Indian Army Armored Vehicles

The Last Stand

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Apr 14, 2013
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Unmanned Vehicle Based on BMP-II platform (VERY OLD NEWS)

The first prototype of Unmanned Ground Vehicle on BMP II vehicle platform has been developed by Combat Vehicles Research & Development Establishment, Avadi, Chennai. The prototype consists of Drive-by-Wire (DBW) system which includes electromechanical actuators and drives for the driver interfaces such as acceleration, brake, gear shifting, steering, clutch, parking brake, etc.

The DBW system is controlled by a PXI-based controller in the remote vehicle and receives commands on wireless LAN from a lab view-based GUI located in the base station. The position feedbacks from the encoders on the steering actuators and from limit switches on the gear shift levers are obtained at the base station for accurate control. The clutching and gear shifting operations have been combined in the GUI, rendering the advantages of an automatic transmission to the conventional power-pack. Remote switching on the engine is also built in the controller.

The unmanned BMP was demonstrated to Dr A Sivathanu PIllai, Distinguished Scientist, and Chief Controller Research & Development (NS &ACE), on 25 May 2009.
The signals from the engine, like engine rpm, vehicle speed, etc are acquired by a data acquisition card and displayed in the GUI. The electromechanical actuators for the BMP II have been designed in such a way that the driver's accessibility to all the control pedals is not affected. The reverse effect on the actuators due to the
manual override was considered during the design and selection of electromechanical actuators.

Edit: Off topic post below


The Electronics & Radar Development Establishment (LRDE), Bangalore, has sucessfully designed, fabricated and evaluated an X-Band Slotted Waveguide Array Antenna. It is rugged and compact with high power handling capacity and efficiency. It meets all the electrical, mechanical and environmental specifications.

Dr VK Aatre, SA to RM, handed over the antenna to Dr Wisner, Dy Director, PIT, Poland, during Aero India - 2001 exhibition. Some major design features of the antenna are:

State-of-the-art computer-aided design

Use of proprietary and copyrighted CAD software packages, like COBRAS, COBICS and COBRAS-DC-

Compact architecture using non-standard reduced height waveguide dimensions

Planar magic tee junctions for compact monopulse comparator network

Elliptical profile for the effective utilisation of the available area
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Mar 6, 2011
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Unmanned Vehicle Based on BMP-II platform (VERY OLD NEWS)

The first prototype of Unmanned Ground Vehicle on BMP II vehicle platform has been developed by Combat Vehicles Research & Development Establishment, Avadi, Chennai. The prototype consists of Drive-by-Wire (DBW) system which includes electromechanical actuators and drives for the driver interfaces such as acceleration, brake, gear shifting, steering, clutch, parking brake, etc.

The DBW system is controlled by a PXI-based controller in the remote vehicle and receives commands on wireless LAN from a lab view-based GUI located in the base station. The position feedbacks from the encoders on the steering actuators and from limit switches on the gear shift levers are obtained at the base station for accurate control. The clutching and gear shifting operations have been combined in the GUI, rendering the advantages of an automatic transmission to the conventional power-pack. Remote switching on the engine is also built in the controller.

The unmanned BMP was demonstrated to Dr A Sivathanu PIllai, Distinguished Scientist, and Chief Controller Research & Development (NS &ACE), on 25 May 2009.
The signals from the engine, like engine rpm, vehicle speed, etc are acquired by a data acquisition card and displayed in the GUI. The electromechanical actuators for the BMP II have been designed in such a way that the driver's accessibility to all the control pedals is not affected. The reverse effect on the actuators due to the
manual override was considered during the design and selection of electromechanical actuators.

Edit: Off topic post below


LRDE Supplies Waveguide Antenna to Poland

The Electronics & Radar Development Establishment (LRDE), Bangalore, has sucessfully designed, fabricated and evaluated an X-Band Slotted Waveguide Array Antenna. It is rugged and compact with high power handling capacity and efficiency. It meets all the electrical, mechanical and environmental specifications.

Dr VK Aatre, SA to RM, handed over the antenna to Dr Wisner, Dy Director, PIT, Poland, during Aero India - 2001 exhibition. Some major design features of the antenna are:

State-of-the-art computer-aided design

Use of proprietary and copyrighted CAD software packages, like COBRAS, COBICS and COBRAS-DC-

Compact architecture using non-standard reduced height waveguide dimensions

Planar magic tee junctions for compact monopulse comparator network

Elliptical profile for the effective utilisation of the available area
To POLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What do our polish friends think about it?


New Member
Aug 20, 2011
Ask them :D

@militarysta @Damian

What do you think of us supplying waveguide antenna to your guys in 2001 :D

@ersakthivel sir wants to know :)
It's very simple. It's first build antena in India mande on polish lincence, from RADWAR (PIT) :)

Stacja radiolokacyjna TRS-15 / NUR-15 Odra -

Radar dla Indii a sprawa polska
Historia powstania radaru Odra ma swój początek w 1996 roku. Wówczas do Przemysłowego Instytut Telekomunikacji zwrócił się resort obrony Indii, który bazując na informacjach o zaawansowanych systemach radarowych, zaproponował polskim specjalistom skonstruowanie mobilnego impulsowego radaru ostrzegawczego średniego zasięgu. Wymagania MO Indii mówiły o systemie antenowym (antena zasadnicza i antena kompensacji listków bocznych) bez nadajnika czy podzespołów obróbki sygnału i zobrazowania. Antena miała mieć następujące parametry: pasmo pracy S, pokrycie w elewacji 20o (jedna wiązka nadawcza o kształcie cosecans2 i sześć wiązek ołówkowych odbiorczych), (...)
W 1997 roku PIT przygotował wstępny projekt jednostki antenowej dla Indii. (...)
Dwa lata później, w grudniu 2001 roku, PIT dostarczył do Indii również nadajnik systemu. Na bazie CAR-1100 zbudowano w DRDO stacje radarowe 3D-CAR (Three Dimensional Central Aquisition Radar) dla systemu przeciwlotniczego Akash. 3D-CAR ma zasięg instrumentalny około 180 kilometrów. Według dostępnych danych zbudowano sześć 3D-CAR, a jego wersjami rozwojowymi są radary Rohini dla sił powietrznych i Revathi dla marynarki wojennej Indii, z nową wersją anteny i nadajnikiem o większej mocy, a także radar 3D-TCR (Tactical Control Radar) dla armii. Radary Revathi zostaną zamontowane na korwetach typu Kamorta (planowane są cztery jednostki pierwszej serii), natomiast ponad 20 sztuk Rohini służy w indyjskim systemie obrony powietrznej. 3D-TCR jest natomiast w fazie badań. Do 2012 roku zamówiono 37 Revathi, a zapotrzebowanie opiewa na około 100 sztuk. Zapewne również Revathi powstaną co najmniej cztery egzemplarze. Warto dodać, że latach 2007-2010 PIT przekazał również pięć kompletów anten PAS-1102, a także podzespoły mikrofalowe (cyrkulatory) oraz części zamienne do indyjskich radarów. Można zatem powiedzieć, że polski wkład w budowę współczesnego systemu radiolokacyjnego Indii jest znaczący(...)
In 1996 indian MoD ask polish PiT about help in Indian air defence developmend.
India was interested mostly in antena and transfer technology due to lack of technology in India.
In 1997 first prototype was redy in Poland.
Two yers ago (2001) PIT transfered sucesfull technology to India, and transfered transmitter technology. On based CAR-1100 Indiand DRDO developed 3D-CAR for Akash with polish help. Only six radar was build, and now Indian developed (based on 3D-CAR) radars: Rohini (Air Forces - 20 radars) and Revathi (Navy 37 - radars) and 3D-TCR (Army 4 radars).
In 2007-2011 PIT additional transfered to India five sets of antennas PAS-1102, as well as microwave components (circulators) and spare parts for the Indian radar.

More or lest those 2001 antena "SUPPLIES WAVEGUIDE ANTENNA TO POLAND -" was first biuld in India after giving the Polish PIT licenses, and this short article shown that important fact. It just means that technology transfer from Poland to India was sucesfull.
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New Member
Mar 6, 2011
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It's very simple. It's first build antena in India mande on polish lincence, from RADWAR (PIT) :)

Stacja radiolokacyjna TRS-15 / NUR-15 Odra -

The Electronics & Radar Development Establishment (LRDE), Bangalore, has sucessfully designed, fabricated and evaluated an X-Band Slotted Waveguide Array Antenna. It is rugged and compact with high power handling capacity and efficiency. It meets all the electrical, mechanical and environmental specifications.

If it is being built under total license. why is there a word DESIGNED in the above quote?
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New Member
Aug 20, 2011
Why couldn't they build it in poland itself?
You don't understand. Those antena and article showns that 2001 antena "SUPPLIES WAVEGUIDE ANTENNA TO POLAND -" was first biuld in India after giving the Polish PIT licenses, and this short article shown that important fact. It just means that technology transfer from Poland to India was sucesfull.

And in Poland was build 3 those radar whit those antenas in PIT (TRS-15) , thanks for money from Indian contract improved new version whit mucht better abilities and nex 8 radars where ordered (NUR-15M) aditionally next new version was build whit ability to use in polish Navy ground base NSM division when radar (two radars) TRS-15C Odra-C is part of system..
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New Member
Mar 10, 2009
You don't understand. Those antena and article showns that 2001 antena "SUPPLIES WAVEGUIDE ANTENNA TO POLAND -" was first biuld in India after giving the Polish PIT licenses, and this short article shown that important fact. It just means that technology transfer from Poland to India was sucesfull.
Maybe manufacturing cost in Poland was too high?


New Member
Aug 20, 2011
Maybe manufacturing cost in Poland was too high?
I don't think soo. In Poland was build the same 3x (TRS-15), after obtaining money from Indian contract, there was build improved version 8 x NUR-15M plus 2x TRS-15C Odra-C for Polish NSM (Naval Strike Missile (NSM) divison:

So at least 13 radars TRS/NUR-15 familiy where build in Poland, not even mentioned other radars.
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New Member
Aug 20, 2011
BTW: After ask some friends in Poland: those antenas sent to Poland was offset. We sold licence to India, and as offset polish PIT must bought sevral antena made in India. They are sevral difrenses between pure polish antena and Indian ones, it was caused by technology resons (difrencess between technology production line in Poland and in India).


New Member
Mar 6, 2011
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BTW: After ask some friends in Poland: those antenas sent to Poland was offset. We sold licence to India, and as offset polish PIT must bought sevral antena made in India. They are sevral difrenses between pure polish antena and Indian ones, it was caused by technology resons (difrencess between technology production line in Poland and in India).
There were no defence offset obligations in 2001. The off set percentage for defence project is a very recent development.It doesnot apply to contracts signed in 2001.

Also the article clearly says that the antenna was designed and fabricated by LDRE. If the technology belongs to Polish firm, what designing job is left for LDRE?


New Member
Aug 20, 2011
Also the article clearly says that the antenna was designed and fabricated by LDRE. If the technology belongs to Polish firm, what designing job is left for LDRE?
So in this very short note is mistake. Indian industry was unable to produce this antena before got technology from Poland. Those antenas are produce in Poland, so there was no single resons to bought them in India. Now India developed their own family radars based on mixed orginal polish technology and newest (better) taken from diffrent countries. And it's way to bypass tantiem mony from licenced production :)

Polish CAR-1100 ---> DRDO 3D-CAR (whit polish help) ----> indian Rohini, Revathi, 3D-TCR whit some components from Poland (few antennas PAS-1102, as well as microwave components (circulators) as small help) ---> new pure Indian family.

Both sides were satisfied - India got technolgy -meybe not first world class but enought agaisn Pak. and PRC, and had technology transfer so got some "base" for new pure indian radar generation, and Poland got money from that contract to improve and developed nex generation in Poland.
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DFI Technocrat
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Oct 10, 2009
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Mahindra Marksman in service with Chilean Police?
Students clash with riot police during a protest called by the Chilean Coordinating Assembly of High School Students (ACES), the Chilean National Coordination of Students of High School (Cones), the Council of Student Federations of Chile (CONFECH) and the Movement of Students of Private Higher Education (MESUP), in Santiago, capital of Chile, on May 28, 2013. The students demanded a dignified and free education without lucre, according to local media. (Xinhua/Jorge Villegas)


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Mar 28, 2013
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Ammunition bursts in T-72 tanks barrels cause concern for Army
India's T-72 tanks are facing problems with its ammunition as it sometimes bursts in the barrel and 200 such cases have been reported making the Army wonder whether its troops will be "afraid" to fire even after seeing the enemy.

"It (the T-72 ammunition) used to burst in the barrel. If it bursts in the barrel, then the firer is afraid to fire his own gun, which is not a correct thing. If he is afraid to fire his own gun, then even if he sees the enemy he will not fire," the Army has told a Parliamentary Standing Committee on Defence.

The Army informed the Government and the Parliamentary Committee that over a period of time, there have been 200 such accidents involving the ammunition and "it brings down the confidence of the firer, especially, with regard to tank ammunition."

In terms of the numbers, the T-72 tanks are the backbone of the Indian armoured fleet and have undergone several upgrades since their induction to be able to fight effectively in the battlefield.

The Army is also "concerned" over the ammunition used by its artillery called Krashnapov, which has been imported from Russia, and has failed to hit targets in high altitude ranges such as Kargil.

"They were supposed to meet certain height and temperature requirement, and they said that it is not meant for such high altitude areas. Now, this ammunition has been shifted in the plain areas because it was not working there satisfactorily," it said.

The Army said several meetings have been held with the vendors to resolve the issue but progress in this direction has been relatively slow.

Last year, former Army Chief Gen V K Singh had written a letter to the Prime Minister explaining to him the shortages of tank ammunition being faced by the force.
Ammunition bursts in T-72 tanks barrels cause concern for Army

