Indian Counter Terror Operations Pictures & Discussions

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Indian Sniper.001

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Sep 22, 2016
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It is a good thing bro...

Let them use this flag.....there are no difference between ISIS and any other Islamic terrorist organisation.

But now it will be easier for Indian agencies to kill these terrorists without any issue.

Now which human rights organisation is going to support ISIS ??
Haha, yes bhai, it is a good thing. But just pointed it out. Coming to the question about HR supporting ISIS, I am sure you would read that article where Amnesty warns India about taking action or something like that, and our HR activists mofos had signed petition to release 'Kasab', and recently this -
Only if liberals are killed, this issue can be sorted out once and forever.


New Member
Jul 10, 2017
This is a cheap, lightweight & advanced helmet.... With inbuilt communication system.

That is good enough for India..... They can include rails too.
The Patka actually had more protection than ballistic helmet. Ballistic helmet is not a bullet proof helmet. It only stops secondary shrapnel and pistol rounds. Patka could stop AK rounds. These ballistic helmets are more useful as a mounting point for gadgets than as bullet protection.

Most helmet vendors therefore don't even mention what caliber bullet their ballistic helmet can stop. They clearly mention that it is only for blunt force protection like falling down.

See this Quora answer :

Ballistic helmets which Unkil's soldiers use are for protection from shrapnel.

Here, they mention :

Sources said that the new helmets are designed to bear the impact of 9 mm ammunition fired from a short range, meeting the global standard for protection among leading armed forces.
What they don't mention that the global standard is actually lower than Indian standard. The Patka was capable of stopping much larger caliber rounds. The only problem was that it was heavy, but being Indians, we are more likely to believe that a new helmet ought to be 'better'. It's just lighter at the expense of protection.


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Jul 4, 2013
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Does anyone else have doubts about ISIS in Kashmir, I for one think there is no ISIS, and this is nothing but a psy-war played by ISI to instill fear and panic in Indian public. How much ever we criticize RNS, let us not forget the great work he and his team have done to keep ISIS from India - some heroic stories which we will never hear.
Who is RNS? Request you to share any sharable stories.
Edit: Got RNS = Raj Nath Singh.


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Sep 7, 2015
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How All India Radio is working overtime to bring Kashmir back into India's fold

Ever since the terrorist attack on Amarnath pilgrims on July 12, All India Radio (AIR) has been running programmes for audiences in J&K, PoK and parts of Pakistan that highlight the involvement of Muslims in maintaining the shrine and running the yatra as a trust-building effort. These programmes have been broadcast in six languages — Urdu, Kashmiri, Dogri, Gogri, Pahari and Hindi — and they attempt to showcase the anger Kashmiris felt at the terror attack.

A programme broadcast on Tuesday, a day after the attack that killed seven pilgrims, traced the origin of the cave that’s home to the shrine. ‘Putting Amarnath in Perspective’ showcased the narrative of the cave being discovered by a Muslim saint and told of how the shrine has been maintained by Muslims for years. It also said several local Muslims are actively involved in hosting pilgrims, transporting them and other yatra-related activities.

Another radio special looked at how 20,000 Muslim workers, including 7,000 owners of ponies, work on the yatra route. It also highlighted stories of locals helping and often coming to the rescue of Hindu pilgrims during accidents or bad weather in the valley, especially near the Baltal base camp.

The programmes also publicised comments by Muslims across the state condemning the attack on the Amarnath yatra and describing it as an attack on humanity.

Thousands of Muslims join the yatra every year, offering their services as workers, guides of ponies and horses carrying pilgrims as well as bearers of palanquin, said one feature. Muslim youth help older pilgrims climb the difficult Chandanwari track up to the cave on palanquins.

“In places like the valley, AIR is heard widely and in some areas it’s the only medium of listening to news. We wanted peace to prevail and check any backlash following the incident,” a senior official said.

While home minister Rajnath Singh defended the spirit of Kashmiriyat, All India Radio on Thursday talked about “rishiyat (cult of rishis)” and “Kashmiri Shaivism” that was rich in faith and spirituality and never at odds with Islam, as there were many similarities between the two. The programmes stressed the fact that Islam considered it “reprehensible” to attack people belonging to other faiths. “J&K has had several sages who have done tapasya (penance) in the hills. It has had Muslims saints who have taught lessons to the world.

The lessons are not different from each other. Anyone thinking of harming someone because his faith is different is doing grave disservice to his own religion,” was the commentary on one programme.
So we've woken up only after the Amarnath Yatra incident? AIR should have been beaming such pro India and anti Pak programs since the early 90s. If the Kashmiris can be brainwashed by Paki propaganda why not do the same for anti Pak propaganda in the Valley?


New Member
Jul 10, 2017
Who is RNS? Request you to share any sharable stories.
Edit: Got RNS = Raj Nath Singh.
RNS = Regular Ninda Singh aka our very own Kadi Ninda who is always in Kadi Nidra :pound:

Haha, yes bhai, it is a good thing. But just pointed it out. Coming to the question about HR supporting ISIS, I am sure you would read that article where Amnesty warns India about taking action or something like that, and our HR activists mofos had signed petition to release 'Kasab', and recently this -
Only if liberals are killed, this issue can be sorted out once and forever.
Tum kitne Dhindu maroge, har ghar se Dhindu niklen....ok ok, I am having too much fun now. But seriously, how many Dhindus will you kill in a country of Dhindus?

Like Ra'as Al Ghul said to Batman "Like your father, you lack the will to act."

No matter how hawkish Hindus think we are, we lack the will to cause harm to our enemy. On the other hand, just go to a Muslim group and tell them that a Hindu has insulted Mr Rangeela Rasool and everyone and their grandmother will assemble in the streets demanding no less than death. When a Hindu thinks revenge, the farthest extent their imagination goes is "I hope the police arrests him and gives him a fair trial in the court". For all our bravado, isn't that what we did with Kasab and Afzal Guru?
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Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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RNS = Regular Ninda Singh aka our very own Kadi Ninda who is always in Kadi Nidra :pound:

Tum kitne liberal maroge, har ghar se liberal niklen....ok ok, I am having too much fun now. But seriously, how many Dhindus will you kill in a country of Dhindus?

@Bhumihar : Bangladeshi immigration needs to be solved.

Me : Harvest their organs.

@Bhumihar : you sound like a psychopath.

*After Amarnath attacks*

My relatives : Strongest action must be taken against perpetrators.

Me : True. We must wrap them in pig skin and burn them alive.

My relatives : where has your humanity gone?

Like Ra'as Al Ghul said to Batman "Like your father, you lack the will to act."

No matter how hawkish Hindus think we are, we lack the will to cause harm to our enemy. On the other hand, just go to a Muslim group and tell them that a Hindu has insulted Mr Rangeela Rasool and everyone and their grandmother will assemble in the streets demanding no less than death. When a Hindu thinks revenge, the farthest extent their imagination goes is "I hope the police arrests him and gives him a trial in the court". For all our bravado, isn't that what we did with Kasab and Afzal Guru?

"Hindu Batman : I will fight but I will not kill. Mummy, police ko bulao"
Your generalisation of Hindus is applicable only for Twitter Hindus and urban Hindus.

Rural India sort these matters on their own, they don't expect somebody else to solve their problems.

Akshay Fenix

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Jun 17, 2017
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So we've woken up only after the Amarnath Yatra incident? AIR should have been beaming such pro India and anti Pak programs since the early 90s. If the Kashmiris can be brainwashed by Paki propaganda why not do the same for anti Pak propaganda in the Valley?
Sir ji, This stuff started back in September 2016. Der aaye durust aaye.


New Member
Jul 10, 2017
Your generalisation of Hindus is applicable only for Twitter Hindus and urban Hindus.

Rural India sort these matters on their own, they don't expect somebody else to solve their problems.
70% of India is rural. Congress ruled India for 6 decades. What does that say about Indians?

Kisi aur ko kya blame karna, all my rural relatives vote for Congress. In the hinterlands, Congress is still a vintage brand with a hefty brand value, like Ambassador car, or Bajaj Chetak. They don't associate it with Rahul Gandhi. They are stuck in their own nostalgia. All the roads, government buildings, subsidy schemes, colleges, universities are named after Gandhi.

26/11 happened just a month before Maharashtra assembly elections, and few months before 2009 General elections. Even after such an attack, Congress came to power in Maharashtra and in the Center. There must be someone among us who is voting these idiots to power in large numbers right? they can't all be city dwellers.

There is no rural-urban divide when it comes to Dhindiusm. We are all the same.

@Mikesingh We also have WION news channel which is doing a fantastic job. Just today we have received a formal communication from the government of Turkey in response to Erdogan's interview which happened last month where he had said that there is scope for multilateral intervention in Kashmir and that Turkey wants to mediate between India and Pakistan. The government has sent a formal cable issuing a 'correction' stating that Turkey understands that it is a bilateral issue and any claims made otherwise by Erdogan were a case of wrong translation. (The funny bit is that the translation was given to us by Turkish embassy itself).

Daniele Pagani is doing a series about warzones where he shows the destruction caused by the messiah of human rights, aka USA, in all the countries they have invaded.

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Nov 22, 2016
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A nice whatsapp fwd

भारत के थल सेनाध्यक्ष जनरल विपिन रावत ने चाहा है कि भारत का हर व्यक्ति भारतीय सेना के बारे में नीचे लिखे वाक्यों को अवश्य पढ़े।

आपसे सादर आग्रह है कि कृपया इन अमूल्य 'राष्ट्र रक्षा सूत्रों' को विभिन्न माध्यमों से अधिक से अधिक देशवासियों तक पहुँचाने में सहयोग कीजिए.


भारतीय सेना 10 सर्वश्रेष्ठ अनमोल वचन: अवश्य पढें।
इन्हें पढकर सच्चे गर्व की अनुभूति होती है...

" *मैं तिरंगा फहराकर वापस आऊंगा या फिर तिरंगे में लिपटकर आऊंगा, लेकिन मैं वापस अवश्य आऊंगा।*"
- कैप्टन विक्रम बत्रा,
परम वीर चक्र

" *जो आपके लिए जीवनभर का असाधारण रोमांच है, वो हमारी रोजमर्रा की जिंदगी है।* "
- लेह-लद्दाख राजमार्ग पर साइनबोर्ड (भारतीय सेना)

" *यदि अपना शौर्य सिद्ध करने से पूर्व मेरी मृत्यु आ जाए तो ये मेरी कसम है कि मैं मृत्यु को ही मार डालूँगा।*"
- कैप्टन मनोज कुमार पाण्डे,
परम वीर चक्र, 1/11 गोरखा राइफल्स

" *हमारा झण्डा इसलिए नहीं फहराता कि हवा चल रही होती है, ये हर उस जवान की आखिरी साँस से फहराता है जो इसकी रक्षा में अपने प्राणों का उत्सर्ग कर देता है।*"
- भारतीय सेना

" *हमें पाने के लिए आपको अवश्य ही अच्छा होना होगा, हमें पकडने के लिए आपको तीव्र होना होगा, किन्तु हमें जीतने के लिए आपको अवश्य ही बच्चा होना होगा।*"
- भारतीय सेना

" *ईश्वर हमारे दुश्मनों पर दया करे, क्योंकि हम तो करेंगे नहीं।"*
- भारतीय सेना

" *हमारा जीना हमारा संयोग है, हमारा प्यार हमारी पसंद है, हमारा मारना हमारा व्यवसाय है।*
- अॉफीसर्स ट्रेनिंग अकादमी, चेन्नई

" *यदि कोई व्यक्ति कहे कि उसे मृत्यु का भय नहीं है तो वह या तो झूठ बोल रहा होगा या फिर वो इंडियन आर्मी का ही होगा।*"
- फील्ड मार्शल सैम मानेकशॉ

" *आतंकवादियों को माफ करना ईश्वर का काम है, लेकिन उनकी ईश्वर से मुलाकात करवाना हमारा काम है।*"
- भारतीय सेना

" *इसका हमें अफसोस है कि अपने देश को देने के लिए हमारे पास केवल एक ही जीवन है।*"
- अॉफीसर प्रेम रामचंदानी

इसे आगे बढाते जाएं...
सबको इंडियन आर्मी से रूबरू कराये।


Plz support to indian army


New Member
Sep 7, 2015
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@Mikesingh We also have WION news channel which is doing a fantastic job. Just today we have received a formal communication from the government of Turkey in response to Erdogan's interview which happened last month where he had said that there is scope for multilateral intervention in Kashmir and that Turkey wants to mediate between India and Pakistan. The government has sent a formal cable issuing a 'correction' stating that Turkey understands that it is a bilateral issue and any claims made otherwise by Erdogan were a case of wrong translation. (The funny bit is that the translation was given to us by Turkish embassy itself).

Daniele Pagani is doing a series about warzones where he shows the destruction caused by the messiah of human rights, aka USA, in all the countries they have invaded.

WION is a sleek news channel. Isn't it part of Essel Group which has Zee News too?? I particularly like the program 'Gravitas'. :)

Akshay Fenix

New Member
Jun 17, 2017
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Boring!!! Couple of punches and red chilly powder won't do shit.


Wounds will heal in time & Pain will be forgotten but Balls won't growback.

Whenever he sits down for a pee, he will always remember; never to mess with Indian Army.


New Member
Jul 10, 2017
WION is a sleek news channel. Isn't it part of Essel Group which has Zee News too?? I particularly like the program 'Gravitas'. :)
Yes the same one. It's a Zee venture but it's being mentored by foreigners, Mandy Clark, former CBS correspondent, and Mithaq Kazimi and former employees from The Guardian and CNN.

I like their global leadership series. They managed to catch hold of every big name be it someone who is in the good books of the western media cartel or someone who is a pariah. They got Musharraf to speak when he is actually in exile. They even managed to get the interview of North Korea's ambassador to India speaking on behalf of Kim.

They do a good job when left to themselves but then there's also Sudhir Choudhary from Zee. Whenever there is a news about Kejriwal, you can instinctively figure out that Sudhir has given his valuable inputs that day. :pound:
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