Officer of IRDE told PTI. The LGB uses a laser designator to mark or illuminate a target. The reflected laser light from the target is then detected by the seeker which sends signals to the weapon's control surfaces to guide it towards the designated point, he said. Bangalore-based Aeronautics Development Establishment (ADE) has developed the guidance-kit for 1000-pound LGBs and these are designed to improve the accuracy of air-to-ground bombing by IAF.
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Feb 16, 2009
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This is the indigenous Sudarshan Laser guided bomb in service with the IAF. bombers Mig 27s & SEPECAT Jaguar.

The Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE) had successfully designed, developed & carried out the user trials of laser guided bomb kits with the participation of the IAF. Flight tests had demonstrated the accuracy, reliability and performance of these precision air launched bombs. A number of high tech components have also been developed by Indian industries for this advanced weapon package. Indian Air Force is upgrading a large number of unguided bombs to this standard based on the excellent results.
Feb 16, 2009
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we also have PAVEWAY?

Lockheed Martin bags deal to supply laser-guided bombs to IAF - Economic Times

Lockheed Martin bags deal to supply laser-guided bombs to IAF

US defence major Lockheed Martin has bagged a deal expected to be worth over Rs 100 crore for supplying laser-guided bombs (LGBs) for the Jaguar fighter aircraft fleet in the Indian Air Force (IAF).

The IAF plans to induct more than 100 bunker-buster LGBs for its Jaguar warplanes to destroy strongly fortified enemy targets.

"We have emerged as the lowest bidders in the deal for supplying LGBs to the IAF. We have offered our Paveway II LGBs for the Jaguars and contract negotiations are on in this direction," Lockheed Martin India head Roger Rose told PTI here.
Feb 16, 2009
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Israel Unveils New Bunker Buster | Defense News |

Israel Unveils New Bunker Buster

TEL AVIV — Israel last week unveiled an improved precision, bunker-burrowing weapon, the latest in a series of operational upgrades aimed at honing what one official here labeled "a very credible military option" against the Iranian nuclear threat.

Built by state-owned Israel Military Industries (IMI), the 500-pound MPR-500 is an electro-optical or laser-guided projectile that can penetrate double-reinforced concrete walls or floors without breaking apart. It is designed as an upgrade to the U.S. Mk82, thousands of which are in Israel Air Force stocks, and can use Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) kits or Paveway for guidance.

In an operational test video released March 6, the MPR-500 is seen penetrating four reinforced concrete walls, with fragmentation from the explosion limited to a radius of less than three meters.

"The lethality, precision ... and relatively low weight enables its use against multiple targets in a single pass; an element that increases the operational effectiveness of attack," according to IMI.

The MPR-500 bridges an operational gap between the 250-pound U.S. GBU-39 small-diameter bomb — 1,000 of which were approved for sale to Israel — and the 5,000-pound GBU-28.

In parallel, the Air Force is planning to enlarge its Boeing 707-based aerial refueling tanker fleet.

Once deployed, the expanded tanker fleet will be capable of providing nearly 2 million pounds of fuel, allowing dozens of Israeli F-15 and F-16 fighters to carry more weapons for long-range strategic bombing missions.

The Israeli daily Ma'ariv newspaper reported March 8 that Washington had offered to augment Israel's aerial refueling and limited bunker-busting capabilities on condition that Israel refrain from waging an independent attack on Iran this year. An Israeli security source denied that report, insisting there was no "quid pro quo" linkage between the timing of future Israeli operations and additional capabilities that may be forthcoming from Washington.

A U.S. government source confirmed that additional GBU-28s were a subject of bilateral talks. However, he insisted that beyond the 100 GBU-28s authorized for Israel in 2005 and another 50 approved in 2007, there have been no new notifications to Congress regarding potential sales.

Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz, Israel Defense Forces chief of staff, is expected to discuss options for enhancing Israel's so-called qualitative military edge in meetings with U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, scheduled next week in Washington.

Very Credible Option
Despite continued disagreement in Israel about the need for near-term unilateral action against Iran, the security official here insisted that Israel will have "a very credible option" should Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu order such an attack.

"If we have to act militarily, we will do so well beyond expectations in Washington and especially in Tehran," the official here said.

Speaking in Washington March 6, Netanyahu evoked analogies from the Holocaust when he told a gathering of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC): "Never again will we not be masters of the fate of our very survival. Never again. That is why Israel must always have the ability to defend itself, by itself, against any threat."

In an interview after respective AIPAC addresses by Netanyahu and U.S. President Barack Obama, the Israeli security official praised Obama's firm determination to act, militarily if necessary, to prevent a nuclear Iran. He also hailed Obama's affirmation of Israel's sovereign right to act in its self-defense.

But the official cited the differing sense of urgency driving potential operational timelines in Washington and Tel Aviv.

"The Americans want to wait until they have evidence of Iran's decision to assemble a bomb. But we say that's part of Iran's strategy. We say Iran will continue to enrich uranium, harden its facilities and add redundancies that will allow it to break out or sneak out with nuclear weaponization," the official said.

He added, "At that time, for us at least, it will be too late."

In a March 6 White House press conference, Obama insisted sanctions against Iran were starting to have an effect.

"And so this notion that somehow we have a choice to make in the next week or two weeks, or month or two months, is not borne out by the facts," he said.

However, Obama also said, "Israel is a sovereign nation that has to make its own decisions about how best to preserve its security. And as I said over the last several days, I am deeply mindful of the historical precedents that weigh on any prime minister of Israel when they think about the potential threats to Israel and the Jewish homeland."

In a closed briefing at the Institute for National Security Studies here, a former senior defense official said both countries would act according to their essential interests.

"At the end of the day, there is an understanding in both leaderships that there is a point where you go by yourself," the former official said.

He also described Israel's military option as credible, adding, "Just to remind you that the Israelis surprised the world in the past with capabilities that nobody [knew] that they could do."

In 1981, Israel attacked Iraq's nuclear reactor and in 2007 is widely believed to have destroyed a suspected nuclear site in Syria.

Retired Lt. Gen. Dan Halutz, former Israel Defense Forces chief of staff, is among several leading security experts here disputing Netanyahu's view that Iran is a threat to Israel's existence.

"Terminology is important," Halutz told participants at last month's annual Herzliya Conference. "Iran is a severe threat; not an existential threat ... and one shouldn't use this as an excuse to attack Iran."

According to Halutz, a normally passionate advocate for strategic air power, "The military option should be last, and it should be led by others."

He added, "We need to squeeze every last drop out of other ways before entertaining military options."


Regular Member
Sep 6, 2011
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I thought we already had and used it from Mirage in Kargil to smash puki a$$ lol may be i am wrong.

Any how good news :)
Feb 16, 2009
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I thought we already had and used it from Mirage in Kargil to smash puki a$$ lol may be i am wrong.

Any how good news :)

It was USA Raytheon that supplied the LGB's

Lockheed Martin bags deal to supply laser-guided bombs to IAF - Economic Times

LGBs are guided projectiles that use lasers to strike a designated target with greater accuracy than a gravity bomb and were used with high accuracy by the IAF against Pakistani Army posts during the Kargil war in 1999.

Around the same time, the US had supplied some Paveway bombs to India which could be launched from the Jaguar and Mirage 2000 planes for accurately striking enemy targets.

The earlier lot of the American bombs to the IAF was supplied by Raytheon.


Senior Member
Jan 1, 2013
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Can it be used as bunker buster??
Nope, bunker busters have a different design.

The front end for example is hardened to withstand the impact of the bomb on the top or sides of the bunker. This helps to keep the shape of the bomb intact after impact.

Then there is also a delayed fuse in a bunker buster, so thay the explosive is triggered inside the bunker, and not at the top.

You can delay the fuse of an ordinary bomb too, but that doesn't guarantee penetration to the extent required for.demolishing a bunker

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