GOOD BYE DFI: Final Words.

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Samej Jangir

New Member
May 15, 2023
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Yes yes very sad. So stoic and unbothered that you have to write a paragraph on how unbothered you are about a 'valueless' website.
Do you understand that I never said "unbothered" but "hardened". I am sowing the seeds of a counterpoint on behalf those who are not able to express themselves either due to being shy, not eloquent with words etc.


New Member
Jan 24, 2021
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You didn't answer my question. Are you a native British White? Or an NRI (Indian Living in UK)?
Danish grandfather
Norwegian grandmother
Anglo-Scots grandfather
Irish-American grandmother

Live in England. Got just one nationality but should look into getting another EU country nationality due to the problems Brexit has caused me.

All the best. I hope our paths will cross on another aviation forum.

Tactical Doge

𝕱𝖔𝖔𝖑𝖘 𝖗𝖚𝖘𝖍 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖑𝖘 𝖋𝖊𝖆𝖗
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Aug 28, 2019
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Drinking smoking taking drugs bonking e̶v̶e̶r̶y̶ ̶h̶o̶l̶e̶ ̶ every other hole is what @Tactical Doge has been doing since his early teens & look how he's turned out .

Are you calling him a loose character ?
Mostly true except the drug part

And the parents keep reminding me daily of how I am an indispensable and valuable part of the society /s

So not so loose after all ig


New Member
Apr 5, 2024
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Even at the end of times DFI won't stop bullying Neil. Have a feeling of melancholy because of this.

It's like living in a rented house memories will remain and we have to move ahead towards new home regardless.

Thank you everyone I love all of you(no homo) even you @Ugra Bhairav


New Member
Sep 23, 2016
We are not guest. All threads gone for us also!
does HTTrack download embedded images also from pages in threads? For me its not doing so. checked this by disconnecting from net and opening pages. pics are not shown. so not a truly offline browsing option :(


New Member
Oct 1, 2016
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Why is it closing?
It was good to discuss mind in this forum.
I will miss this. Thanks to all.


New Member
Feb 12, 2024
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join discord bro we are making a new one
the owner of this forum decided on stopping it
Why is it closing?
It was good to discuss mind in this forum.
I will miss this. Thanks to all.

Love Charger

New Member
Oct 9, 2021
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Namaste! :india2:

My dear fellow DFI-ians, as we know now that this gem of a forum is going to shut down permanently on July 10th, I think it's time that we pay our last respects to this forum. Cannot say that 10th July is the last day as from what I know, there is a possibility that it may close a lot more earlier too.

To start, most members here know me as one of the youngest members on this forum. I joined DFI in 2021 at the age of 15, it was the same year that I got my first mobile phone. I don't know what to say, I have a lot to say about my wonderful journey on this beautiful forum but if I go about writing everything down, it will probably take a lot of time. All I want to say is that DFI really is a true home for me as a netizen, this is the only forum I have ever made a number of substantial posts.

I know in the past a few members have disliked me for some reasons and we have had heated arguments about a particular matter but no matter what I am sure that at the end of the day, we enjoyed a debate and learnt a new thing or two. I learnt so much from this forum that I wanted to make a final tribute to DFI by making this thread.

I am gonna miss each and everyone of you guys because you guys have been great to have in my life even though I have never met anyone here personally. DFI was the only asylum for guys like me who couldn't make friends in the real world and I was very happy with everyone here.

It was sad to hear the news of DFI's closure and I am sure everyone who has been a regular user and viewer of this forum feels the same way as me but hey, all wonderful things must one day come to an end, but no matter what, forums will come and go, life moves on. All I can say is I enjoyed my time here, and most importantly I am happy to have met many other fellow DFI-ians here too. I came to DFI as a kid, but celebrated my 18th birthday on the forum with my guys here and I am proud to leave as an individual who is now much more aware of the world around him than most kids of my age.

I just want to say, to all folks here, good luck in life in everything you wish to do and best wishes to everyone. Regards.

View attachment 259252

To end this post of the thread 🧵. Let's have one last drink:truestory: (I have never drank in real life but hey, thoda imagine karne mai kya chala jayega!).

Let's make it COUNT DFI-IANS!
View attachment 259253


DISCLAIMER: This is my final thread on this forum. I have taken permission from one of the mods for making this thread and only after his approval was I allowed to make this thread.
All the best


New Member
Dec 25, 2016
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I will be in Vagator on July7-9th kid aaja i will get your real beer to drink .. just for privilege of being DFian

Namaste! :india2:

My dear fellow DFI-ians, as we know now that this gem of a forum is going to shut down permanently on July 10th, I think it's time that we pay our last respects to this forum. Cannot say that 10th July is the last day as from what I know, there is a possibility that it may close a lot more earlier too.

To start, most members here know me as one of the youngest members on this forum. I joined DFI in 2021 at the age of 15, it was the same year that I got my first mobile phone. I don't know what to say, I have a lot to say about my wonderful journey on this beautiful forum but if I go about writing everything down, it will probably take a lot of time. All I want to say is that DFI really is a true home for me as a netizen, this is the only forum I have ever made a number of substantial posts.

I know in the past a few members have disliked me for some reasons and we have had heated arguments about a particular matter but no matter what I am sure that at the end of the day, we enjoyed a debate and learnt a new thing or two. I learnt so much from this forum that I wanted to make a final tribute to DFI by making this thread.

I am gonna miss each and everyone of you guys because you guys have been great to have in my life even though I have never met anyone here personally. DFI was the only asylum for guys like me who couldn't make friends in the real world and I was very happy with everyone here.

It was sad to hear the news of DFI's closure and I am sure everyone who has been a regular user and viewer of this forum feels the same way as me but hey, all wonderful things must one day come to an end, but no matter what, forums will come and go, life moves on. All I can say is I enjoyed my time here, and most importantly I am happy to have met many other fellow DFI-ians here too. I came to DFI as a kid, but celebrated my 18th birthday on the forum with my guys here and I am proud to leave as an individual who is now much more aware of the world around him than most kids of my age.

I just want to say, to all folks here, good luck in life in everything you wish to do and best wishes to everyone. Regards.

View attachment 259252

To end this post of the thread 🧵. Let's have one last drink:truestory: (I have never drank in real life but hey, thoda imagine karne mai kya chala jayega!).

Let's make it COUNT DFI-IANS!
View attachment 259253


DISCLAIMER: This is my final thread on this forum. I have taken permission from one of the mods for making this thread and only after his approval was I allowed to make this thread.


New Member
Dec 25, 2016
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Anna how to be in touch with you , any email or twitter handle please share , may be one day before i leave hyd would like to say hi to you if you wish only .

All the best for your studies and wonderful life ahead of you.


New Member
Dec 25, 2016
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@Yusuf I am really feeling sad you have decided to shut down such a forum fearing action from our fake diktator he is not even able to do anything to corrupt ones who are screwing him every day and juice tubers who are running videos with millions likes calling him what not . he is dummy bro he won't be acting at all on our rants ..

Chalo thank you for all your support keeping us alive here for last 14 years ..

Super Flanker

Aviation and Defence Enthusiast
New Member
Nov 9, 2021
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Okay come down i will get you sparkle water and we can drink some lemonade and chat about your super flankers
@Yusuf I am really feeling sad you have decided to shut down such a forum fearing action from our fake diktator he is not even able to do anything to corrupt ones who are screwing him every day and juice tubers who are running videos with millions likes calling him what not . he is dummy bro he won't be acting at all on our rants ..

Chalo thank you for all your support keeping us alive here for last 14 years ..
I will be in Vagator on July7-9th kid aaja i will get your real beer to drink .. just for privilege of being DFian


Maulana Rockullah
New Member
Aug 12, 2009
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Sad to see DFI becoming history. Hope we get a new platform. Pakis managed a good one after their forum got closed. We should not give up, we should ADAPT and RISE again.

Maulana Rockullah Joined DFI in 2009 before 15-Aug, so granpa in that sense. Now I see toddlers posting 1000 posts/ month with Mach 20 speed.

People know me best for bashing Pakis. I used to bash Pakis on their own forum and calling them Pakis on their face. :finger: :lol: Also posted on many Riaz huq blogs and trolled a shit out of them just by posting facts. :hat:
Telling Islam to it's madrasa chaap followers even in real life, thus became their True Maulana. :humble: Bashed lot of Pakis in DFI until they all got banned here and fun was less. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Life made me busy but made many comebacks on DFI, now there will be no comeback here. Why is this getting closed, I can guess why and someone already gave the clues.

PS: What discord should I join? I see many here and got a DM also. :hmm:

नमस्ते सदा वत्सले मातृभूमे :india2:


Super Flanker

Aviation and Defence Enthusiast
New Member
Nov 9, 2021
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Bye, just came back to write one more post, I won't be active here anymore now, will probably meet directly on another site or not at all.
  1. If you guys make another forum, do invite me but I think I will not be a very active member rather make a lot less posts than I would do so on DFI.
  2. From what I know, I need to write less and write better posts if I want to get a lot more likes, post:like ratio will greatly improve then. Right now I am going to copy-paste a few posts made by a user about bio-labs in Ukraine, he wrote some genuinely good posts and a few other too, and save them on my PC (so I can access them later).
  3. When you make the new forum (that is if you make) then do inform me about the same but considering the fact that I have college (And College is very important) I think I will largely he absent from all forms of social media.
  4. After graduation I can always come back but ofcourse after a few years that is, forums will come and go but time lost won't come back and I need to invest these few years making memories and studying.
Anyways what has happened has happened, let's not mourn over it and rather enjoy the last few days of this beautiful forum.

Disclaimer/Note: I made a previous post saying that would be my last but I couldn't help but write another one, yes this time it's really the last one.

Will miss DFI, and most importantly all of you wonderful people I met here.

Thank you, regards. 👍🏻

Hari Sud

New Member
Mar 31, 2012
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Ya'll Nibbiars

It is not likeable website but I believe something is afoot and guys are working on it. The current Discord website could instantly dissuade you from going any further as layout in not our liking of DFI.
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