Indian Economy: News and Discussion


Senior Member
Sep 22, 2016
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Yes, you can download the maps of your chosen area from Google maps and use it in offline mode. They have successfully demonstrated a map following unjammable drone.
Map following unjammable. Nothing unique. They are probably using some open source DSMAC lite software for waypoint navigation. They are not the first to do this. Even paki cruise missiles have that capability via OTC chips. Anyway stopping here as it is not related to topic.


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2013
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Parts of Bangalore doesn't have the worst traffic in the world without reason. Bangalore's ecosystem & talent isn't easily replicable elsewhere. Limited alternatives exist but there are no guarantees that TN & Telangana won't do something similar. Haryana has already tried something similar. This is a national disease, as @MuffleParch said, all of India will pay for such stupidity if it is actually implemented.
That is what worries me. Instead of moving to other states, they will simply leave India, and it has happened in the past when we lost over 70% of the voice and call center business to the Philippines.


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2018
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These dumb fucks don't realize IT & services exports literally carried the nation and its unproductive freeloading goons on its backs for over two decades and continues to do so.

These chapri local goons in every state have to be reined in or culled.
I looked up the report, the guy specifically excludes Tech companies from his proposal and he just speaks of having meeting...considering etc.. for the remaining. As others have said & I agree, this is just some crap talk & no one is paying serious attention.


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2018
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That is what worries me. Instead of moving to other states, they will simply leave India, and it has happened in the past when we lost over 70% of the voice and call center business to the Philippines.
Not in tech. Not yet anyways. India is both a major talent base as well as a huge market.


Senior Member
Apr 17, 2014
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That is what worries me. Instead of moving to other states, they will simply leave India, and it has happened in the past when we lost over 70% of the voice and call center business to the Philippines.
Philpinos are used to speaking with an american accent so it was easy for companies to recruit call centre workers without thick local accents like one does in India.


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2013
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Not in tech. Not yet anyways. India is both a major talent base as well as a huge market.
It is not assured that companies will continue to invest and operate in India solely due to its large talent base and market.
If the government continues to create whimsical rules and regulations, there will be a breaking point where running their shops in India will not be viable.


Senior Member
Feb 19, 2022
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They are doing this now to every single industrial field from chemicals to solar and EV batteries
This is not a china issue. This is related business house place strategy. Imagine how 1100 crore company wiped out, it means company never think of danger situation will come in future.

Business goes down & up, but its strategy to be placed what to do if suppose business goes down.

Always those business survive who think of bad time.


Senior Member
Sep 5, 2020
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I have now traveled about 10 cities in India - all major metros plus select tier 2s - and visited several non-IT campuses like clinics, schools, offices, retail stores etc. Here are my findings: India is headed toward a upper middle income trap. Reasons below.
- work ethics is really poor in India. Employees do not keep their areas neat and clean nor do they adopt latest digital practices. People do not take accountability or ownership for their work. In almost all places where my name was needed, they got my spellings wrong and did not even ask me if I should correct it. Almost all places were using paper and not computers to type my information in.
- most places were under capacity. That is everything from clinics to offices were built small and under capacity. Roads are under capacity and so were train terminals etc. Nothing is planned for future capacity expansions.
- many youth are roaming around or doing menial jobs and earning very less - probably just 10000 a month.
- public transport is terrible , with way under capacity of metro trains and buses.
- cities are extremely crowded. There are many outsiders coming in with no skills. Construction work is done in primitive ways with construction waste never cleared.
- clinics and hospitals are dirty with no one caring about dirtiness. That is they don’t even care or it does not even register that the premises of healthcare areas have to be clean
- talking to several people, I find that 9 out of 10 have very little knowledge of outside world, technology, how people live, startup world, proper education etc. They have no idea that you have to be disciplined to make money. The mindset is still that I will make money from dowry, cheating taxes, real estate fraud, black money, joining politics , corruption etc. This is the same mindset that existed in 1990s apparently.
- all the expectations is still to do low level jobs like peons, reception desks, driving rickshaws, small bill collectors etc - all extremely low wage jobs. No aspirations at all to move up. In fact people want to move down - that is not work and live somehow through very basic means like multi family shack up in the same house.
- many more to list here.

Almost all of the purchases, lifestyle aspirations, progressive thinking, India must become upper middle income, ethics and honesty must be there etc - comes from less than 1 out of 10 people I interacted with. This is disappointing and frankly bad news for our future. Don’t know how we are going to get our people sophisticated to even get them to higher wages and productivity. I think it is very difficult.


Senior Member
Mar 3, 2021
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That Tweet is BS tho. The tender was awarded years back; when there was not enough domestic capacity in India. Only the deliveries are taking place now.

No chinese rolling stock manufacturer is going to win another tender anytime soon because they keep getting disqualified in pre-bid meets.

Ya'll Nibbiars

Yeah, typical cheeni overcapacity. Exporting the fuck out to avoid a full blown economic crisis. One reason why India's trade and non trade barriers are targeting china almost exclusively. Same goes for the EU nations and murica.


Senior Member
Sep 5, 2020
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That Tweet is BS tho. The tender was awarded years back; when there was not enough domestic capacity in India. Only the deliveries are taking place now.

No chinese rolling stock manufacturer is going to win another tender anytime soon because they keep getting disqualified in pre-bid meets.

Yeah, typical cheeni overcapacity. Exporting the fuck out to avoid a full blown economic crisis. One reason why India's trade and non trade barriers are targeting china almost exclusively. Same goes for the EU nations and murica.
Never say never. Our politicians and babus are corrupt to the bone. If the Chinese throw some money at them, they will find ways to recommend Chinese railways. Only a few ministers at the top maybe ok. But babus have a way of slipping things in, in a clever way. Never underestimate our bhika hua politicians and babus.


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2022
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Never say never. Our politicians and babus are corrupt to the bone. If the Chinese throw some money at them, they will find ways to recommend Chinese railways. Only a few ministers at the top maybe ok. But babus have a way of slipping things in, in a clever way. Never underestimate our bhika hua politicians and babus.
If not Babus then the whoreson wholesellers and people working in custom dept will sabotage the makeInIndia effort.

Something which I can't order from AliExpress, can be ordered by Indian sellers which they would sell at fukin 100-150% mark up.

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