India Cold Start Doctrine and Pakistan's Tactical Nukes


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Dec 12, 2015
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I think cold start strategy is brilliant.

Pakistan capitalized on India's slow mobilization for a long time. This is now history.

India has massively improved logistics in the last 30 years. I call this a benefit of Kashmir war.

India is positioned now to respond very quickly to any threat from West. There as still issues in the East where road/rail network is inadequate but I guess North-East situation is also far better today then anytime in the past.


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Jul 11, 2011
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I think cold start strategy is brilliant.

Pakistan capitalized on India's slow mobilization for a long time. This is now history.

India has massively improved logistics in the last 30 years. I call this a benefit of Kashmir war.

India is positioned now to respond very quickly to any threat from West. There as still issues in the East where road/rail network is inadequate but I guess North-East situation is also far better today then anytime in the past.
The threat from West (Pakistan) continues to remain alive.
The nature of threat, however, has changed in form and content.
Pakistan has adopted "terrorism" as the main instrument of posing threat to India thereby utilising all instruments of Hybrid Warfare.
Pakistan wishes to avoid engaging India in conventional warfare where she has a disadvantage vis a vis India. Pakistan, however, got a parity with India post nuclearisation of the subcontinent.. Pakistanis have lost four conventional wars with India and having lost half of Pakistan seems to have abandoned her primary reliance on conventional war instruments and adopted terrorism as the main instrument under a nuclear umbrella in dealing with India.
The assumption that having achieved nuclear parity, Pakistan will adopt a stable and peaceful security regimen in the subcontinent has seems to have proven wrong. On the contrary, it has emboldened Pakistan in adopting disruptive means other than war..
The pillars of "terrorism" however continues to remain deterrent military capacity and nuclear parity against India providing Pakistan a security cover to adopt Hybrid Warfare means.

Therefore, use of conventional military force under nuclear conditions emerged as a problem for India's security planners and "cold start" as a military doctrine emerged as one of the possible solutions.


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Dec 12, 2015
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Bhadra, India is slow to realize its potential. But generally it does. India has many instruments available to it to fight the neighbour, and on its own turf.

Yes India has suffered. But this suffering has made Indian far more aware of India's security challenges. My father's generation was limited to providing for the family. My generation lived through Khalistan problem and Kashmir problem. It made my generation aware. The new generation of Indians wants revenge.

Terrorism can be a romantic notion that individuals with a certain ideology and guns can collapse a large State. In reality that rarely happens.

Few people in India understand the consequences of jihadi indoctrination and gun culture in Pakistan itself. Pakistan economy is virtually stagnant in last 30 years. The revolution in technology has largely bypassed Pakistan. There has been a severe economic cost to the war Pakistan is fighting, and majority of this cost is borne by Pakistan, not India.


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Sep 7, 2015
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There has been a severe economic cost to the war Pakistan is fighting, and majority of this cost is borne by Pakistan, not India.
But remember, terrorism is mostly being funded by the millions of dollars from the Afghan drug trade where even the CIA is in cahoots with the ISI for funding their top secret black projects which are beyond even congressional oversight. The so called 'color revolutions' by the CIA is being funded with Afghan poppy.

In addition, a couple of years ago, 70 kg of pure heroin was seized from the Valley, while over 25 kg of contraband was seized from Jammu — totally worth INR 500 crore in the international market.

Farmers in the Valley prefer growing poppy as it is extremely lucrative. This is mostly used to fund terrorism in Kashmir. A couple of years ago, nearly 40 acres of poppy cultivation had been destroyed in Pulwama and Budgam districts. There are many areas tucked into the foothills where poppy cultivation is rampant. The authorities are doing their best to destroy these crops but it is an uphill task.


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Jul 11, 2011
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Bhadra, India is slow to realize its potential. But generally it does. India has many instruments available to it to fight the neighbour, and on its own turf.
Sir, India;s conventional Military capability is also an instrument. The question is how to use it under changed conditions? The question further is - how to use it as a deterrence against Pakistani calculus of use of Terrorism as an instrument of "thousand cut".

India spends considerable sum on maintaining conventional military capability. Can Pakistan be allowed to blunt and neutralise it ?
Yes India has suffered. But this suffering has made Indian far more aware of India's security challenges. My father's generation was limited to providing for the family. My generation lived through Khalistan problem and Kashmir problem. It made my generation aware. The new generation of Indians wants revenge.
Indian story of suffering in the false belief of excessive "tolerance" sometimes appears to be meekness and cowardice. We survived no doubt but survived under what conditions of servitude ? In the civilisational perspective is not it worth asking ourselves if such a state can at all be called living? Bombay is bombed, our Parliament is attacked and Congress fails to throw evn stones on Pakistan ? What is our limits of "tolerance" ?

I assure you that Indian Armed Forces have been alive to the problems and lived along with the nation under utter confusion, indecisiveness and will to even throw the stone back. Armed Forces were, however, hopeful that some day someone like Modi will come and ask them to throw bombs instead of stones at Pakistan.
Cold Start is an attempt towards finding an answer to that.

Terrorism can be a romantic notion that individuals with a certain ideology and guns can collapse a large State. In reality that rarely happens.

Few people in India understand the consequences of jihadi indoctrination and gun culture in Pakistan itself. Pakistan economy is virtually stagnant in last 30 years. The revolution in technology has largely bypassed Pakistan. There has been a severe economic cost to the war Pakistan is fighting, and majority of this cost is borne by Pakistan, not India.
Since the beginning of history, terrorism has been a very potent instrument of persecuting one's war aims very successfully. Our Shastras and scriptures are filled with describing the terrorist acts of "Rakakshas, Dasyus, Mlechhas and Asura" - those who did not follow rules.

The Muslims captured Sindh in 6th century. Thy were able to march toward Delhi in 1192. It took them 600 years to reach Delhi by sheer acts of terrorism by weakening the borders and frontier ares of Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan. They devastated those raes by their constant raids and loot diminishing people will to fight.

The situation pessimism has been described by a poet Nazir Akbarabadi -

तू बधिया लावे बैल भरे, जो पूरब पश्छिम जावेगा,
या सूद बढ़ाकर लावेगा, या टोटा-घाटा पावेगा,
कज्जाक अजल का रस्ते में, जब भाला मार गिरावेगा,
धन-दौलत, नाती, पोता क्या, इक कुनबा काम न आवेगा,
सब ठाठ पड़ा रहा जावेगा, जब लाद चलेगा बंजारा।....

Those Kazaks and Banzaras (tribals) from Afghanistan destroyed Indian frontiers by act of terrorism and finally captured India with those thousand cuts. Today, Indians should not allow those Banzaras and Kazaks of Pakistan to do that again. Never again....


New Member
Dec 12, 2015
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But remember, terrorism is mostly being funded by the millions of dollars from the Afghan drug trade where even the CIA is in cahoots with the ISI for funding their top secret black projects which are beyond even congressional oversight. The so called 'color revolutions' by the CIA is being funded with Afghan poppy.

In addition, a couple of years ago, 70 kg of pure heroin was seized from the Valley, while over 25 kg of contraband was seized from Jammu — totally worth INR 500 crore in the international market.

Farmers in the Valley prefer growing poppy as it is extremely lucrative. This is mostly used to fund terrorism in Kashmir. A couple of years ago, nearly 40 acres of poppy cultivation had been destroyed in Pulwama and Budgam districts. There are many areas tucked into the foothills where poppy cultivation is rampant. The authorities are doing their best to destroy these crops but it is an uphill task.
Yep, the crop needs to be destroyed and not allowed to be grown. Fully agree.

CIA is an animal in a different league. I doubt CIA is benefiting from Afghan poppy. Could be rumours. ISI definitely is running an organized drug network.

Things that CIA did in the past may not be hugely relevant now. America is seriously trying to control its drug problem.

I agree that drug money sustains jihadi.


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Dec 12, 2015
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Sir, India;s conventional Military capability is also an instrument. The question is how to use it under changed conditions? The question further is - how to use it as a deterrence against Pakistani calculus of use of Terrorism as an instrument of "thousand cut".

India spends considerable sum on maintaining conventional military capability. Can Pakistan be allowed to blunt and neutralise it ?

Indian story of suffering in the false belief of excessive "tolerance" sometimes appears to be meekness and cowardice. We survived no doubt but survived under what conditions of servitude ? In the civilisational perspective is not it worth asking ourselves if such a state can at all be called living? Bombay is bombed, our Parliament is attacked and Congress fails to throw evn stones on Pakistan ? What is our limits of "tolerance" ?

I assure you that Indian Armed Forces have been alive to the problems and lived along with the nation under utter confusion, indecisiveness and will to even throw the stone back. Armed Forces were, however, hopeful that some day someone like Modi will come and ask them to throw bombs instead of stones at Pakistan.
Cold Start is an attempt towards finding an answer to that.

Since the beginning of history, terrorism has been a very potent instrument of persecuting one's war aims very successfully. Our Shastras and scriptures are filled with describing the terrorist acts of "Rakakshas, Dasyus, Mlechhas and Asura" - those who did not follow rules.

The Muslims captured Sindh in 6th century. Thy were able to march toward Delhi in 1192. It took them 600 years to reach Delhi by sheer acts of terrorism by weakening the borders and frontier ares of Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan. They devastated those raes by their constant raids and loot diminishing people will to fight.

The situation pessimism has been described by a poet Nazir Akbarabadi -

तू बधिया लावे बैल भरे, जो पूरब पश्छिम जावेगा,
या सूद बढ़ाकर लावेगा, या टोटा-घाटा पावेगा,
कज्जाक अजल का रस्ते में, जब भाला मार गिरावेगा,
धन-दौलत, नाती, पोता क्या, इक कुनबा काम न आवेगा,
सब ठाठ पड़ा रहा जावेगा, जब लाद चलेगा बंजारा।....

Those Kazaks and Banzaras (tribals) from Afghanistan destroyed Indian frontiers by act of terrorism and finally captured India with those thousand cuts. Today, Indians should not allow those Banzaras and Kazaks of Pakistan to do that again. Never again....
You described the situation beautifully. And I agree with your reading of history. I love that couplet from poet Nazir.

Yes Sir the situation is very clear and their strategy is very clear.

Unfortunately we live in a very complex world. You can choose only an option that is available. If you were PM, you can choose an option out of the ones offered.

I think this problem may take some more time but not a whole lot more.


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Jul 11, 2011
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Brief Background

Coming back to Cold start Doctrine, a little background is called for. The modern and recent organisational structure is based on "Sundarji Doctrine". Gen K Sundarji, the COAS of Indian Army was a votary of mechanisation of Indian Army to fight a holding and maneuver wars against Pakistan. He envisioned carrying out deep mechanisation thrusts inside Pakistan to draw the major Pakistani forces and destroy them in a classical sledge-hammer operations. The doctrine went upto the extent of contemplating attempting tackling cohesion of Pakistan resulting in her breakup. Tow scenarios were appreciated, First when Pakistan launched a major preemptive offensive into India and scondly as own initiation of operations with major forces.

Keeping above in view above a restructuring of Indian Army was carried out. Seven large sizes Corps were made as "Holding Corps" later called as "Pivot Corps" with adequate mechanised forces primarily responsible for defence of border and capable of holding Pakistani major offensive till own forces arrive at the scene. Two large size mechanised Corps with preponderance of armour were created as "Strike Corps" primarily designed to destroy one of or both Pakistani offensive reserves termed as "Army Reserve North (ARN)" and "Army Reserve South (ARS)" by offensive action either by preemptive offensive or as a riposte. For mountains adequate infantry and supporting arms reserves were orbatted with holding Corps.

The "mechanisation" scheme was further extended to Infantry Divisions responsible for defence / holding role as part of "pivot Corps" as also the Infantry Divisions which were responsible for offensive operations as part of "Strike Corps". These divisions were given the nomenclature of RAPID (strike)- Reorganised Plains Infantry Division (strike) and RAPID (Holding). One armoured brigade / mechanised brigade, corresponding artillery and other supporting arms were orbatted with those.

Thus the Indian Army on Western borders stood greatly mechanised and mobile to stop Pakistani mechanised thrust or carry out deep penetration into Pakistan and destroy Pakistan's military ability to wage wars. Modernisation was also directed at increasing the support arms and logistics elements, network centricity, use of force multipliers, electronic measures and battle field management measures.

Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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Brief Background

Coming back to Cold start Doctrine, a little background is called for. The modern and recent organisational structure is based on "Sundarji Doctrine". Gen K Sundarji, the COAS of Indian Army was a votary of mechanisation of Indian Army to fight a holding and maneuver wars against Pakistan. He envisioned carrying out deep mechanisation thrusts inside Pakistan to draw the major Pakistani forces and destroy them in a classical sledge-hammer operations. The doctrine went upto the extent of contemplating attempting tackling cohesion of Pakistan resulting in her breakup. Tow scenarios were appreciated, First when Pakistan launched a major preemptive offensive into India and scondly as own initiation of operations with major forces.

Keeping above in view above a restructuring of Indian Army was carried out. Seven large sizes Corps were made as "Holding Corps" later called as "Pivot Corps" with adequate mechanised forces primarily responsible for defence of border and capable of holding Pakistani major offensive till own forces arrive at the scene. Two large size mechanised Corps with preponderance of armour were created as "Strike Corps" primarily designed to destroy one of or both Pakistani offensive reserves termed as "Army Reserve North (ARN)" and "Army Reserve South (ARS)" by offensive action either by preemptive offensive or as a riposte. For mountains adequate infantry and supporting arms reserves were orbatted with holding Corps.

The "mechanisation" scheme was further extended to Infantry Divisions responsible for defence / holding role as part of "pivot Corps" as also the Infantry Divisions which were responsible for offensive operations as part of "Strike Corps". These divisions were given the nomenclature of RAPID (strike)- Reorganised Plains Infantry Division (strike) and RAPID (Holding). One armoured brigade / mechanised brigade, corresponding artillery and other supporting arms were orbatted with those.

Thus the Indian Army on Western borders stood greatly mechanised and mobile to stop Pakistani mechanised thrust or carry out deep penetration into Pakistan and destroy Pakistan's military ability to wage wars. Modernisation was also directed at increasing the support arms and logistics elements, network centricity, use of force multipliers, electronic measures and battle field management measures.

Very much agree with your analysis.

But, what about if India was to take to the initiative of attack and cut off Pakistani north and Pakistani south at Rahim Yaar Khan. Please do tell me, how will Pakistan respond I.e. attack India with a large force at Amritsar and other places or move its troops and armour south from Punjab to relieve the Indian Initiative. In both cases, they loose.

Moreover, a much of the success for both would be Air Force dependant. Whosoever scores first has the psychological advantage. Last Pakistani initiative in 1971 in the desert came without an air cover and they lost at Longewala. Any Indian initiative with air cover could definitely cut Pakistan into two.

Nuclear weapons after Modi recent talk of Indian nuclear weapons are not for Diwali show has unnerved Pakistan, who previously enjoyed a psychological advantage aided by western writers. Now that advantage has dissipated.

Hence, integrated Battle Group - holding pattern one, would be endlessly waiting for Pakistani attack.

I have not talked about blocking Karachi port. This India would do with ease. Both Offensive and Defensive formation of Pakistan would be unnerved.

Chinese cannot become party in this offensive and defensive battle. They cannot move large scale military hardware via Khunjreb Pass (14000 ft) via famed CPEC. It is more of a showpiece than any military or commercial advantage. Chinese can only threaten India in the east, without great success. They would need to rush 200,000 troops to Tibet to accomplish that. It can be done but with great logistical difficulties.


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Very much agree with your analysis.

Chinese cannot become party in this offensive and defensive battle. They cannot move large scale military hardware via Khunjreb Pass (14000 ft) via famed CPEC. It is more of a showpiece than any military or commercial advantage. Chinese can only threaten India in the east, without great success. They would need to rush 200,000 troops to Tibet to accomplish that. It can be done but with great logistical difficulties.
Chinese when challenged directly at doklam chose to tuck tail. That they fill fight a battle to support Pakistan is a far fetched scenario.

Also any analysis of Indo pal war must include financial cost on Pakistan. A war will cost billion dollars a day . For a short 7 day battle cost on Pakistan will exceed 10-15 billion dollars. Emergency loan from China , Saudi will come at 8-10 % interest and paki Forex reserve will go down to negative 40 billion.

Pakistan even if survived battle will be paying debt for war for next 50 years.

Sent from my C103 using Tapatalk


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Jul 11, 2011
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Very much agree with your analysis.
Thank you.
But, what about if India was to take to the initiative of attack and cut off Pakistani north and Pakistani south at Rahim Yaar Khan. Please do tell me, how will Pakistan respond I.e. attack India with a large force at Amritsar and other places or move its troops and armour south from Punjab to relieve the Indian Initiative. In both cases, they loose.
Why not ? India can launcha full scale offensive operation.
However, since Brastacks days the subcontinental realities have changed. India and Pakistan have gone nuclear. Concentration of such large forces would amount to inviting a nuclear strike. Hence like NATO and Russia, both sides will launch offensive with small integrated groups on multiple thrust lines to concentrate at final objective to achieve their aims.

For Pakistan, India launching a major offensive in Area Rahim Yar Khan will be aimed to suck in part of or full Army Reserve South (ARS) and orchestrate mechanised attrition battles to destroy more Pakistani mobile forces.

Pakistan under that situation has three options :
1. To use complete / part of Army Reserve North to stem in Indian offensive headon and eject Indians from that area. That will be quite expensive and harmful. It would require more forces.
2. Launch full / part of ARN at the middle of the shaft - that is say around areas of Ramgarh / Tanot / Longewala and break cohesion of Indian Offensive.
3. Launch offensive on the tail - around jaisalmer, destroy all logistics and support elements there so that Indian main forces are not supported. This will make Indian Forces around RYK to recoil and save their tail.
4. Alternatively, Pakistan could create a third reserve by reorganisation to deal with Indian offensive
and keep ARN intact to launch offensive somewhere elsewhere or stop the other two Indian strike Corps.

Problem with Pakistan is Three strike Corps India Vs their two strike Corps and in final analysis India having a better balance of forces after about 10 days battle. Pakistanis are trying to find an answer to this.

However, such large battles under nuclear conditions may not be possible or wise.

Moreover, a much of the success for both would be Air Force dependant. Whosoever scores first has the psychological advantage. Last Pakistani initiative in 1971 in the desert came without an air cover and they lost at Longewala. Any Indian initiative with air cover could definitely cut Pakistan into two.
Cold Start Strategy is based on integrated synergised operation to be carried out by IA, IN and IAF in coordinated manner.
It is expected that Cold start will be started by IAF and obtain a favourable air situation. Other two services will then follow suit.
Nuclear weapons after Modi recent talk of Indian nuclear weapons are not for Diwali show has unnerved Pakistan, who previously enjoyed a psychological advantage aided by western writers. Now that advantage has dissipated.
Let anyone say any thing, nuclear factor is areality and has to be taken into account. India needs to develop her own dependable BMD system and Indian ASAT and BMD capabilities will support /assist Cold Start operations.

Hence, integrated Battle Group - holding pattern one, would be endlessly waiting for Pakistani attack.
Under Cold Start Doctrine the holding Corps will form the Integrated Battle Groups and launch offensive operation from out of their resources. That is what is fundamental change..

I have not talked about blocking Karachi port. This India would do with ease. Both Offensive and Defensive formation of Pakistan would be unnerved.
IN is part of Cold Start and will launch operations in coordination with Army and Army.

Chinese cannot become party in this offensive and defensive battle. They cannot move large scale military hardware via Khunjreb Pass (14000 ft) via famed CPEC. It is more of a showpiece than any military or commercial advantage. Chinese can only threaten India in the east, without great success. They would need to rush 200,000 troops to Tibet to accomplish that. It can be done but with great logistical difficulties.
Most foolish things Chinese can ever do is to deploy their forces in POK or Pakistan to support Pakistan. Indians will run amok, go berserk and will first kill each and every Chinese there without Indian soil being involved.
Chinese will build pressure along LAC where they can tie down Indian forces. They might draw in part of IN in Indian Ocean.


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Most foolish things Chinese can ever do is to deploy their forces in POK or Pakistan to support Pakistan. Indians will run amok, go berserk and will first kill each and every Chinese there without Indian soil being involved.
Chinese will build pressure along LAC where they can tie down Indian forces. They might draw in part of IN in Indian Ocean.
Indian forces outnumber Chinese at lac as of now. Chinese will have to amass massive numbers to put any kind of serious pressure on India .
Regarding India ocean Chinese don't have a leg to stand here. As of now India overwhelmingly dominates any Chinese presence in indian ocean.

Sent from my C103 using Tapatalk


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Dec 12, 2015
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Indian forces outnumber Chinese at lac as of now. Chinese will have to amass massive numbers to put any kind of serious pressure on India .
Regarding India ocean Chinese don't have a leg to stand here. As of now India overwhelmingly dominates any Chinese presence in indian ocean.

Sent from my C103 using Tapatalk
We should never under-estimate enemy.
China is a serious worry.


New Member
Mar 24, 2019
pakistan is ready for everything.after balakot,we know india will not sit silent and do something.we are waiting for an indian attack.this concept of cold start requires IAF to take out pakistani military installations and airbases.indian ground forces will not move until positive message from iaf which is impossible in current situation because paf already have large fleet of fighters.we know india will not deploy all su-30s and all rafales on pakistani border and all fighters will never attack pakistan.iaf managed to infiltrate because of lack of sams on pakistani side.this is a concern for pakistan.i think pakistan will improve sam network near border.iaf have to face both sams and fighter jets.i don't think that it's easy.cold start is not possible.cold start will surely escalate to multiple fronts.problems for indian army is supply lines and iaf presence.this can be very dangerous because it can trap you.we have almost 70 f-16s and i am sure we are safe.block 3 jf-17 doesn't even need to go closer to border.we just need more sams.both armies use missiles,tactical nuclear weapons.they are very dangerous.they are not hand grenade or rifle bullets.they are real threat.


New Member
Mar 24, 2019
Thank you.

Why not ? India can launcha full scale offensive operation.
However, since Brastacks days the subcontinental realities have changed. India and Pakistan have gone nuclear. Concentration of such large forces would amount to inviting a nuclear strike. Hence like NATO and Russia, both sides will launch offensive with small integrated groups on multiple thrust lines to concentrate at final objective to achieve their aims.

For Pakistan, India launching a major offensive in Area Rahim Yar Khan will be aimed to suck in part of or full Army Reserve South (ARS) and orchestrate mechanised attrition battles to destroy more Pakistani mobile forces.

Pakistan under that situation has three options :
1. To use complete / part of Army Reserve North to stem in Indian offensive headon and eject Indians from that area. That will be quite expensive and harmful. It would require more forces.
2. Launch full / part of ARN at the middle of the shaft - that is say around areas of Ramgarh / Tanot / Longewala and break cohesion of Indian Offensive.
3. Launch offensive on the tail - around jaisalmer, destroy all logistics and support elements there so that Indian main forces are not supported. This will make Indian Forces around RYK to recoil and save their tail.
4. Alternatively, Pakistan could create a third reserve by reorganisation to deal with Indian offensive
and keep ARN intact to launch offensive somewhere elsewhere or stop the other two Indian strike Corps.

Problem with Pakistan is Three strike Corps India Vs their two strike Corps and in final analysis India having a better balance of forces after about 10 days battle. Pakistanis are trying to find an answer to this.

However, such large battles under nuclear conditions may not be possible or wise.

Cold Start Strategy is based on integrated synergised operation to be carried out by IA, IN and IAF in coordinated manner.
It is expected that Cold start will be started by IAF and obtain a favourable air situation. Other two services will then follow suit.

Let anyone say any thing, nuclear factor is areality and has to be taken into account. India needs to develop her own dependable BMD system and Indian ASAT and BMD capabilities will support /assist Cold Start operations.

Under Cold Start Doctrine the holding Corps will form the Integrated Battle Groups and launch offensive operation from out of their resources. That is what is fundamental change..

IN is part of Cold Start and will launch operations in coordination with Army and Army.

Most foolish things Chinese can ever do is to deploy their forces in POK or Pakistan to support Pakistan. Indians will run amok, go berserk and will first kill each and every Chinese there without Indian soil being involved.
Chinese will build pressure along LAC where they can tie down Indian forces. They might draw in part of IN in Indian Ocean.
pakistan will surely pick this option...

3. Launch offensive on the tail - around jaisalmer, destroy all logistics and support elements there so that Indian main forces are not supported. This will make Indian Forces around RYK to recoil and save their tail.


New Member
Jan 17, 2010
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pakistan will surely pick this option...

3. Launch offensive on the tail - around jaisalmer, destroy all logistics and support elements there so that Indian main forces are not supported. This will make Indian Forces around RYK to recoil and save their tail.
And why do you assume IMF will just sit and let you guys cut off the supply lines? Why do you assume the bigger part of our force which is not part of cold start IBGs will sit idle? PFs offensive will be met with another counter offense.


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Dec 12, 2015
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Well it is not relevant to this topic; but let Paki fight the fires of economy first. Paki rupee losing value quickly as budget deficit widens and rupee printing causes massive inflation.

Pakistan has to pay 27 billion US dollars in the next two years to the bond holders and multi-lateral agencies. This won't be pretty. Pakis forget any war in the next two years as you have no money.

The purchasing power of a Pakistani soldier is now less than half of an Indian soldier (in terms of salary etc.). These soldiers have families too. While life in the barracks is isolated from civilian life; the families face the same realities as others.
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New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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pakistan is ready for everything.after balakot,
Oh really, congratulations! You think Pakistan has a choice? India is interested in drawing Pakistani forces out of their "gudadi" (quilts) for engagements and destroy them. Pay increased prices. That is what "Cold Start" is all about.

we know india will not sit silent and do something.we are waiting for an indian attack.
yes buddy, that is what India wants to convey to our good neighbours that terrorist acts in India will not be free of cost. The cost now will be multi million dollars F-16. You have only one choice - stop your Jihadi activities.

this concept of cold start requires IAF to take out pakistani military installations and airbases.indian ground forces will not move until positive message from iaf which is impossible in current situation because paf already have large fleet of fighters.we know india will not deploy all su-30s and all rafales on pakistani border and all fighters will never attack pakistan.iaf managed to infiltrate because of lack of sams on pakistani side.this is a concern for pakistan.i think pakistan will improve sam network near border.iaf have to face both sams and fighter jets.
Your understanding of the situation is correct that the "Cold Start" will start with surgical strikes with IAF. However, it will be very difficult for Pakistan to deny favourable air situation to IAF in selected areas and sectors. Look at the state of affairs - you guys are ready to buy SAMs and other AD assets at your peril but not ready to hand over that terrorist Masood Azhar. Your strategic assets have become your strategic liabilities.
That is what "Cold Start" is all about.

i don't think that it's easy.cold start is not possible.cold start will surely escalate to multiple fronts.problems for indian army is supply lines and iaf presence.this can be very dangerous because it can trap you.we have almost 70 f-16s and i am sure we are safe.block 3 jf-17 doesn't even need to go closer to border.we just need more sams.both armies use missiles,tactical nuclear weapons.they are very dangerous.they are not hand grenade or rifle bullets.they are real threat.
You are somewhat right in your assessment.
Any conflict between India and Pakistan is going to be difficult. That is what India knows - make things more difficult for Pakistan to pursue a dangerous path of "terrorism".

"Cold Start" is escalatory in nature but escalation has heavier price for Pakistan to pay - her extinction from the face of earth. India will help take Pakistani Mullahs and Jihadis to their final day of Judgement - Qayamat so that entire nation is bestowed 72 Whores each.

Offensive actions and penetration at multiple points (7-8 point) will divide Pakistani reaction - ground or air and deny advantages of inner line of communication to Pakistan in concentration and switching of forces. Concentrated and selective employment of Sectoral Reserves will be very difficult to decide. Specially when meanwhile India's three / four big Strike corps will be on the line of march to be employed at the selected place and at selected time. The advantages of initiative and choice will remain with Indian Army.

And yes, Indian infrastructure has vastly improved since the days of Op Parakram and interior lines of communication have also improved. Vital elements of "cold Start" are being upgraded, improved and redeployed.

Cold start is reality with which both the nations will have live with. No Nasar or Babur can stop it. Now we will give you thousand cuts beginning with ten cuts of "Cold Start".

All the best,
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New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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pakistan will surely pick this option...

3. Launch offensive on the tail - around jaisalmer, destroy all logistics and support elements there so that Indian main forces are not supported. This will make Indian Forces around RYK to recoil and save their tail.
Ha Ha Ha ....

Certain basic Assumptions :

Frontage of this operations will be 15-20 kms ( five armored regiments) with sufficient flank protection, at least one of the flanks having an independent armored Brigade. (three armoured regiment - Total 10 armoured regiments, if RAPID not employed, otherwise 12 armored regiments).
What have you - maximum five armored regiments and two R&SP battalions including secoral reserves.
Those five regiment would have been decimated by the time three / four thrust lines concentrate around Rahim Yar Khan.
A fire base of 45km in depth and 50-60 km in width by 155 artillery -16-20 artillery regiments, Smerch, Pinaka, BM grad rocket artillery topped with Brahmos and Prahar. Oh boy, who will allow you in that zone.(155 ke gole bade bade hote hain bhai).

Now, you will have to employ ARS - 5-7 armoured regiments to come to Jaisalmer. Firstly forget about using 40 km frontage leading from RYK to jaisalmer through Islamgarh or Tanot-Longewala. It means you will have to go towards Bahawalpur and launch through Bijnot or from Sukkur Daharki - Yaro Lund coming on to Longewala. This will be contested by five armoured regiments besides 12 armoured regiment of main offensive.

By the time you decide on it and launch your operation it would be minimum seven days past the start. By that time Indian forces will be having a bath at Guddu Barrage, having their "chhota pg" on the banks of Sindh, National Highway physically held across Sindh and and ,,,,, Pakistan broken into two parts,.

So that option is not going to work out .... think of something else.

You have no other options....Karachi and Hyderabad will be celebrating Diwali and Chinese boarding their ships at Gwadar with lots of Pakistani begums.

