India Launched Surgical Strikes Across LoC: DGMO 29/09/2016


New Member
Oct 24, 2014
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UNMOGIP says there has been no firing across L of C! They have observers located at either side of the Line.
India asked them to pack their bags long time back, hence it is unlikely that they have got access to the Indian side of the business. Besides, they don't have the luxury of moving around freely.

On a side note, they will naturally tilt towards the host which pampers them, supplies free champagne, Human nature.


New Member
Sep 7, 2015
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For that we will need something like American XM395 120mm GPS guidance kit. Don't think such kits exist within 120 mm range in our inventory.

Beyond 120 mm, escalation gets into bofors category. There might be PGM available at that range.

I may be wrong, Experts on the forum can confirm.
After India'’s decisive victory in Kargil 1999 the artillery had decided to exploit the superiority of trajectory correctable munitions and terminally-guided munitions. It is working to improve precision-guided munitions from the current negligible levels to 20 per cent of total available ammunition.

At present we have a limited number of Krasnopol Precision Guided Munitions (PGM). Talks are afoot for joint ventures with private companies for production of PGMs like the Copperhead and Excalibur. The main issue that has stalled the project is the enormous costs involved. However, for the time being we need to buy them off the shelf for use against Paki terror camps.


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
Do you mean lemontree is Ajai Shukla OR lemontree like Ajai Shukla is painting a wrong picture?
Two different people.

Yes he was using whatsapp chat as a credible source that there is dissent withing Indian army at WAB.

Following all his contents it was clear he is a Congress-I apologist. He was happy to kill Hindus with belted gun who allegedly molested a Muslim girl that enraged the Muslims at Godhra Railway station but was very sure that Muslim never burnt Hindus alive travelling by that ill fated Sabarmati Express.

Since Modi has become PM Ajai Shukla is using Whatsapp chat to spread disinformation. He treats whatsapp chat as credible when it suits his agenda, otherwise mocks it.

I see plenty of similarity in working of these people. When called out they start name calling.


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Sep 7, 2015
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How many UNMOGIP personnel's are deployed in either side to cover 100's of KM's ?

Any idea ? 1 per 100 ft of LOC ?
The strikes were carried out in an area 15km by 2km average ie 30 sq kms! Did these ISPR and ISI Porkis take them to every square km and searched the area for tell-tale signs? Does anyone think that the correspondents would be taken to the actual launch pads? Lol!! And how did they know where the strikes were carried out if there were no launch pads there as they claim?

These Porkis must think we are idiots! But they've managed to take some foreign journalists for a ride, towing the Paki line after a beer and biryani binge at the site!

The million dollar question is: Where were the journalists and the UNMOGIP personnel taken if there are no launch pads out there as they claim?

These Porkis sure are the silliest tribe of poodle-fakers on planet earth! Jeeez!


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
UNMOGIP says there has been no firing across L of C! They have observers located at either side of the Line.
UNMOGIP has no Locus Standi in J&K. Indian kicked them out of J&K state not sure if they have any official accommodation either in New Delhi.

Pakistanis pay and cater them like their brother-in-law so they utter what Pakistan wants to.

As far as practically observing these strikes are concern then UNMOGIP has exposed themselves badly.

The operations were covert so it is a moot point that anyone other than Indian SFs will know about it. The Pakistan army units who disengage and ran away would obviously deny it. Those who got culled even they didn't knew what was hitting them.

Furthermore UNMOGIP clowns are not some super power alien creatures who smell sniffs hear and feel every thing on thousands of miles of mountainous LoC stretch. They are dependent on Pakistan army and local visits when its needed, which Pakistan army controls and covers up.

Darth Malgus

New Member
Aug 24, 2016
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One of my friends sent a Watsapp Video of large amount of military equipment being moved to the border...


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
Does it make any sense that UNMOGIP is saying that no surgical strikes happened in POK when India has given no details of the coordinates ?? Aren't they speaking same language of Pakistan army ?

Darth Malgus

New Member
Aug 24, 2016
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Does it make any sense that UNMOGIP is saying that no surgical strikes happened in POK when India has given no details of the coordinates ?? Aren't they speaking same language of Pakistan army ?
I believe they said they are not aware of any op taking place, pak media twisted it to "UN said no op took place"


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009

No proof needed, complete trust on our Army and the Government.
It means proof have been made available to them. I bet even Chinese have been shown the proof.

All these nation will be laughing at Pakistani army who took paid journalist on Helicopters rides to show them around that every thing is hunky-dory.

Darth Malgus

New Member
Aug 24, 2016
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It means proof have been made available to them. I bet even Chinese have been shown the proof.

All these nation will be laughing at Pakistani army who took paid journalist on Helicopters rides to show them around that every thing is hunky-dory.
EU does not need to be given proof, they have the Intel to verify the proofs themselves...Besides i am sure the 22 Diplomats were given the evidence...


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
I believe they said they are not aware of any op taking place, pak media twisted it to "UN said no op took place"

Sure,Pakistanis are twisting every thing to fit their agenda. But we are defeating their propaganda using their very own logic. In Punjabi we say 'Teri jutti tera he sir"

Pakistanis are using picture of asian looking news anchor; quoting Diplomat article as it argues Indian defense capabilities are not good enough to be an invading force.

Poor lady is no even aware that they are using her face when it has nothing to with Japan but some crook Pakistani who google Diplomat's publication location being Japan. :pound:

Yesterday they were saying Modi has back tracked from surgical strikes as he made his typical cliche/stereotypical boring speech that India has never attacked any nation some where in a rally. :pound:

Darth Malgus

New Member
Aug 24, 2016
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Written by: Ryszard Czarnecki, Vice President, European Parliament on October 4, 2016.

By Ryszard Czarnecki, Vice President, European Parliament

On September 29, 2016, the Indian government informed the international community, both through diplomatic channels and the media, that it’s Army had carried out action against Pakistani terrorists who had assembled in small groups on the Pak-controlled side of its border in Kashmir, and had plans to enter India to carry out terror activities. According to the Indian Army statement, ‘significant casualties’ were inflicted on the terrorists. The message that came out was loud and clear – that India would no longer allow Pakistan to fuel cross-border terrorism. This proactive operation, carried out on Pak-controlled territory, was probably a first by India, and was a response to the two attacks by terror groups on Indian defence establishments earlier this year – the Pathankot Air base in January and the Uri Army camp in September. Both these establishments are located near the Indian border with Pakistan, and the attacks were carried out by Pak-based terror groups who had sneaked across the border into India.

The Pak government’s response to India’s statement was on expected lines. A spokesman of the Pak military described India’s announcement as “totally baseless and a complete lie”, adding that “the notion of surgical strikes linked to alleged terrorist bases is an illusion being deliberately generated by India to create false effects”. Pakistan has instead preferred to label the incident as a routine exchange of fire, in which it lost two soldiers, with another nine being wounded. For long, Pakistan has denied that anti-India terror groups and camps are operating in Pak-administered Kashmir, or other parts of the country. Hence it was unlikely that the Pak government would acknowledge that the Indian Army had neutralised some of these terror bases, whose very existence it has always denied.

Activities of Pak terror groups, usually supported by the country’s security establishment, have been extensively reported in the international media, over the last few years. The close association of the Pak defence establishment with the Afghan Taliban and Haqqani network is also well known, and the European Union has listed some of these Pak-based terror groups, including the Hizbul Mujahideen, on its terror list.

While earlier, groups like the Lashkar-e-Taiba or Jaish-e-Muhammad were seen as a threat to Indian assets and as operating only in South Asia, over the recent past, we have witnessed the alarming growth of Pak-linked terror modules in Europe and other parts of the world. The close proximity between the Pak security establishment and extremist / terror groups has also given rise to a situation where organisations propagating Islamic militancy in Pakistan enjoy de-facto State patronage, including in their call to Pakistani youth to participate in the ‘global jihad’. Evidence of this is available in the blatant manner in which UN-proscribed individuals and organisations are permitted to threaten attacks against the Western world in public meetings in different parts of Pakistan. This radicalisation is also evident in arrests worldwide, including in the European Union, of Pak youth for their involvement in terror activities. Examples are the arrest of Mohd Usman Ghani by the Austrian police for his links to the Paris terror attack in November 2015, the arrest of 18 Pak nationals by the Italian security agencies in 2015 for their association with international terrorism, and of 3 Pakistani nationals by the Spanish police in July 2016 for spreading jihadist ideology.

Over the last few years, the EU has experienced a large number of casualties caused by terror attacks, and there is every likelihood that we will continue to face an increasing number of threats from jihadist groups and individuals, in the near future. This rising threat calls for an effective response by us, to groups and states that sponsor terror, and support to states that are dealing with such threats. The need of the hour, therefore, is for the international community to stand together and cooperate in the common fight against terrorism.

India’s cross-border action against terrorists on its borders with Pakistan should be commended and supported by the international community. India has clearly indicated that these attacks were not against the Pakistani state, but focussed against terror groups that threatened peace and stability in the region. India deserves global support in its fight against terror emanating from Pakistan, for if left unchecked, these individuals and groups would be attacking Europe and the West, soon. It is also important for the European Union to maintain pressure on Pakistan to eliminate the terror networks that operate within its borders. The time has come for the world to act decisively against terrorism and ensure that no terror group is assured of a secure haven in any part of the world.


New Member
Sep 19, 2016
UNMOGIP says there has been no firing across L of C! They have observers located at either side of the Line.
From his own link.

Question: Sorry, what you just said, that UNMOGIP did not observe any firing across the Line; the Indians are saying basically that the surgical strikes did go.

Spokesman: What I'm saying is that UNMOGIP has not directly observed any of the… any firing. They're obviously aware of the reports of these presumed violations, and they're talking to the relevant… to the concerned authorities. Edie?

My Advice: Do some basic courses in English language.

