India clears $275 mn order for T-72 tank recovery vehicles


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Mar 21, 2009
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CVRDE developing new repair and recovery vehicle for Army

Chennai, Oct 13 (PTI): A new Armoured Repair and Recovery Vehicle for the Indian Army, a variant of the Arjun Main Battle Tank, is being developed by the Combat Vehicles Research and Development Establishment here. "We have recently received the project to meet the demand of the Army in mission mode. The project is to develop a recovery vehicle for Army use in Indian terrain," DRDO sources told PTI. The DRDO lab in Chennai will develop two prototypes in the next three years. "It will be a Arjun variant. The hull, including the chassis automative system will almost be the same as Arjun Mark II and slight modifications will be made to accommodate a crane and a winch since it will be a recovery vehicle" the officials said. The concept and configuration of ARRV has already been finalised and CVRDE has now initiated its detailed design, he said. The Army is expected to order 30 units if the Chennai-based DRDO lab satisfies its specifications in the first two units. The new ARRV will weigh around 65 tons and function as a recovery vehicle for the Army in tough terrain as well as in extreme climatic conditions.
CVRDE developing new repair and recovery vehicle for Army, IBN Live News

This is Morning news [note]


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Mar 21, 2009
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India clears $275 mn order for T-72 tank recovery vehicles

NEW DELHI: India on Thursday cleared a repeat order worth Rs.1,350 crore ($275 million) for 650 armoured recovery and repair vehicles for its 1,500 T-72 Ajeya main battle tanks.

The Cabinet Committee on Security, which met here under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, cleared the defence ministry's proposal and approved the orders to be placed with defence public sector undertaking Bharat Earth Movers Limited (BEML), according to government sources.

The defence PSU will build the armoured recovery and repair vehicles through technology transfer from Polish company Bumar, with which it had signed an agreement on this, the sources said.

BEML and Bumar came together in February 2003 when they signed a memorandum of understanding.

India clears $275 mn order for T-72 tank recovery vehicles - The Economic Times

[note] this is just 1hr ago news.

so which is true??? or right option!!!!!
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New Member
Oct 24, 2010
India clears $275 mn order for T-72 tank recovery vehicles

NEW DELHI: India on Thursday cleared a repeat order worth Rs.1,350 crore ($275 million) for 650 armoured recovery and repair vehicles for its 1,500 T-72 Ajeya main battle tanks.

The Cabinet Committee on Security, which met here under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, cleared the defence ministry's proposal and approved the orders to be placed with defence public sector undertaking Bharat Earth Movers Limited (BEML), according to government sources.

The defence PSU will build the armoured recovery and repair vehicles through technology transfer from Polish company Bumar, with which it had signed an agreement on this, the sources said.

BEML and Bumar came together in February 2003 when they signed a memorandum of understanding.

India clears $275 mn order for T-72 tank recovery vehicles - The Economic Times


DFI Technocrat
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Oct 10, 2009
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650 recovery vehicles for 1500 tanks! Isn't that a tad too much? i mean do we really need a recovery vehicle for every two tanks?


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Sep 24, 2011
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650 recovery vehicles for 1500 tanks! Isn't that a tad too much? i mean do we really need a recovery vehicle for every two tanks?
Very well said. Most other armies use a supply Tank i.e. used to hold additional ammo etc.. I hear.
any such thing in our army?


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Mar 21, 2009
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650 recovery vehicles for 1500 tanks! Isn't that a tad too much? i mean do we really need a recovery vehicle for every two tanks?
This would also support another 1000+ T-90M tanks also, may be this would also support 3000+ IFV's+ APC [BMP 1 &2]..... and other logistic vehicles like ADV ....... so on.


DFI Technocrat
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Oct 10, 2009
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@ Spiez- an ARV actually serves a different function form the one you ask, An armoured recovery vehicle (ARV) is a type of armoured fighting vehicle used to repair battle- or mine-damaged as well as broken-down armoured vehicles during combat, or to tow them out of the danger zone for more extensive repairs.
Hence my question why 650 for 1500tanks?


DFI Technocrat
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Oct 10, 2009
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This would also support another 1000+ T-90M tanks also, may be this would also support 3000+ IFV's+ APC [BMP 1 &2]..... and other logistic vehicles like ADV ....... so on.
i suspect as much, the numbers would not add up otherwise!


On Vacation!
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Apr 5, 2009
WZT-3 is the ARV used for T-72 chassis by Poland



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Sep 24, 2011
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@bengalraider:I did understand that. My question why not a tank for logistic supplies ????

@bhramos: T-72(43tonnes) much lighter than Arjun(61tonnes), would it be usefull ?


DFI Technocrat
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Oct 10, 2009
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@bengalraider:I did understand that. My question why not a tank for logistic supplies ????

@bhramos: T-72(43tonnes) much lighter than Arjun(61tonnes), would it be usefull ?
well probably because ammunition and fuel is much more cheaply and easily filled up at base by trucks, each time the tanks gain some territory (with roughly half the ammunition and fuel remaining they stop and refill at a makeshift base, while infantry moves in to consolidate the gains.This way armor does not lose contact with the rest of the army while still spearheading any thrust.


On Vacation!
New Member
Apr 5, 2009
Can this ARV be also used for T-90s?? or they need an heavier ARV?.


New Member
Aug 20, 2011
T-90 weight do not exceed 50 tons, so WZT-3 or other T-72 based ARV's are more than enough. Also there is high commonality between parts in these vehicles.


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Mar 10, 2009

CTM-3 [Poland]
Page 1 of 2
Car WZT-3 is szybkobie ¿NYM, armored vehicle, g ± sienicowym designed to perform a series of works on co-tuition battlefield. CTM-3 is therefore a vehicle for a wide range of applications particularly effective as ¶ resort companion ± cy and security ± cy actions ³ ania armored units in difficult co-tuition battlefield.
Construction of the CTM-3 thanks to functionally ukszta ³ sented and a compact body shape, and specialized accessory page puts this car at ¶ some foreign yew among the best of such vehicles on the ¶ world.
Basic ³ s team of technical security of the car as the chassis of the s ³ drive assemblies and the suspension was used directly ¶ car directly from the base. The new team ³ s ± cymi Provide evacuation vehicles are ± (extract ± ¼ strength ugrzê oped vehicles, towing, etc.), the device ± ± ce lifting equipment and accessories spycharkowy. The primary ± traits ± characteristic ± of this vehicle is its equipment Fail-technical investigated class according to a specially designed program of researches in extremely difficult conditions terrain and climate, polished to the point, ¿e CTM-3 has many advantages over other commonly found in ¶ world vehicles of this type .
The core work of the CTM-3: earthworks, samowyci ± rebukes, you overload strength ± ¿heavy trailers over the bridge, towing, fuel pumping, still strength ± combat vehicles on a trailer, pushing, mounting the work of dismantling this-these, putting overturned combat vehicles, maintaining ³ ± connectivity ¶ Those welding, overload ± strength and insuring cars in overcoming obstacles, water works change-over cargoes, extract ± strength ugrzê ¼ oped vehicles, first aid wounded.
Actuation special CTM-3 include:
- devices ± device for electric welding and cutting power from the my caller uk ³ the power supply lines of the vehicle;
- Combustion ± p ³ ê ³ Tire ± support all ugiwan ± by one part of ³ Onka for ³ floor (special order)
- a set of lifting assemblies ³ s engine and transmission;
- device ± device for welding and cutting acetylene . The interior of the car is divided into three compartments were: - compartments for ³ floor; - compartments transport; - compartments Drive (motorically-transmission). In addition to ¿crane, bulldozer and the rocket shells filled with smoke ± smokers, on the outer p ³ ytach kad ³ UBA mounted following From ± ce team ³ y: - on the Upper Platen are located ±'re in ³ ase: mechanic-driver, commander and lid compartments in transport, which opening is supported shaft kami torsion; - the compartments I drive mounted s ± cover: the extract ± winch ±, motor and ch ³ odnicami. Covers the extract ± winch ± and f. engine ³ ± bottom of the box thanks to cargoes and stiffening ebrom ¿± CYM allow you mount and transported ± Fail-du ¿s overall dimensions of part you and ¶ ³ s team repaired parts for vehicles. The container device ± device is mounted in welding after you load the tube evacuation transport. On the back of the car Platen is mounted rigid towing device ± device. The rear tow hooks fitted in the device, it ¿± device for releasing the tow rope. On the blade of the bulldozer set you load transport device ± device fitted to the vehicle pushing sienicowego.Dla g ± os ³ ³ p yt wife armored lower part you kad ¶ ³ UBA against cumulative projectiles, the car is equipped with ¿any side in a single screen. Compartments transport mixture ¶ you're at ¶ middle of part ¶ your car. At ³ ogê compartments with a ± fuel tanks. Accessing compartments in allows you to rectangle ± tna cover and in the ³ on the side. compartments transport is used for transporting fail-large teams ³ s necessary to carry out repair work or transport fail-injured (there is a possibility you can ¿¶ æ transported 3-ch concentrations of people in positions ± ¿le more on a stretcher bed ± smokers of equipment you load the car). Compartments Drive is located in the rear of part ¶ you kad ³ UBA and the compartments in transport is separated Leakage ± baffles ±. The range of the drive mounted s ±: - extract ± winch voice ówna with reducer and mechanism for overload ± ¿eniowym; - heater boot; - pump removing water from kad ³ UBA; - engine; - tanks uk ³ Cooling ADU; - gear drive at ¶ average; - ³ adniowe gear boxes with gear ³ adniami side.

WZT-3 [Polska]
Strona 1 z 2
Wóz zabezpieczenia technicznego WZT-3 jest szybkobie¿nym, opancerzonym pojazdem g±sienicowym, przeznaczonym do wykonania szeregu prac na wspó³czesnym polu walki. WZT-3 jest wiêc pojazdem o szerokim zakresie zastosowañ szczególnie efektywny jako ¶rodek towarzysz±cy i zabezpieczaj±cy dzia³ania jednostek pancernych w trudnych warunkach wspó³czesnego pola walki.
Budowa WZT-3 dziêki funkcjonalnie ukszta³towanej i zwartej sylwetce oraz specjalistycznemu osprzêtowi stawia ten wóz w ¶cis³ym gronie najlepszych tego rodzaju pojazdów na ¶wiecie.
Podstawowe zespo³y wozu zabezpieczenia technicznego jak podwozie z zespo³ami napêdowymi i zawieszenia wykorzystano bezpo¶rednio z wozu bazowego. Nowymi zespo³ami zapewniaj±cymi ewakuacjê wozów s± (wyci±ganie ugrzê¼niêtych pojazdów, holowanie itp.), urz±dzenia podnosz±ce oraz osprzêt spycharkowy. Podstawow± cech± charakterystyczn± omawianego pojazdu jest jego wyposa¿enie techniczne przebadane wed³ug specjalnie zaprojektowanego programu badañ w skrajnie trudnych warunkach terenowo-klimatycznych, dopracowanych do tego stopnia, ¿e WZT-3 posiada wiele zalet nad innymi spotykanymi w ¶wiecie pojazdami tego typu.
Zakres podstawowych prac WZT-3:prace ziemne, samowyci±gani, przeci±ganie ciê¿kich przyczep przez most, holowanie, przepompowywanie paliwa, wci±ganie wozów bojowych na przyczepê, pchanie, prace monta¿owo-demonta¿owe, stawianie przewróconych wozów bojowych, utrzymywanie ³±czno¶ci, prace spawalnicze, przeci±ganie i ubezpieczanie wozów przy pokonywaniu przeszkody , wodnej prace prze³adunkowe, wyci±ganie ugrzê¼niêtych pojazdów, udzielanie pierwszej pomocy rannym.
Wyposa¿enie specjalne WZT-3 obejmuje:
- urz±dzenie do elektrycznego spawania i ciêcia zasilane z w³asnego uk³adu zasilania pojazdu;
- spalinow± pi³ê ³añcuchow± obs³ugiwan± przez jednego cz³onka za³ogi (na specjalne zamówienie);
- zestaw do podnoszenia zespo³ów silnikowego i transmisyjnego;
- urz±dzenie do spawania i ciêcia acetylenem.

Wnêtrze wozu dzieli siê na trzy przedzia³y :
- przedzia³ za³ogi;
- przedzia³ transportowy;
- przedzia³ napêdowy (silnikowo-transmisyjny).
Oprócz ¿urawia, spychacza oraz wyrzutni pocisków zadymiaj±cych, na zewnêtrznych p³ytach kad³uba zamontowano nastêpuj±ce zespo³y:
- na górnej p³ycie znajduj± siê w³azy: mechanika-kierowcy, dowódcy oraz pokrywa przedzia³u transportowego, której otwieranie wspomagane jest wa³kami skrêtnymi;
- nad przedzia³em napêdowym zamontowane s± pokrywy: nad wyci±gark±, silnikiem i ch³odnicami.

Pokrywy nad wyci±gark± i silnikiem tworz± dno skrzyni ³adunkowej i dziêki ¿ebrom usztywniaj±cym umo¿liwiaj± mocowanie i przewo¿enie du¿ych gabarytowo czê¶ci i zespo³ów zamiennych do remontowanych pojazdów. Za pojemnikiem na urz±dzenie spawalnicze zamontowana jest w po³o¿eniu transportowym rura ewakuacyjna.
Na tylnej p³ycie wozu zamocowane jest sztywne urz±dzenie holownicze. Tylne haki holownicze wyposa¿ono w urz±dzenie do zwalniania lin holowniczych. Na lemieszu spychacza ustawionego w po³o¿eniu transportowym zamocowano urz±dzenie do pchania pojazdu g±sienicowego.Dla os³ony p³yt pancernych dolnej czê¶ci kad³uba przed pociskami kumulacyjnymi, wóz wyposa¿any jest w jednolite ekrany boczne. Przedzia³ transportowy mie¶ci siê w ¶rodkowej czê¶ci wozu.
Pod³ogê przedzia³u stanowi± zbiorniki paliwa.
Dostêp do przedzia³u umo¿liwia prostok±tna pokrywa oraz w³az boczny.
Przedzia³ transportowy przeznaczony jest do przewo¿enia wiêkszych zespo³ów niezbêdnych do wykonywania prac remontowych lub przewo¿enia rannych (istnieje mo¿liwo¶æ przewo¿enia 3-ch osób w pozycji le¿±cej na noszach bêd±cych na wyposa¿eniu wozu). Przedzia³ napêdowy usytuowany jest w tylnej czê¶ci kad³uba i od przedzia³u transportowego oddzielony jest szczeln± przegrod±.
W przedziale napêdowym zamontowane s± :
- wyci±garka g³ówna wraz z reduktorem i mechanizmem przeci±¿eniowym;
- podgrzewacz rozruchowy;
- pompa do usuwania wody z kad³uba;
- silnik;
- zbiorniki uk³adu ch³odzenia;
- przek³adnia po¶rednia;
- skrzynie przek³adniowe wraz z przek³adniami bocznymi.
Source: WZT-2 [Polska] -


DFI Technocrat
New Member
Oct 10, 2009
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I have no idea why you guys could not open the file anyways i'm reattaching it as well as providing the link to BUMAR

View attachment 252.pdf

Anyways one question comes to mind, IF DRDO is developing an ARV based on the Arjun why not use that to tow the T-72's and T-90's as well, i mean anything that can tow an arjun can practically drag a T-72 around.:p

